This is honestly my 1st story online within here. Thus, I do hope it works out to sound good, or at least semi-good. Please tell me your opinions to my writing.
Here is a true story from about 2 years ago, when I had a Chinese lady, from Peking. She was 27 years old & I was then 35 years of age. She stood only on her toes however upto 5 feet even. I'm 8 inches taller than her.
I had met her upon the InterNet in one of the chat areas. We became true friends first. After a while, when it was starting to come into mid-Fall of 2005. Her name was Soo-ling. She was here in Canada perking-up on her English to learn it better so that she could obtain a better job when back home in Peking. After about almost 1 year of chatting with her online off and on I asked her if she would like to come over to visit me where I lived, face-to-face. It took her several days to think about a yes or a no about visiting, as there are other places here in Canada, not to mention America that are literal both Historical Landmarks & actually 3 of the 7 Major biggest & Best places to see that have been in existance for literally thousands of years. I live about 18 Blocks away from Niagara Falls itself and when the winds are right in blowing, I can actually hear it flowing. One of God's most spectacular creations within this entire world is Niagara Falls, Canada.