
Obedient Wife


She said she loved a guy before marriage,his name wasjoseph who was just as well hung. I challenged this and said that was theone I wanted to see her fuck if it was okay with her. She did admit thathe called form time to time to just to chat, and that she would try and setsomething up the next time he called. About a week later she called me a work and said we were on, and thatshe had set a date, but Joseph did not know I would be there, this wasgreat, this is the way I wanted it to watch secretly. joseph was to arriveThursday evening at 8 pm, sudha had told him I was out of town onbusiness. Sudha had taken a shower shaved her legs and her sweet pussyand put on some black panties and bra adn white cotton nighty, she lookedvery hot. Sudha ran around the house like a schoolgirl on her first date,although she told me she was doing it only because of me. I could tell shewas almost as excited as I was. When Joseph arrived sudha went out to meet him. I hid in our walk-incloset, which was located about 18 feet away from the foot of the bed. With both bedside lamps on I had a great view of the bed through thecrack in the door. joseph and my wife sat in the Den and talked over oldtimes for about 18 minutes, it seemed a lot longer. Finally they came inthe bedroom and lay across the bed, I had a great view of them. Theystarted kissing and hugging. Joseph's hands were all over my wife whilethey kissed. Pretty soon the kissing got more passionate.

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   Joseph took hernighty upwards and unbuttoned her bra and slowly moved his hand insidethem. He started massaging her breast as they continued to kiss. He thenremoved her panty. My wife was now naked. she started to moan softly and move her hips in rhythm with his hand. After a few minutes of this her body tensed and she let out a passionatemoan and I knew joseph had slid his finger into her pussy, sudha loves tobe finger-fucked and soon her moans got louder and more frequent. When she seemed on the verge of coming, Joseph stopped and removedhis hand. His fingers were wet with my wife's love juice. Sudha was breathing hard, and now joseph took off his shirt and pants. They started kissing again and soon my wife was kissing her way down tohis crotch. My wife pulled down his boxer shorts and I could see that shehad not been exaggerating about the size of his cock. It was trulyimpressive, though it was not yet fully hard. sudha took his big dick in herhand and lifted it to her mouth and started sucking and licking it. My owndick started to get hard seeing my wife giving another man head. Joseph's dick grew rapidly, his hips swaying as sudha gave his a superblowjob.

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   She would take his large cock head in her mouth and let it pop out andthen take the shaft as far down her throat as she could and slowly pullher mouth back over it, repeating this again and again, while she massagedhis balls with her hand. While this was happening my considerate wifemade sure to keep her hair pulled out of the way so I would have a goodview of her busy mouth. I loved her for that. Joseph was getting close tocoming and was moaning loudly. Finally he stopped her. He pulled my wifeup on the bed and kissed his way down between my wife's legs. Then hestarted eating my wife's sweet wet pussy. He teased her pussy lips withhis tongue and sucked on her clit while he finger fucked her. sudha wasenjoying every minute of this, gasping and groaning and pulling his headinto her dripping pussy as she thrust her hip up to meet his tongue. Herwhole body arched and she started to shake as she burst into her firstorgasm of the night. Joseph continued to eat her sweet pussy and fingerfuck my wife as she shivered through her powerful climax. After my wife's climax had subsided, joseph got on top of her with hislegs between her wide-open legs. His hard cock looked at least 9 or 10inches long with a very large cock head and thick shaft. He rose up on hisknees as he positioned the head of his cock at sudha's waiting pussy lips. He put her legs on his shoulders and slowly slid his dick inside her.

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   Hegave her about seven inches at first, and fucked her slowly that way fora minute or two. Then he gradually worked the rest of his pole into herhot wet pussy, until he was buried in her to the hilt. Sudha let out a loudmoan of pleasure as he drove hid dick home. Now he started to fuck herfaster and faster pushing his cock all the way in and bringing it almost allthe way out. My wife was going wild with lust, bucking her hips to meet hisevery thrust. joseph was now laying above her with his arms supportinghis weight sucking her tits and kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear ashe fucked her. After a few minutes she started clutching at the bedsheets. Her legs curled around his body and tightened around him, tryingto pull him deeper, she was moaning with every breath. I could tell shewas approaching another climax and so was joseph. They both cried out asthey came together. After they came down to earth joseph withdrew his cock wet with theircombined juices from my wife's pussy. He and sudha talked for a fewminutes . Finally joseph got up and went down the hall to the bathroom toget cleaned up. Sudha came over to the closet and asked in a low voicehow I had liked it. When I showed her my throbbing hard-on, she knew ithad been great for me.


   We kissed and I fingered her hot wet pussy. Knowing it had just been fucked by another man's big cock almost mademe come. Sudha asked me if I was ready for round two and I said Icouldn't wait. She kissed me and left the Room. It was about 20 minutes before they came back, They immediately fell onthe bed and started kissing again. Marty wasted no time before goingdown on my wife, eating her pussy and using his fingers once again drivingher wild with passion. He continued until he sensed that she was about toclimax then he stopped. He rolled over and sudha went down on him,sucking his dick until it got hard again. It seemed to get even longer thanit had before. sudha could only get about three quarters of it in hermouth. She kept sucking on it, again keeping her hair out of the way so Icould get a good view. After a few minutes she got on top of him, raisingone leg high to position his long dick at the entrance of her hot hole, onceit was in she slid down on it, taking it all into her hot pussy. As she satdown on him she threw back her head and screamed out with pleasure. "Yesss! Fuck!" she yelled and began bouncing up and down on joseph likethere was no tomorrow, slinging her head from side to side. My wifeleaned forward to kiss him and I had a perfect view of his massive cocksliding in and out of my wife's wet pussy, Joseph's big cock had her pussystretched to the max.

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   She was fucking him for all she was worth. Soonshe started moaning and shaking and I knew she was having yet anotherorgasm. Even before she had completely recovered for her climax josephrolled her over and mounted her and started pumping her pussy likecrazy with her legs pushed against her chest. Sudha clawed at the sheetsmoaning shaking. Joseph started massaging her clit with his hand while continued to use hisdick like a pile driver. This was too much for the both of them and theyboth climaxed again for what seemed like several minutes. Finally herolled off of my wife his come oozing out of her open pussy. They laythere a few minutes resting and talking before he got up showered andleft. When he was gone I practically leaped for the closet to the bedwhere my wife and I had the most passionate sex we have had in years. When am on business trip,she will call joseph and they fuck eachother till ireturn. Author: Please contact stafff.



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