
Harper Valley Revisited – Part 2 – The Party


We drove Kylie home, all of us in the front seat, with Kylie sitting beside me dressed again in her little skirt and sleeveless top and Ashton beside her. Kylie and her sisters and father live only a couple of miles from us so it was a short drive with none of us saying much, me lost in thoughts of where our actions seemed to be leading and having second thoughts about the whole thing.
As we neared her driveway and I pulled to a stop, Kylie turned to me, placed her hand on my thigh, and said "You and Ashton are coming Saturday, aren’t you?"
"Kylie – I just don’t know about this. I mean ……. " I paused as Kylie put her small finger to my lips.
Quietly she said, "Shhh. I think I know what you are going to say, Parker. But don’t you know that all of the girls are safe at these parties. None of us have to do anything we don’t want to do, and what better introduction to sex can there be than to have it done by men with some experience who are considerate of their partners. I mean all of our fathers are there and we know they would not let anything happen that would hurt us. Or would you rather Ashton end up in the backseat of the car of some teenager who could care less about her feelings?"
"Yeah, I know – I think the same thing – but then think that I’m just rationalizing it all away. I still don’t know about Saturday – we’ll see. I need to talk to Ashton about all of this. " I said.
She smiled knowingly and said, "OK Parker – I think she really wants to do this and I really think it would be good for her – I know it has been for me. But you talk to her about it and consider her decision about all this – I know she’s thought about it a lot and knows what she wants.

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Kylie squeezed my leg and kissed me as Ashton got out of the car. She released my mouth and whispered into my ear "Parker, I REALLY want you to come to that party Saturday. I want to be your first when you get there. I promise you’ll have a really good time. " With that she leaned over, providing an arousing view of her cleavage, and whispered promises of what she would do if we would come to the party.   Her soft whispers were accompanied by her warm breath on my ear like a soft summer breeze tinted with young girl smell.   Damn, I nearly lost it right then and there.
"Kylie, how can I say no after that sort of invitation. And if Ashton still wants to go, we’ll be there. " I stammered.
"OK, I don’t think Ashton is going to change her mind, right Ash?" She said. Ashton smiled and nodded. "Great. I’m sure I’ll see you guys there", she added with a grin and a wink as she slid out of the car.
Ashton got back in the car and I put the car in gear and we headed home.

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   She moved close to me and put her arm through mine and just hugged it to her chest, not speaking but smiling up at me as I tried to keep the car on the road.
The next two days were a blur. Just went by in no time at all. Ashton and I did not repeat our sexual activity – just did a lot of hugging and exchanging "I love you’s" often.   Ashton was as happy as I have ever seen her and I expect the time went much slower for her than it did for me. We agreed that what she, Kylie, and I had done was enjoyable, for all concerned, but I think we both were a bit more self conscious around each other than we had ever been before. So, we waited for the big party, not knowing exactly what to expect but knowing it was going to involve Ashton, as well as other young girls, and sex.
Saturday arrived and Ashton was up early. She spent all morning trying to decide what to wear. I was trying to put the finishing touches on an article that I was writing for a financial newsletter I publish periodically. I got very little done with Ashton coming down every so often to model her latest choice. She looked great in all of them and I told her so, but that didn’t help her make a choice. Finally we both agreed on an outfit – a short pleated skirt with a sleeveless blouse that buttoned up the front over blue bikini panties and matching blue push-up bra. She had applied only light make-up and looked the epitome of the young innocent.
The party was scheduled for 10:00 at Jerry’s house, about a 18 minute drive from our place.

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   We didn’t leave until 10:00 so were a little late arriving. Ashton rode all the way over on her side of the car and when we got there we just sat in the car looking at each other, neither of us sure what to expect inside. Finally Ashton slid over to me and gave me a very deep kiss. When I could get my breath back, I whispered, "Ready?" She nodded, smiling, hair falling over that left eye said, “Are you?”   I gave her an ‘I guess so’ shrug and opened the door.   As we got out of the car, I noticed she had unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse, revealing the tempting cleavage that resulted from the little push-up bra she wore. I frowned a little at her but she just smiled and walked on ahead of me to the front door.
At the door Ashton rang the doorbell. Chimes could be heard over muted laughter from somewhere. The door opened and there stood Jerry with a big smile on his face. "Well, well, you did decide to show up. I was worried that you may have changed your mind. Noel told me that Kylie had convinced you. Come on in, they’re all in the den. " Jerry put his arm around Ashton’s waist and hugged her close as he escorted her, with me following behind, into a large den, with a patio visible through sliding glass doors. The patio overlooked a huge landscaped yard surrounded by a high privacy fence.

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   People were milling around inside and out on the patio – a few on the grass nearby. As we entered the den I heard a girlish shout from across the way - "ASHTON !!!", and saw Kylie running toward us. She glanced at me before hugging Ashton and planting a very sexy kiss on her lips. Ashton momentarily taken aback by such a welcome hesitated only a few seconds before returning the embrace and enthusiastically responding, tongues obviously mutually exploring each others mouths.   I remember thinking at the time, ‘looks like they may have done that before’.
When they finally came up for air, Kylie turned her pretty head to me and said "Parker, you guys are late – you ought to be ashamed to make me worry so – but I’m soooo glad you and Ashton did come after all. When you weren’t here at 10:00, I was worried that you weren’t coming at all. I was really going to be mad at you if you hadn’t come. " "Sorry, Kylie. It just took longer to get ready than we had planned but we aren’t too late. And we have been looking forward to coming as well. " I replied.
"OK, Parker," Jerry interrupted, "let me introduce you to some of the other folks here while Kylie shows Ashton around. "
"Fine," I said and tuned with him to meet a group of dads standing nearby. Noel was in the group, and although I had seen some of the others before, other than Jerry, he was the only one I had really met before.

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   I offered him my hand and said "Hi Noel, we saw Kylie already. Good to see you again. "
He shook my hand and, grinning, said "Yeah, I heard. Kylie has been looking for you and worrying that you weren’t going to show. Glad you made it. "
I turned to the other men in the group and shook hands as I was introduced to George, Brad, and Warwick. All had daughters there. When we first entered the den I noticed that most of the young girls were congregated together on one side and their fathers and a couple of what I assumed were mothers were on the other side. At our entrance and general incorporation into the group, everyone began to intermingle, as though they had all been waiting on us. Perhaps, more likely we just got there at the right time. As the other men in our little group wandered off, in search of their favorite girl I’m sure, Kylie came running (gosh, doesn’t that bundle of energy ever slow down?) back with Ashton and her sisters, Jenna and Natalie. Of course I had met Jenna before but not Natalie. Together their resemblance to each other was remarkable. Natalie was obviously older than the other two but did not look her 19 years. Jenna, a year younger than Kylie, could have passed as her twin.

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   All three were beautiful young girls, Natalie exhibiting a wee bit more mature sophistication than her sisters but, obviously, still a teen. But it was Kylie whose appearance and manner intrigued me. She was so self confident yet with a sweet innocence that shown through that outer beauty, spiced by that mischievous sparkle that came and went in her eyes. "Dad, here’s Ashton. Isn’t Parker a hunk?" and without waiting for a reply, "Parker, you know Jenna and this is Natalie. She’s been dying to meet you after hearing Jenna and me go on about you. "
I’m sure I actually blushed at this girl’s unabashed compliment. "Well, I hope she’s not disappointed," I said. "I certainly am not. Beauty in the extreme obviously runs in this family. Natalie, it is a pleasure to meet such an attractive young lady. With three beautiful daughters such as you, Noel is a lucky man. "
"You bet he is, and he knows it. We remind him every chance we get," replied Kylie digging her father in the ribs. "OK, now dad, Parker is with me.

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   And I know you will probably end up with Larissa and I think George would be perfect for Ashton. " Kylie – taking charge. But I had no objections at all. I looked at Ashton and saw that she was looking shyly at Noel.
"OK, sweetie, that’s fine with me if it is ok with Parker and Ashton, but they may want to take it easy at first. This sort of get together takes some getting used to for some people," Noel said. Turning to Ashton he said, "You know, sweetheart, you don’t have to do anything here you don’t want to do. If you say you don’t like what someone is doing or wants to do, just say no . It’s as simple as that. Sometimes some of the guys might think you are just pretending you don’t want to do something and might not stop. If you really mean no, tell them firmly that you ‘really don’t want to do that’ and they should stop. No one has ever done anything that a girl didn’t either agree to or at least not object to that I am aware of at these gatherings and I don’t think there will be any problem. But – just in case, either your dad or I will be nearby. Just holler for one of us if you need to and we’ll handle it. OK?"
Ashton, nodded and said thanks.

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   I don’t know about Ashton, but I was relieved to hear him say this. I expect it was as much for my benefit as Ashton’s.
As we talked, George and his daughter Larissa joined us with Larissa going up to Noel. They joined in a distinctly intimate embrace, Larissa turning her pretty head up to Noel’s. Noel held her face between his hands and they exchanged a very deep, prolonged kiss. When they broke from the kiss, still hugging each other tightly, she whispered, but loud enough for us to hear, "I’ve so missed you, Noel. " Noel smiled down at her, pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. Didn’t catch what he said but Larissa broke out in a big grin and nodded enthusiastically. It was obvious that these two were not strangers, in fact had a thing about each other.
Noel, still holding Larissa by the waist, turned to Ashton and introduced her to George. "Ashton, Kylie is right about George here. I think he is about as good a guy as you’ll find at these gatherings, and he has expressed an interest in getting to know you better, so if you and your father have no objections I’ll turn you over to him and let you get better acquainted," he said with a glance and wink in my direction.   Two other men came over and whispered to Natalie and Jenna who turned and, excusing themselves, left with the men.
George was a very nice looking man, actually what Kylie would call a hunk I’m sure, and with Noel providing the satisfactory reference, I had no objections to his being Ashton’s partner. Ashton, looking like the innocent little teen that she is, or was, just looked at George and shyly went to stand beside him.

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Most seats were taken but we spotted an unoccupied love seat and chair near one wall and proceeded to claim them. Kylie arm in arm with me, our little group walked by several other small groups, usually one or two men with a young girl or two together. One of those groups contained a man, a grown woman, and an extremely cute little girl. I had no idea how old she was but would not have been surprised if she were pre-teen, perhaps as young as 18 or so. The woman was bending to kiss her while the man with them knelt and was running his hands up and down her legs. Her chest appeared virtually flat with just the hint of budding breasts underneath a thin little tank top. There was no evidence of a bra and I doubted she would need one for some time to come. All of this I absorbed in the 18 seconds it took to walk to our chosen seats. "Down boy," whispered Kylie to me. "Put you eyes back in your head and lets sit down on this love seat. There’s room for us and George and Ashton too, I think. " I did not see how four people were going to fit on that one love seat but didn’t argue. As I stood to let Kylie sit first, she said "No, you sit Parker, then I’ll join you. Here, sit right there," as she pushed me down and proceeded to sit on my lap. George sat next to me and patted his lap for Ashton to sit there.

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   (OK, so four could sit on a love seat built for two. ) With only momentary hesitation, she did so. Noel and Larissa were similarly ensconced in the chair next to us. Kylie bent her head and kissed me lightly on the lips. I admit that to receive those lovely lips I had to consciously close my mouth, so astonished was I at what I was seeing going on around me that it had been hanging open. "Comfy?" she asked with a smile.
With her warm little bottom sitting directly over the center of the only brain cells that were working at the time, I nodded and said "Extremely," adding inanely, "How about you?" Squirming on my lap a bit and causing a lump to arise beneath her that she could not help but notice, she whispered "Extremely," breaking into a mischievous grin. Then evidencing a very intensely serious expression, so attractive on such a young girl, said, " Parker, we don’t need to do anything right now. I know this is all very new to you and we can just sit here and watch if you’d like. " Then turning mischievous again, added in a deep little girl voice, "If I do anything to you that you don’t like or want me to, just say no and I’ll stop – OK?" I could not help but laugh out loud, causing some heads to turn in our direction, at her imitation of her father’s little speech earlier.
"Kylie, I promise. But I doubt that will be necessary. " I said.
"OK. I’m just going to snuggle here where it’s so warm and let you watch a little bit.


   At this party we can do whatever we want to whenever we want to, so take your time. " She said as she snuggled deeper into my lap, allowing my growing erection to push up slightly between her legs. "mmmmmm," she whimpered as she closed her eyes and lay her pretty little head on my shoulder and continued to move on my lap, first spreading her legs slightly to allow my member to rise as high as the restriction of my trousers would allow, then closing them and capturing that rising between her thighs.
Despite the distraction of Kylie and her ‘snuggling’, I was mesmerized at the proceedings. All around me men were beginning to openly fondle the young girls, over there raising a skirt to rub and squeeze a perfectly shaped little ass, next, things had progressed with the man and woman who had started on the young innocent I had passed earlier. The girl was still standing but they had her top completely off, her panties on the floor, and she was holding her skirt, raised to the waist to allow the kneeling woman to nuzzle between her legs. Opening her eyes and noticing where I was looking, Kylie whispered that the girl was named Kristen, and that that was her mother and the man was a guy named Connor. With the mother so engaged, the man, not her father, was gently suckling her budding breasts, softly biting at the small but erect nipples. Kristen was making no objections to her treatment, quite the contrary, she seemed to be enjoying it immensely, actually moving her body back and forth, slowly humping her mother’s mouth. It, quite honestly, was one of the most erotic sights I had ever seen.
I sat watching for around five minutes before Kylie, tiring of my inattention to her, began to ‘snuggle’ with more enthusiasm, and, reaching for my right hand, moved it to her breast, her hand over mine. and squeezed lightly. I took the not so subtle hint, and began fondling her breast through her thin blouse, feeling the breast pushing against the fabric of her thinner bra, a hard nipple underneath very apparent. She turned her head up to me, the most beautiful blue bedroom eyes I had ever seen staring at me, lips open, moist and inviting. I leaned to her and we kissed.

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   Such was that kiss that I lost all awareness of anything except the willing, pliant, beautiful little Kylie on my lap. As we kissed she worked her hands between us and began to unfasten the buttons of her blouse. Once all buttons were undone she leaned away from me and said. "Take it off of me, Parker. " I pushed the blouse from her shoulders and she busied her hands at my belt, unfastening and unzipping my trousers. My erection instantly freed through the opening in my boxers. "Now my bra," she whispered. I fumbled a bit to find a clasp in her back before she smiled and said, "It fastens in front".
"Oh," I grinned sheepishly, going to the clasp between those perfect little breasts, freeing them and pushing the bra back off of her shoulders to join the blouse on the floor. Next she was at my shirt. I had a casual pull over shirt which she pulled up and over my head with surprising agility. Then she pressed those softly firm little mounds into my chest and kissed me again, her hands rubbing my back, my hands roaming down her back to cup the cheeks of her little ass through the fabric of her short skirt, pulling it up and touching the bare skin of those cheeks. I thought for a moment that she must not be wearing panties, but she pulled away from me and, with a smile stood, reached under her skirt and removed the thong she had been wearing. Then kneeling she removed my shoes and socks, grabbed the legs of my trousers and pulled them, boxers and all, off of me. I was then sitting on the small sofa totally nude with an erection so intense that it actually was a little painful.

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   Kylie was standing in front of me with only that short skirt on and it riding dangerously high. Smiling at me she pulled it higher, displaying the sexiest patch of honey blond hair at that special junction and allowing her to spread her legs and return to my lap, this time straddling me, wrapping her arms around my neck and sliding forward, stopping when she had trapped my cock between our stomachs, my aching scrotum pressing against the soft pubic hair above her little pussy.
She moved – God did this little girl have moves – against me, rubbing, my cock firmly wedged between us, her skirt up above her waist. Then she moved higher, the nipples of those small breasts tangling with my chest hair, to allow my cock to slide between her spread legs. Now positioned beneath her and between her thighs, the upper part of it rubbing along her extremely moist crack and beyond. She moved back and forth as our kiss became a marathon of licking, nibbling, sucking each others mouths and tongues. Then adjusting position ever so slightly she poised my erection at just the right place and lowered her body. I entered her as she slowly, ever so slowly lowered herself onto me. Words cannot describe the exquisite pleasure such friction elicits. Just an inch or two of penetration, then back up. We broke the kiss and I looked up at her beautiful face, her expression so innocent and wanton at the same time, eyes closed, breathing faster causing her small chest to rise and fall rapidly. My mouth gravitated of its own volition to her right breast. There I suckled, savoring the womanly taste of so young a partner. She moaned and put her hand behind my head pressing my mouth harder against her soft breast. I bit the nipple lightly, causing more movement from her hips.

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   With each movement, more horizontal now than vertical, more of me slipped into her most intimate of places. She moved my head to the other breast and I repeated my actions there. Her movements increased, now matched by my own thrusts. No more slow insertion. I was now plumbing her depths. With each full thrust I could feel the head of my cock hit her cervix, each time eliciting louder moans and whimpers. I bit the nipple harder then sucked as much of that small breast into my mouth as possible, laving it there with my tongue. Kylie was just an insatiable sex partner, wanting more and more it seemed. My resistance was fading and there was no way I could last more than a minute longer if this kept up. I moved my hands from her back down to her hips to slow her down a little. Sensing that I needed to slow down, she slowed her movements to a near halt, me buried to the hilt. Then, the most amazing thing that I have ever felt, not from any other partner I have ever had, and I’ve had a few, happened. Sitting perfectly still with me embedded in her, she started squeezing, then relaxing, then squeezing, then relaxing, those vaginal muscles. Over and over and over. "My God, Kylie, I can’t last if you keep that up.

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   OH GOD, Kylie. " I gasped as she continued, not stopping the squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax. I erupted into her most intimate of places, scalding her with my seed. Still embedded in her, I held her close, so close. She hugged me hard and we sat, lay there in an embrace that seemed to last forever as I managed to regain some control over my breathing and she also, head on my shoulder again, began to breathe at a more normal rate. After what seemed an age, she raised her head and, smiling down at me with her hair sweaty from exertion and those bedroom eyes sort of glazed over, asked. "You liked?"
Looking at that face, still obviously sexually aroused, I could only mumble, "My GOD", again, "you have to ask?? I have never, never had such a mind blowing orgasm. I’ve had partners twice your age with ten times the experience and never had that done to me. How in the hell do you do that. "
Knowing exactly what I meant she said, "I’ve practiced a lot. Do you know what a PC muscle is? It’s really the pubococcygeus muscle – and I can control it pretty well, don’t you think?"
"Well, yes I know what a PC muscle is but I have never, NEVER, experienced one who uses it like you do. "
"MMMMMM, Parker, you feel soo good in me, even soft. I would like to lie like this with you forever. But first – you have to let me cum too. " "Ha, girl.

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   It’s your own fault you know. If you hadn’t made it impossible for me to stop, we’d still be doing it and you’d have had multiple orgasms by now. " "Well, I know I got you to go before me, sort of on purpose. But now is the time for all good soldiers to come to the aid of their damsels in distress," she smiled down at me. I protested saying," You mean you expect me to do it again now. Jeeze, Kylie, I’m a pretty good soldier but I’m only human. Men have to rest a bit after that sort of thing. "
" I bet you can do it right now. I’m going to show you. I know you did it to me right after doing Ashton on Wednesday, so I know you can. Just wait and let me do my thing" she smiled as she leaned to kiss me, then moving to my ear, whispering into it.   I could hear her breath coming a bit faster, feel that summer breeze again.   “I love you Parker and I love what you do to me, and I want you to do it some more.   I want you to fuck me Parker, I know you can, right now. ”   Damn, that is so erotic.

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     I began to slowly stiffen.
She leaned away from me, pressing my growing erection fully into her. "See. " She said with a smile in her voice, "But there’s more. "
She began her squeezing again. Squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax. Amazingly, I felt my member respond further. Still not to its full capacity, but respond nonetheless.
"Ahh. That’s it Parker, see I told you. Now, look at me," she said as she continued to lean away from me. I did. She had the most innocent expression on her face, just a slight pout, looking down at me, eyes so blue you could get lost in them, moving her hips and squeezing, relaxing, over and over.   Her hands were on her small breasts, rubbing and squeezing, pinching her nipples.   I felt my cock grow to full erection and beyond, so sexy was the sight of little Kylie sitting with my cock fully embedded and virtually cooing with pleasure.

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   She closed her eyes,   leaned her head back, and hands still on those beautiful breasts, thrust her hips forward to engulf me to the fullest. "Ohh, Parker, you feel sooooo gooood in me. Fuck me, Parker, fuck me hard. "
What a feeling. Kylie’s pussy had engulfed my cock and it seemingly had a mind of its own, totally erect and plunging into her tight hole. Looking up at her, she was no longer the innocent little girl. This was a harlot, a slut, a woman who wanted nothing more than to be fucked silly. I responded by pounding, harder and harder at her small opening, fully to the hilt each time, feeling her depths, holding her by her hips and thrusting her down onto me as I pushed upwards. She aided the motion by thrusting downward as I pulled her to me, making small moaning sounds each time my cock was embedded fully. I held her hips, slowing things down a bit. "Slow down, sweetheart, I want this one to last a while", I gasped between labored breaths. "The second time for me is always a longer one. You got me going a lot quicker than usual that first go round but this time I want to make SURE you get there. Maybe more than once. "
Smiling through her sexual haze, she leaned forward and said, "Wanna bet? I’ll give you one but that’s it.

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   If you can make me cum more than that, I’m yours forever. " Mine forever??   With that kind of incentive how could I fail.   I knew my capacity and, though this girl was straining it to its limits, I thought I could last. Plus I had a few tricks up my sleeve, so to speak.
Kylie smiled. We kissed, another of those long nibbly, bitey, sucking kisses. As we did so I changed her movements. Sitting on my lap – with me nearly prone – I began to move her hips backwards and forwards instead of up and down, a horizontal movement rather than vertical. This had the effect of bending my very rigidly erect member approximately 90 degrees each time we did this. Some what painfully at first but then, actually more erotic sensations passed through my body.   But it gave Kylie the pleasant sensation of rubbing her very erect clit over the top of my cock each time she moved backwards.   Within a half dozen movements I could feel her shudder, I allowed her motion to change to slow full penetration then back to rub her clit, then full penetration again. She hugged me so hard that I could hardly breathe and, as she squealed aloud, I knew I had succeeded, at least for the first orgasm. But she didn’t stop, I’ll have to hand it to her. She continued her slow movements for a few minutes, then, stopped and began the squeeze, release routine again.

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     But this time, as much as I enjoyed what she was doing, I wanted HER to feel more pleasure.
“Kylie, stop.   This time just sit there and let me do MY thing. ” I said.   She ceased her movements and stopped squeezing my cock and looked down at me, a questioning, pleading expression on her face.   Holding her hips I then pushed her backward slightly, to where I felt that erect little clit of hers just above the base of my cock.   She uttered a sweet little gasp, her mouth forming a perfect O.   Then I began to exercise MY PC muscle.   Tensing, I caused my cock to jump within her.   Release and tense again.   Slowly at first, then more rapidly.   I heard her whimper and, leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around my neck as I continued to make my cock jump in her pussy, causing her to feel the effect directly on her clit as well as within her body. (This can be dangerous if the goal is long term intercourse, for it causes incredibly pleasant sensations in the male as well as the female.   Fortunately, I did not have to continue long. )   Kylie, moaning and trying to move her hips against my hold, kissed me over and over, only little pecks between labored breathing, hugging my neck so tight I thought It might break, uttered one long moan of ecstasy, as she reached that blissful plateau for the second time.

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     I released my hold on her hips and freed her to her own movements.
Kissing me hard again, she just began pounding her little body up and down on me, saying "Now cum in me, Parker, come on, please, cum in me again. I want to feel it, I want your cum in me sooooo bad. ”
Jeeze, how in the hell could I resist that. This little angel sitting astride me with my cock buried in her little pussy begging me to cum in her. I totally lost it as I felt her third orgasm grip her. I probably deposited more cum in her vaginal canal than I had the first time as I watched her in the sexual bliss of that moment. So sexy, so glowing, so very erotic her expression, smiling, grinning, shouting, hugging me, kissing me.
As the ecstasy retreated, we both collapsed into each others arms, locked in our embrace. She with her head on my chest, me with my head buried in her maze of hair, smelling her, sweaty, lusty even there.
Raising her head and looking at me, glowing in the aftermath of our marathon session, kissing me between words, she said, "God, Parker, you win. I have never felt like that with ANYONE before. That was amazing, you are amazing. Jeeze, not only are you a hunk, you fuck like – like , I don’t know – like my dad, only better," Giggling, she added, "but don’t tell him I said that. "   Again wrapping those little arms around my neck, she buried her head in my shoulder.


"Sweetheart," I said softly into her ear, "You may not believe this, but I have probably been with a hundred women in my life, and I have never, EVER, had a partner like you. You have the most talented body and – something else, special – that I have EVER encountered. If you were about 20 years older I’d ask you to marry me. " We both laughed at that, breaking the tension a bit. Kylie kissed me and I kissed back, a long slow, loving kiss that somehow seemed to hold promise for the future. Then Kylie glanced to her right, then back to me, with the biggest grin on her face I had yet seen.
Section 8
Glancing to my left casually at that point, I had reason to doubt not only my own retinas but my very sanity.
My beautiful Ashton was still seated on George’s lap but conversation appeared to have been discarded in favor of some rudimentary lessons in thermal upsizing. With her head lying back on his left shoulder, I watched stunned as George, nuzzling her neck and whispering words of encouragement it seemed, began to gently fondle my daughter’s breasts. I heard her give out a little gasp of surprise as she wriggled beneath his touch. He was extremely loving and gentle with her and I knew Ashton was in safe-keeping.
Turning her head slightly allowed George to kiss her tenderly, while at the same time his right hand began its travels southward, across the flat of her youthful belly towards its inevitable destination that lay temporarily at least, hidden from view beneath her skirt, but whose convex shape gently protruded just above the apex of her already slightly spread legs. Just for a second I caught her expression of urgency if not the slightest trepidation , as his hand cupped her soft little mound through her clothing.
So hot was the scene alongside me, my hand instinctively found its way between Kylie’s legs once more and despite the warm cum still trickling out of her, I slipped two fingers up inside her and began to finger her with increasing pressure. My efforts were rewarded by Kylie beginning to moan softly now, one hand gently caressing her own breasts as her pleasure increased with each inbound exploratory.

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George’s left hand, encircling Ashton’s neck had now gained entry to her hot little push-up, helped not a little by the three buttons, her forward-planning earlier had dictated should remain undone. I just stared fascinated as he began manipulating her nipple as he applied more pressure to the center of her skirt. No doubt she would have opened her mouth and gasped had not George been kissing her so passionately at that juncture. Even as he slid his hand up beneath my daughter’s skirt, that very action alone causing the pleated material to ride high up her thighs, I could see Ashton becoming aroused to the point of desperation.
Speaking of which, Kylie at that moment was taking things into her own hands as it were, as the most delicately shaped little hand suddenly enclosed my own erection and proceeded to apply what could only be described as the "therapy of the Gods," keeping time with my own digital penetrations of her ultimately hot and sexy little body.
By the time Ashton’s bikini-pants were exposed in all their technicolor glory, George had her completely on the edge. Unable to sit still now, she had brought her own hand up to his and was pushing down on the back of his hand as he began to rub her right through the almost transparent material.
"Can I take them off sweetheart?" I heard him whisper to her.
Jesus, did he have to be so polite? I was at the point of leaning across and ripping them down myself. As if sensing my own escalating needs, Kylie began to increase the rhythmic tempo her hand was affording my erection. What I was doing to her defies belief!
At that point, George began tugging her panties down, the effect of which was to expose to all and sundry, my daughter’s lightly furred triangle of unutterable appeal not to mention those cute moist lips between which George was now sinking his middle finger so dexterously.
"That is soo hot isn’t it Parker?" Kylie whispered between little sighs of pleasure and angling a glance in Ashton’s direction, while still paying my nether regions the attention they so richly craved. "It makes my dad mega-hot watching the other dads doing stuff to me. Are you going to let George fuck her ?"
Hearing this little cutie utter those ultimately coarse words and with the imminent reality of the situation to my left, I realized I was a lost cause. There was nothing I desired more right then I had to admit, than to see my daughter fucked into total submission while I watched.

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   I nodded in reply.
I didn’t have long to wait either! With her bikini pants but a memory now, George had not only her blouse unbuttoned to the waist, but her beautiful and proud little breasts well free of the push-up. "Hot damn" I thought to myself, her nipples weren’t that erect when she and I shared that most beautiful of unions when Kylie was over our place. My mouth was rapidly drying up as I watched him remove both her top and bra, leaving just her skirt for some token modesty. Ashton was approaching obvious critical heat as she responded to George’s whispered suggestion that she now straddle his lap facing him. If anything, being in simply that short skirt made it just that much hotter. Despite Kylie’s unreal ministrations and what must obviously have been her own regenerated orgasm to judge by her muted gasps and the feel of warm fluid enveloping my fingers deep within her pussy, I could not drag my gaze from my daughter’s imminent fate.
Her wonderfully sculptured breasts undulated as George kissed her front-on while freeing up his erection from the confines of his trousers. His being fully dressed, added a surreal if not fully dominating edge to my daughter’s impending, yet semi-voluntary defilement. Just for a second, I saw Ashton’s momentary hesitation but then she herself took a hold of George’s masculinity and guided it between her own legs. Right about then, I doubt I could have told you my middle name, who was sitting on my lap or even if George Bush might get himself re-elected. All I saw was George and my daughter passionately kissing one another while he cupped her three-quarters exposed bottom with both hands, pulling her hard towards him as he quite obviously sank into her right to the hilt.
As their rhythm stabilized I could see Ashton totally glazed-over with pleasure as he thrust up into her. For her part she was fucking him right back – those beautiful hips maintaining control. I wondered if George’s cock was at the mercy of those wonderfully effective vaginal muscles.

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   Judging by his reaction, she certainly had his number every bit as much as he had hers.
On impulse, I kissed Kylie and told her I loved her so much, even as she brought me to what was always going to be the inevitable result of her handiwork. I spurted a considerable amount of hot cum principally across her tummy and fingers. She just smiled that goddamn cheeky little smile she does so well and nuzzled my neck, still just holding my cock tightly.
I heard it, but I could hardly believe it. Ashton was wriggling, totally uninhibited now, almost bucking as George took her the high road. "Fuck me" I heard her whisper to him between kisses, "don’t stop fucking me please. "
One can only say in hindsight - he didn’t!  Grabbing her tightly around the hips his time had come. As he filled that hot little pussy with every last spermatozoon, each I suspect carrying a nuclear warhead, Ashton tossed him a smile of such pleasured finality and sexy youth, one can forgive any man present, thoughts of dragging her off to the nearest bedroom and locking the door for several hours. George lay there, temporarily spent perhaps but definitely sated. Tenderly caressing both her breasts as they swayed gently just inches from his face, I knew this was the beginning of one inconceivably memorable afternoon .
Section 9
Kylie brought me from my reverie.

“Parker, why don’t we get up and give them some room,” she whispered in my ear.   I nodded agreement and she slid back off of me.   We stood, me still totally nude, Kylie in her skirt still at her waist, in front of George and my daughter.

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     We were joined by Noel and Larissa who seemed equally entranced by the sight.   Larissa, clad in her panties and bra and Noel in his trousers, stood with arms around each other.   The front of Larissa’s little bikini panties was quite obviously soaked.   Those two had, again quite obviously, been engaging in what my dearly departed mother would call ‘heavy petting’. I suspected it had been heavy petting of the heaviest kind.  

Kylie and I, our arms around each others waist, watched as George whispered in Ashton’s ear.   She smiled down at him, her eyes locked with his and, still uttering soft moans, again began to move slowly against him .   Still inside my daughter, George was exhibiting amazing stamina.   He obviously was intent on providing Ashton, and himself, additional pleasure.  

As George led Ashton on yet another journey toward sexual ecstasy, I watched this incredibly erotic sight of my daughter enjoying the ministrations of this older man.   Standing provided an unobstructed view of Ashton, moving around on George’s lap.   It was obvious that he had become erect inside of her again.   She leaned forward, her hands on his shoulders, and kissed him hungrily while she began raising and lowering herself on his cock – a sight I will never forget.   Watching them, my cock again was becoming erect.   Then George whispered to Ashton, so softly that we couldn’t hear what he said.

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     She grinned down at him and nodded.  

He moved his hands to her pretty little ass, one hand on each cheek, and rose from the small sofa, Ashton holding him around the neck, her legs locking behind his, kissing him and continuing to hump him as he held her.   They turned and George lowered her to the now empty sofa, then, placing her down with her legs spread impossibly far, him between them, began to fuck her, slowly at first, then, at her urging, faster and faster.   He would pull almost all the way out, then bury his cock in my daughter’s pussy, causing Ashton to utter a soft ‘umph’ each time his cock disappeared completely.   The ‘umphs’ quickly became rapid fire ‘uhh, uhh, uhhs’, as he just fucked her mercilessly.   With this motion, and from our angle, it was evident that George was extremely well endowed.   His cock had to be eight or nine inches long, a long slender tool being used on my daughter.   I remember thinking fleetingly, that while he was longer than me (not by a whole lot), I was thicker (hell of a time to think about that – but we men are a competitive and, at times a bit insecure, lot).   Ashton was meeting his every thrust and, as we watched, seemed to experience multiple orgasms, one after another.   (Ohh, for Adam to have been second when God gave out those last two gifts. )

I felt a hand on my cock and looked down at Kylie, again holding me.   She was watching George and Ashton with such wanton innocence (in this case - NOT an oxymoron), a sweet frown of concentration on her face, that between her touch and the sight before us, I amazed myself, or rather, my cock amazed me.   It was rock hard again.   Kylie knelt in front of me and took me in her mouth, demonstrating a cocksucking technique second to none.   She slowly sucked as much of me into her hot little mouth as she could before gagging slightly and pulling back, maintaining a suction and twirling her tongue in a way that is hard to describe.

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     It felt wonderful, and between Ashton’s little ‘uhh, uhh, uhhs’ and Kylie moaning ‘mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmmm’ below, I knew I was fast approaching that point of no return.   The added eroticism of having Kylie’s father watch her suck my cock and smiling like proud father just about put me over the edge.   I reached down and held each side of her head to slow her motion, then began my own motion, slowly fucking her mouth, careful not to go too deep.   As I humped this little girls mouth, she looked up at me, her mouth around my cock sucking like an experienced slut, but with such innocence in those baby blue eyes that I knew I was going to lose it.   At the same time I heard the obvious sound of George reaching his orgasm accompanied by Ashton’s “Oh m’God, Oh m’God, Oh m’God,” as she also reached her ultimate and final, for the moment, orgasmic release.  

I pushed Kylie’s head off of me as I erupted in her face, spraying what small amount of sticky liquid was left in me on her forehead, nose, and cheeks.   Some began to run down toward her eye and she, smiling up at me, reached up and caught it with her fingers, then licked them clean.   One of the hottest sights one can imagine, only I didn’t have to imagine.

I glanced at Noel and Larissa and was surprised to find that her panties were now on the floor along with Noel’s trousers.   Noel was holding her by her ass with her arms encircling his neck and her legs locked behind his back.   Noel was fucking this girl standing up – an amazing sight.  

Kylie stood and pulled my head to her and kissed me – a deep open mouthed kiss allowing me to taste the heady mixture of little girl saliva and my cum.   She broke the kiss and put her head on my chest and we just stood there hugging each other.  

Section 18

I could see Noel and Larissa still standing but now just holding each other in that erotic embrace.   Larissa seemed to be gently crying into Noel’s shoulder.

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     I was a little concerned until I heard her tell him that it was ok, she was just so happy and loved him so much.   He told her he loved her and smiled down at her, a smile of such unabashed affection that I couldn’t help but smile myself.   Their obvious love for each other seemed to mirror the general feeling in the room.   It was apparent to me then, that these adults really loved all these girls, sexually sure, but more than that, love that was, for the most part, totally unselfish and accepting.  

As Kylie and I turned to look behind us I was surprised to see that we had an audience.   In fact, as everyone disentangled, the assembled group behind us broke into spontaneous applause.   Noel nodded in recognition of the compliment and Larissa shyly buried her head in Noels chest.   Kylie, ever the sexy nymph, curtsied.   I bowed.   George, bowed his head, now sitting beside Ashton, and, hands spread toward her as a conductor will to an orchestra after a stunning performance, presented her to the group.   Many an ‘awesome’ and ‘fantastic’ and ‘wild’ and other descriptive adjectives were used as we were applauded.   Ashton bowed her head, blushing prettily.  

This is as good a place to wind this story up as any.   I could go on – and on and on describing what happened in the afternoon, but will not.   Suffice to say that we participated in several other sexual encounters with several different partners, a fact that I did not enjoy at first, as it meant giving up Kylie to someone else for a time.

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     Jealousy I guess.   Hurt that Kylie could dismiss me so easily after what we had just had together. But, later, seeing Larissa with men other than Noel and his willing acceptance of it made me realize that the pleasure of the girls was a foremost consideration in these gatherings.   They simply loved sex.   And the more the better it seemed.   Ashton ended up being roundly fucked by perhaps a   dozen others that day.   Seems the new girl was in heavy demand.   She minded not at all and I was amazed at everyone’s stamina as the day wore on.   Ashton, Kylie, and her sisters, all four of them, participated in the practice of going to a bedroom with four or five other adults and allowing the adults to do whatever they wanted with them.   I was not included in the adult members of that group, but Noel was, as was George, so I knew Ashton would have protectors close to hand if they were needed.  

I ended up in a room with two other men, one woman, and three of the girls – Larissa, Brittany, and Michelle.   While I participated in the antics fully, I was a totally wiped man when the bell rang and a halt was called to the bedroom activity.   Seeing Ashton and Noel’s three emerge from their session, I could tell that they, too, were worn out.   I found out later from Ashton after we returned home what had happened in their room.   She enthusiastically described being told to get on the bed with the other girls and undress each other and kiss and fondle each other while the adults watched, giving instructions to each girl.

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     Then she told me she had been spanked, turned over Noel’s knee and spanked by him.   She said she came close to asking him not to, but Kylie had convinced her to let him do it and after the first few smacks, she felt his cock between her legs and it began to make her ‘feel sort of good in my pussy’ she said.   “Then he just turned me around and fucked me. ” She said.   “Then they all took turns fucking me and Kylie and Jenna and Natalie.   They each fucked us all at least once, but I know Noel fucked me at least twice. ”   She blushed at this admission.  

Well – that first party was an experience I will remember for the rest of   my days.   We’ve been back twice now and each time, Kylie has surprised me with her enthusiasm and sexual abilities.   Ashton has become one of the most popular girls there, and has lost a lot of her initial shyness, but, still looks the little innocent.   How long this can last is anyone’s guess.   How long it should last is another consideration.   But, like Scarlet O’Hara, I’ll think about that tomorrow.    

And that, folks, is the story of the party.   It will be my last Harper Valley story.

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     I yield to the master – Peter Pan.   I have tried and hopefully entertained the reader to some degree, but Pan’s writing and ability as a story teller is, imho, hard, if not impossible, to improve upon.   So that’s it.   I won’t hang up my pen totally.   If I can find the time, I’ll make other submissions – but no more Harper Valley for me – except as the very satisfied reader of future contributions by the master.

Fathers and mothers – love and protect your daughters.   They are very special gifts to us all.  




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