The meet up and the first night. . .
That's right,I done it for my wife,but as always she done stuff for me.
Lets clarify what this tale is all about; When we got married,it was not long before what we suspected about each other was right. We wanted plenty of kink in our sex lives. She told me quite early on that when she got to much booze in her,she done things thatmost couples would divorce over. - I chipped in, "Like a mate I work with. get the booze in him,all inhibitions go out the window and I think he'd even fuck another woman in front of his wife. People think its degrading her but what they don't know is she gets off on it" - "Something like that,but how do you know she gets off when he fucks about with these women?" - I said it straight, - "Because after it,he conks out and who ever takes them home enjoys her horniness" - "You taken them home?" - "Sometimes!" - "Did you? Enjoy her I mean?" - I hesitated - "Go on,tell me,then I know how far you'd let me go when I'm bladdered"
" We enjoyed it,yes" - "So if I went all the way,although we're married it wouldn't be a problem?" - "No,mind this mate always swears blind he can't remember the next day" - Like a flash,my wife jumped in and I suspect wished she'd thought before so doing. - "I can,I remember it all,even how much cum. . . well you know what I mean,when I see it" - She guestured with her hand as though she was wanking a bloke off, - Going for bust, - "I like doing that,especially when it spits everywhere,it makes me laugh everytime,there he is,cock out of control and his ass pressing it in my fist like a dog fucking"
Yes I know she spoke crudely but I/we like it that way. She from then on tended to get me to tell her all I'd seen or knew about his goings on and couldn't resist asking me what she was like to fuck. - "Have I ever seen her?" - "Yes,remember at the company do christmas,she was the quiet one that you said you thought butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" - She looked at me,I might had been distracted,I can't remember her" - I grinned, - "Yes,alright,I was drunk and I did muck about outside,remember,you done what you like doing and watched us"- Conversation ended as the doorbell rang.
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So that's a bit of background. Enough to say,she has enough female assets that she never has a problem at functions and I don't have any problem knocking the odd wife off either. So lets get too it. . . This particular tale is about something I'd never really considered,so this is how it came about. As you've probably guessed,my wife was drunk and at it. Understand,drunk she maybe - emphasis, maybe,because on these occasions she never slurrs when talking and she only falls about if she's doing her spider in the web act. In other words there's nothing quite like a naked ass or stocking thigh flying around loose to attract the insect (Bloke) she has her eye on.
So here we are,she's done a boob job on this one,quite clever this act. A bra failure that allows rather to much tit to go on display draws the mighty into her web to rescue the situation, - I've asked her to show me how its done - "Mind your own business,just enjoy the performance!" - These saps always make the same move, A drink,a dance,a move on her ass followed by a no with her head nodding it,then into her web they go. - Out the nearest door,she chooses a spot near or even under a light, - She's thinking of me in fairness - then they get down to some serious snogging,the sort of snogging that always seems to lift her skirt above her ass and invariably gets some manly fingers working overtime on or in her knicker.
Generally she calls time on fucking,prefering to wank or perhaps suck them to an orgasm. But the results the same,she has much cum all over her knickers,thighs,stockings and depending how hard they cum,some sticking between her waist band and her knicker top. - There's generally a gap of belly flesh there.
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On this occasion unlike others,she brought him back in and introduced him to me. I think this was because he said he was unattached,he certainly wasn't pissed at this time. He asked how I fitted into the picture, - Thinking I was a brother I suppose. When I answered,husband, he went into reverse for a second,until she said,its okay,there's not a problem here,he knows what I am at parties.
Trying a rescue,he said, - "Wanna drink or anything?" - "Yeah sure,I'll have a rum if I might" Before he returned my wife confessed what she was up too. - "He's the one,remember what I keep saying about,god did you see him out there,he was like a hose cumming off" - She didn't have to remind me,I saw it,she was still sat with much of his cum stuck all over the inside of her clothes. - "Say nothing,he's coming back. Leave everything to me,you know what I'm talking about?" - I did,it was a thing that she'd mentioned many times. She wanted to see a man being bummed! It all fitted in nicely. A while ago,I'd said to her,I just can't imagine what a woman feels as the blokes cock shoots shot after shot up inside her.
"You could always have one up your ass,I'd love to see you,but we'd need a good cummer so you got some real shots inside you" - At the time she looked at me,yeah I mean it,I'd really like to watch one bloke giving it to another,I reckon it would be the altimate in sexuality,watching one bloke straining to get even more inside the other as he shoots off,imagine his ass squeezing as his cocks opening the others asshole" At the time just talking of her fantacy had her masterbating frantically and her orgasm nearly made her fall off the chair.
I knew this was no idle request when on each occasion we went out she insisted I douched my rectum in case, just in case she always said. I put a proviso on this though,I told her if ever she got a cock up me,she'd have to do any kissing,there was no way I was kissing a blokes stubble. - her answer, - "Oh,don't worry about that,by the time he's ready for you,I'll see he's all worked up and probably pissed enough to follow his dick where ever I choose to take it,but his sperm will be intact. No half offering for my little bumboy, Diddums" - so by that score,its no cock for me tonight,she's already milked him.
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My anticipation came to nothing,he flaked out on our settee and we did for a while,but not before she'd made the point that she'd love to watch two men bumming and he'd though pissed said,he couldn't kiss a bloke,me niether I added. I wouldn't be that bi' - My wife,no where near as drunk as she was making out blatantly squeezing his cock made, - "Bet this one has tried a bum or two" - "Equally,but genuinely pissed his response was , - "I'd only admit to a woman" - To quick as I seen it, my wife said, - "Admit to a woman you'd bummed a bloke!" - "No a woman he slurred" - "Oh, - putting her best slur on, - not a bloke?" - "No,not yet anyway" - "Would you if it was a threesome,you know two blokes and a woman?" - "What,you mean like him you and me? To pissed at the moment darling,why is he bi' then? - "Are you bi' then?" - "With the right bloke I might be I suppose" - Now with her mouth drooping alongside her eyes, - "Yeah,he is,he's bi' you're bi' you are" she went off into a drunken giggling fit,-"He's definately bi' Giggle! Giggle!"
"I better be going,we're all pissed" - With that he zonked out and my wife became virtually sober. - "He's the one,tomorrow night his cock is yours,his cum is as good as up you!" I didn't know it then but she had already arranged for us to meet up on the next night,she'd done it after seeing how much cum he'd shot off.
See part2