I recently had an experience with an escort and overall, it was quite enjoyable. Communication was smooth, and she was punctual and professional. The atmosphere was relaxed, which made for a pleasant time. Her personality was engaging, and she was attentive to my preferences. Would recommend for those who considering meet Anita
I arranged a date with her one day befpre and she came to my hotel. She is very beautiful and looks outstanding. As also she is very cute, friendly and is not snobbish. She smells very beautiful and have a gorgeous body as also she is takes care of hygiene, what is very important. She was horny all time and liked it, as I did.
One of the best experiences I ever had in m life with her. BEST EVER !!!
I will definately meet her again. It was like a dream.๐๐๐
Cansel ile bir gรผn รถnceden randevulaลtฤฑm ve otelime geldi. Kendisi รงok gรผzel ve olaฤanรผstรผ gรถrรผnรผyor. Aynฤฑ zamanda รงok sevimli, arkadaล canlฤฑsฤฑ ve cok tatli bir bayan. รok gรผzel kokuyor ve muhteลem bir vรผcuda sahip, aynฤฑ zamanda hijyene de รงok dikkat ediyor, bu รงok รถnemli. Cansel de her zaman azgฤฑndฤฑ ve bundan hoลlanฤฑyordu, benim gibi.
Onunla hayatฤฑmda yaลadฤฑฤฤฑm en iyi deneyimlerden biri. ลฤฐMDฤฐYE KADAR EN ฤฐYฤฐ !!!
Kesinlikle onunla tekrar buluลacaฤฤฑm. Rรผya gibiydi.๐๐๐
Resimdeki kฤฑz deฤildi fakat gayet gรผzel giyinmiล temiz ve nazik bir hanฤฑmefendiydi. Gerรงektsn kฤฑyafetledi muazzamdฤฑ ve isteklerimi kฤฑrmadฤฑ. Mubabbeti hoล eฤlenceli bir hanฤฑm. Vaktini doldurmadan gitmedi ikinciye okeydi ancak benim halim kalmadฤฑ รงok iyidi. Oral biraz zayฤฑf ama gunun yorgunluฤuna vereceฤim. Tavsiye ederim.
Resimler aynฤฑ hizmeti gรผzeldi hฤฑzlฤฑ iletiลim kurdu bunlar benim iรงin bรผyรผk artฤฑ. Orijinal รงฤฑkmasฤฑ benim iรงin yeterli sebepti. Gรถrรผลme esnasฤฑnda hizmetleri ve kalma sรผresi de harikaydฤฑ. Keyifli vakit geรงirdiฤim iรงin teลekkรผrรผ yorumu bฤฑrakmak istedim gรถrรผลmek รผzere.
Otelde gรถrรผลme yaptฤฑm daha รถnce baลฤฑma gelen olaylardan dolayฤฑ otel kapฤฑsฤฑnda buluลtum ve bu bรผyรผleyici gรผzelliฤi fiziฤi gรถrรผnce tรผm kuลkularฤฑm yok oldu :)) acele etmeyen birisi herลeyi relax ลekilde yapmasฤฑ harikaydฤฑ teลekkรผrler sarฤฑลฤฑn bomba
2 sene รถnce Antalyada gรถrรผลmรผลtรผm. Eฤlenceli ve keyifli vakit geรงirmiลtim. Gรผzel dรถvmeleri vardฤฑ.
ลimdi sadece outcall รงalฤฑลฤฑyor bir sรผredir randevu ayarlamaya รงalฤฑลฤฑyorum ama hep uzakta oluyor.
รncelikle fotoฤraflar gerรงek photoshop yok. Lina Tรผrkiye'de yeni sayฤฑlฤฑr, Tรผrkรงesi fena deฤil ve oldukรงa tatlฤฑ biri. Seviลme ve aktifliฤi รงok iyi deฤil ama bu durum bence tecrรผbesizliฤinden kaynaklanฤฑyor, bu da ona ayrฤฑ bir tat katฤฑyor diyebilirim. Orgazm oluyor ve bu anlarda gerรงekten doฤal ve samimi. Kondomsuz sakso yapmฤฑyor ve รถpรผลรผrken dili pek kullanmฤฑyor. Genel olarak Lina'yla iyi bir deneyim yaลadฤฑm, hatta iki kere gittim ve รงok memnun kaldฤฑm. Samimi, doฤal ve tatlฤฑ bir zaman geรงirmek isteyen herkese tavsiye ederim.
ฤฐletiลimi gรผzel servisleri 10 puan aldฤฑ benden๐ herkese tavsiye edecegim bir kadฤฑn kibar ve kokusu hoลtu sorunsuz bir gรถrรผลme geรงirdigim iรงin bu yorumu bฤฑrakฤฑyorum teลekkรผr ederim gรผzellik.
Kaรงฤฑrฤฑlmayacak bir Bayandฤฑ. Bu hafta bunu da tercih ettim listeye eklendi :) Bj. Pozisyon sฤฑkฤฑntฤฑsฤฑ yok keyifle yapฤฑyor keyif veriyor. teลekkรผrler Keti Tekrar gรถrรผลmek รผzere :)
Yakฤฑn zamanda beklentilerimi gerรงekten aลan olaฤanรผstรผ bir eskortla vakit geรงirmenin keyfini yaลadฤฑm. Tanฤฑลtฤฑฤฤฑmฤฑz andan itibaren gรผzelliฤi รงarpฤฑcฤฑydฤฑ - bรผyรผleyici bir gรผlรผmsemeye ve beni hemen iรงine รงeken bรผyรผleyici gรถzlere sahipti. รarpฤฑcฤฑ gรถrรผnรผmรผnรผn รถtesinde, sฤฑcak ve ilgi รงekici bir kiลiliฤe sahipti, sohbetimizin zahmetsizce akmasฤฑnฤฑ saฤladฤฑ.
Sadece orada ve dikkatli deฤildi, aynฤฑ zamanda gรผven ve รงekicilik yayฤฑyordu, bu da genel deneyime katkฤฑda bulundu. Yarattฤฑฤฤฑ ortam beni rahatlattฤฑ ve daha derin bir dรผzeyde baฤ kurmamฤฑzฤฑ saฤladฤฑ. Genel olarak, keyifli ve unutulmaz bir deneyim arayan herkese onu ลiddetle tavsiye ederim.
First of all, I donโt recommend this person! Please donโt book any sessions with her because itโs a big scam!!!
-Her pictures are not real. She is not the person she pretends to be on her pictures. Another girl came to my place who isnโt beautiful. She was very ugly. If you donโt believe me, ask her to make a short video call via WhatsApp. She wonโt accept this, since she is not real.
-She arrived 90 minutes late. So, donโt expect her to be punctual. She was lying all the time using wrong excuses, e.g. traffic or an accident.
-Originally, we agreed for one hour. But when she arrived, she tried to push me for more hours and extra money. Then, we agreed for 2 hours. Thus, she only wants to get as much money as possible from you.
-Even though we agreed for 2 hours, she left after 20 minutes and took all my money for 2 hours. During the 20 minutes she stayed, she also had a phone call. Therefore, donโt trust her. She will steal your money and leave very early. And you canโt do anything about it, as you donโt have her personal information. Even her name is not real.
-She didnโt provide anything we agreed on. Originally, we agreed on kissing, blowjob without condom, 69, etc. She didnโt do anything of this. I wasnโt even allowed to touch her tits. She just pulled her pants down and wanted me to come in a few minutes. Thatโs definitely not sex, romance, erotic service, etc. So, you can only expect 3 minutes doggy style.
-As I was very disappointed and wasnโt okay with her behaviour, she became very impolite, angry and aggressive. Thatโs why she left after 20 minutes without giving me my money back.
All in all, she is not real and itโs a big scam. If you donโt want to lose your money and time, donโt even contact her. If you should consider any girl here, ask her for a short video call, so you can know if the person is real. Only book for one hour! But donโt book any session with this girl! Definitely not!!! Youโll be very very very disappointed!!!
รok kรถtรผ.
Anlatฤฑlamaz kรถtรผ.
Sakฤฑn gitmeyin.
Zaten รงaฤฤฑrฤฑlan kadฤฑn da bu deฤildi.
Bunu yersen diye gรถndermiลler.
Hadi bi ลans verelim dedik
Ama sonu unutulmaz bi rezalet.
Kolay kolay hayatฤฑmda kimseye yorum yapmadฤฑm ama gerรงekten inanฤฑlmaz iyiydi. Resimler gerรงek, kostรผmler iรงin extra istedi ama bence kesinlikle deฤdi. Benim gibi gรถฤรผsleri dolgun ve kalรงalarฤฑ dolgun olsun istiyorsanฤฑz kaรงฤฑrmayฤฑn derim. Resimler gerรงek ve รงok kaliteli takiliyor. Sohbeti muhabbeti 10 numara รงok kafa dengi. Muamelesi gerรงekten inanฤฑlmazdฤฑ ve dardฤฑ hissediyorsunuz. Tek kรถtรผ yanฤฑ anal yapmฤฑyor ama zaten dar. Onun dฤฑลฤฑnda herลey gerรงekten mรผkemmeldi. Aradฤฑm ลehir dฤฑลฤฑna รงฤฑkmฤฑล ne yazฤฑk ki, dรถnรผnce mutlaka gรถrรผลelim canฤฑm.
Reply: Teลekkรผr ediyorum gรถrรผลmek รผzere ๐๐ซถ๐
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Arkadaลlar daha รถnceki profilinide yazmฤฑลtฤฑm sonra ardฤฑnda 3 tane fake yorum yaptฤฑrdฤฑ ve sonuรง tekrar profilini yenilemiล. รzetle parasฤฑnฤฑ รงรถpe atmak isteyen varsa gidebilir. Onun dฤฑลฤฑnda profilde yazan servislerin hiรง birini yapmฤฑyor. รpรผลme yok Sakso yok รงuval gibi altฤฑnฤฑza yatar hadi hadi diyip ayฤฑrdฤฑฤฤฑnฤฑz parayฤฑ รงรถpe attฤฑrฤฑr. Gรผzel bi kฤฑza karลฤฑ oturup 31 รงekmek isteyen varsa gitsin. Kฤฑz resimlerdekinin aynฤฑsฤฑ. Ama ayฤฑrdฤฑฤฤฑnฤฑz zamanฤฑn bรผyรผk kฤฑsmฤฑnฤฑ duลta hazฤฑrlanma ayaฤฤฑna geรงirecek yanฤฑnza geldiฤinde orama dokunma buramฤฑ elleme diyecek. รรถpe atacak zamanฤฑnฤฑz ve paranฤฑz varsa gidebilirsiniz.
Reply: Merhaba sizin iรงinizdeki bu รถfkeyi anlฤฑyorum, deฤerli eski ajansฤฑm) benim gibi bir kฤฑzฤฑ kaybettiniz ve hฤฑrsฤฑnฤฑzdan ne yapacaฤฤฑnฤฑzฤฑ bilmiyorsunuz๐คฃ ama teลekkรผr ederim ki gรผzel olduฤumu ve fotoฤraflarฤฑmฤฑn gerรงek olduฤunu itiraf etmiลsiniz โค๏ธ Canฤฑm bunu okuyan mรผลterilerim. Ben bir yฤฑldฤฑr bu platformdayฤฑm ve รงok mรผkemmel sabit mรผลterilerim var. Profilimi deฤiลmemin ise bu adamฤฑn yorum yapmasฤฑyla alakasฤฑ yok. Sadece artฤฑk sendi sitemi kendim yรถnetiyorum. Tabii ki kฤฑskanฤฑlmam normal. Beni รงaฤฤฑrฤฑn ve nasฤฑl biri olduฤuma siz karar verin. โค๏ธ๐คฃ
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รncelikle Antalyaโya siyahi hatun gelmiล olmasฤฑ inanฤฑlmaz. Anca tvlerde gรถrdรผฤรผmรผz Brezilyalฤฑ bir hatunla beraber oluyorsun.
Kapฤฑ aรงฤฑldฤฑฤฤฑ anda zaten o ten renginin ve sฤฑcaklฤฑฤฤฑn bรผyรผsรผne kapฤฑlฤฑyorsun. รyle gรผzel iรง รงamaลฤฑrlarฤฑ ve mis kokularla karลฤฑladฤฑ ki iรงim eridi zaten. Sanki uzun sรผredir tanฤฑyormuล gibi davrandฤฑ. Arkada รงalan mรผzikle dans etmeye baลladฤฑ, dรผลรผnsenize gรถzรผnรผzรผn รถnรผnde twerk yapan bir Brezilyalฤฑ ve 2 saat size ait. O kalรงa inip kalktฤฑkรงa zaten kendinize hakim olmanฤฑz imkansฤฑz. Ten rengi, kokusu, o kalรงanฤฑn muhteลemliฤi unutulmazdฤฑ. Tam 2 saat aklฤฑmdaki tรผm fantazilerimi pozisyonlarฤฑ yaptฤฑk. Gianna gerรงekten bir efsane, hiรงbir ลeye hayฤฑr demedi. Banyoda finalle bitirdik geceyi. Bi daha gideceฤim gรผnรผ iple รงekiyorum.
Vรผcudu ve ilgisi harikaydฤฑ gerรงekten inanฤฑlmaz memnun kaldฤฑk ve gรผzel kฤฑz arkadaลฤฑda vardฤฑ tavsiye ederim kesinlikle dรผn akลam saatlerinde gรถrรผลtรผk geceyi beraber tamamladฤฑk
๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ Hi guys, We made the deal for the night, she was an hour late. At first she looks so nervous and increased my tension. She was smelling like she has just smoked, I warned her to take a mouth wash. We made a short walk but she always forwarded me to the room she seems sheโs in a hurry. As we begin, she forced me to finish after 1 hour, she is pretending to be the role of a sick person. I want her to stay and get a rest, I do not force her for a second round but she preferred to leave. And even I offered her to get a pill in the nearest pharmacy. When she heard that she dressed up so quickly, I reminded her that we made an overnight deal with her, she pissed off, she broke the agreement, She left the room under the pretext of her illness. I am sorry beautiful lady but I can not believe you. I wish you can spend all the additional money that you did not deserve for your health issues. And guys I want to warn you that please do not make an agreement for long hours, one hour is enough for her, but I have to confess that her body is so beautiful and tight.
๐น๐ท Merhaba arkadaลlar, gece iรงin anlaลma yaptฤฑk, bir saat geรง kaldฤฑ. ฤฐlk baลta รงok gergin gรถrรผnรผyordu ve beni gerdi. Az รถnce sigara iรงmiล gibi kokuyordu, gargara yapmasฤฑ konusunda uyardฤฑm. Kฤฑsa bir yรผrรผyรผล yaptฤฑk ama beni her zaman odaya yรถnlendirdi, acelesi vardฤฑ. Gรถrรผลmeye baลladฤฑk, beni 1 saat sonra bitirmeye zorladฤฑ, hasta bir kiลi rolรผne girdi. Kalmasฤฑnฤฑ ve dinlenmesini istedim, onu ikinci tura zorlamadฤฑm ama ayrฤฑlmayฤฑ tercih etti. Ve hatta ona en yakฤฑn eczaneden bir hap almayฤฑ teklif ettim. Bunu duyunca รงabukรงa hazฤฑrlandฤฑ, onunla bir gecede anlaลma yaptฤฑฤฤฑmฤฑzฤฑ hatฤฑrlattฤฑm, birden sinirlendi, anlaลmayฤฑ bozdu, hastalฤฑฤฤฑ bahane edip odayฤฑ terk etti. รzgรผnรผm gรผzel bayan ama sana inanamฤฑyorum. Umarฤฑm ki saฤlฤฑk sorunlarฤฑnฤฑz iรงin hak etmediฤiniz tรผm parayฤฑ harcarsฤฑnฤฑz. Arkadaลlar sizi uyarฤฑyorum, uzun saat iรงin anlaลmayฤฑn, 1 saat yeterli, ama itiraf etmeliyim ki vรผcudu gรผzel ve sฤฑkฤฑ. Yรผzรผ full fotoshop.
Reply: Why are you lying like this? You are a doctor and you invited me to a concert at the Rixsos Hotel in Beldibi, in a congress and fair environment. You offered me to enter secretly without her knowledge, with the identity of a woman named รzge Serttaล, who is an ophthalmologist. I did not accept and you let me into the hotel secretly. After 3 hours, the security realized that you let me in secretly and took me out of the hotel. There are messages that you wrote to me that you were happy with me. There is nothing here that would require you to get up and lie.
TR : neden bu ลekilde yalan sรถylรผyorsun sen bir doktorsun ve beni beldibinde rixsos otelinde kongre de fuar ortamฤฑnda konsere cagฤฑrdฤฑn bana รถzge serttaล isimli gรถz doktoru arkadaลฤฑn olan bir kadฤฑnฤฑn kimligiyle gizlice ondan habersiz girmemi teklif ettin ben kabul etmedim ve beni otele gizlice soktun 3 saat sonra gรผvenlikler beni gizli soktugunu farkedip otelden cฤฑkarttฤฑ ve bana benimle mutlu kaldฤฑgฤฑnฤฑda yazdฤฑฤฤฑnฤฑn mesajlarฤฑ var burada kalkฤฑp yalan sรถylemeni gerektirecek birลey yok
Bu akลam Belinda'nฤฑn yanฤฑnda bir saat geรงirmenin zevkini yaลadฤฑm ve zevk doฤru kelime. Profilinde gรถremediฤiniz ลey ise muhteลem mavi gรถzleri. Bunlar sadece gรผzelliฤine ve seksiliฤine katkฤฑda bulunuyor. O รงekici ve konuลmasฤฑ kolay. Seks รงok doฤal hissettirdi ve รงok tutkulu ve รงok keyifliydi. Kesinlikle sahip olduฤum en iyi kadฤฑnladan biri. Kesinlikle onu tekrar ziyaret edeceฤim ve bir dahaki sefere 1 saatten uzun bir sรผre iรงin.
Gรถrselden ile aynฤฑ kiลinin gelmesine sevindim hatta canlฤฑda daha gรผzel bir hanฤฑm. Seksi iรง รงamaลฤฑrlarฤฑ giymesi iลini iyi yaptฤฑgฤฑnฤฑ dรผลรผndรผrdรผ bana ve yanฤฑlmamฤฑลฤฑm yatagฤฑ รงok iyiydi. Tavsiye ederim mutlaka deneyimleyin.
daha fazla yorumu hak ediyor. Yer parislerin mekanฤฑ. Fotolarda ne gรถrรผyorsanฤฑz o . รpรผลme tadฤฑnda geri รงekme bir isteksizlik yok, iลรงilik gรผzel, B den C ye kaรงar gibi. Kalรงasฤฑnฤฑ sฤฑktฤฑra sฤฑktฤฑra bi hal oldum ele geliyor, dรผz sert deฤil yani. Tam sevdiฤim รถzelliklerde .
BJ uzun uzun yapฤฑyor, gรถzlerinizin iรงine bakฤฑyor ara sฤฑra toplara iniyor hiรง sฤฑkฤฑlmฤฑyor tempoyu bir arttฤฑrฤฑp bi dรผลรผrรผyor her tarafa eลit muamele. Sekste aktif taraf olmayฤฑ sevdiฤim iรงin yorum yapamฤฑyorum. Bรผyรผk abilere duyurulur 30-40 dakika deฤil 10-15 dakika. Sohbeti de aรงฤฑyor insanฤฑ onu daha fazla istiyorsunuz.
Ben รงok beฤendim. Tatlฤฑ, istekli, hoล sohbetli bir kฤฑz . Yakฤฑn zamanda uzak asyaya yelken aรงฤฑyormuล gitmeden bir daha gรถrรผลรผcez.
Kendisi รงok nazik ve gรผzel biri รงok รถzelikle sohbetine titiz olmasฤฑna bayฤฑldฤฑm aลฤฑrฤฑ gรผzel masaj yapmasฤฑ beni benden aldฤฑ sanki uรงuyormusum gibi hisserum รงok temiz bฤฑ hanฤฑm efendiydi kalmasฤฑ gereken saatenden fazla kaldฤฑ รงok teลekkรผr ederim ๐
This is the first time I looked for a girl on this platform. While we were wondering if she would come, we met Ms. Diana. After the correspondence, we had a healthy conversation. He is very energetic and friendly, and is very successful at his job. There are no limits in sex, I am very happy, see you again, you are wonderful.
Arkadaลlar Herkese Merhaba
Antalya'ya yolumuz dรผลmรผลken deฤisik lezzet ve tat deneyimlemek iรงin cleo hanฤฑmefendide karar kฤฑldฤฑm.
Resimler gerรงek fotiลop yok bilgiler dogru yaล tahminim ottuz รผzeri gibi gรถzleri cok gรผzel bence
Deฤisik bir aurasฤฑ ve farklฤฑ bir gรผzelligi var servisleri yerli yerinde ne bir eksik ne bir fazla.
Deฤisik lezzet arayanlara hitap eder.
Kalฤฑn Saฤlฤฑcakla
Cleo harika bir kadฤฑn. Beni รงok iyi karลฤฑladฤฑ. Gรผleryรผzlรผ ve sevecendi. Bira ikramฤฑ ile baลlayan gece gรผzel bir sohbet ile devam etti. Kendisi รงok iyi ve akฤฑcฤฑ bir ingilizce ile รงok tatlฤฑ sohbet ediyor. Yataฤa geรงtiฤimizde ise doฤal bedeni ile beni memnun etmek iรงin รงabaladฤฑ. Gรถฤรผลleri doฤal ve ayva gรถbeฤi beni oldukรงa tahrik etti. Yeลil gรถzlerine bakmak ise ayrฤฑca dikleลtirdi. Ayakta baลlayan รถpรผลmemiz vajinasฤฑnฤฑ yalamamla ateลledi bizi. Yataฤa geรงip orala geรงti. Bj yi kฤฑlฤฑflฤฑ yapฤฑyor. Ardฤฑndan รผstรผmde deli gibi zฤฑplamaya baลladฤฑ. En sevdiฤi pozisyonun doggy olduฤunu รถฤrenince biraz da รถyle sikmeye baลldฤฑm. Ardฤฑndan missioner'e geรงirip abanmaya baลladฤฑm ve nihayetinde beraber patladฤฑk. Gecenin sonunda bana kahve ikram ederken tatlฤฑ tatlฤฑ sohbetimize geri dรถnmรผลtรผk. Seni her zaman hatฤฑrlayacaฤฤฑm Cleo ๐
fotograflardaki kiลi deฤil, ajans ile รงalฤฑลฤฑyor, siteye gelmeden bi abi ile konum muhabbeti yaptฤฑk. Gelen hanฤฑm 30 lu yaลlarda รถzbek biriydi, 1 seans iรงin 5k + 2k taksi olarak รถdeme yaptฤฑm. Bir seanstan sonra รถzรผr dileyip gitmesi gerektiฤini sรถyledi.
Reply: I think you commented to make me feel bad because I don't know you.
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I had an unforgettable evening with Victoria and her friend Luissa. The two of them together made the experience absolutely perfect. Victoria is as gorgeous as her photos suggest, and she made sure that every moment was enjoyable. Our time together was filled with fun conversations and passionate moments that never seemed to stop. Sheโs a true professional, and her energy in the bedroom was simply incredible. I couldnโt have asked for a better experience with Victoria and Luissa โ highly recommended!
Reply: Hehe I love your nickname! Thank you for review, dear! See you again when I come back to Antalya
I had the pleasure of spending an incredible evening with Luissa and her friend Victoria. From the start, the chemistry between all of us was amazing, and I felt completely comfortable. Luissa is just as stunning as her photos, if not more so in person, and her professionalism was beyond impressive. We shared some laughs, had a great time together, and every moment in the bedroom was filled with passion and intensity. Her energy never faltered, and the time simply flew by. It was truly a night to remember with both Luissa and Victoria.
Cindy ve viktoria ile duo gรถrรผลtรผk. ฤฐnanฤฑlmaz bir deneyimdi. ฤฐkisi de gรผzel kฤฑyafetler ile beni karลฤฑladฤฑlar. Gรถrรผลmemizin her anฤฑ aklฤฑmda. ฤฐpeksi tenleri, harika fizikleri ve doggyde ki o manzaraโฆ Hepsi hala aklฤฑmda. Antalya ya gelirse kesinlikle yeniden gรถrรผลme ayarlฤฑyacaฤฤฑm.
Reply: Teลekkรผr ederiz. Kesinlikle tekrar geleceฤiz ve sizinle tanฤฑลmayฤฑ รงok isteriz. รรผnkรผ biz de sizinle geรงirdiฤimiz zamandan keyif aldฤฑk.
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Antalyada kendi evinde bir arkadaลฤฑyla beraber duo deneyimi yaลattฤฑlar. Resimlerde gรถrdรผฤรผnรผzden รงok daha gรผzel bir kฤฑz bu iลi hakkฤฑnฤฑ vererek yapฤฑyor zaten bu kadar yorumda boลa yapฤฑlmamฤฑล bunu kanฤฑtladฤฑ. Gรถrdรผฤรผnรผz an kaรงฤฑrmayฤฑn gidin derim. Aralฤฑkta Antalyaya tekrar gelecekmiล bekliyorum
Reply: See you in Happy New year in Antalya! Kiss kiss
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Viktoria ve arkadaลฤฑ ile geรงen hafta gรถrรผลme ayarladฤฑm. Kapฤฑdan iรงeri girdiฤim gibi doฤru tercihi yaptฤฑฤฤฑmฤฑ anladฤฑm. Ahh unutulmaz bir geceydi. Gรผzel mi gรผzel iki tane ateล parรงasฤฑ hatun. O dokunuลlar, o รถpรผลmeler, yaptฤฑklarฤฑ bj, bal gibi memeler ve bulutlarฤฑn รผstรผne รงฤฑkaran akฤฑl almaz sex. Hepsi hala aklฤฑmda. Birini anlatsam diฤerine haksฤฑzlฤฑk ederim. Bir daha ki gรถrรผลmeyi kesinlikle en az 2 saat ayarlฤฑyacaฤฤฑm.
ะกะฟะฐัะธะฑะพ, ะบัะฐัะฐะฒะธัั.
Reply: Good memories from Antalya! When you come back please text us and we will meet again!
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Meeting Cindy was such a pleasant experience. Her photos are 100%real, however in person she looks even sexier. She welcomed me into her cozy and clean place with a kiss as deep as the ocean, I immediately felt at ease, wrapped in the warmth of genuine hospitality. She made a cup of coffee, and our conversation flowed very easy, making it simple to connect with her.
Our fun began with an enchanting experience that took my breath away, as she masterfully performed a great blow job. She sucked me deep as a candy and it made me very aroused. We continued with a cowgirl pose that she performed very wel, she looks great from being on top, her body is very soft to touch and she is very tight in her pussy. Then we navigated to multiple other poses that i enjoyed every time she made a move. She was very active during our time and i clearly felt that she enjoyed it herself as she cum multiple times and she also let me finish twice. Then we had another light chat accompanied with her gentle kisses and touches and she invited me into her clean bathroom and provided me with fresh towel. I left her place extremely satisfied!
Thank you, Cindy, for a tapestry of unforgettable moments. I am eagerly looking forward to our next enchanting encounter.
Reply: Thank you so much. You are wonderful loverโฆ and real gentlemen๐ Will happy to see you againโค๏ธ
I had the pleasure of visiting Victoria today, and I must say she is truly incredible. In person she looks stunning and even better than her online pictures, and upon seeing her I could not help but notice that she has a great body! She greeted me with a warm smile and a hug and let me settle in for a few minutes with a light conversation. I must also mention that Victoria had a fun and engaging personality, making her a delight to talk to.
We then moved to a clean and comfortable bedroom where she was incredibly attentive to my needs. She began with soft kisses and followed up with amazing and deep bj. Then we tried several positions and I was impressed how flexible she was. Her skin is soft to touch and her boobs are beautiful! She was very active during throughout and it was clear that she was enjoying the experience just as much as I was which made the whole encounter even better. She is incredible in doggy position and looks amazing from every point of view!
Thank you darling for this delightful experience and I will definitely see you again!
Reply: Thank you for coming to me!!! It was really fun, hope to see you again!
Antalya'ya gittiฤim gรผnรผn ilk gecesinde Mira ile otelde 1 saatlik buluลma ayarladฤฑk. Gรผler yรผzรผ, cana yakฤฑn muhabbeti sanki yฤฑllardฤฑr arkadaลฤฑz gibiydi. Sex olarak doyumsuz.Hatta kendisi de boลaldฤฑ dayanamayฤฑp. ฤฐlgi ve alakasฤฑndan รถtรผrรผ รงok teลekkรผr ederim. รok sert seviลiyor.
Reply: ๐
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Antalya'ya bir haftalฤฑฤฤฑna gitmiลtim. Alsu'yla otelde iki saatlik buluลma ayarladฤฑk. Gรผler yรผzรผ, cana yakฤฑn muhabbeti sanki yฤฑllardฤฑr arkadaลฤฑz gibiydi. Sex olarak doyumsuz.Hatta kendisi de boลaldฤฑ dayanamayฤฑp. ฤฐlgi ve alakasฤฑndan รถtรผrรผ รงok teลekkรผr ederim.
Reply: Teลekkรผr ederim โบ๏ธ Her zaman beklerim canฤฑm
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Buluลmamฤฑzฤฑn ilk anฤฑndan son anฤฑna kadar her saniyesi mรผkemmeldi. Gรผlรผmsemesi ve gรผzel yรผzรผyle beni karลฤฑladฤฑ. รok sempatik, kibar ve samimi birisi. ฤฐngilizcesi oldukรงa iyi, sohbet ederken kendimi รงok rahat hissettim. Sevgili deneyimi yaลamak iรงin onunla buluลmak harika fฤฑrsattฤฑ. Yanฤฑndan hiรง ayrฤฑlmak istemedim. Onunla bir รงok kez buluลtum ve yeniden buluลmayฤฑ dรถrt gรถzle bekliyorum. Yeniden gรถrรผลmek รผzere
Bu siteden bir รงok kฤฑz ile tanฤฑลma fฤฑrsatฤฑm oldu. Hepsi birbirinden hoล ve gรผzeldiler. O kadar gรผzeldiler ki daha gรผzel bir kฤฑzฤฑn denk geleceฤini hayal bile edemezdim ta ki Lina ile gรถrรผลene kadar. Lina tek kelime ile her anlamda mรผkemmeldi ve benim iรงin bir numaraya yerleลti. Buradaki fotoฤraflardan kesinlikle รงok daha gรผzel biri Lina. Geรงirdiฤimiz her dakika รงok keyifli ve heyecanlฤฑ idi. Muazzam fiziฤinin yanฤฑnda iletiลimi de รงok samimi idi. En takdir ettiฤim รถzelliฤi sรผrenin sonuna kadar buluลmamฤฑzฤฑn hakkฤฑnฤฑ vermesi idi. Lina ile geรงirdiฤimiz 2 saat benim iรงin kelimelerle anlatฤฑlamayacak kadar gรผzeldi. Lina mรผsait olduฤu sรผrece her zaman ilk tercihim o olacaktฤฑr. Ajans da ลimdiye kadar karลฤฑlaลtฤฑฤฤฑm en iyi ajanstฤฑ onlara da ayrฤฑca teลekkรผr ediyorum. Ama en bรผyรผk teลekkรผrรผm Linaโya; bana hayatฤฑm boyunca unutmayacaฤฤฑm anlar yaลattฤฑฤฤฑn iรงin sana minnettarฤฑm. Teลekkรผrler gรผzel kฤฑz, tekrar gรถrรผลmek รผmidiyleโฆ.
I had the chance to meet many girls from this site. They were all nice and beautiful. They were so beautiful that I couldn't even imagine coming across a more beautiful girl until I met Lina. Lina was simply perfect in every sense and she was number one for me. Lina is definitely much more beautiful than the photos here. Every minute we spent was very enjoyable and exciting. In addition to her magnificent physique, her communication was also very sincere. The feature I appreciated the most was that she did justice to our meeting until the end. The 2 hours we spent with Lina was beyond words for me. As long as Lina is available, she will always be my first choice. The agency was the best I have ever met, I also thank them. But my biggest thank you is to Lina; I am grateful to you for making me live moments that I will never forget. Thank you beautiful girl, hope to see you againโฆ
Daha รnce yazdฤฑฤฤฑm profilindeki yorum yรผzรผnden profilini kapatmฤฑล ve bu profili aรงmฤฑล. Arkadaลlar paranฤฑzฤฑ รงรถpe atmak istiyorsanฤฑz gidin. Diฤer tรผrlรผ hayatฤฑnฤฑzฤฑn en kรถtรผ deneyimini yaลarsฤฑnฤฑz. รzetle kฤฑz bu iลi yapmak istemiyor. รpรผลme yok. Sakso yok. ลeker รงuvalฤฑ gibi uzanฤฑp gรถzlerini kapatฤฑp iลinizin bitmesini bekliyor. Orama dokunma burama dokunma diye naz yapฤฑp ayฤฑrdฤฑฤฤฑnฤฑz vakti size zehir ediyor. Kesinlikle gitmeyin.
She is way more beautiful than her pictures. She is super sweet and caring. When I arrived at her apartment, she offered me tea and coffee. She made me feel like I'm at home. She loves her job and she makes sure you leave happy. She takes away all your depression. She is full of love and positive energy. I will definitely visit her again. I feel like, I fell in love with her. I will never forget the feeling I had with her. Even psychiatrists can't do what she does. She touches your soul.
Reply: thank you!!! I'm going back to Antalya on August 26th and I'm waiting for you again!!! I hope I'll leave the best memories before you leave to USA๐
Iโve been with Viktoria for 2 hours and without a doubt that was the best experience I have ever had! She has a wonderful personality, we were talking a lot on different topics and it was mixed with absolutely amazing sex, it was just unbelievable! She is so sexy and beautiful, her photos and profile is real, but in life she is even more gorgeous!
We had 4 beautiful sessions of sex, she is unbelievably good at doing blowjob, when she sucks it almost drives you crazy!!! And we had wonderful sex in cowgirl style, just like in porn๐
Guys donโt you waste your time and money on other girls, Viktoria is the best in business, she can make you feel absolutely loved and after time with her you are going to feel absolutely relieved and happy. Vika is the best, and I hope to see her again very soon๐
Reply: Thank you for the time together! Hope we will meet again one day!
Genรง รงฤฑtฤฑ pฤฑtฤฑ bir gรผzel. dรผn sรถz verdim kendisi deneyimlerimi paylaลmam konusunda rica etti. sanฤฑrฤฑm rica ediyor genelde. istiklaldeydim. dรผn akลam geรง baลladฤฑ sanฤฑrฤฑm mรผsait deฤildi. 2 saat bekledim. deฤdimi deฤdi. :) dรผn antalyadason gรผnรผmdรผ ve 1 gรผn daha zamanฤฑm olsa kesinlikle bu sefer daha รผzรผn sรผreli olarak ziyaret edebilirdim. รถzeliikle tavsiye ederim.
Reply: Canฤฑm gรผzel dรผลรผncelerin ve yorumun iรงin teลekkรผrler. Dรผลรผnceli ve iyi birisin. Tekrardan gรถrรผลmek dileฤiyle. Seni kocaman รถpรผyorum๐๐
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The photo is completely consistent. In life, she looks even better, more beautiful.๐ A magnificent figure, bombastic breasts and ass. The girl takes great care of her body and health. For this, I definitely respect her. In the process, she is fine, she loves everything, knows how to do everything and enjoys herself.She is an incredibly beautiful girl. The figure is an ideal guitar, her toned body blows away the roof and you feel like you are in paradise. In addition to the magnificence of her figure, Di is not a stupid girl and will support various topics for conversation, after meeting you feel satisfied, relaxed, rested. Top service.
Reply: I kiss you baby๐โค๏ธ
Uzun sรผredir gรถrรผลmek istediฤim bir hanฤฑmefendiydi. 2 saatlik bir gรถrรผลmeydi.
Gรถrรผลmeyi kiraladฤฑฤฤฑ apartta yaptฤฑk. Apart olmasฤฑ giriลte kimlik kayฤฑt gibi sฤฑkฤฑntฤฑlฤฑ konulardan ile uฤraลmadan bir gรถrรผลme saฤladฤฑ.
Kapฤฑ aรงฤฑldฤฑฤฤฑnda ilk karลฤฑlaลtฤฑฤฤฑmฤฑzda fit ve muhteลem fiziฤi ile sizi etkiliyor. Resimlerdeki bayan ile karลฤฑlaลฤฑyorsunuz.
Seviลmede aktif kendisini verdiฤi iรงin memnun olmadan ayrฤฑlma ihtimaliniz yok.
Gรถrรผลme imkanฤฑ olan herkese tavsiye ederim.
Reply: Thank you my dear, sure will meet you many times!!!!!!
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It was easy to make an appointment, her house is clean, there is a shower with clean towels. She is more beautiful than her photos, her skin is soft. She kisses willingly both in foreplay and during sex, there is a lot of position variety. The view is great especially in doggy. The extra service of cum in mouth is very successful, she sucks until the last drop. Her breasts are silicone but whoever made it looks quite original.
I usually prefer cum in mouth because I usually cum early the first time, cum in her mouth in the 69 position was quite enjoyable. After a short rest period, she wanted to move on to the 2nd session, she was very eager about sex and ejaculated in a short time. We had sex in various positions in the 2nd session, when she realized that I was having trouble ejaculating and was quite tired, she did what was necessary by using her tongue and mouth without me asking. It was a very successful meeting in every way, I want to see her whenever I have the chance during her time in Antalya.
Reply: Thank you for review, dear! Sure see you again!