Seymenlere selam. Gercekten Γ§ok iyiydi dmk istdm, fkt fotolara aldnp gttm. Iletisimi sohbeti guzeldi. Sex ise ssme bbk gibi.olu gbi ytiyor.Benden daha cok bira gbegi var.kisaca dkkat. Puanlari yuksek verdim. Siz anldnz konuyu
Everything was great. Her hair style is so attractiveThe girl is really beautiful. I have never had such an experience in my life. The view is beautiful in every position. There is no position we haven't tried. Blowjob is perfect. She has a great skin.She was so willing and passionate that I couldn't believe it, I can say that I was more reluctant at some points. The sounds she makes, her reactions, her facial expressions are magnificent. Definitely don't miss this girl. Her conversation is beautiful. Very smiling and talkative. Communication with the agency was good. This girl pushes the top in my experience so far.
BaΕtan sΓΆylemek gerekirse resimlerden daha gΓΌzel. KapΔ±dan iΓ§eri girdiΔinizde Γ§ok sΔ±cak bir Εekilde karΕΔ±lΔ±yor sizi.Tam bir kΔ±z arkadaΕ modunda.Sanki kΔ±z arkadaΕΔ±nΔ±zΔ± otele atmΔ±Ε gibi hissediyorsunuz.Δ°liΕki sΔ±rasΔ±nda istekli,kendi Δ±slanΔ±yor.Blowjob tek kelime ile muhteΕem.Ama herΕeyden ΓΆnce Γ§ok cana yakΔ±n ve gΓΌler yΓΌzlΓΌ.Her tΓΌrlΓΌ isteΔinizi bΓΌyΓΌk bir zevk alarak yerine getiriyor.GΓΆrΓΌlecek ve abone olunacak bir hatun.
First of all she is more beautiful than photos.She is very very attractive and sexy.Her behaviors are PERFECT.You assume she is your lovely girlfriend.Really perfect GFE. She is active on the bed .You might lose yourself in her bed. She is a dream girl and you must see her
Δ°lk yorum yazΔ±ΕΔ±m umarΔ±m yardΔ±mcΔ± olur.Eksilerle baΕlayΔ±m ablam ΓΆpΓΌΕmΓΌyor , condomla flΓΌt Γ§alΔ±yor ve gram inglizce bilmiyor. Hani geΓ§irdiΔimiz dakikalara etkisi normalde bΓΌyΓΌk olur ama bu eksileri kapattΔ±. Bir kere Γ§ok gΓΌzel bir beyaz bir Εal ve siyah iΓ§ Γ§amaΕΔ±rlarΔ±yla karΕΔ±ladΔ±.SaΓ§lar bele kadar yΓΌzΓΌ kesinlikle fotolardan daha gΓΌzel ve Γ§ekici. GΓΆgusler iyi iΕΓ§ilik ΓΌrΓΌnΓΌ,ama en gΓΌzel yeri kalΓ§alarΔ± topuklu ayakkabΔ±ya gerek duymuyor kalkΔ±k durmalarΔ± iΓ§in.Δ°liΕkiden zevk alΔ±yor vucudu Γ§ok iyi kokuyor.Kokusu Γ§ok tahrik edici. Δ°kinci raund geΓ§ gelmesine raΔmen hiΓ§ acelesi yok.SonuΓ§ olarak gidilesi bir hatun.KapΔ±dan Γ§Δ±karken piΕman olmazsnΔ±z
Cok acimasizsin. :D koptum