
Jenna Jameson's Flashpoint


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The work atmosphere in the 23rd District Fire Department of Southern California was so good that many firefighters from other districts made requests to be transferred, especially men, who were captivated by the uncharacteristically beautiful blonde women working there.

There was a point in time not long ago that the firefighters of the 23rd District were a happy bunch. It was mainly because Captain Marks made sure to hire unselfish, team players with a genuine willingness to help others. Above all, he looked for people who tried to see the positive in everything.

Jenna Jameson was the youngest of the crew, just a shade over 24. She was a natural blonde with huge breast, a slim waist and the prettiest face youÒ€ℒve ever seen. She had a body that could easily be gracing the pages of magazine covers instead of wearing a firemanÒ€ℒs suit.

It felt strange being gathered with her fellow firefighters today. No one was smiling or sweating from a workout. NobodyÒ€ℒs yellow fire suit was making her squint when she looked at them. It had been 20 minutes since sheÒ€ℒd arrived and she hadnÒ€ℒt heard a single giggle.

She sat with her shoulders squared in the small church trying to keep her composure. Along with everyone else, the words of the clergyman penetrated deep into her soul and brought out happy memories turned bitter by the tragic accident from two days earlier.

Not only was Jenna Jameson the youngest, she was a blonde female in a field dominated by men.

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   Although there wasnÒ€ℒt much of a competitive atmosphere at the 23rd, she still felt she had to work harder than anyone else to be taken seriously.

As usual, she was up that Tuesday morning checking and cleaning her equipment while everyone else was still snoring in their bunks. When she was done with that she lay on the floor and did 100 sit ups and 20 push ups.

She removed her sweat-soaked clothes and stepped into the shower. She let the hot water massage her aching muscles for a long time before she started lathering up.

There was a vibe in the air that gave Jenna the impression that today was going to be a good day. She was halfway done washing and the alarm hadnÒ€ℒt gone off. She had the worst luck with that alarm. No matter what time of day she took a shower, the alarm always seemed to sound off before she was finished.

She started rubbing soap suds all over her arms and neck. Then she soaped her breasts by wrapping the washcloth around one of them and pulling it through her cleavage. She repeated the process for the other breast. It resembled a figure eight motion.

She lathered her legs, butt, and back. Then she came to her pleasure spot and used her fingers to work soap all around her vaginal lips.

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   At first she massaged the whole mound of tender love, but when she started getting horny, she slid her middle finger along her wet lips and started rubbing her clit.

A low moan escaped her mouth. She closed her eyes and started cycling through her mindÒ€ℒs kinky index of sex fantasies. Which one did she want to masturbate to this time?

As soon as the thought entered her mind, the sound of the fire alarm filled the station. Her eyes popped wide open in shock. They narrowed with anger as she hastily started to rinse herself off.

Ò€œShit!Ò€ barked Jenna. Ò€œIt never failsÒ€”every time IÒ€ℒm in the shower!Ò€

She stepped out reaching for a towel in the same motion. She could hear the commotion of her comrades hustling out of bed to get their clothes on.

She wiped away as much water as she could as she ran to the sleeping quarters still naked and damp, her breasts flopping around like two water balloons. She tossed away the towel and started to get dressed.

Lieutenant Anderson, a ten-year veteran, did a double take when he saw her massive breasts jiggling around.

She put her blue basic uniform on. It consisted of a T-shirt and slacks with black socks and boots. It was difficult because her cotton material kept sticking to her wet skin, but she managed to get everything on and she was on her way to the pole.

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She centered herself by positioning the pole between her breasts. Then she got a tight grip with both hands, hopped onto the pole and let gravity do the rest.

The captain briefed everybody on the situation when they were all aboard the fire engine. There was a car accident two blocks away, and from what he heard from the police report, the people involved were trapped in their twisted vehicles.

They put their yellow suits on as they listened.

This is what itÒ€ℒs all about, Jenna thought. She loved to put that yellow suit on. It made her feel like a heroine every time because she knew there were helpless people somewhere out there who needed little Jenna to come and save them.

Jenna felt a cold chill run down her spine, partly because of the wind blowing on her damp body, and partly because of the rush of adrenaline flowing through her veins as they sped through the cityÒ€ℒs streets with sirens blazing a path.

The police were already at the scene of the accident when they arrived. They were mostly trying to clear away the crowds of onlookers.

Captain Marks walked up to the police captain, who looked remarkably a lot like the Hawaiian from the old TV show C. H. I. P.

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  S. , and asked, Ò€œWhat do we got here?Ò€

Ò€œTwo-car injury accident. One victim, lacerations and a broken wrist,Ò€ said the captain.

Marks said, Ò€œMyers, you get to the other one over there. Kelly, Anderson, hit the truck. Ò€ That was his way of telling them to get a move on.

The police captain pointed to one of the cars and said, Ò€œThe passenger over here is unconscious, possible neck and back injuries. Ò€ Pointing to the other vehicle, he said, Ò€œAnd the driver over here has been complaining of back and chest pains. Ò€

They got out the Jaws of Life and tried to pry open the driver side door as a news helicopter flew overhead. It took three tries, but they managed to pop open. The door moaned a loud squeak as the men of the 23rd struggled to open it wide enough to get to the passenger inside.

Jenna shook her head at the twisted mess of a man once it was open. Exasperated, she said, Ò€œAnother one without a seatbelt. When are they gonna learn?Ò€

She started checking the man for any signs of injury besides his apparent nosebleed. Ò€œAre you okay? How do you feel?Ò€ she asked him.

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He was obviously in a lot of pain. He could barely breathe without wincing, the poor fool. She checked his pulse. It was strong and beating at a steady pace. HeÒ€ℒd be alright with time to heal and a boatload of painkillers. Another firefighter steadied his head and placed a brace around his neck.

Jenna asked, Ò€œWhatÒ€ℒs your name?Ò€

The manÒ€ℒs eyes popped open. He finally seemed to snap out of his haze. He begged, Ò€œGet me out of here. Ò€ He could smell gasoline!

Unfortunately, the others had their minds so focused on the task at hand that they didnÒ€ℒt see or smell anything unusual. The man heard somebody say, Ò€œJust take it easy and try not to move. Ò€

A stretcher was being moved towards the ambulance with a man whose entire torso was covered in blood. The only thing about him that showed signs of life was the rise and fall of his chest.

Gas was still spilling from the punctured gas tank, and unknown to the crew, sparks were literally flying under the hood. The impact of the two cars had caused some of the wires to rip and come in contact with each other! Some of the sparks came in contact with the cotton padding under the hood and it ignited.

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   The flames grew under the hood; it spread rapidly until it could no longer be concealed. Flames appeared from beneath the hood and melted the windshield wipers.

Jill Kelly was the first to see them. She screamed, Ò€œWe got flames!Ò€

Ò€œBring the hose!Ò€

The man trapped in the vehicle felt an intense wave of heat. He looked up and saw fire dancing across the windshield. Terror stricken, he tried to move unsuccessfully. He yelled, Ò€œGet me the fuck out of here! I donÒ€ℒt wanna die!Ò€

Ò€œJust take it easy. Ò€

Ò€œPlease donÒ€ℒt let me burn!Ò€

It was already 80 degrees on this fine California morning. That would be a good thing on any other day, but the fire, along with the high temperature, was causing the bottom of the car to get overheated.

A faraway voice yelled, Ò€œItÒ€ℒs gonna blow!Ò€

Ò€œPull back!Ò€ ordered Captain Marks. Ò€œPull back!Ò€

Jenna reluctantly turned and ran for safety, leaving Robert Dunn alone with the stranded victim.

Just one more try, thought Dunn, and maybe I can free him.

Ò€œI said pull back!Ò€ screamed Marks.

It was heartbreaking, but now it was DunnÒ€ℒs turn to leave the poor man to fend for himself. He got up to leave, but something was stopping him.

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   A buckle on his fire suit was caught in the door latch.

Ò€œFuck, IÒ€ℒm caught!Ò€ said Dunn as the realization that he was going to die made his body tremble with fright.

He could have easily unhooked himself from the door if his mind was working right, but panic had taken over and he was trying to rip the metal hook off with his bare hands, costing him valuable seconds.

Ò€œDunn, I said pull back!Ò€

Ò€œIÒ€ℒm caught!Ò€

Ò€œPull back, dammit!Ò€

The gasoline under the car had heated to boiling point. It didnÒ€ℒt bubble, but it started emitting a colorless, scorching vapor that rose upwards into the hole in the gas tank, causing the whole thing to ignite. The explosion that followed was deafening. The earth shook beneath their feet as clouds of black smoke ascended in the air.

Hot flames consumed Robert Dunn and the trapped motorist. The force of the explosion slung his body backward into the door. He convulsed a couple times and his lifeless corpse fell slumped against the open door with flames licking at the morning air.

That was two days ago.

Chapter 2

The time between the accident and the funeral passed very quickly for Jenna. Her memories of the previous two days were foggy. She mostly remembered doing a lot of crying and sleeping. Luckily she didnÒ€ℒt have to work either of those two days.

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The church was small and cozy. Dunn had graced its pews with his presence since he was a young boy; heÒ€ℒd been baptized here, so it seemed fitting that the funeral would be here as well.

The members of the 23rd wore their dress uniforms. Everyone else wore the usual dark attire and sunglasses.

Jenna sat with her shoulders squared trying to keep her composure. Along with everyone else, the words of the clergyman penetrated deep into her soul and brought out happy memories of Robert Dunn, only to be replaced by flashbacks of the tragic accident.

After a while, she stopped listening altogether, focusing her attention on the church and its occupants. Family and friends were on the left, coworkers and DunnÒ€ℒs widow on the right. Anderson, RobertÒ€ℒs closest friend at the station, had his head bowed with huge tears streaming down his cheeks. He looked so sad, so vulnerable.

Jenna hated to see men cry. They looked so pitiful when they shed tears. Jenna knew men never cried in front of women unless they were really hurting inside so she couldnÒ€ℒt help but feel terrible for him. She was on the verge of losing control of herself, so she diverted her attention back to the preacher.

Ò€œÒ€¦so weÒ€ℒre left to wonder why,Ò€ the clergyman say.

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   Ò€œWhy was someone so young and so brave taken from us so soon? ItÒ€ℒs not for us to say. Perhaps we can find comfort in the fact that God cannot be everywhere, so he created firefighter Robert Dunn. And now the firefighterÒ€ℒs commanding officer would like to say a few words. Ò€

The preacher stepped down as Captain Marks took his place. The last time Jenna had seen him was at the scene of the accident in his yellow fire suit. Now he was wearing his dark colored dress uniform like everyone else. Sunlight reflected off his badge as he took his place next to the preacher.

The captain looked into the eyes of the saddened congregation. A feeling of failure crept through his being. He was in charge. He couldnÒ€ℒt help but feel responsible for Robert. Maybe if he had done something different, like ordering his men to fallback earlierÒ€¦

He cleared his throat and spoke slowly with many breaks in his speech to allow his words to sink in. He said, Ò€œEight years ago, firefighter Robert Dunn joined the 23rd. And for eight years, day in and day out, the men and women of the 23rd went and risked their lives in the line of fighting fires with you leading our way. I want to think of Robert Dunn and the loss to his family.

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Dunn always said he wanted to be cremated when he died. He dealt with fire in life; he wanted it to consume him in death. It felt so wrong having him cremated after the way he died, but it was what he wanted, so thatÒ€ℒs what his family did. DunnÒ€ℒs real body was in ashes in an urn back home.

Six pallbearers carried the empty casket outside and loaded it in a hearse. With purple flags attached to their vehicles, they drove to the other side of town to the cemetery.

The casket was covered with an American flag and a firefighterÒ€ℒs hat at the head. The smaller members of the congregation sat in fold-up chairs. The taller members stood behind them.

Everyone knew the casket was empty, but being at the cemetery meant something. It meant the end was here. Everyone knew that Robert was gone and there was nothing that could bring him back.

Men with bagpipes played sad heroÒ€ℒs music that only depressed everybody more. Tears were really rolling now. Jenna offered her hand to DunnÒ€ℒs widow.



The minister took his place and spoke, Ò€œWeÒ€ℒre gathered here today to say goodbye to our dear friend and loved one, Officer Robert Dunn. Robert Dunn was a man whose life was characterized by service to others, and sadly it was in this service to others that he tragically lost his life.

Ò€œHowever, as Ecclesiastes teaches us: Γ’β‚¬ΛœFor every time there is a season, a time to live and a time to die. Ò€ℒ Unfortunately that time came too early for Officer Robert Dunn. Let us bow our heads and pray. Ò€

The preacher led them in the LordÒ€ℒs Prayer.

Captain Marks and Jenna held the honor of removing the flag from the casket to fold up for DunnÒ€ℒs widow. It was something they all practiced on those occasions when there wasnÒ€ℒt anything to do. She never thought sheÒ€ℒd actually have to do it at a coworkerÒ€ℒs funeral some day.

The captain handed the folded flag to DunnÒ€ℒs widow with a firefighterÒ€ℒs hat on top. She accepted it with a rush of emotional pain on her face, tears streaming beneath her veil.

Ò€œTen-hut!Ò€ barked the Captain. The firefighters came to attention at once. They saluted Dunn, a last show of respect as the ceremony came to an end.

Chapter 3

The casket was buried while everyone was offering their condolences to the family.

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Jenna was never the type to get mushy when people were around. She waited until everyone was about to leave before she visited the grave site. First she went back to her car and got out a bouquet of purple flowers.

TheyÒ€ℒd done a great job. The land was perfectly smooth and theyÒ€ℒd even replaced the grass somehow. She couldnÒ€ℒt tell where theyÒ€ℒd been digging.

DunnÒ€ℒs tomb had the smallest stone. It was easy to find because it was directly in front of a tree with two large tombstones on both sides. Jenna sat Indian style, and then lay beside the grave.

Her hair was a mess. Her face was worse. It was soaked with tears. She said, Ò€œI brought you something. Ò€ She placed the flowers next to the tombstone. Ò€œYou always did like violets, didnÒ€ℒt you?Ò€ She started caressing the stone as if it was his face, said, Ò€œYa know, I miss you.

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There was a brief moment of silence. There were so many things that she wanted to say, but she just couldnÒ€ℒt form the words.

She thought back to that day when they were working together to free that man. She remembered leaving Dunn without checking to make sure he could get away too. Like the captain, she couldnÒ€ℒt help but feel somewhat guilty.

If only sheÒ€ℒd known what was in store for him that day. Maybe she could have spent more time with him before it happened. Maybe she could have taken him out to dinner. She didnÒ€ℒt get a chance to say goodbye to him. He was justÒ€¦gone.

She felt so empty inside. She lowered her head as her eyes began to well up with more tears.

Just then, she heard grass rustling behind her. She thought it was her boyfriend, Bill, coming to console her.

Ò€œJenna,Ò€ said the man.

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It wasnÒ€ℒt Bill, but she recognized the voice. Ò€œNot now, Michael,Ò€ she said to her jealous ex-boyfriend without looking over her shoulder.

Ò€œI just wanna talk,Ò€ replied Michael.

Exasperated, Jenna stood and faced him. Ò€œI donÒ€ℒt have anything to say to you. ItÒ€ℒs been over for a long time,Ò€

Michael watched her cross her armsÒ€”a defensive gestureÒ€”not a good sign. She wasnÒ€ℒt even looking him in the eye. He said, Ò€œI just want another chance; I think you owe me that. Ò€

Finally she looked up at him and said, Ò€œI donÒ€ℒt owe you anything anymore. Ò€

Anger boiled inside of Michael. He grabbed JennaÒ€ℒs arm as she turned to walk away. In his most intimidating voice, he said, Ò€œI donÒ€ℒt think thatÒ€ℒs right. Ò€

Jenna snatched her arm away. Ò€œLet go of me!Ò€

These events didnÒ€ℒt go unnoticed by Bill, who was making a mad dash to come to girlfriendÒ€ℒs defense. Ò€œHey, what are you doing?Ò€

Michael glared at the prick with the big mustache.

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   This bastard fucks my woman, he thought in disgust. He said, Ò€œWhy donÒ€ℒt you keep walking? ThisÒ€ℒs got nothing to do with you. Ò€

Jenna turned her back and started walking away with her boyfriendÒ€ℒs hand tenderly touching her shoulder.

Bill was good at reading body language. Jenna had never said anything to him about an ex-boyfriend, but it was obvious that something was going on here. Ò€œYou need to let go,Ò€ Bill said to Michael.

Seeing Jenna showing affection to another man made Michael crazy with envy. The need for violence almost overwhelmed him, but he managed to keep it together. Instead of attacking Bill like he wanted, he just said, Ò€œThis isnÒ€ℒt over, not by a long shot,Ò€ and walked away.

As they headed for their cars, Bill asked, Ò€œWhatÒ€ℒs his problem?Ò€

Ò€œOld flames never die,Ò€ said Jenna.

He walked her to her car and opened the door for her. When she was safely inside with the door shut, he tapped on the window. Jenna lowered it.

He said, Ò€œWhat did you mean when you said, Γ’β‚¬ΛœOld flames never die?Ò€ℒÒ€

Jenna took a deep breath and looked through the front window trying to think of how to explain it. She said, Ò€œYouÒ€ℒre working tonight, right?Ò€


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Ò€œItÒ€ℒs a long story. IÒ€ℒll tell you at the station. Ò€ She drove off.

Chapter 4

It was close to six oÒ€ℒclock when they got back to the station. Anderson was too depressed, so he got undressed and went straight to bed. He was hoping heÒ€ℒd be able to sleep off some of his anxiety.

Jill and Tracey, two pretty blondes who were working the same shifts, were in the next room chatting up a storm.

Bill and Jenna retired to the equipment room to talk about what happened at the funeral.

Ò€œMichael and I were lovers once. It was a long time ago, way before I met you,Ò€ said Jenna. Ò€

Bill didnÒ€ℒt say anything. He started pacing around the room. His assumption was right, but that still didnÒ€ℒt explain why she never told him. He asked why.

Jenna said, Ò€œThere was really nothing to say.

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   ItÒ€ℒs a part of my life I wanted to keep behind me. Ò€

She looked at Bill, searching for a sign that he understood what she was saying. His eyes showed no such feelings. Bill wanted some answers, so she figured she might as well tell him everything.

Ò€œOkay,Ò€ she said, Ò€œwe worked together at Station 12 andÒ€¦we fell in love. It was great. It was beautiful.

Ò€œBut that all came to a crashing halt. Ò€ JennaÒ€ℒs facial expression turned bitter as her unpleasant history with Michael replayed in her mindÒ€ℒs eye. She continued, Ò€œWe were on a structure fire at a warehouse and the roof gave way beneath me. He saved my life.

Ò€œHe was hurt really bad. Ò€ Jenna was on the verge of tears. Ò€œHis leg was crushed really bad and he never walked right again. They placed him on inactive duty and the desk job killed him.

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   He was bitter. He was never the same again. It was like a disease that ate away at him. There was no living with himÒ€¦so I left. Ò€

Ò€œAnd now he wants you back,Ò€ said Bill. Ò€œWhy now after all this time?Ò€

Ò€œHe never really understood why I left him. He thought it was his legÒ€”that it made him less of a man or that it turned me off or something. That wasnÒ€ℒt the case. Maybe he thinks now that his leg is getting better that itÒ€ℒll all go back to the way it was. Ò€

Bill was worried for a second. He tried to imagine what life would be like without Jenna Jameson by his side. She was only 24 years old. He was well into his 40Ò€ℒs. What chance would an old man like him have at holding on to someone as beautiful and sweet as Jenna.

As if she could read his mind, Jenna looked at him and said, Ò€œBut that wonÒ€ℒt happen.

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   That canÒ€ℒt happen. I mean, I looked into his eyes. ItÒ€ℒs all still the sameÒ€”the anger, the bitterness, itÒ€ℒs all there; I saw it.

Ò€œAll I know is heÒ€ℒs still living in the past and IÒ€ℒve moved on. Ò€ She touched his hand and said, Ò€œI have you know. Ò€

Bill slid across the bench so he could be closer to his love. He started touching her pretty blonde hair. He gently kissed her on her forehead and looked deep into her eyes. He saw a lot of pain in them. They werenÒ€ℒt happy anymore, not like they used to be.

 ҀœI love you,Ò€ said Jenna.

Bill loved her too. He wanted her to be happy so desperately. There wasnÒ€ℒt anything he could do about Michael or Dunn, but there was one thing he could do to alleviate some of her physical anxieties.

He felt his penis stir to life.

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   Their heads moved towards each other without conscious thought. Jenna felt her vaginal juices start to flow as they tenderly kissed each otherÒ€ℒs soft lips.

They separated long enough to look into each otherÒ€ℒs eyes once more, and then they snuggled close with their legs straddled on each side of the bench. Jenna rested her head on BillÒ€ℒs shoulder. He nibbled on her ear lobe. Her nipples started to harden.

She took her blazer off while she continued to slide closer to Bill, lust building in her hot cunt. She straddled him and held him close to her massive breasts.

As she looked at him, a smile surfaced on her face. It felt good. It was her first real smile in days. She felt so sexy making out with him in the dark equipment room with fire suits hanging all around them.

She tossed her hair out of his way so he could have a path to her neck. He kissed it and made his way around to her chin.

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   Her ample tits were pressed tightly against the thin material of the dress shirt; her chest heaving with lust.

They hastily helped each other get their tops off. JennaÒ€ℒs swollen breasts spilled out. Her nipples were erect and pointing straight up. Bill was amazed every time they made love. He wondered how something so precious could ever consider a career like fighting fires.

They took their shirts off completely and held each other close with JennaÒ€ℒs tits smashed on BillÒ€ℒs hard chest. He cupped them with his mouth opened wide and swallowed as much as could fit. He let his soft lips graze her nipples, giving Jenna a rush of tingly pleasure.

He unfastened her pants as he continued to suck on each firm breast. She stood a little, allowing her pants to drop a little so Bill could see her sexy, skimpy underwear. He slid his tongue down her abdominal muscles and kissed her belly button before laying her flat on the bench.

Her shoes and socks came off next. Bill massaged her feet and toes, something that always got JennaÒ€ℒs pussy steamy. He started sucking the toes of her right foot.


   Jenna squirmed all over the bench in pleasure and started pushing her pants down. Her pussy felt like it was on fire.

She lifted her butt off the bench so Bill could aid in getting her naked. He pulled her panties and pants off in the same motion. JennaÒ€ℒs legs escalated and parted without delay. She started gasping for breath in anticipation of what was about to happen next.

Bill steadied her legs and lowered his mouth to her nest. Her pussy was swollen and wet already. He started by kissing the puffy outer lips of her vagina. Then he licked the clit and started slurping on it.

JennaÒ€ℒs body jerked with every pass his tongue made over her horny snatch. HeÒ€ℒd gotten it slippery wet and glistening in the dim lights.

Jenna lifted her head so she could watch. The sight of a man sucking on her pussy lips made her lose control. Her head jerked back as a wave of orgasms hit her hard.

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   Ò€œOoooohhh!Ò€ she moaned. Jenna wrapped her legs around his head and squeezed tight as she thrashed around, sending load after load of sweet pussy juice down BillÒ€ℒs throat.

Jenna felt his finger slip into her butt. Ò€œOhh!Ò€ she moaned. He was using two fingers to fuck her ass while he slurped and slobbered all over her swollen muff. Ò€œEat my pussy,Ò€ screamed Jenna, trying to keep it quiet.

Another orgasm came quickly. She grabbed his head and humped his face. His whole face was shining with JennaÒ€ℒs hot juice.

They sat up. Jenna kissed him passionately, savoring the taste of her own bodily fluids.

Bill stood up and let his pants drop to his knees. Jenna was bent over with his cock in her mouth instantly. She let the swollen head glide across the roof of her mouth and bump her tonsils. Then she started sucking him down at a quick pace.

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   Her pussy was so tingly and wet.

She let his cock slip from her eager lips. She stared at it, admiring its stiffness. She extended her wet tongue and put it on the slit. When she drew back, there was a long strand of saliva hanging between his cock and her tongue.

She looked into his eyes and she opened her mouth as wide as she could and used her lips to feed his cock all the way to the back of her throat. She didnÒ€ℒt stop until his pubic hairs touched her lips.

Bill almost came when he looked down and saw this blonde with her mouth stretched to its limits. There was just the slightest bit of cock visible because the rest was deep in JennaÒ€ℒs wet mouth. He felt a tensing in his balls and knew he was gonna cum, but luckily Jenna withdrew just in time and lay on her back waiting for Bill to plug her hole.

It had been a while since theyÒ€ℒd last had sex. JennaÒ€ℒs vagina had an usually tight squeeze to it. He felt her tense as he eased the head inside, and tense again when he pulled it out and shoved more of his throbbing cock deeper inside of her.

Ò€œOh, yes!Ò€

Once his penis was lubricated with JennaÒ€ℒs love juice, Bill started thrusting himself deep in her hole. A low moan escaped both their lips.

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   Their crotches were heated with desire, both of them on the brink of spilling their love juices.

It was already hot in that room when they got there. The vigorous activity had them both sweating. Jenna liked sex better when there was sweat involved. There was something about it that excited her.

Bill motioned her off the bench and bent her over so he could fuck her from behind. Soon they were both moaning and trying to keep from getting too loud. Bill grabbed her hips and rammed his cock deep inside of her.

The sun had totally gone down by now. There wasnÒ€ℒt anymore light shining in from the windows. It was just the two of them, the fire truck, and their equipment.

Bill was starting to get a little skeptical. What if the alarm sounded and everybody had to rush in and get their equipment. There wouldnÒ€ℒt be enough time to dress.

He pulled his cock out and motioned Jenna to sit on the bench.

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   He started stroking his cock. Jenna had another orgasm just sitting there watching him stroke his meaty cock. Her massive tits heaved in and out as excitement built up inside of her.

Thick, sticky cum guzzled out of his cock and landed on JennaÒ€ℒs tits. Animal instinct took over, causing her to lean forward and lap up as much of the remaining jism as she could.

He milked the remaining cum to the tip of his penis and put it in JennaÒ€ℒs mouth. She savored the taste of his cock juice, giving it one final, hard suck before letting it fall to her cum-drenched breasts.

Chapter 5

Jenna and Bill put their pants back on and carried the rest of their clothes in their hands. They stealthily made their way out of the equipment room.

Jenna peeped in the sleeping quarters. The only person in it was Anderson, and his eyes were glued shut. They tip toed past him without making a sound.

Anderson was fully aware that Bill and Jenna were having sex at work. They did it all the time, and if either of them wouldÒ€ℒve been paying the slightest bit of attention, they would have seen him watching.

Anderson liked to spy on Jenna and Bill.

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   He and Robert did it all the time before he died. They knew Jenna and Bill liked to make love at work, so whenever they worked with the cute couple theyÒ€ℒd make it their business to get a sneak peek at the action.

This time it was different. It wasnÒ€ℒt the same without Robert. Anderson couldnÒ€ℒt even get a boner so he quit watching at about the time that Jenna had started sucking BillÒ€ℒs cock.

He lay there staring at the ceiling in his underwear. Every now and then he would look over at RobertÒ€ℒs empty bunk, think of the accident, and have to fight back tears. Then he would think of the good times they had together and a little smile would pop up and disappear just as quick as it came.

He couldnÒ€ℒt sleep. Maybe Jill and Tracey were still up, he thought.

He went to the break room. They were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. They were drinking some hot cocoa. Tracey said, Ò€œHi, Lieutenant. Ò€

Ò€œYou couldnÒ€ℒt sleep either?Ò€ Anderson asked as he poured himself a cup.

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Ò€œNo, we were just sitting here thinking about Dunn. Ò€

Ò€œTry not to let it get you down. Ò€ He took a seat between them.

Poor Jill was staring at the floor with the saddest face heÒ€ℒd ever seen. She looked up and said, Ò€œItÒ€ℒs tough, though, when you think it couldÒ€ℒve been any one of us. It couldÒ€ℒve been you; it couldÒ€ℒve been me. Ò€

That thought had crossed AndersonÒ€ℒs mind as well, but he had to be strong for the crew. He said, Ò€œYou canÒ€ℒt think like that. It makes a tough job even tougher. The minute fear starts creeping in, you start second guessing yourself. You might as well clear out your locker. Ò€

Jill flashed a fake smile, said, Ò€œThatÒ€ℒs just it. Sometimes I wonder if IÒ€ℒm even cut out for this job. I keep thinking I just signed on to make my dad happy. HeÒ€ℒs a twenty-year veteran of the department.

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   Being a fireman was his life and itÒ€ℒs not like that for me. And then something like this happens and I wonder if itÒ€ℒs all worth it. But then I think about the look on my dadÒ€ℒs face when I graduated. He was so proud. I guess thatÒ€ℒs why IÒ€ℒm still here. Ò€

Ò€œWe all have our reasons for doing what we do,Ò€ said Anderson. Ò€œThey donÒ€ℒt always make sense, especially when something like this hits so close to home. It makes doing a tough job tougher. Ò€

Tracey said, Ò€œWhat about Linda? I feel so bad for her. They just bought a house; they were gonna have kids, and now heÒ€ℒs just gone. Ò€

He didnÒ€ℒt know where the idea came from, but suddenly Anderson lifted his drink and said, Ò€œTo Dunn. Ò€

Tracey and Jill touched their drinks to AndersonÒ€ℒs. Ò€œTo Dunn,Ò€ they said, completing the toast.

After they drank, Anderson turned to Jill and said, Ò€œYour dad would be proud of you hanging in there like this. Ò€

JillÒ€ℒs face lit up.

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   Anderson always seemed to know what to say at the right moment. Her sex started tingling because of his kind words.

She and Tracey placed their empty cups on the table and leaned on AndersonÒ€ℒs strong shoulders. Neither was wearing much clothing.

Anderson could smell the faintest scent of vaginal juice. One of the women was horny, though he didnÒ€ℒt know which one. He had a feeling it was Jill. He touched her thigh at the same instant that Tracey touched his forearm. Anderson realized that both women were horny, not just one.

Tracey was looking at him in a fuck-me-daddy sort of way. He kissed her forehead and turned back to Jill. She stroked his hand, which was still on her thigh.

Tracey was younger and more aggressive than Jill. She was the first make a move. There was something about the momentÒ€”the three of them sharing their concerns and feelings with each otherÒ€”that was very romantic.

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She sat up and started groping AndersonÒ€ℒs crotch. Jill joined her. She snuggled close to him, feeling the heat from his body. She touched his hairy chest and leaned in for a kiss. Anderson had soft lips, and Jill felt a rush of pussy juice making its way up her hole as soon as their lips touched.

Tracey leaned across Anderson to help her undo her top. Once it was out of the way, she glided her tongue along her pink nipples. A moan escaped JillÒ€ℒs mouth, and suddenly, her panties were soaked.

The smell of pussy juice was getting stronger. It was driving Anderson crazy. Tracey was bent over his body. She was wearing silk red panties. He slid his hand along her inner thigh to her hot crotch area. His finger disappeared in her wet hole, and then reappeared as he fucked her swollen twat with his hand.

She took her T-shirt off.

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   Her tits were a perfect size for her body. Anderson cupped them with his brawny hands. He latched his lips around her nipple and flicked his tongue on it as if it was a clit, a sign of things to come.

JillÒ€ℒs shirt came off next. Her breasts were huge. Anderson and TraceyÒ€ℒs eyes lit up when they saw them. They each took a nipple into their mouths. JillÒ€ℒs body turned to mush. Having both tits sucked simultaneously was an unexpected pleasure.

The ladies gave AndersonÒ€ℒs stiffening cock their undivided attention. Tracey massaged it, and then she gently bit it through his white briefs. Jill removed her panties, allowing the air to hit her horny snatch.

Anderson started sucking her tits as Tracey pulled his cock through the opening in his underwear and took it deep in her mouth. He felt her strong jaws contracting on his member. It was all he could do to keep from coming in her mouth on the spot.


   She let saliva drip from her mouth and rubbed it in.

Jill leaned across his body so he stuck two fingers in her pussy and started fucking her clit. Ò€œOh, yeah!Ò€ screamed Jill. Her pussy spasmed on AndersonÒ€ℒs wet fingers.

Tracey stopped sucking his cock long enough to lick pussy juice off of AndersonÒ€ℒs fingers. She let them slide in her mouth like a dick. She licked every drop of sweet juice from them.

Jill dropped to her knees. She was eager to get his cock in her mouth. It had been a long time since sheÒ€ℒd had a good fuck.

She was beautiful, but sometimes she wondered if that was a blessing or a curse. Men were intimidated by her looks, and if her looks didnÒ€ℒt scare them away, her career did.

She took hold of his meaty prick, got it wet with her tongue, and let the smooth cock head enter her warm mouth.

Meanwhile, TraceyÒ€”impatient when it came to sexÒ€”stood on the couch, stepped over AndersonÒ€ℒs body, and lowered her bald cunt to his face. She had a tight body like a teenager with a perky ass that was so ripe for fucking.

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He watched as the mound of moist, soft flesh approached his face. He put his tongue in her hole and let her flavorful cunt juice slide down his tongue.

JillÒ€ℒs pussy was so hot that her juices were starting to drip out. Tracey had gotten off the couch. Anderson was still in his same positionÒ€”the middle of the couch with a stiff boner saluting the two ladies.

Jill mounted him so she could ride him with her back towards him. A moan came out when she felt his cock head at the base of her swollen outer lips.

Ò€œOoohhh,Ò€ she moaned.

AndersonÒ€ℒs eyes were wide open. He couldnÒ€ℒt believe how tight she was. It was like having sex with a virgin.

Her pussy lips expanded as she lowered herself on his shaft. She started to shiver when it was all the way inside. She held still to give her sex time to adjust. When she was ready, she started grinding her bald vagina on his cock.

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Ò€œFuck me! Fuck my pussy!Ò€ she shouted.

Tracey watched for as long as she could. She pulled his cock out and sucked every drop of juice off, then licked JillÒ€ℒs throbbing clit. It made her pussy trickle.

Jill was in a dancing mood tonight so she put some music on. It was really low so no one else in the station could hear it. She bent over the coffee table and started doing a sexy grind while Tracey polished AndersonÒ€ℒs cock.

Jill reached around fingering herself. She played in the folds of her swollen cunt.

Anderson was on the verge of losing it. It was like he was hypnotized. He couldnÒ€ℒt take his eyes off JillÒ€ℒs pink vaginal lips protruding between her luscious thighs. Between TraceyÒ€ℒs cock sucking and JillÒ€ℒs exotic grinding, it was surprising that he didnÒ€ℒt pop a load in TraceyÒ€ℒs mouth.

After a few minutes, Tracey started watching too. She thought Jill was sexy, so she sat next to Anderson and they fondled each other as Jill gave them both a lap dance.

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   SheÒ€ℒd straddle them individually and put her muff in their faces, tease them a little, let the smell of her cunt drive them wild, and then dismount them.

Tracey couldnÒ€ℒt take being a spectator any longer. She walked to the weight bench and kneeled on it. Jill had gotten her pussy juicing and tingling. She bent over in a doggy style position. The other two followed her.

AndersonÒ€ℒs cock was throbbing too. TraceyÒ€ℒs pussy looked so succulent and wet. He spooned in behind her and shoved every inch of his cock inside.

Ò€œOh, yeah,Ò€ she screamed. Ò€œFuck me. Ò€

Ò€œFuck that pussy,Ò€ said Jill. Ò€œMake that pussy cum. Ò€

How much time had passed? No one knew. It must have been an hour at the least.

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   Everyone had worked up a sweat, and finally, nobody was moping over Firefighter Robert Dunn.

The ladies were feeling really kinky tonight. They kicked the coffee table out of the way. Tracey lay in the center of the couch. Jill straddled her head, putting her sweet muff in her face so Tracey could munch on it.

She said, Ò€œEat my pussy. Ò€ Tracey did, so willingly.

Anderson climbed on the couch. He was watching the women lick each other while he stroked his cock.

HeÒ€ℒd been in both pussies and mouths, but there was one orifice that he hadnÒ€ℒt ventured into yet.

TraceyÒ€ℒs legs were cocked wide open. Her pussy was so fat and juicy. He inched up very close to her, but this time he bypassed her vagina and placed his cock head on her asshole.

It was even tighter than her pussy, but there was so much body juice between them that he slid in with ease.

Ò€œFuck my ass!Ò€ said Tracey with a face full of JillÒ€ℒs pussy.

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Jill reached behind and started gyrating her clitoris while Anderson rammed her butt hole.

Tracey lost all control of herself as a wave of orgasms hit her. Ò€œItÒ€ℒs soooo fucking good,Ò€ she said.

Ò€œYou like that?Ò€

Her response was another moan that came from her gut. Her legs were shaking badly.

Ò€œSuck my pussy,Ò€ ordered Jill. She started riding TraceyÒ€ℒs tongue. They both were cumming like crazy. Ò€œIt feels so good!Ò€ somebody said.

They were getting dangerously loud now, but neither of them cared. The only person who was remotely concerned with getting caught at this point was Anderson, but he was more concerned with the orgasm that had been brewing all night inside of him, the orgasm that was so close to breaking free.

He felt his balls tightening as an intense pleasure started streaming up his cock. He pulled out just in time. Thick gobs of spunk flew out of his swollen cock and landed all over TraceyÒ€ℒs sweet snatch. He stroked his shaft, milking every last drop onto her puffy hole.

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Ò€œYes,Ò€ said Tracey. She could feel his hot spoo. It was heavy and dripping all over her pussy and asshole.

She dipped her fingers in it and took a sample taste. It was salty, just how she liked it.

Anderson dropped to the floor. His legs were too weak to move anywhere other than that. Jill sat of the floor too. Tracey remained on the couch glowing.

Anderson and Jill smiled at each other. She said, Ò€œDo you feel better?Ò€

Ò€œFuck, yeah,Ò€ Anderson said with a big smile.

Cum was still melting from TraceyÒ€ℒs body heat and spreading all over her private area. Suddenly, she felt really dirty. She said, Ò€œGuys, I think IÒ€ℒm gonna go take a shower. Ò€ She got up and gathered her clothes.

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Jill said, Ò€œI think I will too. Ò€

Anderson joked, Ò€œHey, we sleep together; we might as well shower together too. Ò€

The girls laughed. They took their clothes to the shower stalls with them.

On the way in, Jill noticed the wall clock. It was after 9 oÒ€ℒclock! She said, Ò€œMy goodness guys, weÒ€ℒve been going at it for two hours!Ò€

Chapter 6

"Do you ever get curious about having sex with a man?" asked Trisha, a bisexual brunette who was getting a sun bath in the back yard with her lesbian friend, Stephanie.

Stephanie was taken aback by the question. She couldnÒ€ℒt believe how persistent Trisha was. How many times had she answered that question over the last week?

Ò€œNo,Ò€ said Stephanie. Ò€œIÒ€ℒm not interested in men. Ò€

The women were sunbathing on their bellies with the straps of their bras unhooked to prevent tan lines on their backs. They usually took them off completely, but neighbors had been complaining lately about their children staring out the upstairs window spying on the nude women next door. The city ordered them to start wearing their tops until nightfall.

Trisha had been bi all her life. She liked having sex with women, but she couldnÒ€ℒt imagine going her whole life without the pleasures of dicks, too.

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She had sex fantasies about her and Stephanie (her steady girlfriend) having a threesome with a man. Now she wanted to make that fantasy come true, but Stephanie wasnÒ€ℒt cooperating.

Trisha said, Ò€œStephanie, baby, you gotta be kidding me. You have to be a little curious. Ò€

Stephanie leaned up on her elbows and looked Trisha in the eye. Ò€œNo, I am not,Ò€ she said resolutely.

Ò€œBut Stephanie, how can you turn it down without trying it first? ArenÒ€ℒt you the one whoÒ€ℒs always telling me I need to stop turning my nose up at foods that look nasty before IÒ€ℒve tried them? YouÒ€ℒre always telling me I should try it first and see if I like it before I make my decision? IsnÒ€ℒt that what youÒ€ℒre always telling me?Ò€

Exasperated, Stephanie rolled her eyes. SheÒ€ℒs using my own words against me. How low can you go?

Stephanie said, Ò€œIÒ€ℒve been letting you have sex with men for as long as weÒ€ℒve been together because I know you like it and I want you to be happy. Why is it so important for me to have sex with a man? Why canÒ€ℒt you just be satisfied with fucking them yourself?Ò€

Trisha smiled and rolled on her back. Ò€œI want you to see what itÒ€ℒs like,Ò€ she said.

She closed her eyes and started picturing the best porn flick sheÒ€ℒd ever seen in her life, but she substituted herself for the woman in the movie.

Her vagina started getting heated. She felt a trace of juice seep between her pussy lips. She lifted her bikini bra started touching her breasts.

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Ò€œI know. The neighbors might be watching. Let them watch. I donÒ€ℒt care right now. Ò€

She slid her free hand down her belly. Her legs slowly lifted and dropped to the sides. Her hand went inside the thin lining of the bikini bottom and closed around her puffy cunt.

She started humping her hand, allowing her middle finger to graze lightly over her clit. When her muff was sopping wet, she let the finger slide all the way in. It was saturated when she pulled it out. She put it in her mouth and sucked her own juices off, then said, Ò€œI want you to experience the joy of having a hot dick in your mouth. Ò€

Stephanie started feeling moist herself. Trisha really knew how to get her going.

She crawled with her eyes focused on TrishaÒ€ℒs pussy as if she was an animal in the jungle, and pussy was her prey.

Trisha opened her eyes.

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   They made eye contact.

Stephanie watched the way her finger worked her pussy. It made her horny, and she had to admit that it did make her a little curious to see how it felt to have a cock inside her.

But she liked to play hard-to-get. She positioned her body over TrishaÒ€ℒs and said, Ò€œThereÒ€ℒs only one person IÒ€ℒm interested in having in my mouth. Ò€

Trisha felt her hair brush over her cheeks as Stephanie came down for a kiss. Electric fire rushed through her body as their lips touched.

Trisha wrapped her arms and legs around Stephanie. The material of StephanieÒ€ℒs bikini top rubbed on her nipples. A moan came out and her pussy started oozing vaginal fluids.

Stephanie kissed her way down to the love triangle and moved the string out of her way. The thin line was already soaked. TrishaÒ€ℒs clit was poking straight up between the inner lips.

She opened the lips, rolled her tongue to make it straight and firm like a cock, and inserted it deep into TrishaÒ€ℒs tight hole. She watched Trisha gasp as she pulled it out and continuously jabbed her rigid tongue in her snatch.


   She said, Ò€œIs that the way a cock feels?Ò€

Trisha looked down at her and said, Ò€œYes, but bigger and thicker. Ò€ She smiled. Ò€œYou wanna try it, donÒ€ℒt you?Ò€

Ò€œNo,Ò€ Stephanie lied.

Trisha rolled over. Now Stephanie was on her back and she was squatting above her with her pussy still in her face. Stephanie held her tongue out as she slid her pussy lips along her tongue. Trisha said, Ò€œAnd this is the way I ride a cock. You wanna try it. I can tell. Ò€

StephanieÒ€ℒs eyes popped open. Rather loudly, still playing hard-to-get, she blurted, Ò€œNot a chance in hell,Ò€ and threw Trisha in the pool. TrishaÒ€ℒs reflexes were fast. She grabbed StephanieÒ€ℒs arms as she was falling in and let her weight drag her in with her.

There was a loud splash and the girls kicked their feet until they found enough footing to stand up. They were laughing at each other and coughing as they tossed their wet hair to the back.

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Ò€œYou are an asshole,Ò€ laughed Trisha. She pinned Stephanie in a corner of the pool with her arms and started kissing her. She stopped, said, Ò€œNow itÒ€ℒs my turn to do you. Ò€

She pushed StephanieÒ€ℒs bikini bottom down, took a deep breath, and plunged underwater. The chlorine stung her eyes a little, but they adjusted quickly.

Stephanie was leaning back, holding herself up by her outstretched arms along the edge of the pool. Her legs were spread eagle and suspended off the poolÒ€ℒs floor.

Trisha cupped her ass cheeks. Using her thumbs to open StephanieÒ€ℒs pussy lips, she started flicking her tongue on her swollen clitoris.

StephanieÒ€ℒs head fell to the side. Ò€œOh, yes, shit!Ò€ she moaned. Ò€œLick that pussy. Ò€

Trisha stopped to come up for air just as Stephanie was about to cum. Then she took another deep breath and went back down.

Again, as Stephanie was on the verge of climaxing, Trisha broke contact and came up for air.

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   Stephanie was getting irritated, but she knew the torture would make for a better climax later.

It happened again. Stephanie was going crazy. She didnÒ€ℒt want to cum anymore; she needed to cum right now. Her body was shaking with desire.

Trisha dove once again. Stephanie wrapped her legs around her lovers head and started grinding her pussy on her tongue. The water was splashing everywhere.

TrishaÒ€ℒs tongue was flicking up and down StephanieÒ€ℒs horny hole. Ò€œOh, yes, IÒ€ℒm close!Ò€ Stephanie moaned. She felt Trisha trying to come up again.

No, please, not now.

Stephanie tightened her legs around her loverÒ€ℒs head and humped with more vigor. Trisha was still trying to come up. She started slapping StephanieÒ€ℒs ass and scratching at her thighs.

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Just a few seconds longer.

Trisha finally stopped moving. Stephanie continued to face fuck her, grinding her needy cunt up and down her entire faceÒ€”mouth, chin, nose, everythingÒ€”until her pussy tightened and a gush of twat juice oozed from her slit.

Ò€œOh, fuck, yeeeessss!Ò€ she screamed as she tightened her grip on TrishaÒ€ℒs head and forced it hard against her sex organ. Her whole body started convulsing and thrashing around as wave after wave of intense orgasms hit her.

When it was over, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her lips parted into a smile and she looked down at Trisha. Ò€œThat was so good,Ò€ she said.

SheÒ€ℒd been underwater for a very long time. Stephanie tapped her head.

No response from Trisha.

Oh, no!

She tapped her head again. Ò€œTrisha?Ò€ she shouted. This time there was fear in her voice. She lifted TrishaÒ€ℒs upper body out of the pool.

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   Her head fell limp to the side.

Please, no!

She checked her pulse. It was beating, but very weak. She struggled to get the 110-pound woman out of the pool and called 911.

All was quiet at the 23rdDistrict and that was one of the things Jenna loved most about being a firefighter. They had their tiresome days like every other job, but it really wasnÒ€ℒt that bad most of the time.

She worked two 24-hour shifts each week, and most of that time was spent socializing, washing the truck, and doing equipment inspections.

She was on her second 24-hour shift for the week and everything was fine. They hadnÒ€ℒt received a single call yet.

Anderson was playing cards on one of the bunks with Tracey. Jenna was reading a book on the bunk across from them.

Ron came out of the shower room with a towel tossed over his masculine shoulders. Stevens was right behind him, fully dressed.

Ron tossed the towel on the bunk and sat down. He noticed Jenna lying on her side reading a thesaurus.

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   He was just about to ask why when the alarm sounded.

They hadnÒ€ℒt heard it in such a long time that it scared everybody. They dropped what they were doing and ran for the fire pole.

Jill and Bill stayed behind with a few others in case they got another call. The pulled the doors of the firehouse shut.

Bill felt a sharp pain in his lower back. He grimaced in agony, but kept from shouting out by gritting his teeth. He didnÒ€ℒt want anyone to know about his injury. He turned and walked to the locker room.

Jill noticed his awkward walk and followed close behind him. She stopped outside the locker room and listened. She heard Bill pop the cap off a bottle and shake some pills in his hand.

She walked inside as he was swallowing them. They made eye contact. Bill gave her a defensive mind-your-own-business glare, but of course Jill didnÒ€ℒt pay it any attention.

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Ò€œYour back bothering you?Ò€ she asked.

No answer; no acknowledgement; nothing from Bill.

Ò€œHavenÒ€ℒt you had it looked at?Ò€ asked Jill.

Cynically, he said, Ò€œTake it easy, Florence Nightingale. IÒ€ℒm fine. Ò€

Ò€œYouÒ€ℒre fine? You donÒ€ℒt look fine. Ò€ She took the bottle from the locker and looked at the label. They were prescription pills for back pains, but for someone else. Bill was using somebody elseÒ€ℒs prescription medicine. As a firefighter, he shouldÒ€ℒve known better than to do that.

She glared at him the way a mother glares at a naughty child. She said, Ò€œAnd arenÒ€ℒt these pills a littleÒ€¦unorthodox?Ò€

Ò€œTheyÒ€ℒre just painkillers. Ò€

Ò€œIf itÒ€ℒs that bad you should see a doctor. Ò€

Ò€œLook, donÒ€ℒt worry about me. All I know is IÒ€ℒm not going on the inactive list.

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   Once youÒ€ℒre behind a desk, youÒ€ℒre never back out on the line. And even if you do get back out, they always look at you funny like youÒ€ℒre gonna get hurt or something. IÒ€ℒm not gonna do it. Ò€ He slammed the locker shut and started to leave.

Ò€œDoes Jenna know?Ò€

Jenna? thought Bill. The story she told him about her ex-boyfriend was what got him so worried in the first place.

Bill turned and said, Ò€œNo. Jenna does not know, and you better not tell her. SheÒ€ℒs already had to deal with one gimp boyfriend, and IÒ€ℒm not gonna be the second. So just keep it shut, alright?Ò€

Ò€œYou shouldnÒ€ℒt be working if youÒ€ℒre injured. If youÒ€ℒre not up to par, someoneÒ€ℒs gonna end up dead. If not you, one of the crew, or maybe even worseÒ€”a civilian. Ò€

Ò€œThe minute I stop carrying my load, IÒ€ℒll pack up my gear. Until then, just keep your mouth shut!Ò€ He stormed out and headed to his bunk.

It took the crew a little longer than usual to arrive at house.

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   It was a weekend. There were so many people out shopping. Many were reluctant to pull out of the way. It was irritating seeing how selfish people could be.

They found the street and made a right turn. Halfway down, a woman in a maidÒ€ℒs outfit ran to the middle of the street and flagged them down yelling, Ò€œOver here! SheÒ€ℒs drowning. SheÒ€ℒs in the backyard. ItÒ€ℒs this way. Ò€ The woman was their next door neighbor.

The truck came to a squeaking halt at the curb. The crew was off and sprinting to through the gates within seconds.

An Asian-American woman in a skimpy, black bikini was leaning over the body of a brunette wearing a colorful bikini that was just as skimpy.

Stephanie yelled, Ò€œHurry, sheÒ€ℒs not breathing. Ò€

Ò€œWhat happened?Ò€

Stephanie said, Ò€œI donÒ€ℒt know. I was swimming andÒ€¦and she was at the bottom of the pool and I dragged her out.

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  Γ’€ It was a lie, but what else was she going to tell them? She was eating my pussy under the water and I almost drowned her when I locked my legs around her head and came in her mouth? I donÒ€ℒt think so.

Ron and Stevens were the first to get to her. Stevens was pumping her chest while Ron handled the machine that blew air in her lungs. But there was one person missingÒ€”the person who was supposed to be checking her vital signs.

Anderson, the highest ranking firefighter on the scene, noticed Jenna standing alone at the far end of the pool. Ò€œJameson,Ò€ he shouted. Ò€œJameson, snap out of it and get over here. Ò€

Jenna picked her equipment up and hurried to their side. She said, Ò€œOkay guys, I got a pulse. Ò€

About a minute later, Trisha opened her eyes and started coughing up water. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. It was definitely a load off StephanieÒ€ℒs guilt-ridden conscience.

Anderson ordered them to check her neck because Stephanie had told him she dove in.

Ron felt around the base of her neck and spine. He said, Ò€œHer neck seems to be fine.

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Ò€œIs she gonna be okay?Ò€ asked Stephanie.

Ò€œSheÒ€ℒll be fine,Ò€ replied Stevens. She gave him a big, wet hug and thanked him.

Stevens blushed as his cock started sliding down his leg. He said, Ò€œYou might wanna keep an eye on her for the next couple days and get her to her doctor. If thereÒ€ℒre any problems, get her to the hospital. Ò€

They helped her up. Anderson said, Ò€œAlright, letÒ€ℒs pack up and go home. Ò€ He called Jenna over. He wanted to talk to her while the ladies were busy flirting with Ron and Stevens.

Ò€œThese drowning calls are rough on you, huh?Ò€ Anderson asked. This wasnÒ€ℒt the first time heÒ€ℒd seen her freeze up in this situation.

JennaÒ€ℒs eyes started watering. She was getting emotional. She said, Ò€œI should be used to them by now.


   I keep telling myself itÒ€ℒs just another call, but I keep seeing her face. Ò€ Tears started to roll down her cheeks. Ò€œI keep thinking it was my fault. Ò€

Ò€œYou gotta stop blaming yourself. There was nothing you couldÒ€ℒve done. You were just a kid. Ò€

I just wish I had another chance,Ò€ Jenna said as she choked back tears.

Ò€œI can still see her face as she was trying to get her breath, and then she went under. I watched my sister drown and I couldnÒ€ℒt do anything about it. Ò€

Her sisterÒ€ℒs drowning was the main reason she chose to become a firefighter. She wanted to spend her life helping people to make up for the sister that she was powerless to save so many years ago. SheÒ€ℒd saved many lives since then, but nothing could ever free her from that dreadful memory.

Chapter 7

What would it be this time? thought Bill. He lay in his bunk after taking his painkillers and arguing with Jill over whether or not he should report his injury.

Those painkillers were having a strange side effect.

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   They made him drowsy like other painkillers, but they kept giving him strange dreams. He kept dreaming about sex all the time.

It was never sex with Jenna either. It was always some kind of kinky sex in a crazy place, sometimes with people heÒ€ℒd never seen before.

The pills started taking effect. He felt a warm sensation in his legs and stomach. His eyes felt heavy. He rolled over in his bunk and he fell asleep.

Seven people were outside washing the truck. Four were men; three were women. This time, the women were people who worked at the station; Jill, Tracey, and Sandy.

Anderson, Bill and Ron were three of the men. The fourth one was a man from a different department named Lieutenant Hill.

Everyone was dressed in yellow firefighter overcoats with nothing underneath. The ladies looked particularly erotic clad this way.

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These dreams were usually seen in first person view, but this time it was like he was watching it from the outside like a man watching a porno.

Sandy was on top of the truck with Anderson licking her hole as she slowly moved her body in a snaking motion. Anderson enjoyed the strain on his tongue as it met her pussy. When it got tired, the sweet taste and invigorating scent would give him what he needed to keep going.

Tracey was bent over with two guys fucking her. One was getting his cock polished while the other played with her puffy cunt lips. This seemed to arouse Tracey. She started sucking the other manÒ€ℒs cock harder. She stroked it with one hand and kept a firm grip on the truck for balance with the other.

One of them took a sponge out of a bucket and started dripping sudsy water all over TraceyÒ€ℒs rear end.

She turned around and started giving Bill a blowjob. Ron watched her suck his cock in her mouth. He felt his cock growing to the point that it hurt, so he spread TraceyÒ€ℒs ass and filled her sweet pussy.

Hill spooned in behind Jill and started kissing her neck. The sun had started to shine brighter on her breasts, which felt so good while Hill twisted and kneaded her nipples.

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She spun around and dropped to her knees. She licked her lips and gobbled his meaty prick down her throat.

Jill was a gifted cock sucker. As she deep-throated him, she allowed saliva to build up and forced it to the tip of her tongue. She left a long strand, extending about six inches, between her tongue and his cock.

Ò€œAhÒ€ groaned Hill trying not to cum before she did.

She spun her tight ass around and started doing a slow grinding tease that made HillÒ€ℒs cock so stiff that it started throbbing and jumping. He steadied it with his hand and let the head push through JillÒ€ℒs horny sex.

Ò€œOoohhhhhhh!Ò€ she moaned. She clenched her teeth as Hill started pounding her tender hole.

SandyÒ€ℒs pussy was pumping out tons of love juice. Anderson was drilling her on top of one of the trucks. She leaned upward so she could see his shaft slipping inside her while she gyrated her clit.

As with all dreams, they changed locations and positions at a moments notice. In this dream, they even seemed to change sex partners.

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Anderson was pinned on the truck with Jill giving him a blowjob. Bill had SandyÒ€ℒs legs in the air as he fucked her on a truck railing.

She said, "Fuck my pussy. " Hearing this sexy blonde talk dirty was all it took to make him spill his seed. He pulled out and Sandy dropped to her knees. Hot spoo shot out all over her lips and dripped to the concrete, but not before she lapped most of it up.

Anderson saw the way Sandy swallowed BillÒ€ℒs seed. He was already on the verge of climaxing, and that did it for him. His balls tightened and started pumping loads of nut juice all over JillÒ€ℒs heaving tits.

Tracey had both ends of her young body filled with two big cocks. Hill and Ron were pumping hard and fast. Tracey was a slut. She could handle them both without the slightest gag.

BillÒ€ℒs dream was weird. At this point, he could he her getting drilled in slow motion.

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   Each thrust made her butt jiggle. Every detail of her face could be seen. She was biting her lower lip and moaning loudly, but he could hear her words.

She deep throated Ron. He looked down and saw h.



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