Chapter 1-Suffer the Child
Sandra woke with a jolt from a night of fitful sleep. She was cold, but had nothing to cover herself with, save the clothes she was wearing. She looked around the empty clothes donation bin that had been her home for the past several weeks. It was empty, as empty as the stomach that growled for food. She cursed herself, again, for leaving her backpack in the bin the day before. She had gone out to hustle for food. When she returned, someone had emptied the bin, taking with them the backpack that contained all of her worldly belongings. Sandra climbed out of the bin, and recalled how she had come to be in this fix in the first place.
It had all started when her mother got a new boyfriend. She had instantly taken a dislike to the man, and perceived the feeling was mutual. He was fat and lazy. He moved in a week after meeting her mom and instantly made her feel a stranger in the trailer home that she and her mother called home. Sandra remembered the critical moment.
It was a beautiful indian summer day. Leaving the school grounds with a new friend, they walked together to the new friend's house. Her new friend, Lisa, had many things Sandra wished she had-two parents, a real house, cable TV, a computer, and a real nice CD player.
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Sandra had hung around listening to music while the girls giggled about school gossip. Suddenly, the sixth grader realized she was late and excused herself. Sandra ran all the way home, arriving at the front door at five minutes past five.
When she walked in, her mother and the boyfriend gave her a look. Greg looked at his watch and said: "she needs to be taught a lesson". "I think you're right Greg", her mother added. Her mother and Greg stood up. Greg pulled the belt from his pants. Terrified, Sandra asked:"What are you doing?" as she backed against the door.
Sandra's mother caught the girl. Pulling her backpack away, she began to pull Sandra by the arms over an easy chair. "NO" Sandra screamed as she tried to escape. Greg also grabbed Sandra's arms instructing her mother to take Sandra's legs. Once her mother anchored Sandra's legs, Greg laid into her with the belt, hitting the soon to be twelve year old in the back. Sandra lost count of the strikes, which finally stopped when a winded Greg said "That's enough".
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Both adults released the girl. Crying, Sandra jumped up and ran in her room. Throwing herself on the bed, Sandra cried from pain and rage. A moment later, Sandra's mother appeared, throwing Sandra's backpack on the floor next to the bed. Sandra turned to her mother. "WHY?" the girl screamed. "Greg is going to teach us discipline, something you need lots of", her mother replied.
"YOU'RE INSANE!" Sandra screamed.
Sandra's mother slapped her hard, knocking her across the bed. "Don't EVER talk to me that way" the woman ordered. The wounded girl crawled off the bed. Crying, she picked up her backpack. Opening it, she made her way to the cardboard box that contained her underwear. Scooping two handfuls into the nearly empty backpack, she staggered over to the closet where she pulled two jeans and several shirts off hangars.
"Leaving are you?" the woman taunted, "give me the keys.
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I don't ever want you to come back. You've ruined my life enough as it is".
With trembling hands, Sandra gave her the trailer keyset.
"Now, get out" the woman ordered.
Frightened and confused, Sandra walked hurriedly through the trailer. Opening the door with tear filled eyes, she broke into a run as she got outside. She ran enough to get out of the trailer park.
She wandered for an hour before settling into a city park. Sitting against a tree, she broke into a cry again. She cried for a while before hearing a familiar voice. She looked up to see Peter, a friend from school. "What's up?" he asked. Through sobs, she told her story. "Come home with me" he offered.
Peter also lived in a trailer park, a distance from her own.
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Peter lived with his father, who quickly said yes to Peter's request for Sandra to stay. The man set up a cot for Sandra in the tool room next to his bedroom. Peter's room was on the other side of the trailer.
Right after bedtime, Sandra found out that Peter's father had an agenda. Oscar came into the room and pulled back the blanket. Sandra tried to cover herself, but Oscar pulled the hands away from the thin, 4'11" brunette. Sandra was wearing a T shirt and panties.
Oscar leaned in, "If you're going to live under my roof and eat my food, you're going to have to pay rent" he said tugging her panties down. Sandra tried to resist, but he was too powerful. He forced her legs open. Positioning himself he opened his zipper. Taking out something Sandra had never seen before, he began to force his way into her.
Sandra gasped as the head of his dick entered her. Oscar placed his free hand over her mouth as he continued forcing his way in. Sandra began crying from fear and pain as he pumped her no longer virginal pussy.
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Suddenly he shook as she felt her pussy fill with hot liquid. A moment later, Oscar pulled himself off of her and left the room. Sandra cried herself to sleep that night.
Oscar's visits were nightly at the same time. Sandra grew used to him, and just laid there as Oscar did his business. Finally, a week later, Sandra saw a chance for salvation. He was leaving for a weekend with his mother and asked if Sandra wanted to tag along. Oscar said no, adding that Sandra had housework to do.
Peter was gone less than a minute when Oscar made his plans clear. "Take your clothes off" he ordered, "I'm going to teach you how to please a man". Sandra did as she was told, undressing in the hallway and throwing her clothes in her room. She joined oscar in his bedroom, where he was undressing. She climbed up on the bed, lay on her back and spread her legs. Oscar sat n the bed and told her to sit up. Grabbing her by the head, he pulled her toward his crotch, telling her to open her mouth.
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He then filled her mouth with dick, showing her how to use her mouth and hand to give head. His orgasm caught her by surprise, most of which spilled out of her mouth as she choked on his cum.
He took a moment to catch his breath, then told her to get on all fours. He entered her from behind. Sandra just responded to his thrusts, but was caught by surprise after he came when he pulled her into him. Pulling her back against his chest, he was quiet for a long moment. Then reaching over, he pulled a rod from the corner. "Open your legs" he ordered. Sandra obeyed. He began striking her hairless pussy with savage strokes of the rod. Sandra screamed and struggled against him as she closed her legs. "Open your legs!" he ordered again as he pulled her long hair with his free hand. Sandra reluctantly opened her legs. He began hitting her pussy again.
After six more strokes, he threw the rod against the wall.
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He then shifted his grip to her nipples, which he squeezed mercilessly. Sandra screamed and struggled, finally breaking his grip. She jumped from the bed. Oscar lept after her, his left leg landing on a magazine as he grabbed her left arm. Sandra whirled and hit. Oscar, already falling from the slippery magazine under his foot, had his fall accelerated by the fist strike. Oscar struck his head on the nightstand and fell unconcious.
Sandra ran to her room. Ignoring her underwear, she pulled on a T shirt, shorts and shoes. She grabbed her backpack and ran from the trailer.
Sandra ran for a good while before slowing to a walk. She walked for two hours, eventually finding a nice neighborhood. Having left some of her clothes behind, a clothes donation bin drew her interest. Placed alongside a supermarket, she looked around and realized she could get in without anyone seeing her. She climbed in the bin and began looking through clothes.
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Then, it struck her that the bin could be a good hiding place.
The bin became her home. For the first several days, she found that she could walk in the supermarket and live off of fruit that she stole. Eventually, a store employee began watching her. Sandra walked out and later that day found that she could beg for change in front of a convenience store.
It was there that things took an odd turn. An old man in a cadillac pulled up to her. Motioning her over, he showed her his dick. He offered her ten bucks for a blowjob. "Show me the money" she said. He pulled out a ten dollar bill and put it in his shirt pocket. Sandra climbed in his car. He drove into an alley where Sandra gave him a blowjob. When he came, he shuddered and moved only to breathe. Sandra took the ten from his pocket, then spied two rolls of quarters in the floor organizer.
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She took the rolls and ran from the car.
For the next two weeks, Sandra actually lived well on the thirty bucks. but then her luck ran out. She left her backpack in the bin when she went to the convenience store to beg. Worse, the weather turned cold and everyone ignored her. Returning to the bin, she found it empty, and had a long cold night.
In the morning, she climbed out and just started to walk.
Chapter Two: Tribute for the Hero
Desperation had brought John Osten to the city. He looked up at the bridge that spanned high above the river. He decided the fall would be enogh to kill him. He wondered though, if his body could be identified.
He had decided to end his pitiful life. The middle aged man's troubles had started several years before. A persistent backache made the firefighter seek out a doctor. He quietly began treatment knowing that his back problems were part work related, and part hereditary.
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He was doing OK, but then his shift Captain found out about the treatment. The Captain pushed John out of his job, citing liability he used buracratic rules to end John's career.
John struck back with a lawsuit, winning enough to live comfortably the rest of his life, if he wasn't extravagant. The single childless man began feeling more and more depressed and alienated. Unable to work, estranged from his family, and increasingly lonely, he began to wonder what his life amounted to. Then, a couple of persistant medical problems started. Both problems could be fixed, but without family he didn't see the point.
He decided on suicide. The matter was the method. If he committed suicide at home, someone would have to clean up the mess. He didn't want to inflict that on someone. Car accidents were too tricky, so he drove to the city and began looking around.
Standing on the riverbank, he knew that it was all in a day's work for the river patrol to pull a body out of the river. Yep, he decided, the bridge would be his final exit. It was just then that his privacy was interrupted.
Chapter Three: A New Life Begun
"Got any change mister?"
John looked down to see a shivering girl in a T shirt and jeans. Her long hair was mussed.
"Are you OK?" he asked.
The girl looked down. "Hungry" she muttered. "Are you on drugs?" he asked. The girl shook her head. "You want food?" he asked. The girl nodded.
He ushered the girl to his car. Placing her on the passenger side, he noticed that she took to the warmed interior. He cranked up the heat in the car, then drove to a McDonald's. Taking the girl inside, he ordered a salad and two Big Mac meals. The girl tore into the salad and her meal, woofing it down. Then he noticed her eyes roll back as she became very sluggish.
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He lifted the girl out of the booth and took her to the car.
Sitting behind the steering wheel, he tried to decide what to do. A voice in his head told him to take the girl home. He obeyed the voice taking her home and placing her on his couch. For several hours he camped out near the couch, then gave up and went to bed.
When he woke up, he found the girl still sleeping. He looked at the clock on the wall and discovered that she had been out for twelve hours. He went into the kitchen and began cooking eggs and bacon. He saw the girl rise up from the couch.
"Hungry?" he asked. The girl nodded. He cooked breakfast for the girl and himself.
The girl woofed down the food and two full glasses of orange juice. After eating, the girl stood up. "What do I owe you?" she asked, pointing at his crotch "Do I suck that, or should I just take my clothes off?"
John looked at her in astonishment.
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"You don't owe me anything. Are you homeless?" The girl nodded. "What's your name?" "Marie" she lied. "Do you want a shower?" he asked. The girl nodded. He found some clean workout clothes for her before she went in the bathroom and locked the door.
Sandra didn't know what to make of the man. Recent history had taught her not to trust men. After the shower she dried herself and put on the workout clothes. It was baggy on her, but it was nice to put on something clean.
She walked out of the bathroom. Finding the man on the couch, she asked where his wife was. "I don't have one" he answered. "Why not?" He told her about the two relationships that had gone wrong in his life. When he finished, he asked why she was homeless.
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She swallowed hard, then told him her tale. "And your name isn't Marie, is it?" Sandra shook her head, then told him. "Would you like to stay here a while?" he asked. Sandra nodded.
Chapter Four: Because The Night
Sandra didn't know what to make of the man. Although she caught him peeking at her from time to time, he never made any advances towards her. He took her out to eat often. Sandra went from having her ribs exposed to filling out a little in just a couple of weeks. She had never eaten so well.
He didn't force her to go school, and didn't bring up the subject of school. He did take her to a couple of museums and the zoo. They also went to the theater often. Sandra began thinking she could trust John. It was after one important trip that she decided to take a leap of faith.
That morning, after they woke up, he asked her if she wanted to see his hobby.
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She agreed. First, he drove her to a specialty store where she was fitted for a khaki jumpsuit her size. He also bought her a leather jacket. Then he drove her to a small airport. Pulling up next to a hangar, he got out and opened a large door. Pulling off a large tarp, he exposed an old plane.
"What is this?" she asked.
"An SBD Dauntless, an old warplane. We're going up today".
Sandra trembled with excitement for an hour while he checked the plane and had it gassed up. Finally, they took to the air. Sandra had never been in a plane. She found takeoff and landing exciting and scary. After the flight, she hugged John and thanked him for the trip.
That night, at bedtime, in T shirt and shorts over her underwear, she appeared at his bedside.
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"What's up?" he asked. "Every night, I sleep on the couch" she started. He cut her off with "That was your decision, remember?" "Yeah", she replied, "but tonight, I want to sleep in a bed".
He moved over and motioned to the bed. She slowly climbed in. Looking him in the eye she warned him, "no touching, and stay on your side of the bed". He responded by rolling over and going to sleep.
The next night it happened. John and Sandra left out early catching dinner in a restaurant before going to a concert hall. Sandra noticed that most of the people there were John's age. She didn't look forward to hearing old people's music, but her attention was riveted the second the music started.
The band was four guys, and a tall girl in black clothes who played guitar and did most of the singing. From her front row seat, Sandra sat until half an hour into the concert when the beat finally got to her. Standing up, she began swaying and moving to the music. The girl singer moved out to Sandra and had her play the guitar by using a pick on the strings.
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An ear to ear smile crossed Sandra's face and she became a convert to the music.
The final song of the night struck Sandra in a way she never expected. The melody was haunting, but the words struck her between the eyes. She felt her heart swell to twice normal size and tears flowed from her eyes. After the song, the singer went out to Sandra giving her a rose that had been tossed onstage. Sandra was so overcome with emotion, that John had to carry her out to the car.
"Are you OK?" he asked when they got to the car. Sandra nodded, then snuggled next to John. He put his arm around her as they drove home. When they got home, Sandra got out on his side of the car and held his hand all the way into the house. "What's come over you?"
Sandra smiled, blushed, and pulled him all the way to the bedroom. She sat him on the bed, then gave him a long kiss. "Thank you for the most wonderful night of my life" she said, adding another long kiss. Moving the kisses along his chin to his ear she began to sing
"Because the night is made for lovers, Because the night is made for love, Because the night is made for lovers, Because the night is made for us".
She began kissing him in earnest, pushing him back on the bed.
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They caressed each other. She pulled her shirt off. He rolled her over. He moved his kisses down her neck to her nipples. As his tongue went around her right nipple, she felt a tingle she had never felt. She began working her pants and panties off. John helped her undress, then moved between her legs, kissing, then licking her hairless pussy.
Sandra gasped, shoving her pussy against him. She felt a funny feeling in her stomach. Then, a shudder went through her body. She let out a wail. She was burning between her legs and wanted his dick in her.
"Put it in me, put it in me, please" she whispered.
He positioned himself and placed his dick next to her pussy. He had never fucked anything that small.
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"You have to help me" he said.
She reached down, guiding his dick in. He pushed the head of his dick in. She gasped, then moaned. He pushed in, her tiny hole gripping his dick. He got five of his six inches in her when he found the depth of her pussy. He began using small strokes. She pushed against him, meeting his strokes. She caressed his arms. They shared a long kiss, which she broke when her second orgasm hit. He felt his own cum rising up, which filled her hole.
He collapsed next to her. She rolled over on top of him, smothering him with kisses. "Can you do it again?" she whispered.
"We have all night, and the rest of our lives"
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"Yes we do".