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All models listed on this website were at least 18 years old when they were photographed.
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bu hanฤฑm kฤฑza biri sรถylesin bu sitedekilerin seans รผsรผlรผ gรถrรผลmediฤini 3 saatlik gรถrรผลmede atฤฑล serbest 4 mรผ atarsฤฑn 5 mi problem deฤil.
klasik tรผrk kฤฑzฤฑ herseye muhalefet kaf daฤฤฑnda gรถrรผyor bilirsiniz beyler bizim kฤฑzlarda ego sorunlarฤฑ var ruslarฤฑn yanฤฑnda. hanfendi istekli iลini isteyerek yapฤฑyor zevkler renkler tartฤฑsฤฑlmaz ama bana daha cok ornagik gรผzellik pesindeyim
son zamanlarda tรผrk kฤฑzlarฤฑ bu siteyi keลfettiler ve kendilerini rus sanarak fiyat tarifilerini gรผncellemiลler.
tรผrk sitelerinde รงok daha uygun fiyat isteyen kฤฑzlar bunlar.
Recently, Turkish girls discovered this site and they thought they were Russian and updated their price descriptions.
These are the girls who want a much more affordable price on Turkish sites.
Leopar Tuana: Hiรงbir Tรผrk sitede รผyeliฤim yok.Ayrฤฑca istediฤim รผcreti talep etmek icin Rus olmam gerekmiyor:)
I don't have a membership on any Turkish site. Also, I don't have to be Russian to claim the fee I want :)