
The Kids Call Me FT - Chapter 6: Camp Duty


“Don’t you people know that a phone doesn’t have the constitutional right to be answered!”Damn, I hated phones! I grabbed the little cellular gizmo and flipped it open. JD’s name was in the tiny green screen. “What the fuck?” I was muttering to myself, wondering why he hadn’t called on the home phone. I fiddled with the silly little piece of electronics, and finally got it up to my ear. “Yo! What’s up?”“Sorry to bug ya, buddy… but I got a fucking problem. ” “What’s the matter?” I was worried. The only reason JD would call my cell was if he really needed to get a hold of me. Although I seldom used it, I always had it with me. “There was an accident at the plant. Mill Manager’s fucking dead. Got squished flatter’n fucking hell and the whole fucking place is going nuts. ” He explained how he had gotten a call from the mill’s owners… “All the way from fucking Sweden. ” The local news media was swarming all over the place, and he had been ordered to get his butt down to the plant and to stay there until someone from the corporate office arrived. “Fucking suit’s gotta fly in from the West fucking Coast. ” (JD hated people who carried briefcases. He forgave me, because I was a teacher.

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  ) “Won’t fucking get here until some fucking time tomorrow. I’m gonna hafta be there for the next two fucking days. ”I knew JD was upset. The single, repetitive obscenity was a clue. “There’s no fucking way I can get the girls home. No fucking way I can leave’em here. I’m fucked! Fucked, fucked, fucked!”“JD!” I had to holler in the phone to interrupt him. “It’s okay! Calm down!” I could hear him trying to get a grip. “How can I help?”“Man, this is huge…” There was a moment of troubled silence. “I don’t know where to turn. There really isn’t any time to get the girls back home. Besides, I promised Jamie, and…” He sighed so heavily, I actually pulled the phone away from my ear a bit. After a moment, he continued. “Is there any way you can cover for me, here? I know it’s a lot to ask, but you’re the only one I trust. ”He was my friend.

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   He was in trouble. There was no way I could turn him down. I sighed in resignation. “What do you need me to do?”We talked for a bit and finally agreed that JD would take off for the mill and leave Jamie in charge of the place for the time being. We came to that agreement because I mentioned that I thought it was inappropriate for a male teacher to spend the whole night alone with female students. My dick was arguing with me, calling me nuts, but I knew better. JD didn’t like it, but he had to agree with me. I tried to be encouraging. “Besides, Jamie’s a good kid. If you can’t trust her for the night, you might as well give up. ”“You’re right. She’s in High School, for Christ’s sakes!” Again, I told him I thought he could trust her. What else was I supposed to say?“I got another idea. ” He was warming up to the overall plan. “The folks at the camp next door are here for the weekend.

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   They got two girls. They’re juniors at Stewart Academy and they’ve known Jamie for years. I’ll see about having them stay here overnight. ”“Couldn’t hurt. ”“Then, maybe they can take Jamie home with them until I’m done with this fucking mess. ” He paused, then continued. “But that still leaves Janessa and Luanne here. Any chance you can bail me out and give them a ride home tomorrow?”That would fuck up my Sunday, but what could I do? “Not a problem. ” We hammered out a few more details, and I got all the emergency phone numbers from him. I promised I would head up to the camp first thing in the morning. “I don’t know how to thank you, man. I really don’t. ”“You’re my friend… don’t worry about it. ”After the phone call, the evening seemed to fly by. I tackled the preparatory work for the meeting with Gordon and by the time midnight rolled around I had written a complete synopsis of my proposed Life Skills program, as well as a working outline for implementation.

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   I poured myself a nightcap and looked at the three photos one last time. I wasn’t sure when I would put my little plan into operation. Then again, there wasn’t really any rush. I drained my glass and switched the light off. The morning arrived with its usual insolence. I made my way to the kitchen and began the coffee ritual. It wasn’t until I was halfway through the first cup that the call from JD entered my mind. “Shit! No hiding from the world for you…” Continuing my mumbling tirade, I poured a second cup and headed for the john. “Nothing like a shit, shower, shave and shampoo to put the world right. ”My old man had called them the four S’s of life. He broke everything down that way. The perfect night was the fours D’s: Dining, Drinking, Dancing & Diddling. The perfect way to deal with women? The four F’s: Find them, Feel them, Fuck them and then Forget them. I couldn’t help but laugh. I hadn’t thought about him for years, yet the memory of his slightly off-balance view of the world seemed to put a better spin on things.

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   By the time I had read the paper, and packed a few things into the car for my trip to JD’s camp, I was in a better mood. It was close to mid-morning when I hit the road. JD’s camp was a wonderful, sprawling place that was built in the 20’s. His great-grandfather had built it by hand, using timber and stones from the site. Passed from father to eldest son, the place was now JD’s. Being wrapped up in family tradition, he bemoaned the fact that he had no sons and that Jamie would one day own the place. JD could get maudlin about stuff like that, generally ending his lament with, “The old geezer’d shit himself if he knew. ”I pulled into the skinny, gravel drive and carefully wound my way through the maze of scarred trees. A few years before, on my first trip to the camp, I had clipped one of the old birches. JD had laughed, tossed me a beer and joked, “Hell, I’ve run in to the fuckers dozens of times. They’re easier to hit when you’re drunk!” I was smiling at that memory when I pulled my car to a stop. I climbed out of the car and stretched, drinking in the sweet, pine scented air. Through the trees, I could see the neighbor’s camp. There was a late model Lexus convertible sitting in the drive. I was enjoying the idyllic scene when a familiar voice called me out of my reverie.

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   “Hey, FT!”Luanne was wearing a mid-length cotton nightie with a cloth belt loosely wrapped around her waist. She ran up to me and threw her arms and legs around me. With her legs cocked over my hips, I had to slip my hands under her butt to keep from falling over. As I steadied myself, Luanne brought her lips to mine and kissed me. Shaking off my surprise, I quickly kissed her back while I struggled to get a better hold on her. My hands were firmly cupping the full cheeks of her ass when she broke the kiss and slid down. As she lowered herself, my hands rode up under her nightie, across her panties to the small of her back. Her legs were spread open and her cotton-covered mons rode down across my quickly stiffening dick. I instantly realized that was the first time my cock and her young teen pussy had come in contact, albeit covered in cloth. I committed it to memory on the spot. Luanne was bubbling. “All us girls decided to give you a kiss when you got here, and I wanted to be first!”As I grabbed my things from the car, Luanne explained that it was actually her idea. The girls had been playing my little game of “Switch” and on one of her turns she had commanded the others to do it. “Janessa said ‘cool’, but Jamie called me a ‘cunt’. She’s such a bitch.

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   Anyways, we been waiting for you to get here. Nobody’s gotten dressed, or nothing. ”My dick was bobbing happily in my pants. We entered to great room of the camp and my eyes adjusted to the shadowed interior. Janessa walked up to me, a smile breaking across her thin, brown face. “Hey, FT. Took ya long enough!”“Yeah, what’s up with that?” It was Jamie. I looked back and forth between the two teens. Jamie’s crewcut seemed to be a little spikier than usual, and she was clad in a great, baggie T-shirt. Janessa was wearing just a short, pale yellow shirt that barely covered her crotch, and made her legs seem deeper and richer in tone. All three girls were barefoot. “You know, you guys are being pretty mouthy for three people who owe me big time!”The girls started to giggle. Janessa looked at me, cocked one hip to the side and placed her hands on her hips. “Oh, yeah? Well I thought it was you who owed us!”“How do you figure that?”“Cause it was you that stopped the game the other night. You know… when we were playing Switch.

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   You said you had to go, but you promised you’d finish. ”Luanne jumped in. “Sorry, FT. But that’s what you said. Didn’t he, Jamie?”Jamie looked back and forth between the two younger girls. There was a moment of indecision on her part, and then she answered. “Sorry, FT. But the bitches are right. ” There was a bit of vehemence in her voice. Janessa retorted, “Who you calling a bitch, Bitch?”“You!” With that, Jamie grabbed Janessa. She whirled her around so that she was standing behind her as she wrapped one arm around the fourteen-year-old and pinned her arms to her side. With the other, she reached under the pale, yellow shirt and grabbed her crotch. I saw thin lines of fluorescent green stretching between Janessa’s legs. She was wearing another thong!Jamie ground her fingers between Janessa’s legs, causing the fourteen-year-old girl to wince. She began to squirm, and Jamie clamped her arms around her even tighter.

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   “What’s the matter? Don’t ya want to get all skanky with him?” “Come on, Jamie. You’re hurting me!”Jamie pushed Janessa away from her, and the fourteen-year old nearly fell. “You’re such a fucking baby. ”Things were beginning to get a little rough, so I decided to intercede. “Look, that’s enough!” I looked at each of the girls, and then continued. “I thought we had an agreement. I thought we had decided that no one would be forced to do anything they didn’t want. ” Jamie was fuming. Luanne had a look of concern, mingled with an odd touch of amusement. Janessa was glaring at Jamie. I softened my voice a little. “Look, there’s something I’d like you girls to know. Personally, I don’t like being hurt, and I don’t believe in hurting other people. ” Jamie and Janessa were both beginning to look a little sheepish. Luanne no longer looked amused.

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   “I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but whatever it is, it’s not cool. ”I made a great show of acting disgusted and disappointed. Sighing as loudly as I dared, I shook my head and walked over to the fridge. (It was after noon somewhere in the world!) Opening the door, I was delighted to see my favorite Canadian lager. Extracting one, I cracked the bottle open and walked into the Great Room. The girls still hadn’t said a word. Sitting in JD’s overstuffed chair, I placed the bottle on the side table and shook my head. “Maybe this whole thing wasn’t such a good idea. ”The girls looked at each other and, in typical teenage fashion, seemed to have an entire conversation without saying a word. It was Luanne who finally broke the silence. She walked into the room, followed by the other two girls. “What do you mean, FT?”I shook my head slightly, as if I was searching for words. The girls were obviously concerned. Jamie plopped herself down on the sofa, while the other two took a seat on the floor facing me. I let the silence work on them for a moment before I began to speak.


  “It’s my fault, really. I should have realized that you guys weren’t ready for this. ” Their worry made the air seem close. “I think the best thing to do is to forget our little agreement. ”There was a flash of panic as the girls erupted into protest. They were all talking at once, alternating between throwing accusations at each other and begging me to reconsider. I knew they were worried that by dissolving our little contract, I would have no choice but to talk to their parents about the whole car incident. I sat there impassively, letting their protests finally deflate. I decided on another gambit. “Look. . . the last thing I want is for our little contract to come between you guys. It was supposed to be something we all could enjoy. Something we all could share in.

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  ”The girls were concerned, and I chose to play on that discomfort. “But, it obviously isn’t working out that way. I don’t want anybody’s feelings to get hurt. ” I looked directly at Jamie. “And I definitely don’t one of us hurting another. ” Jamie lowered her eyes. “So, I’m calling our little game off. ” The girls erupted in protest again. “Come on! Let me finish!”The cacophony died away. I explained that I was disappointed in them, and that I had believed they were mature enough to deal with the contract we had made. I went on to say that I was dissolving the agreement and that they didn’t need to worry… that despite the fact that I was not going to make them fulfill their word to me, I still would not talk to their parents. I continued my quiet tirade. I told them that I didn’t believe in pain, and that life was too short to spend making other people unhappy. I told them that I had enjoyed our special time together and that if it were up to me, I’d choose to continue. “But, I don’t want to be part of something that hurts any one of you.

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   So, why don’t we just forget it?”My beer was empty. I started to get up, intent on getting myself another, when Luanne stopped me. She clambered to her feet and took the empty from me. “I’ll get you another one, FT. ” She looked at the other two girls, started to say something and then shook her head. She walked to the galley area, opened the refrigerator and extracted another beer. With complete ease, she twisted the top open and tossed the cap in the trash. It was obvious that she was accustomed to serving others. As she was walked back into the room, Jamie spoke. She was looking at Janessa. “I’m sorry, babe. I just… I don’t know. I just get a little weirded out, you know?”“Yeah. ” Janessa seemed sullen. “I know.

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  ”“I didn’t mean to hurt you. ”“I know. ”I could tell that Jamie was upset by the fact that the other two girls seemed to be placing the blame on her. She was also worried that maybe she had gone too far. There was a little fear trembling in her voice. “We okay?”Janessa didn’t say anything for a moment. Then she looked up at Jamie. “Yeah. I think so. ”“I’m sorry, babe. I really am. ”She slid down off the sofa and nestled herself beside Janessa. She wound her fingers into Janessa’s and sat there, holding her hand. I sipped my beer as Luanne looked at the two girls, then back at me. She was going to play the peacemaker.

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   “Look FT, we just got a little carried away. You don’t have to end things with us… does he?” She looked at the other two girls, demanding a response from them. Janessa spoke first. “Well, I didn’t want to end it. ” I decided to work things a bit. “Why not? I mean, it seemed to me that I was kind of forcing you into it the other night. ”“Yeah, at first. But… but then it was okay. ” Her eyes were so plaintive, so vulnerable, that I found myself touched by her obvious honesty. “What about you, Luanne?”She looked at the two girls on the floor before responding. “I made you a promise. I don’t think it’s proper to back out on it. I’m old enough to keep my promises. Besides, I like doing it for you. ”The word “proper” caused me to pause.

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   So did the phrase “for you”. They were delivered in the same odd way that I heard the previous day, when Larissa Delacroix was talking about her daughter. I again wondered what kind of meaning was hidden in the words. Not really having the time to fully contemplate that, at that moment, I tossed it from my mind. “I’m glad. ” I smiled, then looked at the older girl. “What about you, Jamie?”She glanced back and forth between Janessa and Luanne, then she looked at me. It was obvious that something was bugging her, and it was obvious that the two girls knew what it was. “I don’t want to mess things up for these guys, but…” She grew silent. I waited patiently, and she continued. “But, it kind of weirds me out, you know? I wanted to talk to you, but… things, well… we just. . . ” She was floundering. I decided not to push.

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   “I just never got the chance, you know?”“I think I understand. ” (Nothing like being magnanimous!) “Maybe we could talk later today?”A look of relief washed over her face as Jamie quietly nodded her head. Janessa hugged Jamie, and Luanne smiled. She was the only one standing, and I sensed she realized she was still in control. She looked at the two girls on the floor before speaking. “Look, maybe we can start over, you know?” The two girls nodded. “Maybe we can show FT that we’re sorry and that we didn’t mean to disappoint him. ” The girls nodded their assent, and Luanne turned to me. She smiled, and then came to a decision. She slipped her thumbs into cloth belt that encircled her and slowly pulled the two ends apart. Her cotton nightie eased open, and my eyes were treated to the delicious sight of her ample young breasts and the tight cotton panties that stretched over her hips and between her thighs. She gathered the loose nightie into her hands, and daintily holding it suspended above her crotch, walked slowly toward me. Her eyes never left mine, and once again I thanked the Good Lord for my peripheral vision. When she came close to the chair, she nudged my knees open and then slipped between them, guiding herself down onto my lap. She perched there, then leaned in close, whispering, “It’s okay, FT.

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   You’ll see. Everything’s going to be cool. ” She leaned back and turned to Jamie and Janessa. They both nodded to her. She looked back at me. “Last night, we were hanging out and decided to play Switch. It really is a kinda cool game. ” All the girls smiled and nodded. “Anyways, on one of my turns, I said that everyone had to give you a kiss when you got here today… and, it had to be a really good one. ”Janessa piped in. “Yeah, FT. We all were playing it, and when Luanne said we had to kiss you, we all said yes. ” She glanced at Jamie, who nodded in resignation. She paused for a second. “I even said I thought it was cool.

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  ”Jamie was becoming contrite. “Yeah, but then I called Luanne a cunt. ” She looked up at the thirteen-year old on my lap. “I’m sorry. It was shitty thing to say. ”“It’s okay. ” Jamie smiled at Luanne’s response, and there was relief on her face. “Anyways, FT, we agreed…” She was surrendering. “All of us. And, we did agree that we had give you really good ones. ”My dick was beginning to get very interested in the conversation. Luanne could feel the five inches in my pants coming to attention and she slid her hand down over my cock and began to gently caress it. She smiled. “Well, I’m going to go first. ”Luanne leaned toward me, bringing her lips up along my cheek.

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   She whispered, “The other one didn’t count. ” Then she grinned and brought her lips down to mine. Her tongue darted out and flicked against my lips. Her sweet breath encircled my nose and my dick twitched in happy reply. Luanne squeezed my growing bulge as she parted my lips with her tongue. She closed her eyes and her strong, pointed mouth muscle began to work against mine, probing deeply into my mouth. The muscles twirled and entwined, arching against each other. Quivering and probing… thrusting and then withdrawing. I could feel the want in my loins rising. I slid my hand up along her thigh and began slip my hand under her nightie when she quickly broke the kiss. She playfully frowned at me as she pushed my hand away. “Sorry, FT. But you gotta wait for that stuff until we all kiss you. ”I did my best to puff out my bottom lip in a great display of pouting. I even made believe I was sniffing and wiping a tear from my eye.

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   The girls laughed and Luanne continued. “Besides. I’m not done with my kiss, yet. ” With that, she slid down off my lap. She knelt between my legs and began to lightly massage my obscenely tenting cock. She smiled at me, and then brought her hands up to my belt. With a flip of one thumb and a quick tug, her fingers were easing my zipper down. For the second time in as many days, I was amazed at her deftness. I watched as she cupped both hands over my prick and began to massage the aching muscle through my jockeys. She glanced up at me. Her vibrant blue eyes sparkled as she slowly and methodically licked her lips, all the while continuing to smile. She slipped her hand delicately into my shorts and slid her fingers over my now pulsing cock. Her hand seemed cool against my heated organ, which twitched at her light touch. She eased the underwear out over my dick, and leaned in close to the glistening, bobbing head. She exhaled, and the warm mouth breeze caused my cock to twitch again.


   She looked up at me and smiled. “Looks like something else need to be kissed. ” Janessa and Jamie were still sitting on the floor, both intently watching Luanne. The blond, thirteen-year old parted her lips, and slowly snuck her tongue out. It flicked against the coated bulb… once… twice… then she opened her mouth and slid my penis into that sweet, hot cavern. With excruciating slowness, she began to pump my cock, her tongue twirling over the sensitive foreskin. She drew her breath in, and the coolness of that rushing air against the sensitive nerve endings of my foreskin caused my dick to quiver. Luanne smiled at me, then plunged my cock back into the dark, wet recess of her mouth. Her fingers led her mouth and they flexed firmly around my scrotum. My breath and heartbeat fell in line with the rhythm of her bouncing head. I was getting caught up in the exquisite, seductive dance of her mouth. I reached down, slipping my hands behind her head. As my fingers began to wind through the soft, delicate hairs behind her neck, she slipped my cock out of her mouth. A thin, sinuous string of spittle draped from the head of my dick to the corner of her mouth. It suspended there… wavered momentarily… then snapped.

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   She grinned at me. Then batting her eyes mischievously, she shook her head. “Sorry, FT, but I told you… you gotta wait for that stuff until we all kiss you. ”I shrugged. “Sorry… guilty as charged. ”Luanne smiled again, then leaned in and quickly kissed me on the lips. Standing, she turned to the two older girls and said, “Who’s next?”Janessa started to get up, but Jamie placed her hand on her arm, stopping her. “Look, I feel pretty bad about being such a bitch earlier. ”She struggled to get her feet. As she did, her thick, muscular legs opened and I could see that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath the great baggie T-shirt. There was a thick, tangled thatch of red pubic hair covering her nether lips. The red, little forest glared at me, then was gone. “I’m not really into this, but…” She lapsed into silence, looking back and forth between Janessa and Luanne. Janessa smiled at her. “It’s okay, babe.

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   You can do it. ”Jamie sighed. “I s’pose. Fair is fair. ” She looked at me. Her expression was a mixture of fear, disgust and resignation. “I still want to talk to you about this. ” The statement was pointedly delivered. I realized that while Janessa seemed to be warming up to the idea of experimenting with the opposite sex, Jamie still wasn't too enamored of the idea. I tried to be encouraging. “I promise we’ll talk before the day is done. ”She was silent for a moment. “Okay. I’ll do it. ”As she began to change places with Luanne, Luanne stopped her.

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   She reached out and caressed her cheek, then leaned in and lightly kissed her. Jamie seemed a little surprised by the tender kiss. Luanne just smiled, then scooted down onto the floor beside Janessa. Jamie walked up to me and stood between my knees. She looked at me with a tinge of helplessness, then seemed to shake it off. She glanced down at my cock, which was hiding once again in my shorts. Taking a deep breath, she knelt between my legs and reached one hand out to rub against my cloth covered prick. She fumbled along the outline of my cock, and began to curl her fingers over the straining muscle. She tweaked the head, then seemed to probe and poke her fingers along the shaft. Then she squeezed it, and the grip was so hard that I winced. Noticing my reaction, she loosened her grip, only to squeeze it again. She pulled my cloth-covered dick out away from my body and reached her other hand inside. Her fingers were rough against the tender flesh of my prick, and despite the liberal coating of pre-cum and Luanne’s saliva, it felt like my foreskin was being ripped back and forth with sandpaper. I tried not pull away from the onslaught, enduring the rough treatment of my poor little member. Jamie suddenly released her iron grip and yanked my underwear down out of the way.

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   She sighed again, screwed her face up in a look of obvious distaste and closed her eyes. She brought her head forward and opened her mouth, slipping her lips over my cock. The fifteen-year old rocked her spike-haired head back and forth quickly in a manner closer to torture than a blowjob. Luanne could see my obvious, but polite discomfort and came to my rescue. She slid across the floor and placed her arm around Jamie, who quickly sat up in surprise. “Easy, girl. Easy. ”Luanne then curled her fingers around my cock and lightly caressed it, and a soothing relief began to wash through my loins. With her other hand, she gently pressed Jamie’s head forward. “Open your lips, and take it gently in your mouth. ” Jamie hesitated for a moment, and Luanne looked at her. “You can do this. ” She again began to guide Jamie’s head back toward my waiting cock. “Just remember… it’s kinda like your titties. You can’t be too rough at first.

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   If you are, it’s going to hurt. Okay?”Jamie nodded, then opened her mouth. Luanne gently slipped her hand behind Jamie’s head and lightly pushed her head forward. My dick slipped between Jamie’s thick lips. She started to recoil, but Luanne tried assuaging her. “It’s okay. You can do this. Just slowly slide your lips up and down on his cock. You don’t have to suck, or anything. ”Jamie did as instructed. Her mouth was warm and moist, and I found my nuts beginning to pleasantly react. Luanne looked up at me, and smiled. Seeing the growing look of pleasure on my face, Luanne began to slip her tongue along her upper lip. The veritable heat of that moment caused my nuts to cinch. Where did she learn this? How did she become so adept, so compliant? I pushed the thought from my mind, truly content to simply watch her gentle instruction.

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  “Now, try and slide your mouth as far forward as you can. ” Jamie pushed, and as more and more of my little cock slid into her mouth, she began to gag. She quickly pulled my offending cock from her mouth. Her expression was more distaste than disgust. Was her resistance to sucking cock waning?“Just don’t go so far. Now, try it again. ”She guided Jamie’s head forward, stopping before my prick rammed the back of her throat. “Now, slowly slide your lips back and forth on his cock, and while you do, sort of move your hand up and down with your mouth. ”Jamie followed her instructions. I watched the short-cropped head riding up and down on my straining dick. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were beginning to slightly tighten and loosen with each stroke. Luanne was watching her. There was a mixture of sexual delight and eminent control emanating from her. “Okay, babe. While you’re sucking him, move your tongue around the head of it… sort of like a candy cane.

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  ” Jamie responded by slowly sliding her tongue around the fleshy lip of my glans, while her lips continued the slow bobbing dance. The feeling was delicious. Earlier, this teen had been treating my cock like some disgusting, distorted growth of man flesh. Now, her mouth was working the length of me like a bored housewife. It wasn’t sexual nirvana, but was better than not being sucked at all. “Now, tighten your lips around him, and slowly slide his cock out of your mouth. ”She loosened her grip on Jamie, and the fifteen-year old did as she was told. Her lips tightened around me and she slowly slid her head back, deliciously dragging the moisture from my cock. My dick flipped free from her mouth and bounced happily in front of her face. She opened her eyes, and was instantly aware of the mixture of fluids in her mouth. She began to screw her face up, when Luanne gently spoke again. “Look, it’s just a little saltier than a girl. It’s not gross… at least I don’t think so. But if you don’t like it, just swallow quickly. ”Jamie opted for the latter.

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   Luanne smiled at her, then bent down and kissed Jamie. I watched as Luanne forced her lips open, and I could see her tongue working inside Jamie’s mouth. I wanted to believe that she wanted to taste the blended nectar of my juices and Jamie’s mouth. She broke the kiss and sat back on her haunches. “You did good, girl. ” I spoke up, too. “That was quite nice, Jamie. ”She smiled in response, and I decided to reinforce things. I leaned down and gently slipped my forefinger under Jamie’s chin and lifted her head. I kissed her softly on the mouth, lingering for just a moment. Before breaking the kiss, I slid my tongue gently across her closed lips, then withdrew. “Thank you for the kiss!” “But I didn’t kiss you. You kissed me. ”With that, she stood up on her knees and grabbed the back of my head. She leaned forward and began to kiss me.

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   I was startled at first, then began to relax. I decided let her determine the direction of the kiss. She pressed her lips hard against mine, and I felt her tongue pushing against my lips. I parted them slightly, and her tongue plunged into my mouth. It worked around, and I began to respond, countering each of her little tongue parries with one of my own. Then, suddenly, the kiss was done. She sat back and looked at me. Luanne was smiling. There was a flash of determined satisfaction in Jamie’s eyes. “Well, I did it. ” She struggled to her feet, then looked back at me. “It still weirds me out, though. ” I just smiled. It was an awkward moment… what else could I do? Luanne quickly hugged Jamie, then they walked to the couch. Janessa was still sitting on the floor.

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   As Jamie started to pass her, the fourteen-year old, dark beauty reached her hand up between Jamie’s thighs and caressed the tender, white flesh. Their eyes locked, and I could see Janessa’s thumb slip into the red, thatched furrow. She wriggled her hand, and Jamie seemed to spasm. The younger girl withdrew her hand and smiled. “Seems like you might have liked it, Babe. You’re wet as hell!”“Whatever. ” She lightly cuffed Janessa. “It’s your turn. ” She plopped down on the couch beside Luanne, who cuddled up beside her… the perfect picture of compliancy. The thin, black girl climbed to her feet. She glanced at her two friends. “You bitches think you’re so cool. Want to see a real kiss?” Without waiting for a reply, Janessa turned to me. She began to slowly walk toward me in a soap opera-like, seductive way. Long, thin fingers reached down to the top button of her loose, oversized shirt.


   Her eyes were fixed on me as she slowly unfastened the first button… then the second, and third. The front of the shirt laid open, and her taut, dark torso was perfectly framed in pale yellow. She slid her hands under the cloth, and began to massage her small, young breasts, her fingers gently twirling the long, pointed nipples. Her sweet, tender mounds were like halved peaches with an almond protruding from the top. The obscenely fluorescent green of her thong screamed out against the deep, milk chocolate of her skin. Seeing my eyes glued between her legs, Janessa slipped one hand down between her thighs and massaged the small patch of green. As the cloth worked back and forth with her gyrating fingers, I caught glimpses of thin wisps of jet-black hair. My cock began to throb in its cotton lair. She looked at me, and then turned her head toward the girls on the couch. Jamie clucked, “What are you waiting for? Go for it, bitch. ”There was no vehemence in the phrase. They had simply slipped back into using “bitch” as a pet name. Janessa sidled up between my legs and placing a hand on each of my knees, languidly melted to the floor. She pressed my legs apart and began to draw her head up along the inside of my left thigh. She eyes were fixed on mine, and she was seductively grinning.

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   As her chin came to the V of my crotch, she pressed it firmly into my groin, working her jaw muscles so that her chin massaged my ball sac as her cheek worked against my cock. With a stroke of unknown inspiration, she brought her mouth to the damp bulge in my underwear. Opening wide, she brought her lips in contact and forcefully exhaled, driving hot rushing air over my dick I was overwhelmed by this approach. Could this be the same Nubian teen that had first encountered my cock several nights ago? She had seemed to be so tentative then, as if she were touching a penis for the first time. I had been so convinced! Could I have been wrong? I looked over at Luanne on the couch. “Seems like someone has learned some technique. ”Luanne grinned and shrugged. Janessa looked up at me and smiled, a look of absolute pride bursting across her face. She leaned back, and putting her hands back on my knees, swung her legs up over mine in a move of gymnastic grace. She placed her hands behind my neck and slid her crotch forward until it came to rest against the burgeoning mound of my cock. I could feel the heat rising from her young quim. I was badly aroused from the two previous cock treatments and was having a hard time remaining passive. I slid my hands along the outside of her thighs and over the tight, twin mountains of her ass. Trying to retain some semblance of control, I resisted kneading the firm, warm flesh. Janessa smiled and then brought her lips to mine.

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  As our lips touched she rode her hips forward just slightly, riding up against my jockey-covered prick. When she reached the apex of that movement, her tongue pierced through my lips and darted into my mouth. As she slightly withdrew it, her hips rode back away from my cock. The thick tongue reentered my mouth and her hips rode forward again. She found a rhythm, and began a seductive dry-hump, lap dance. With each sensuous probe of her tongue, her hips would slowly play out the same little dance. I was finding it harder and harder to maintain control. Trying to hold on to my sanity, I surrendered to the sweet, attentive ministrations of her mouth. I kissed her back with a longing that was rooted in my loins. It may have been seconds, it may have been minutes, but I was lost in the timeless swirl of the moment. My hands were still lightly cupping her butt, and as she rode back and forth in dry simulated sex, my hands caressed the soft skin. I wanted to take her, but knew I couldn’t. She gently broke the kiss and slid down off my legs. She looked over at Luanne and her paramour. They both smiled, and I could see Jamie’s hand gently massaging one of Luanne’s breasts.

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   Janessa seemed momentarily put off by the display. As she glared at Jamie, I saw her come to a decision. She quickly turned and kneeled. She slipped her hand under my waistband and her fingers encircled my cock. Once again I was blown away by how softy and gently she cradled it. She pulled the underwear out of the way, and never taking her eyes from the end of my dick, she drew her mouth to it. She slid it past her lips and the head of my cock searched for the deep recesses of her mouth. I had totally forgotten Luanne’s rule about touching as I reached for Janessa’s breast. My fingers traced over the little, firm hill and I sought her young nipple. Finding the nub protruding rudely from her chest, I worked it gently with my fingers. Her nipple was fully as long as my thumbnail, and from the reaction I got, were now quite sensitive. Janessa continued to slide her mouth back and forth on my cock. I wondered if her careful, directed assault on my penis was an obvious retort to Jamie’s caressing of Luanne. I found I didn’t care. I began to slowly move my hips, starting the ever-so-slow waltz to my eventual climax.

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   Janessa could sense that I was getting revved up. She shoved my engorged cock deeply into her mouth, and began to charge at my dick with wanton abandon. In a dozen, or so strokes, my dick stiffened in a signal of impending explosion. Janessa murmured in delight, and the titillating vibration of her throat drove me to the edge. I wanted to cum. I needed to cum. I sighed and brought my hands up to her head, preparing to gently hold her as I fucked her mouth. I had stroked into that hot, tight mouth but once when Luanne suddenly appeared at my side. She shook Janessa’s shoulder. “That’s enough, bitch. You gotta stop. ”The dark, young girl sat back, her brown, puppy eyes dancing. She smiled at me, and then gently squeezed my cock. She licked her lips, seeming to savor the taste of my juices. I was in agony.

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   I was trapped between the surging want of ejaculation, and the resplendent pleasure of the little death. My nuts were convulsing, screaming out their need. I wanted to object. I wanted to throw myself into the oblivion of release. But, I couldn’t. It was their game. My cock throbbed, seeming to claw at the ebbing tide, trying to hold it from totally withdrawing back into the sea. The impending climax subsided and I was slowly drawn back into reality. Luanne was watching me, a look of pure amusement on her face. “Sorry, FT. But you can’t be selfish. You gotta wait. ”She turned to the other two girls. Jamie seemed to be glaring at Janessa. Perhaps that’s too strong.

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   She was obviously not happy, but not necessarily mad. Janessa, on the other hand, sported a look of contentment and accomplishment. Luanne was heading into the galley. “Besides, we all have to give you a kiss. ”“You all did. I was here. I remember!”She laughed as she pulled a lager out of the refrigerator and twisted the cap. All three of the girls were giggling uncontrollably. Luanne handed me the fresh beer and I took a long swig. Placing the bottle on the side table, I rested my hand on my whimpering cock. “Sorry girls, but I don’t get it. ”“Simple, FT. We weren’t the only ones here, remember?”“Yeah. Didn’t my dad tell you that the twins were going to stay overnight?” “The twins?”“Jeez, FT. The twins, Anna and Stacia.

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  ” Jamie was looking playfully disgusted at the blank expression on my face. She chastised me like a little kid. “The two girls from next door. ”“Omigod. I forgot all about that. ” The whole conversation with JD rushed through my head. Then a healthy dose of sobering fear began to tug at me. What had they done? What had they told them? What would the twins say? Would they tell their parents? How could I force them into secrecy? All sorts of evil pictures began to flash in my mind. Inside my head, I could hear taunting chants of pervert… abuser… rapist… sicko teacher. Rampant panic was setting in. I needed to get a grip, and I need to do it then. I looked at my watch. It was just after noon. I was mentally scrambling, hoping all the while that the girls wouldn’t notice my growing worry. I reached for the beer and my hand trembled.

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   The girls were watching me, sitting there with my pants undone and the beer shaking in my hand. Something startled me!I dropped the beer and it splashed over my crotch, white smelly foam splattering everywhere. The girls burst out laughing. There was a chilling, cold stab in my spine. Somewhere, in that confusing fear-filled fog and my ensuing slapstick reaction to the spilt beer, came recognition. Someone was knocking on the door!.



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