The mysterious man came close to Sapni.
“Devi, I used to be one of the Pandit’s general my name is Nihal. The Pandit had made me responsible to set up his rule over all other temples and set up the men of his choice as Pandits. The sardar was very good source of income for him and you told him, he would fail, the pandit never said that to him and to the others”
“I know and that is why see me here instead of him”
But goddess how will the pandit’s army survive if we bandit does bring his loot?.
“Give me your dagger” She commands. Nihal hands over his dagger. She stands full of rage, putsdagger beneath Nihal’s balls.
“You dare tell me what I should do? “I would cut these ifI wish and feed them them to the dogs and cats or make you eat them”. She throws the dagger away. “Butdon’t need this,they will simply cease to be, with a flick of my finger, not only of yours but of all the men who work under you, they can become women or eunuchs”
Nihal was even more terrified that he had offended the goddess, he did not realise she would be so enraged.
“I beg you please do not that, I will nevertell you what to do, I know you knowmore than any of us mortals”
Sapni dying to have his dick inside her, because it was big and strong and wonderful balls. She held back her temptation and sat down. This Temple was miserable,it will fall any day, the pandit neglected to take care of it, for that he has paid the ultimate price. First temple has to be repaired and I do not care if you or your men starve, this work is more important, the gods and goddesses were unhappy with this and the Pandit’s greed. ”
“May I speak?” Nihal asked
“Yes go on” Sapni waved
“The panditdid receive royalty he had over a hundred large temples under his control.