Topic: my first time in many ways Im the youngest of 8 and was the only boy, we lived in a three bed roomed house and as I was the only boy I had to share with my mum and dad. Dad put a black curtain up at one side of the bedroom just big enough for my bunk beds, but as theses were pass downs they only had one bed. I learned from a very early age the sounds of sex. Many nights I would lay away and listen to them what I now know was amongst other things fucking. Some nights it was just soft whispers other nights I heard more swearing than what I heard years later on the building site.
As I grew older and started to listen I got very confused about things, one night she would want him so bad I could hear her begging please fuck me please. Then other nights it would be o fuck just slap it in and get on with it. Or just wank and leave me alone. As the years went by I started to sneak a look round the curtain and saw my mum naked many times. Her big tits slapping about as she rode him or as he fucked her doggy, I would also watch when I heard him begging to fuck her arse I wanted to know why this was so important to him. And I sat there many nights watching him shoot his cum all over her and her giving him blow jobs. Then one night I saw him wanking, she had turned him down and told him to wank. I wanted to know what this was so I watched, I saw the faces he pulled as he pulled on his dick, then the begging again as he asked if he could cum on her, the relief on his face as he shoot his white stuff all over her back and then would lick it off. I was soon wanking every time I got chance I loved it ( I will not talk of ages as this may offend some)
Then one day she had to go into hospital and was in four weeks, even then she went into a convalescing home before moving in with her sister to look after her.