oha len nasil bi fotoşoktur bu :) bu kiz burda degil, olsa da size vermez, verse de bu paraya vermez, lakin o verifikasyon kagıdını güzel montelemisler oraya puahah, kim ugrastıysa üsenmemis ama büyük resmi görelim,
bu arada bunların hala para kazanıyor olmasına da hic sasırmıyorum :).
W3School Snow develops in clouds that themselves are part of a larger weather system. The physics of snow crystal development in clouds results from a complex set of variables that include moisture content and temperatures. The resulting shapes of the falling and fallen crystals can be classified into a number of basic shapes and combinations, thereof. Occasionally, some plate-like, dendritic and stellar-shaped snowflakes can form under clear sky with a very cold temperature inversion present