This is my third story, to be honest my first two weren't great, so I'll try to go into more detail here.
This is a work of fiction I literally just came up with on the top of my head.
Hi there, my names Johnny Melbourne, and I go to a small high school in a small town somewhere in Oregon, I swear its not even on the map. Well, I'll go into a litle deatail about myself, I'm tall, have shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm well built, not body builder obsessed but y'know, in good shape. I'm attractive, but because I'm not really a jock or in one of the main cliches, I'm not really noticed.
I'm popular, but as I said, because I'm not a jock, not really noticed by the hot babes.
So theres me in a nutshell, sailing on the easy river of life and taking it easy. But then my boat sailed into rocky waters and my life changed. . .
I walked into school feeling like I always do, happy, energetic, and I felt like I bounded up the steps into the main building. I walked to my locker to put away thefood and the banned energy drinks (which is probably why I was so happy) and felt like I was on top of the world, or at least somewhere high up. Until I passed the sports board while going to the sports field to meet my mates when the school's quarterback, a guy called Harrison Grief, came up to me and said, "Hey,Melbourne, I hear you're trying out for the team this year, good luck"
This was news to my ears, the fact I was trying out and that Harrison was capable of compliments.
I dumped my back with my mates before running over the sports board to check the list for tryouts.
There was my name, in red ink at the bottom of the sheet.
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I noticed that it had recommendation from Coach pointed to it and I knew why I was being treated with respect. The coach was known to have to broken in plenty of stars in the schools history. I thought about the possibilities of me being in the team. A girlfriend. A cheerleader. HEAD cheerleader…. No, I was getting carried away with myself. That was quarterback’s position, promise even, to get head cheerleader for themselves.
With a new spring in my step, I made my to biology class.
I made my way into the classroom, and sat down at my desk. Mr Hull came in and announced a new seating plan for the classroom. Meh, I thought. None of my friends were here, I wasn’t too bothered. But then my heart skipped beats when I found out where I was sitting. I was sitting next to head cheerleading beauty queen herself, Maddie Jeanes.
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I made my way nervously to my seat next to her. I’d had a crush on her since my first year at High School, her long, raven hair and enchanting emerald eyes capturing my attention immediately. Then there was her body, perfect. Nice arse, c-cup tits and shapely legs, she was one of the fittest girls in school. And every boy made it to every home match to see her in the cheerleading squad’s skimpy outfit.
As I sat next to her, she looked up and smiled at me. “Hey Johnny, I hear you’re trying out for the football squad, good luck”
She knows my name! rang through my head, and I stiffly nodded, and we prepared for the lesson.
We were dissecting frogs (yay) and we got out the knives. When we were cutting up the body, Maddie would pout her gorgeous lips and say, “Johnny, could you help me cut up this bit?” and put my hand on hers and made me lead her hand in the correct way. She would lean across me, letting me get a whiff of her hair and somehow managed to grind her tit into my arm. I was stunned, why was she interested in me? Was it my sudden appearance in sport? I didn’t know, but I certainly wasn’t complaining, and I continued undeterred and let her continue with her antics.
When we were leaving the classroom and making our way to Maths, she managed to drop her bag in front of her, and right in front of me, bent over seductively, her short schoolgirl skirt riding up giving me an eyeful of (surprise) thong.
Throughout the rest of the day I couldn’t get that image out of my mind.
I noticed in the weeks after my name being put up, that most of the super hot models of the cheerleading squad were doing similar things to me, which was surprising me each time it happened.
The tryoutees waited with baited breath, waiting to find out if they had gotten into the team.
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Me especially since I didn’t want my newfound attention to leave me. The names were readout by the coach. It was the yearly team, until there was eventually quarterback to read out. The coach surveyed the crowd before saying, “And quarterback is…. . Harrison Greif!”
Everyone cheered, while I sighed. It was the yearly team, I’d failed. But then my spirits leaped when Coach said, “But due to his suspension after the bullying of a first year, Johnny Melbourne has taken his place”
He gave me a warm smile and I found out I’d got quarterback.
I felt the crowd cheering, I felt the cheerleaders eying me up, but all I saw was Maddie gesturing that I come over to see her.
She leaned in to my eye and whispered, “Come to my place later, for a “special” celebration”
She scampered away with her cheerleading pals, and I was left there by myself… for about five seconds before I was picked up by the squad and was taken away to one of the player’s house for some booze.
After the party had finished, and my new popularity had been established, I made my way slowly to Maddie’s house, wondering what she had up her sleeve. A kiss hopefully, unlikely but I could dream, I could cup a feel of one of her tits.
I didn’t know, but I made my way to her house. When I reached the doorstep, I knocked on the door. It was quickly answered by Harriet, a fit perky blonde on the cheerleading squad, who quicklyushered me in.
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She led me up the stays to a spacious bedroom and was told to quickly sit down.
I did, and looked at a small row of podiums set up in the middle of the room. I was just wondering what they were for, when the whole of the cheerleading squad walked in and individually stood on a podium.
Seductive music turned on, and I suddenly knew what I was in for. A strip show.
I looked on as I saw boobs of various sizes appearing slowly, before the shaved pussies of the girls. I was so preoccupied watching that I hadn’t noticed that I’d been cuffed to my chair. Maddie walked over, tits swaying, and leaned in front of me.
“Did you like the show?”
I nodded dumbly.
“Good, the girls and me have never done that before…” She caught me looking at her boobs and said, “Do you like them?”
I nodded again then she pushed my face into them, before begging me to suck her tits.
I did just that, sucking on the aroused tit, licking the stub as I did so. The other girls made their way over, pulling my pants down and unveiling my monster.
It was six and a half inches long and quite thick. They quickly made it their missionto suck on it, two licking the shaft, another two sucking the balls.
Maddie had gotten bored of me sucking on her tits and said, “Uncuff him!”
The girls did that and threw me onto the floor.
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Maddie made her way over and started to blow me off, her tongue swirling over the head and licking the shaft. I leaned my head back in ecstasy, before being surprised to find a dripping wet pussy of Harriet over my mouth. Going on instinct and sudden advice form other players earlier on today, I clamped my mouth on her clit and sucked hard.
This continued for a bit until she came and climbed off my mouth. I looked over at the rest of the squad who were engaged in 69 positions.
Maddie took her lips of my cock, and laid back on the floor, opening her legs. She gestured me to put my cock into her pussy, so I did.
Slowly I pushed it into her, both of us sighing when it went in. I was going slowly not to hurt hr, but she grew impatient and thrust down, breaking her hymen quickly and gasping in pain. I held her still while tears brimmed in her eyes. After a couple of minutes I continued to pump my cock out of her pussy until she was begging me to fuck her harder, to not stop. I groped her tits and continued to bash my cock harder and deeper into her. I suddenly had a lewd thought, pulled out of her and turned her over. Her ass available to me, I spread her cheeks open and slowly pushed my cock into her ass. She didn’t stop me and my cock went into her ass easily, though it was still tight.
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I looked at her questioningly and panting she said, “ I like to practise all sorts of things”
I started to pump harder and harder, her screaming FUCK ME louder and louder and the other girls all masturbating while we did so. After about five minutes I told her I was close to cumming and she told me to pull out.
I did so and the other girls quickly came round, forming a small half circle. They sat there nude while I quickly pumped my meat until I came, spraying them in my cum.
They then started to lick it off each others bodies, each lewd act making me hard again. Harriet came over to me and clenched my now hard meat. “Are you ready now?” She asked mischievously. I grinned. I was gonna enjoy quarterback…
Now this was just a fantasy. Its not the best by far, so don’t tell me it was shit, I’ve seen worse. I Was letting off steam while writing this and it was a fantasy I’ve always had, being fucked by cheerleaders. Slightly rushed I know, but hey, its still porn. I’m English so I may have got some of the American facts about stuff wrong :/
Thanks for reading