“Hello?†I said.
“Good morning Nick. It’s John here. â€
“Hi John. What can I do for you?â€
“I’m in a bit of a bind Nick. The reverend entrusted me with the church’s fundraising money until next weekend, five thousand dollars. The problem is my car’s broken down and I can’t get the money home to my safe. â€
“Did you want a lift John? I can be there in about thirty minutes. â€
“That would be fine. Fifteen would be better though. I knew I could count on you Nick,†he hung up.
“Fifteen would be better,†I parroted in a thin, whiny voice, imitating my boss.
“I’m doing him a fucking favour and he’s telling me how long to be? Christ!â€
I drove over to the store, waiting outside while John got his act together in his own sweet time. When he finally climbed into the passenger seat the first thing he said was
“I’ll need a lift back here after we drop the money off. That’s fine isn’t it?â€
“Of course it is boss. †I said, my hands tightening on the steering wheel.
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We drove in near silence until I reached down and switched on the radio. One of my favourite songs of the moment was playing and I began to tap my hands on the wheel. The music cut off abruptly.
“What was that noise? It was awful. †John leant back from the radio, humming what I assumed was a church hymn to himself.
After what seemed hours, John directed me into a driveway. The house was impressive: big, two-stories, with a lovely garden out front, filled with large shrubs and thick, dense trees. John walked unhurriedly inside – it wasn’t his day off after all – and I climbed out and leant against my car.
A sudden movement startled me, as Mary Evans stood up from behind a dense shrub, weeds in her gloved hands.
“Oh, I’m sorry Nick, I didn’t mean to startle you. †I knew, because John had told me, that Mary had recently turned thirty-five, yet she has the body and face of a woman my age. She’s taller than her husband, about 5’ 7â€, with long, wavy brunette hair tumbling past her shoulders. Her face has a slightly elfin look to it - her eyes large and bright green and her lips are pouty and red. She stepped out from behind the bush, pulling off her gloves to shake my hand and my mouth went dry. She was wearing a long, light summer dress – the day was quite hot – and the material was straining across her ample chest.
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Her breasts stood out proudly – firm D-cups - as she stepped towards me, barely bouncing at all.
“How are you, Mary?†I managed to croak out. As I shook her hand, John emerged from the house. Mary turned from me to her husband and I had the chance to admire her pert ass, the contours of her cheeks showing quite well through the light cotton of the dress. The dress itself came down to her knees so I couldn’t get a good look at her legs, but her calves seemed to promise goodness further up under the material. I slipped back into the driver’s seat before anyone noticed my rapidly hardening cock. John said goodbye to Mary, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, and we headed back into town to the store.
Driving back, I suffered an epiphany. I knew what was going to happen to my boss. Only the first part of a plan had dropped into my mind but it was a good one, and my now-fevered brain could envision only success. I was going to get back at the little fuckwit sitting beside me for all the things he’d ever said about other people. I was going to bring vengeance down on his god-worshipping, hypocritical head. I was going to fuck his wife and he was going to know about it. Hell, I thought, as another piece of the plan dropped into place in my mind, he was going to help me do it.
I knew John had a gambling problem.
I have a friend who’s a bookie and who took care of a lot of John’s bets. Apparently John (the model Christian) Evans had quite a gambling problem and that was why the store was not taking as much money as it should have been. John was fixing the books and gambling what he was skimming off the top.
When we got back to the store, I parked rather than just dropping John off out the front. When he looked at me questioningly I said:
“I’ve just got to have a quick word with Mike. We’re playing high stakes poker tonight. †John looked at me as I walked inside ahead of him. Quickly finding Mike, I told him what my plan was. He agreed and went to fill another of our mates, Sam, in on the game. I hadn’t told them that I was planning tonight so that I could fuck Mary Evans, just that I was going to screw over the boss. Mike and Sam hated John as much as anyone else so they quickly agreed.
I was just leaving when John intercepted me at the door.
“Did you say you were playing poker tonight?â€
“Well we were. We were playing a high stakes game, five grand to enter. But Mike’s friend is sick and he was our fourth.
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†I could see John’s mind working. I knew he wouldn’t have enough on his own, my bookie mate had told me that John had lost heavily the week before. Yet that church money would be weighing heavily on his mind. The exact amount needed, he would think. It’s fate, a gift from God. His gambling urge would, I hoped, quickly justify using the church’s funds.
“Well, I’ll be in on Friday, so I’ll see you then John. †I walked out of the store and down to the bank to withdraw fifteen thousand dollars – five each for Mike, Sam and myself.
Sure enough, it was only an hour or so later that my phone again rang with work’s number.
“Ah, hi Nick, it’s John. I was just wondering about that poker game. â€
“Mmm. What about it? It’s not on. â€
“But if you could find a fourth…then…what?â€
“Well then we’d be playing of course. Why? Do you know someone?â€
“Well, I’d like to play actually.
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“Do you have five grand?†I asked, smiling as I said it. He was hooked, now I just had to reel him in.
“Ah, yes, yes I do. â€
“Well then, be at my place at eight. The game starts at eight-fifteen. See you then boss. †I hung up and began preparing for the evening. I set up the card table and pulled out my deck of trick cards. I’d bought them a few years ago and they were about to become worth the money I’d paid. The cards were marked on the back in such a way as to be invisible unless they were looked at through polarised sunglasses. Since John wouldn’t be wearing sunglasses to drive at night, I should be the only one who could see the markings.
Mike and Sam arrived early so that I could fill them in on how the evening would go. They thought the entire reason for the game was to exploit our asshole employer’s gambling problem and take the church money off him. I let them think that was the whole of my plan.
Mike and I had a few beers and smoked a joint while we waited for Sam to go and pick up John.
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At eight PM on the dot, the doorbell rang and I opened the door to let Sam back into my house, John behind him.
We started playing, drinking as we went. John was asking for light beers but I was dropping a bit of vodka into his drink each time I grabbed a round from the fridge. I cheated carefully, losing almost as often as winning but never losing big hands, slowly taking my dickhead boss’s money. As John began to get drunk it quickly became clear that his eagerness to gamble far outweighed his ability to play poker and he was soon losing heavily.
As the evening wore on and everyone got drunker, I could see John was beginning to get worried, despite the alcohol I was almost force-feeding him. He’d lost almost three grand and I’d pushed the bets for this hand up so high that if John pulled out or lost he’d have only a couple of hundred dollars left, maybe less. And from reading the back of his cards, I knew what he had, and knew that my hand was better. The hand ended and I looked across at my boss as I dragged my winnings over to me.
Sweat was trickling down John’s forehead and staining his shirt and he looked as though he might be sick as he stared down at the table and his meager pile of notes and then across at the mound of cash lying in front of me.
“A…another hand Nick?†John croaked out.
“I don’t know boss. You don’t have much left. Here, have a beer. †I passed another ‘vodka surprise’ across to him.
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“What will you bet with. I don’t really want to play five-dollar hands when we’ve been playing with fifty’s all night. Do you have anything of value you could put up instead of cash?†This was the moment I’d been waiting for all night.
“My…my car. How about my car?â€
“Isn’t that broken down at the moment? Besides I have a nicer car than you do already. No. Anything else?â€
“Ah…ah…um…I…. â€
“Hang on a sec,†I interrupted his stammering, “you could use that church money couldn’t you? You’ve got it at your house over the weekend. You could use that. Sam can drive you home to grab it right now. Couldn’t you Sam?â€
“Of course I could. John, you want a ride?â€
“Ah no…I couldn’t possibly gamble that. I…I couldn’t. â€
“Well then John, I guess we’re done for the evening. If you don’t have anything you can bet, then you can’t really play anymore, can you?â€
“Wait, please.
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There must be something you want. I can’t lose that money. I need it. My rep…my wife would be furious. â€
Whoops, almost said ‘reputation’ there didn’t you John, I thought to myself. You don’t want to let on that I’ve got you by the balls now do you boss? I waved at Sam and Mike and they got up and left the room.
“Talking about your wife, John. I can’t believe she’s thirty-five. She looks like a twenty-five year old. â€
“My wife? Ah yes…she…has aged well. She looks the same now as when I married her seventeen years ago. †John clearly didn’t understand the change in topic.
“Mary, she really is…quite ravishing you know John?â€
“What do you mean by that?â€
“Just that a lot of men would find her very attractive. A lot of men would pay a lot of money for a night with a woman like Mary. Some men would say a woman like that was worth about, say, five thousand dollars.
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†John’s drink addled brain finally began to catch up.
“Are you saying that you want my wife? Who do you think you are?†John stood up, but the alcohol had left him unsteady, the room swinging around him, and he sat back down.
“I’m saying that if you were to put a night with your wife on the table as a bet, that I would value it as worth about five thousand dollars. †I leant back in my chair and waited to see how things would go. John took a pull on his beer and sat there, staring across the table at my pile of winnings, no doubt wishing it was sitting in front of him. I was also looking at my pile of cash, though I was wishing that there was a naked Mary Evans sitting on top of it.
“Tell you what. I have to step into the bathroom. Take a few moments to make up your mind. You can give me your decision when I get back. †I have no idea of the thoughts that went through John’s head. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for him, but when I walked back into the room he looked up at me and said:
“All right then. A night with my wife…for five grand in bets. â€
“Ah, fantastic. I’ll deal then yes? A game of two hand I think.
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And I tell you what. So you actually have a chance to win your money back before we call it a night, we’ll play everything on this hand. â€
John obviously didn’t really like that idea, but with all of the cash in front of me and all of the alcohol in John’s blood stream, he wasn’t really capable of arguing.
I dealt out the cards and watched with glee as John picked up his. Things could not have gone any better. I’d dealt John an absolutely appalling hand, while I was holding four of a kind. My cock immediately began to get hard at the thought of what I was about to win.
We played the hand and John lost. He sat at the table, staring at the cards lying face up in front of me.
“Oh dear lord… I think I’m going to be sick. Oh god. You aren’t really going to hold me to that wager are you?â€
“Of course I am John. A bet’s a bet. You didn’t make it with the idea of backing out did you? I’ll be collecting on this boss. †I leant back in my chair again and watched sweat bead on my employers forehead as he realised that he had just lost his church’s money in a card game, as well as his wife.
“I tell you what. I’m going to collect on any winnings I make tonight, but I’m a nice guy so I’ll give you another chance. Double or nothing. What do you say?†I was hoping John’s gambling problem would come into play here. And it did. I know it sounds incredible but I could actually see the struggle on John’s face. One side of his personality was telling him that he’d already lost his wife’s body for a night and that he was being a fool, while the other side was screaming over and over that his luck was bound to change and it would change when he least expected it. That must have been the side that won out because he suddenly looked more relaxed and even smiled.
“Ok. Double or nothing. Ten grand from you, or two nights with my wife. †He was slurring his words and was obviously pretty plastered and not really responsible for his actions. I smiled and dealt out the cards.
As I lay out my cards at the end of the hand, John stood up and rushed outside, where he was violently ill. I stood and followed slowly, my cock throbbing pleasantly as I imagined what I was going to do to Mary Evans.
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Mike had just left but Sam was still waiting outside, prepared to drive John home despite his state. Sam knew his boss had just lost a shitload of cash and so he was feeling rather good about things and was prepared to drive his drunk employer home.
John cleaned himself up, snorting loudly through his nose and wiping off his mouth, staggering a bit as he tried to weave his way towards Sam’s car.
“Ah, John?†I called, “I’ll swing by and pick up that wager of yours on Friday evening ok? About 8? Why don’t we have dinner at yours? I’ll bring some wine. See you then boss. †I turned and walked back into my house before John could respond.
The next day I was supposed to work but decided I couldn’t be assed. I called John’s house and got Mary.
“Hello, Mary Evans speaking?â€
“Oh hello Mary. How are you? It’s Nick Marsden here?â€
“Oh of course. Nick, how are you?â€
“Well, not too well actually. I was rather hoping you could let John know that I won’t be able to make it in today. â€
“Oh, I do hope it’s nothing too serious, Nick? John’s quite ill as well. He hasn’t gotten out of bed all day. He should be fine for Friday though.
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Are you still able to make it for dinner?†I couldn’t believe it. He’d actually told her I was coming over. He must have spoken to her last night when he got home, while he was still drunk. I was fairly sure he wouldn’t have told her why I was coming over however.
“I’ll most certainly be well enough to come out on Friday, Mary. Don’t you worry about that. I wouldn’t miss your delightful company for anything. â€
“Is there any sort of food you would especially like Nick?†she said.
“Why yes actually. I have a great fondness for spicy foods. If you could maybe whip up something like that?â€
“Of course. Not a problem. It will be a pleasure. See you then. â€
I said good-bye and hung up.
When John called later in the day I told him I couldn’t be bothered working at all that week and I would see him Friday. He tried to play dumb at first, but soon owned up that his wife had mentioned it too him.
The week passed slowly, the days seeming to drag by. I had to whack off constantly, my cock was so hard at the thought of Mary Evans unbelievably sexy body sliding up and down it. I spent my days imagining what she would look like naked, what it would be like to suck her nipples, to finger her pussy while I kissed her throat and neck. She would writhe in pleasure, I knew it.
The weekend finally swung around and I spent the day in a state of high sexual frustration. My cock was aching to be rubbed every moment of every hour but I managed to abstain. I wanted to have a healthy reserve of cum to spray in the gorgeous housewife I had won in my fixed game of cards.
As the sun fell, the hands on the clock began to move ever more slowly, dragging from one minute to the next, my eagerness mounting as the time grew closer to eight. Finally I walked out to my car. I would be a little early but I couldn’t stand to wait a moment longer. I drove across town, my dick hard, having to stop myself from speeding the entire way.
I pulled up outside the Evans house and looked at it. The lights were on and I could see someone moving about inside.
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I walked up to the front door, quickly rearranging my large cock into a more comfortable position, and rang the doorbell. John opened the door, looking out at me with a glum look on his face, his shoulders slumped.
“Hey boss, how ya going?†I clapped him on the shoulder and walked passed him into his house. I dropped my bag in the hallway and left John to close the front door while I found my way into the kitchen, where Mary was preparing dinner.
“Oh Nick, you naughty young man. You’re early and I haven’t finished making the food. â€
“Don’t you worry about it. A woman as beautiful as you can get away with anything. †I stepped close to her, putting my hand on her hip and gave her a kiss on the lips, pressing my mouth gently against hers and then pulling away.
“I brought wine,†I said before she could say anything, putting a second bag down on the bench and pulling out two bottles of chilled white wine, “I’ll open them up shall I? It’s the perfect evening for a few glasses of wine. †I didn’t wait for her to reply, pulling open a drawer.
“The top one. On the left there. Yep. †With Mary directing me, I quickly found a bottle opener and had the first of the bottles open.
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When John finally slunk into the kitchen, I was filling the glasses. I passed one each to the other two and toasted the evening.
We stepped outside while the food was cooking, sitting at an outdoor table. It was summer and it was hot as hell, even at eight o’clock at night. I was wearing a pair of long, loose shorts, rubber flip-flops and a t-shirt. John was wearing trousers and a short-sleeved, button shirt – of course. Mary was a vision. She was wearing a light, flowing skirt that fell to her knees, open toed heels and on top she was wearing a thin, light blouse, with what I could see was a bikini top beneath containing her impressive bosom.
Sweat slicked all of our bodies as we sat there, chatting, making small talk and sipping at the cool wine. Sweat was dripping from my nose now and then and the top of John’s balding head was slippery with it, slicking the few remaining strands of hair on his head into amusing swirls.
The heat was worth it though as it showed me a few small droplets of sweat gather on Mary’s collarbone and then slip down the firm skin of her chest and into her cleavage, vanishing down beneath her shirt. My tongue ached to follow the trail of those droplets.
Soon enough the food was ready and we sat down to eat. I made sure that Mary’s glass remained full throughout the meal, topping it up whenever she took a sip. The spicy food she had prepared – not something she and her husband usually ate – soon had the both of them sweating even more and taking great gulps of cooling wine.
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By the time we had finished our meal, we had almost finished the second bottle.
Leaving the plates on the table, we wandered outside with the last of our wine to enjoy the evening. I pulled out a joint and lit it, casually drawing in the lovely smoke.
“Here John. Have a toke. †My boss looked at me and I raised one eyebrow, staring back at him. He reached out and took it, inhaling a little before coughing bent him double. Laughing, I took it back, dragging at it again.
“Mary, here you go. â€
“Oh, I…uh…I don’t smoke. I never have. And that’s…um…it’s marijuana isn’t it?†she finished softly.
“Yep, it sure is. A little bit won’t hurt you though. In fact, it’ll make you feel lovely.
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And on a night like this, it’s even better. It’ll help you forget all about the heat. â€
“No, Nick. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thank you though. †Behind my back, I waved at John, trying to tell him to give me a hand.
“Ah, it’s all right sweetheart. Once won’t hurt,†he looked at me and I smiled, “and it will make you feel much better. I feel wonderful. â€
“Come on Mary, live a little. It won’t make you an addict or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. †I could sense her resolve was weakening. I gently pulled her down onto a sun lounge, putting my arm around her and holding the joint to her lips. I slowly took her through the process and though she coughed a little, it was not too bad.
It seemed like only moments before Mary began to giggle and laugh, squirming against me on the sun bed.
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The feel of her wriggling against me as I tickled her sides was delightful, but I had to move things along.
“How about another drink? I’ll make us up something nice and cool.
†I walked inside, pulling John along with me, and stepped up to the bar.
“Whatever suggestions I make, you agree with. Got it boss? That’s the only rule I have for you at the moment. †As I was speaking I had begun to make up two Long Island Ice Teas. I finished them in record time, handing one to John, before making up a non-alcoholic version for myself. I wanted to be soberish when I shoved my cock into his sexy wife’s pussy.
Walking back outside, I handed Mary her drink and sat back down beside her. Half-filled with crushed ice, the teas were very cooling and Mary took a couple of large gulps almost as soon as I put the drink in her hand. She was completely unaware - and unprepared I hoped – for just how much alcohol there was in one of those drinks.
Tickling her, watching her get drunker, the dope making her giggle almost constantly, my cock began to slowly get hard.
“John. That bag I left in the hallway. Why don’t you take it into your study or whatever - there’s something in there for you.
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†John stared at me and then walked inside, obviously afraid of what he was going to find. As soon as he began to walk away I put my arm back around his wife and put my other hand on her thigh, gently tickling her side and leg. Mary collapsed against me, her giggles sapping her strength. I could feel my cock hardening as her firm breasts pressed into my muscled chest. Despite the fact that she was ten years older than I was, it felt like I had a young woman in my arms. She was giggling and squirming as I tickled her, occasionally giving a small squeal.
I stopped to give her a chance to catch her breath and took a sip of her drink, feeling like the alcohol. I held the drink and put the straw to her lips, holding it there while her full lips wrapped around the plastic, my fevered mind imagining my cock sliding between her lips.
I put the drink down and pulled out another joint, lighting it up immediately. I took a few drags and passed it to Mary. I knew I could take my time. In the package I’d brought for John I’d left a note telling him to stay the fuck away until I called him. I watched Mary carefully as we smoked, not wanting her to have too much and pass out. I’d still fuck her but it wouldn’t be anywhere near as much fun.
I decided that we’d had enough weed and bent down to stub the joint out on the ground.
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As I straightened back up, Mary attacked me, her hands sliding around on my sides and chest, trying to tickle me. I’m not ticklish but I squirmed for a while, enjoying the feel of her hands on me, tickling her back.
“What’s that?†Mary had stopped tickling me and was staring at my thigh. She was stoned and drunk and this was bypassing her Christian values. As we had been struggling on the sun lounge, my shorts had ridden halfway up my leg. The feel of Mary’s heavenly body pressed against mine had also woken my cock up somewhat. Lying along my leg, the head of my penis was poking out the bottom of my shorts.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry,†I said, not really meaning it. I pulled my shorts down slightly, just enough to cover up my cock.
“But what was it?†I stared at her for a moment. I was suddenly unsure as to exactly how stoned I had gotten her.
“Are you serious?†When she nodded her head I told her it was my penis.
“But that was…that’s…it’s…John never got anywhere near that big. †Talking this way, Mary was obviously stoned. While she’d been speaking she’d been staring at my cock, outlined by my shorts, and as she finished, her hand moved a little, covering some of the distance between it and my dick.
“It gets bigger than that. It’s not completely hard yet. It’s all right. You can touch it if you like. That’ll make it get bigger at any rate. †I watched in disbelief as her hand slowly stretched towards my shaft. She moved so slowly that I wanted to scream in frustration.
I couldn’t believe that a good Catholic woman was about to touch the cock of a man who was not her husband. Especially when they were in her home and so was her husband. It wasn’t as if I’d mentioned that I owned her ass for the next two nights. I thanked God for dope and booze. And then it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Things John had told me over the years fell into place. Mary had gone to a Catholic boarding school. They had been married when Mary was only eighteen.
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And if she was a good Catholic woman then it was a fair bet she’d been a virgin when she’d been married.
The only cock this woman had ever experienced was her husband’s. And by all reports, it was not much of a cock.
Moments before her fingers touched my shorts, mere seconds before her hand came to rest on my cock, Mary snatched her arm away and I sighed in frustration.
“I…I mustn’t. I’m married to John. This is wrong. My husband is just in the other room. We…we mustn’t. †It was time to play my trump card. I re-lit the joint and dragged, passing it to Mary, who took it with a little convincing.
“Your husband? Let me tell you about your husband, Mary. You know that John has a gambling problem don’t you?†I waited for her to nod, “well, he’s been taking money from the shop to gamble with. And he’s been losing. What’s worse, is that he came to a poker game at my house this week.
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I didn’t realise it but he was gambling with the church’s money. â€
“Oh my god. How much did he lose?â€
“All of it. But that isn’t even the worst of it I’m afraid. He wanted to try to win the money back, but he had no cash so…. Mary, John bet you – I valued a night with you as being worth five thousand dollars,†I tightened my arm around her, running my other hand along her thigh, “and he lost Mary. John lost you in a card game and so tonight, I’m your husband. So if you want to touch my cock then you can. There’s nothing wrong with it. John decided it was okay with him the moment he chose to use you as a betting chip. â€
“What…I can’t…I don’t understand. If you knew he had a gambling problem, then why did you let him play? Why did you let him use me as a bet?†The alcohol and dope was clouding her mind, she obviously couldn’t think clearly.
“Isn’t that obvious Mary? You’re a beautiful woman. Absolutely stunning, and I’m a young man. The thought of being able to touch you is what got my dick hard in the first place.
†I was still running my hand along her leg, relaxing her as my other hand began travelling up and down her side, gently brushing the slightest edge of her breast. Mary’s eyes were locked on the swell in my shorts again, it was though she couldn’t look away. She took a drag on the joint and passed it back to me and then slowly her hand began to stretch out towards my cock again. I was damned if I was going to go through all of that again so I took my hand off her thigh, gently took hold of Mary’s wrist and pulled her hand down onto my leg, laying it on my cock. A sigh escaped my lips as, through my shorts, I felt her fingers against my shaft, hesitantly applying pressure to my cock, which immediately responded to her touch.
“Oh my, it moved!†Mary gasped, her hand jerking back a little. Once again I drew her hand back onto my manhood. It had swelled out to about seven inches – almost its full length – but I could tell that it wasn’t quite as wide yet as it would become.
“Oh Mary, that feels so good. I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you. That feels marvelous. Hold it a little tighter…yeah, that’s right. †My cock was beginning to dominate my thoughts and I had started moving my hips, pressing my cock into the sexy housewife’s palm. Soon enough, this action brought my cock head popping out of the end of my shorts again. Mary gasped and I was afraid she’d pull away, but instead she dragged my shorts leg further down, revealing more of my cock.
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“Oh god! It’s massive. John’s is so much smaller. Not even half that. I can’t believe it. I had no idea men could get that big. It looks wonderful. So big and strong,†she said, her hand caressing the shaft, fingers rolling over the head of my near fully erect cock.
“It will still get a bit bigger. Why don’t you just bend down a little and give it a quick lick?†I said, gently pushing her towards my groin.
“What? Are you kidding? I’m a married woman Nick, I can’t do that. And besides, it goes against God’s teachings. †Her hand was still fondling my cock though.
“Mary, I told you. Tonight you’re my husband. And isn’t a wife supposed to do what makes her husband happy? And besides, every woman deserves a decent sized cock once in a while.
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Tonight it’s your turn, sexy. Remember, John bet you in a card game for god’s sake. And if you don’t keep me happy Mary, the entire congregation will find out all of your dirty little secrets. â€
“Nick, you wouldn’t! You’re such a nice young man. â€
“Nice young men do strange things when they’re too horny. But you can help me Mary. All you have to do is bend down and suck my cock into your mouth. Just imagine it’s a lollipop or something. †I felt her resistance break and then the gorgeous woman was bending down, her hand holding my cock up so that she could hesitantly place the head of my now ragingly hard dick into her mouth.
“That’s right baby. Now wrap your lips around it and suck. Swirl your tongue all over it. Oh yeah…that’s the stuff. Suck it a little harder Mary. Augh…that’s it.
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Now wrap your hand around it…yeah, just like that. Rub your hand up and down while you suck me… oh that’s wonderful. †She was sitting on the sun lounge beside me, bent over, as she gave me what was probably the first blowjob of her life. And she was fantastic. I could have sat there forever with her head in my lap, tongue massaging the underside of my cock. The woman was an absolute natural. All of a sudden, she began to bob her head up and down, sliding my dick between her lips as her hand moved faster on my shaft. My cock had grown out to its normal eight inches and, with this gorgeous slut sucking me, I could feel it straining to grow even further. It had also firmed out to its full, impressive width.
“Oh Mary, you have to be the best cock sucker I’ve ever met. Have you done this before?†She stopped sucking me for long enough to look up and say:
“No, never. I’ve only ever had sex four times,†her hand was still working at my shaft, even though her mouth wasn’t latched onto it. “We did it on out wedding night, to conceive Lucy and then we tried to get me pregnant twice more. It was in the dark and over quick and all that happened was John climbed on top of me. That’s all the sexual experience I’ve had.
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We didn’t do anything like this. â€
“That’s unbelievable,†I said, pressing her head back towards my dick and sighing as her lips closed over my throbbing shaft. And it was unbelievable that a woman who was as hot as Mary Evans had only ever had one man’s cock shoved into her. And then it was only four times and, according to Mary, it was a tiny cock.
Despite her impressive skill, Mary could not take very much of my cock into her mouth. Not much more than the head was slipping between her lips and I was getting frustrated. I intended to have her deep-throating me by the time I was done with her, but right then, all I wanted was to close the deal and sink my cock into Mary’s near-virginal pussy.
“Mary, your cocksucking skills are heavenly, but I need to take you upstairs. I have to fuck you. I need to feel you sliding up and down my hard cock. †Mary let my dick slip from her mouth with a pop and she sat back up, looking at me.
“Well, you are my husband, aren’t you Nick? That’s what you said – John bet me and lost. I’d better make you happy, it’s my wifely duty. †She said all of this with a grin on her face, her eyes dancing despite, or perhaps because of, the alcohol and dope in her system, her hand stroking my raging hardon.
I stood up, pulling the sexy housewife up with me.
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Standing, I could let my hands roam over her body. I ran my fingers down her side and onto her thighs, running them up her back as I stepped in close to her. I leant down and kissed her on the side of the neck, at the same time bringing my hands around to her front and finally getting a double handful of her wonderful breasts. Mary groaned as I kneaded the firm flesh of her chest and then I slid my hands around to her ass. I squeezed her cheeks, pulling them apart and pressing them together, kneading them the whole time, pressing her warm pussy mound against my hard cock.
“We’re going upstairs. I need to fuck you and I’m sure you want to feel my cock in your tight little pussy, don’t you?â€
“Oh yeah Nick, I do. I want to feel your cock, to see what a real dick feels like when it slides into me. †Mary was obviously getting carried away. She turned and began pulling me inside, towards the staircase and the master bedroom, where I could finally release the pressure on my balls and fill this hot bitch with my cum.
On the way to the stairs, we passed the dining room, where John was sitting with five thousand dollars on the table in front of him. He looked up at us as we stopped in the doorway, Mary in front of me, obscuring my cock hanging from my shorts.
“Nick, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. You didn’t have to return the money.
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You won it. This is very generous. â€
“Generous my ass John. Since we valued your wife at five grand a night, I thought I may as well give you the church’s money back and buy all day Saturday with her as well. That way I get her tonight, all day tomorrow and tomorrow night. †At this point Mary looked at me…
“What do you mean, tomorrow night? What’s he talking about John?†she looked back at her husband.
“Well Mary, John actually bet you twice,†I replied for him. “I won two nights with you. I just brought the money I won to buy your body for tomorrow as well. You’re one hot piece of ass, baby. †I turned to John, “well boss, I’d love to stay here and chat but I have to take your lovely wife up to your bedroom so that I can yank her legs apart and stuff my nice big cock up her cunt. You understand…â€
“John,†Mary was still reeling from the new information, “you… I can’t believe you did that. â€
“Mary, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I don’t know why I did it.
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Nick, please don’t do this. â€
“No chance John. Mary’s going to have a ride of my cock,†I said.
“You can sit here and reflect on what you’ve done, John,†Mary said, “while I go upstairs to our marital bed and fuck a near-total stranger to pay for your gambling debts. You’re a son of a bitch John – and you know how I feel about swearing – but at least now I’m going to be able to experience a real cock. Can you see how big Nick is? He’s huge compared to you, little man. †She stepped out of the way, lifting my cock up for John’s inspection and I laughed as his face fell, hurt showing through clearly. Mary tugged on my pole, drawing me towards the stairs and her bed.
As we walked up the stairs, I slid my hand under Mary’s skirt and up between her legs, massaging her pussy lips through the bikini she was wearing, causing her hand’s grip on my cock to tighten. As I worked two fingers on her pussy, I also pressed my thumb through her underwear and onto her anus, gently rubbing that hole as well. She jumped a little at that but she was groaning even before we reached the top of the stairs. By the time that we got to the bedroom door, the whore had started unbuttoning the front of her dress with one hand, her breasts, cupped by the black bikini top, standing out proudly through the open fabric.
As we stopped by the bed I took hold of both edges of her open dress and yanked it apart, splitting it down the middle and leaving her standing there in her bikini and heels. My cock throbbed and Mary giggled as it danced, jerking up and down in its eagerness to split the sexy woman wide.
“Get out of those,†I said, as I began to pull off my clothes.
Mary complied quickly, whipping off the swimming costume before I was remotely naked. As I pulled my t-shirt off the gorgeous housewife sank to her knees in front of me and engulfed my cock with her mouth once more, running her tongue up and down the shaft, licking and sucking at my entire eight inches. I pulled off my shirt and looked down at her, kneeling at my feet completely naked, her big, beautiful breasts rising and falling as she breathed and worked her mouth on my shaft.
“You are going to be able to deepthroat me before I’m done with you. I promise you that, tramp. All eight inches of that cock will be stuffed down your throat. †Unbelievably, this sort of talk made the whore suck my cock with even more enthusiasm. As incredible as the feel of her lips wrapped around my cock was I had to plug her hole and so I dragged her up off my dick, pushing her onto the bed.
I climbed on, straddling her and prepared to ram my cock more deeply into her cunt than anyone ever had before, but I’m totally helpless against my love of blowjobs. I quickly shuffled up Mary’s body until my groin was above her face and then I lowered my cock down into her mouth. I spent a couple of minutes gently thrusting my dick into Mary’s warm, moist mouth, delighting in the feel of her tongue swirling on my pole. I started letting my cock slip a little deeper, touching the back of her throat. I needed to get her used to the feeling so that when I shoved my whole eight inches into her mouth, she wouldn’t gag on my meat.
Momentarily satisfied, I moved back down her body.
“Spread your legs.
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Pull them out as wide as they’ll go. Yeah, that’s it. Now spread your pussy lips, slut. †My cock throbbed constantly as I watched the unbelievably hot thirty-five year old mother spread her legs until she was almost doing the splits and then reach down to her pussy, spreading her lips apart and revealing the tiny hole where my dick was about to go.
“Stick your finger in and give yourself a bit of a poke. â€
“This is so naughty…so wrong. I’ve never done anything like this before. Sex has only ever been John sliding onto me when the lights were out. C’mon, shove that big, meaty, motherfucker into me. I want you to fuck me…show me what sex should really be like. †I could hardly resist a request like that so I moved my cock in front of her hole and then, while Mary held her own cunt lips apart, I gently pushed forward, sinking the head of my cock into her.
The results were instantaneous.
“Oh god! You can’t be serious? It’s so big…. augh…. that feels so good.
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So big. How much of that yummy, hard pole is in?â€
“The head’s in, Mary,†I said laughing, “only about another seven inches or so to go. â€
“Oh my lord. Keep going…get it into me. I want it. Cram me full of the pussy stuffer. â€
I slowly worked my cock back and forth, trying to lodge it a little more deeply with every thrust. It was a long slow process as Mary’s pussy was incredibly tight, making it difficult for me to actually penetrate her. Five minutes into it and I had managed to get only about half my cock into her.
“C’mon now Nick. Fuck me. I thought that’s what you wanted? Shove that cock into me. Just give it all to me. †Her juices were flowing - she was absolutely soaking - so I withdrew until only the first inch of my cock was still buried in her and then thrust forward as hard as I could, sinking balls deep into cunt. The neighbours would definitely have heard Mary when I did that.
She screamed long and loud, wrapping her legs around me and holding me tight, trying to hump herself further onto me, though I had nothing more to give her.
I pushed myself up onto my knees and pulled her legs off me, spreading them back out. With her pussy pulled as far open as possible, I leant forward and began to slam my cock into her cunt again and again. Mary grunted with every thrust, animal noises of lust and passion that had no place being made in the bedroom we were in. Every now and then I would deliver an especially hard thrust and the married mother would scream loudly, the pleasure building as her orgasm approached.
“Oh god…oh yes. That’s right, shove it into me. Augh damn it…. You’re so big. I can feel you right up inside me. It feels like you’re filling me up, like you’ll split me wide open. Aungh, oh, ah, OH!†Mary began to breathe more heavily, panting as I thrust into her tight pussy. She was shoving her hips up to meet me, skewering herself on my cock, the feel of her cunt wrapped around me beyond compare. I could feel her pussy gripping at my shaft as she approached orgasm, her muscles spasming as the feelings in her groin blanked out her thoughts.
“I feel….
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uh…ah…strange…oh,†she gasped. “More, you have to give me more. Please, harder. I think I’m…I think I’m going to have an orgasm. Yes, give it to me, make me orgasm. †I rammed my cock into her harder, pulling nearly all of the way out before slamming my cock back into her to the hilt, my balls slapping her on the ass. Abruptly, Mary’s orgasm crashed through her, making her scream and grunt and groan, writhing on the bed as her cunt rippled around my dick. Her tits shook back and forth, sliding from one side of her chest to the other until Mary reached up and began to play with her nipples, cupping her breasts and tweaking the large nubbins protruding from the delicious mounds of flesh.
It amused me to think that John was downstairs, easily within hearing distance of Mary’s cries and screams of passion. The sound of her crashing through an orgasm, something he’d evidently never been able to give her, must have robbed him of much of his masculinity. I kept on slamming my cock into the hot woman, riding her as she twisted and squirmed with her orgasm.
“Oh god, yes. I…oh…aungh…that’s right…oh Nick yes, stuff it into me. Oh god that feels good. I can’t believe how deeply you’re fucking me.
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I can feel you all the way up. Ah fuck…,†this was the first swear word I’d heard out of her and it proved a turn on. My cock throbbed and I lost control, slamming my body against Mary’s, my cock flying in and out of her pussy with furious speed and force. Her whole body was shaking with my thrusts, her breasts flying and her head arching back as she groaned loudly with each of my thrusts. Sweat had coated both of our bodies in a fine sheen, my hands slipping across Mary’s tight, firm body as I thrust into her.
I could feel my own orgasm coming and held my breath, still ramming myself into her. I went over the edge and yelled out as I felt sweet electricity fly up my cock, every nerve on fire as my hot cum shot out into the gorgeous, thirty-five year old mother, the sexy wife of my boss. My cock jerked again and again, spurting so many streams of sticky cream into Mary’s tight, warm hole that my own orgasm seemed to go on forever. I collapsed on top of her, my head pillowed on her breasts as I tried to catch my breath, lungs working overtime. My breathing slowly returned to normal and I could use my mouth to suck on Mary’s magnificent tits, licking across one of her nipples and squeezing her other breast with my hand as my cock slowly shrunk and slipped from Mary’s tight little hole.
“That was just incredible. Nick, I had no idea sex could be like that. I always thought it was a chore. But that…I want that again. It was marvelous.
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The feel of you…I was so full, just stuffed and it felt wonderful. Thank you so much. †That she was thanking me for cheating my way into her bed was beyond belief. In the last week I had never seriously entertained the thought that Mary would actually enjoy what I was doing her. I was delighted to have been wrong.
“You were wonderful yourself. You make an incredible lover Mary. You are just built for fucking, and you’ve got a passion to match, don’t you? That much was obvious when I had my dick in you. †Mary giggled and her hand strayed down to my crotch, stroking my mostly soft penis.
“Oh Nick, I feel so foolish. You’re so much more experienced than me that I just know I’m going to disappoint you. â€
“You’re kidding right?†I laughed at her nervousness, “teaching you how to fuck like the best of them is going to be the most fun I’ve ever had. Now, why don’t you bend down and give me a bit of a suck. I need to be hard if I’m going to fuck you again. I think you need to be shown doggy style.
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I bet your husband’s never done that with you. â€
“No, he hasn’t. I don’t even know what it is really. â€
“You’re kidding? You don’t know?†I said incredulously and when the brunette beauty shook her head I almost laughed, but I didn’t want to embarrass her, newly awakened to the delights of sex as she was.
“It’s when you get on your hands and knees and I kneel behind you and shove my cock into your pussy. So I need to be hard and I get hardest when a hot woman has my cock in her mouth. So…down you go. †I pressed my hand against the back of Mary’s head and she slowly bent towards my now-flaccid cock.
She scooped it up in her hand and drew the foreskin back before wrapping her lips around the head and starting to suck. I groaned out loud as the incredible sensations of a happily given blowjob began flowing through my dick and balls once more. The sight of such a gorgeous, virginal little cock whore sucking hard on my dick, her cheeks hollowing as she applied pressure, soon had my cock standing at full attention. When my cock was rock hard Mary lifted her head and looked at me, no doubt wanting me to ram my pussy pleaser back into her. But I knew it would take me much longer to cum this time so I just pushed her mouth back down onto my prick, holding her by the sides of the head so that I could control the blowjob I was getting. I figured that getting a longer suck job would make life easier for me when it came time to fuck her – hardcore sex can be a tiring business.
I lay back on the bed, my hands still holding Mary’s head as I forced her mouth onto my cock, actually slipping a bit of my dick into her throat this time.
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Mary began to gag though as I lost control and slipped my cock deeper. I figured it was time and let her lift her mouth off my cock.
“Can we fuck now? Please? I really want to feel that big, hard penis of yours back in my…cunt. †Mary looked at me, as if expecting me to rebuke her for using the word but I just smiled and moved so I was kneeling on the bed.
“On your hands and knees, you hot bitch. I need to get my cock wet again and your tight hole is just what I need. †I could sense her excitement as she moved into position, spreading her legs more than was strictly necessary. I ran my hands down her long, smooth thighs, marveling that a body like the one kneeling in front of me could belong to a woman who was thirty-five and had given birth. My hands moved up her delicious legs and grabbed at her ass cheeks, kneading the flesh and pulling them apart to expose both her cunt and anus. That other hole would merit attention soon.
As a precursor to stuffing my hard tool into her I worked a finger between Mary’s cunt lips and slid it up her hole. The slut was still sopping wet, pushing her pussy further onto my finger with a groan after my initial intrusion. I moved myself into position behind her, one hand separating her ass cheeks and exposing her pussy, while the other guided my cock towards her hole. I slipped the swollen head of my tool into her hole, bringing more sighs from the sexy housewife and then, without really bothering to prepare her, I shoved the rest of my cock into Mary’s soaking interior. Her own excitement, plus my cum from our previous fuck, meant that Mary’s pussy was soaking wet and it was easy for me to get up a nice fast fucking motion that soon had the good Christian woman groaning and screaming and begging for me to fuck her harder.
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It was my pleasure to fulfill her request, slamming my dick into her tight hole with greater and greater force, shaking her entire frame as I fucked her.
Mary was just as beautiful on her hands and knees as she was on her back. Her back was smooth and well defined and her ass was fantastic – tight, firm and well rounded – and perfect for squeezing. As we fucked, Mary whipped her head back and forth, lost in the passion of our fucking, her gorgeous brown hair flying about as she groaned and whimpered with each new assault on her cunt. I fucked her well and I fucked her hard. As my cock sawed in and out of her pussy, my hands gripped her firm ass cheeks, pulling them apart and squeezing them together, the sight of my cock flying into her a delight.
“Oh…augh…fu…ah…oh my god! That’s so deep. I can’t believe it. You’re hitting places you didn’t reach…ahahahah…before…oh yes, slam that piece of meat into me. Really give it to me now, I want you to pound me until I can’t take anymore. Please. †The sound of Mary begging me, actually begging me, to fuck her almost made me lose control but I managed to hang on. I knew I’d have only moments until I erupted and I wanted to make the most of it. I quit squeezing Mary’s firm ass and instead gripped her by the waist with one hand, pulling my other arm back and delivering a light slap to her cheek instead.
“Oh yes….
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uh…Do that…ah…again. It felt…oh god…good,†she panted out between my thrusts. I slapped her again, harder and she squealed a little, humping her ass back into me, driving her pussy onto my dick. I smiled and slapped Mary’s ass again, harder, driving myself into her at the same time. The groan she gave would have been audible on the stairs and her husband - downstairs - definitely would have heard the scream she gave with my next slap and hard thrust.
Soon enough, Mary’s guttural groans and screams gave way to a powerful orgasm that swept through her body. Her orgasm, and the feeling of it on my cock, soon had me falling through my own orgasm and shooting another load into the married woman’s cunt. As I spent myself within her with four or five last, hard thrusts, my cum came spilling back out of her hole and dribbled down her inner thigh onto the bedspread.
Exhausted, I fell off Mary and onto the bed, my cock slipping from her drenched hole with a slurping noise. I had barely enough energy to tell her to get herself cleaned up before my eyes slipped closed and sleep claimed me.
I half-woke up a little later, I’m not sure how long, my eyes sleepily trying to focus on Mary as she bathed my loins with a damp, warm towel. I noticed movement and looked at the doorway, where John was standing watching his wife wash off the cock that had just given her a sound fucking.
“Mary, will you come downstairs a minute?†John said.
“I’m busy John, paying for your mistakes. Just go away, I don’t want to see you right now,†his wife replied, never stopping her gentle work on my genitals, never even looking away from my cock.
John’s silhouette left the doorway and I slipped back into the sleep.
When next I woke up, the clock read six am and I was lying on my side, naked and uncovered but not cold – the night had done nothing for the temperature. Mary, also still naked, had backed up against me so that we were spooning and my arm was thrown over her, cupping one of her large tits. My cock was caught between our bodies and, pressed against Mary’s firm rump, it had grown completely erect. I found myself unconsciously pressing my hips against the sexy housewife’s ass so, instead of depriving myself, I shook Mary by the shoulder until she woke up. As soon as she did, she could feel my hot cock pressing into her and she rolled over with a grin, her hand slipping down between us to cup my balls. I groaned as she gently massaged my sack, her hand cool against my lust-heated skin.
“Again? You are a horny young man aren’t you?â€
“What can I say?†I said, grabbing a breast with one hand and squeezing slightly, “I love pussy and you have a hot one. But that isn’t what I want right now. It’s morning and I’m still rather tired. Don’t wanna do much exercise. So you’re going to give me a nice blowjob. You can suck me til I shoot off in your mouth and that way I can cum with no effort. †Mary began sliding down my body, the feel of her nipples scraping across my chest and stomach was indescribable. Before she could climb between my legs I stopped her.
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“Turn around. I want to be able to finger you while we do this. †Mary did so, kneeling on the bed beside me in such a way that I had access to her pussy and her tits. I pressed my head back into my pillow and groaned as she lowered her mouth onto my cock.
“Ahhhh…There is nothing like a blowjob first thing in the morning. That’s right cock whore, suck my dick. You have to take it deeper this time as well. By the tomorrow, you’re going to be able to suck all of me. †As I said this I put my hand on the back of Mary’s head and began to force her further onto my dick with each thrust, applying gentle pressure as my other hand played with her swinging breasts. She really began to suck me and I could feel my cock slipping into her throat slightly so I relaxed and let go of her head, playing with her tits and cunt instead as her tongue tickled the head of my dick, the feeling making my head light.
It was taking me a while to cum and Mary’s jaw got so tired sucking me that she had to stop, spilling saliva onto my balls and stomach.
“I’m sorry,†she mumbled, “my jaw’s sore, so’s my neck. I can’t stay bent down like that for so long. â€
“That’s alright baby,†I said, “just lay down on your back. †She did so and I moved her into position on the bed.
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My urge to cum had overridden my urge to lay there and do nothing. Mary lay with her feet off the bed, her head nearly in the middle of the large mattress, large breasts swaying as I moved her about. When she was positioned, I knelt on either side of Mary’s head and fed my cock down into her mouth.
“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff. Now you just suck me and I’ll give you a hand. †As Mary began to slurp on my dick once more I gently thrust myself in and out of her mouth. Mary brought her hands up, one cupping my balls and the other jacking at my shaft as I repeatedly slid about five inches of my cock into her mouth. With her laying on the bed and me working my cock in and out of her mouth, I began to shove myself a little further into the sexy housewife’s wide-open mouth. She gagged when I first slipped another inch into her and I pulled back, going slowly for a while before shoving my cock back into her throat a little way.
This soon proved to be too much for me and I began thrusting harder into Mary’s face, slipping almost seven inches into her and lodging it there as I pumped streamers of cum straight down her throat and into her stomach, groaning with pleasure. The sensation of cuming in a woman’s mouth is different to a cunt and brings me unbelievable pleasure. After a few seconds I realised Mary was gagging though so I pulled my cock out of her throat and just left the head in her mouth for her to suck on. After my orgasm had finished I collapsed back onto the bed, a smile on my face as I dozed off. It was only 6am after all.
When next I woke up, it was ten and I was alone in the bedroom.
I got up, stretched and wandered downstairs in the direction of John and Mary’s voices. I didn’t bother getting dressed; I couldn’t really see the need to.
“He has to be out of here before Lucy gets home,†I heard John say.
“He will be. He’s leaving Saturday night. There’s nothing to worry about,†Mary replied.
I found them in the kitchen, John sitting at the counter while Mary served him his breakfast – a picture of domestic bliss. Mary smiled when she saw I was naked, my large cock swinging between my legs. I think John almost choked on his food when he saw me.
“I’d love some bacon Mary, cheers,†I said, taking a stool opposite John.
“Of course Nick,†she said, turning from the stove, “eggs too?†She was wearing a bathrobe, but I guessed she was still naked beneath it. John was wolfing down his breakfast, obviously uncomfortable being in the same room as his wife and me. Mary poured me a coffee and began to prepare my food while John stuffed his face in his eagerness to be away. I decided to be a little mean and, as John stood up, turning to put his plate on the sink, I said:
“John, would you mind looking after my food for a sec? I just need to borrow Mary. †Mary didn’t’ even wait for her husbands answer; she just thrust the egg flip into his hand and came around the counter to my side.
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I pulled open her robe and was delighted to see that she was indeed still naked beneath the toweling. I buried my face in her cleavage, my hand worming its way between her legs to cup her mound. Mary groaned slightly as I licked her breasts, her hands grabbing at my cock as it rapidly rose to attention - I’m always especially horny when I wake up. I moved my hand to the back of her neck, pressing down and Mary bent, opening her mouth as her head hovered over my cock before she lowered herself further and I sighed.
“Oh, that’s better. You suck cock so well Mary. †My words brought John’s head whipping around from where he’d been staring at my breakfast, no doubt wishing he could spit in it or something. The look on his face when he turned and saw his wife was priceless. The egg flip fell from his nerveless hand as he saw in full daylight what he’d glimpsed in the darkness of his bedroom that morning. I groaned as Mary slid her hand up and down the full eight inches of my erect member, my cock as hard as it ever got and jumping slightly as John’s wife bent and traced her tongue around my balls and the shaft of my cock. I groaned again, louder, as she lightly traced her tongue across my bunched up foreskin and over the top of my swollen, purple cock, sucking the head into her mouth with an enthusiastic slurping noise.
I don’t know what.