
Dad's New Catch


Earl wasn't rich, he did have a nice build, he got it from working alot. He had black hair he kept nice and neat, and was fairly tall. Earl had met her working at the store. She hired in at cash register and was going to IVY Tech part time. Earl had taken an interest in the girl 18 years younger than he was. He had asked her out on a date when he over heard her saying to one of the other girls that she was into older guys. The two dated for a couple weeks when Jackie was evicted from her apartment after she was unable to pay her rent for the second time in a row. David didn't know what to think when his dad told him that he had met someone a couple of weeks ago and she was now going to move in with them. This wasn't the first time. His dad didn't date alot, actually never. He just met women at the gorcery and had brought a couple of them home. None of them worked out cause she were to controlling, or wanted to have a motherly relationship with David. David couldn't except anyone to take over as his mother, who had past away when he was 9. "David, I met someone. She is gunna move in with us, she was evicted from her apartment, so she is gunna stay with us. " Earl said as he gave David a pack of cigarettes.

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   "I don't want you fucking this one up, you here me? If she tells you to do something, when you are out of your pig pen of a room, do it, if you don't like it , don't come out! It is as simple as that. ""Boy, this quick Earl. You are getting better and better at this. Does she know she is gunna live here yet? Or are you gunna put something in her drink?" Answered David. "You are lucky I haven't kicked you out with that mouth of yours. Only 1 more month, and you are gone. And when you are around her, call me dad. I want her to think I am a good father. " "Do you really think you can hide that temper from her? Did she come from the mental hospital? She must of be, to be that blind. What is she, 80? Rich? Is she half dead? Does she have a diseas like that other one, Barbara? Does she fall asleep all the time like Barbara, Earl?" Mocked David. "You are getting more and more cocky as that month approaches aren't you? Well, from now, until then, you can go without me getting you anymore cigarettes, or beer. And for your information, she is 20. " Earl dropped the bombshell. She was 20. David had never thought much of his father's other girlfriends.

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   They were all bitches. They all had something to give, like Barbara, who fell asleep while walking. Then there was Stacey, who had a dog that liked to hump everything. But this new one, she was 20. She had to have a horrible deformality to hook up with his dad. David was up all night thinking about how ugly she must be. It was about 3:30 in the afternoon when David woke up. He listened for a second to see if his dad's new catch was home yet. He went downstairs to see if anyone was up. There wasn't anyone here. His dad had to work today and wouldn't be home til later, probably about 8. Sometimes he wasn't home till midnight, that was when he was either fucking someone, or went to have a drink. David chilled out watching t. v. for most of the day.

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   It was about 9 and his dad wasn't home yet. Neither was his dad's new catch. David didn't have any friends in the area so he stayed at home most of the day. If he wasn't watching t. v. , he was out in the pool in the back yard. They lived in a nice neighborhood. The house they had was a 2 story house, with hardwood floors. Davids room was next to a bathroom upstairs. He didn't need to come down stairs when his dad was home, unless it was to get something to eat or get the cigarettes he was no longer recieving. David went over to his dad's room, which was at the end of a long hallway that connected to the living room. David new exactly where his dad kept his porno tapes, and he frequently took them upstairs where he would jackoff. David starting stroking his 7 inch dick, he did it 2 handed. The porno worked wonders for him. He would often imagin himself in the porno.

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   He wanted his first time to be like this. He wanted to have sex with a real woman. Not one of the girls he went to school with, he wanted a woman who knew what she was doing. He wanted a woman, plain and simple. He wanted a woman. He started stroking his dick furiously and soon climaxed as he heard a door slam downstairs, soon following 2 voices. He knew 1 voice as his dad's, and he knew the other as his dad's new catch. David stayed up stairs for the rest of the night, watching t. v. in his room till 5 in the morning. David awoke at noon. He didn't usually wake up that early. He had to piss so he went to the bathroom. He had a long piss, it seem to last forever. He was about to go to bed when he remembered that his dad's new girlfriend was probably downstairs.

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   His dad usually left for work around this time, but he still had an urge to see what his girlfriend looked like. He slowly crept down the stairs. He didn't see either one of them. He walked over the the kitchen table, where his dad was having a beer. "Jackie will be home from work around 5. Don't fuck this one up for me. Stay up stairs till I get home. If you come downstairs, be nice to her. And I am not stupid, if you try to fuck around with her, I will take you out back and beat the living tar out of you. You understand me?" Earl ordered. "You really think I want to fuck with one of your freak show girlfrie. . . " David started to say when his dad bolted up and pinned up against the wall. "She isn't ugly, and I love her, and if you do anything, or say anything, I will kill you! " Early shouted as he soon realized what he was doing.

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   His son was just a little smaller than he was. He let him go. ""Go to hell. " David yelled. "I have. . . to go to work. " Earl told him. David went back to bed. He had been waiting for the moment to kick his dad's ass for years now, but missed his opertunity. He didn't know what came over him. For some reason, he found himself thinking about what his dad had said. Not the threatening part. He had heard that before.

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   This time, he found himself thinking about Jackie. He was hot for her, and he hadn't met her yet. He was so hot for her, he soon found himself jerking off to a woman he hadn't even met before. It was great. He imagined her like the woman in the video. A gorgeous diva, hot and ready. He soon after climaxed. He couldn't go back to sleep. So he watched some t. v. He waited till 1, to make sure his dad had left for work. David went downstairs in just his boxers and found his way to the fridge. He got some beer out and kicked back and watched t. v. That was his whole day right there.

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   He fell asleep watching cartoons. He awoke to the sound of a car door slamming. He was still in just his boxers when it hit him to go and change. Before he could though, he heard the key in the lock. He heard it turning and watched the door knob slowly turn. He was frozen. He couldn't move and someone was coming through the door. Almost a scene out of a movie. The door slowly opened. First a leg came through the door. A very long tan leg. Then a face peaked around the door. A beutiful face. With long, beutiful black hair, blue eyes, and juicy lips. Then the rest of her came through.

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   She was wearing a short teashirt exposing a very tight stomach, with a pierces naval. She was wearing long , tight, blue-jeans that left nothing to his imagination. David realized that all this was happening as he stood there with nothing on except his boxers and he was supporting a ragin hard on. "Umm, hello?" She said. "Uhhh, hi. " David barely got out in a raspy tone. "I'm Jackie, you must be David. " "Ye. . . yeah, I am. . . . " "Well you might wanna put something on, or atleast cover that.

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  " She pointed out his hard on. David realized once again that he had a hard on. He ran upstairs. He was so embarassed that this happened. He quickly dressed in his usual. He wanted to go back downstairs, but the embarassment was to much, so he stayed up stairs and watched t. v. An hour or so passed and it was around 6. He went into the bathroom where he looked out the window, and what he saw almost made him cum right then. He saw Jackie sun bathing on next to the pool. David wanted to jerk off, but something told him not to. Something in him told him to try and play this one out. David went downstairs and looked through the screen doors. She was wearing sun glasses so, but nothing else. David decided to make it look like an accident that he saw her so he quickly ran up stairs and put on a swimming shorts.


   He almost tripped putting it on. He ran downstairs as she was coming through the screen doors as he ran into her knocking her off of her feet. She had put her bikini back on and was on her way back inside. David had landed on her with his face on her breasts. "I am sorry. I am so so sorry. I. . . didn't. . . mean to. " David appologized. "It's ok.

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   It's ok. I'm glad to see you have something else on. " She kidded. "Oh, yeah, I was just on my way out for a swim. " "I am just coming back in, but I wouldn't mind going swimming again. " She answered. She followed David out to the pool. David was nervously shaking. "Look, about earlier. I don't take offense to people lusting over me. It's no big deal. You should really calm down. ""I. . .

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   Its just. . . . . You are. . . . ""Why don't we go back inside and get to know eachother. " She suggested. David was speachless. His dad's gorgeous girlfriend was seductively trying to get to know David. They spent hours getting to know eachother. The whole time they drank lemonade and sat on the couch.

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   She was still in her bikini and he was in his swimming shorts. They were having a great time talking. . . "So one think that is still puzzling to me, is, why in the hell are you with Earl? I mean my dad?" David asked"Well I had just broken up with my boyfriend and he asked me out. One thing led to another and we slept together. Now, I am homeless so I have nowhere else to go. So, I had to come and live with you guys. I am not in love with your father. He may think we are, but I am just here till I land back on my feet. But don't let him know this. " She confessed. "Hell, I have talked to you more today than I have talked to my dad in 3 years. I feel. .

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  . " He started to say something but stopped. "You feel like you know me. Right? I feel like I know you too. I don't know what it is, but I definetly feel something too. " She said. David had suddenly gone hard and he couldn't breathe right. He knew he had to try something. So he leaned in closer to her, as if to kiss her. She did the same as they almost embraced, a car door slammed and they came back to reality. David quickly dashed up the stairs and shut his door as his dad came in. He had not been seen. He knew now why his dad had this beutiful girlfriend. David knew he had to do something. He had to be alone with her again.

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   He stayed upstairs most of the night then came back downstairs for something to eat. He heard them fooling around in the other room. He wanted desperatly to be his dad at that moment, but knew he would have his oppertunity tomarrow when she got home from work. David awoke the next day, it was 2 in the afternoon. He came downstairs. No one was here. He wanted to set something up so he and Jackie could be together like they sould have been the day before. But how? Then it hit him. Jackie arrived promply at 18 after five. She came threw the front door to find David sitting on the couch. "Hi!" She said as she walked past him into his dad's bedroom. "So I was thinking, what about that swim we were suppose to have?" David asked. "I was just thinking the same thing. " She said. She shut the bedroom door.

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   Time passed as she was taking her time. "You ok in there?" David asked. "You don't need any help, do you?""As a matter of fact. . . . . " She said as she came out holding her top on with her hands. "I can't get my top on, will you help me?" She asked. David silently helped her put her top on. He was supporting a tremendous hard on. "Well, aren't you handy?" She flirted. "I am skillful, you can say. " David answered. "I to, am good with my hands.

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  " She answered and blinked. David knew this was getting hot. They both slowly made there way to the pool, watching eachother to see what eachother's move would be. They swam around for an hour stopping periodicly to recline against the side of the pool to chat. David was sure that she had been coming on to him, but he had never been with a woman before so he didn't know when he should make his move. He decided that he was going for it. He started to move in when she said, "Well, I am getting out, I am gunna go take a shower and wash up. " David was frusterated. Never had he wanted something more. He watched as her fine tan ass got out of the pool. He wanted her so much. He waited for her to go inside. He was so pissed that he missed his chance. He decided to just go up stairs and jerk off. Just as David went inside he noticed his dad's door open.

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   He snuck inside. He noticed that the bathroom door inside his dad's room was open. The shower was on, as she was in it. He saw her bikini top, and bottem on the floor. He was so horny at the thought of her being naked in there. He wanted to jack off right then. But he decided it wasn't a good idea, as he would get caught. He turned around to walk out of the room when he heard, "Are you going to join me or not?"David turned around as her face was sticking out through the shower curtains. David didn't have to be told twice as he quickly took his shorts off and jumped in the shower. The sight that waited for him was the greatest sight of his life. Other than through porn he had never seen a naked body before. Her large perfectly round tits, her shaved pussy, her perfectly curved body, this was truly a gift from god. David kissed Jackie softly on the lips. It soon escelated into more as she pulled him closer to her, rubbing her large tits against his bare chest. They were in a tung lock.

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   He was injoying every moment of this. He never wanted it to end. Soon the wet kiss ended. He took one of her large tits into his hand and messaged it, while kissing it. He was having his time while she rubbed his back. Then he started kissing her again. Rubbing her tits together. "Allow me. " She said. She fell down to her knees in the shower and kissed his head. She then cupped his balls while taking in his 7 inch shaft. She wildly sucked his cock. He was in heaven. He was finally getting the treatment he desired from a real woman. She took it in repeadedly, making a slurping noise.

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   She then got up and lifted one of her long legs up over his shoulder. Then he lifted the other. Her wet lips met his face as her readily licked at her shaved pussy. They smell was so sweet and intoxicating. He swirled his tongue around as she moaned with delight. She was leaning agains the wall of the shower with her legs wrapped around his head. He then lowered her down. "I want to fuck you. " He said. They both went over to the bed. She instead of laying down pushed him down onto the bed. She lowered herself onto his shaft. It entered slightly as she started putting more wait onto it. Then she came back up, then back down, then up, then down. Repeatedly as she began to moan, and moan more.


   So did David. He was getting the fucking of a lifetime. She started screaming more and more. She screamed 'Harder, Harder' David rolled over and got on top and started fucking her rapidly. In and out in and out. They were in complete harmony when she screamed 'I am "So am IIIIII!" "Cum inside of me!" She screamed in his ear. He gave a sharp moan as she screamed. He knew he couldn't hold back any longer. He filled her up with his cum. He emptied his balls into her. Something he had wanted to do to her ever since he met her. Somethin every teenage boy dreams of. They both slowly calmed down. They caught their breath. He kissed her gently on her lips.

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   "Oh shit! Its 8. Your father will be home soon!" She yelled. "Same time tomarrow?" Asked David as he put his shorts on. "Same time. " She answered. This is my first story. I hope to right more in the future. I know it is long, but I hate stories that make you wait for another chapter, I could have gone that direction with this one, but I decided that I should just keep it going. And I am aware that there is alot of build-up to this great moment, and alot of the reading is tiring. I want to be a writer, as you can probably tell, erotic stories are not my strong hold. .



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