

@A bicycle with wings
  • Oluşturuldu:29-01-2017
  • Değiştirildi:05-07-2023
  • Görüntüleme :17159
  • Bu ay:49

Marseillaise, Ajans Modeli.

Son görülme: 2017-03-05 10:49:10

Good morning, dear Freud.
Can a human fly? Perhaps, you'll be astonished, but - yes, he can. The humanity invented very many wings for humans, with which everybody could fly, but... humans' arms are too weak. A human isn't able to keep himself in air for relatively long time, just because he isn't strong enough. Hey, simpliest logic dictates, that if your muscles are not strong enough, you must invent something to help them - as people use a lever to lift the stone, which they can't lift bare hands.
We are dreaming from ancient times to learn to fly, we already invented fully working wings and... we still don't fly, just because our muscles are too weak. Isn't it foolishness?
For example, what about a banal bicycle, which was invented at the same time as and wings?
About a bicycle with wings?
I present you my invention, dear Freud, but with one condition - when You will produce bicycles with wings, you'll present me one of them, OK?:)



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Sizin için önemli olabilecek her türlü güncellemeden, Marseillaise trafından haberdar olun.
  • Cinsiyet:Kadın
  • Cinsel Yönelim:Heteroseksüel
  • Yaş:20
  • Konum:
  • Göz:Mavi
  • Saç:Sarışın
  • Göğüsler:D
  • Kasık kılı:Çoğunlukla tıraşlı
  • Kendi yerinde:
  • Dil:Rus 
  • İngiliz 
  • Etnik köken:Avrupalı (beyaz)
  • Uyruk:Rus
  • Boy:170 cm / 5'7"
  • Kilo:60 kg (132.28 lb)
  • Dövmeler:Hayır
  • Piercingler:Hayır
  • Buluştukları: Erkekler için müsait


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