


            My wife and I had been married for 18 years when she found life with me and our 18 year old daughter unbearable.   She had been having an affair with a younger man from her office for several months when I found out about it.   She had called home one evening and left a message on the machine saying that she would be about 2 hours late getting home as there was a project that she almost had finished and wanted to complete before she left.   I thought nothing about it.   She was that way about everything.   Once she began something she would sink her teeth in and finish it as quickly as possible no matter how long it took.  
            We hadn’t seen each other for any long period of time in over a week.   Just the usual good morning and quick kisses as we went to our separate jobs. So I decided that I would surprise her with dinner in her office.   I stopped by our favorite Chinese take-out place and picked up several of the dishes she liked.   Trying to time it so she would be about done with the extra work, I got to her office about 7:30 pm and the security guard buzzed me in.   The funny look he gave me as he said good evening didn’t register until several minutes later.  
            I loved my wife and had from the first moment I had met her.   I thought we were doing ok.   I thought we were working for a mutual goal and a happy old age of afternoon naps together and playing with our grandchildren.   As I rounded the corner in the hall leading to her office I had visions of her just wrapping up her work and smiling at me.

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    She’d thank me for dinner and say she was starved and glad I thought to come down.   I’d take her in my arms and kiss her with all the stored up passion of the last few months.   We’d eat and head for home where I’d run us a bath, light a few candles.   I was such an incurable romantic then, but the events of that night cured that in me forever.  
            Humming a happy little tune I reached her office and opened the door.   My world exploded into millions of tiny sharp pieces that cut my life apart and lodged in the walls of my heart ripping it to shreds, etching the scene permanently on the back of my eyelids.   I saw it for months afterwards every time I closed my eyes.   My wife was draped of the back of a chair that had been drug into the middle of the room.   She was completely nude except for a black lacy garter belt and black stocking that had a line of embroidery up the back.   Her full breasts dangled over the back of the chair and one was in the firm grip of a man that was pulling the nipple and twisting it.   He stood behind her and before they realized I was there he pumped his cock in and out of her ass several times.   What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion, I still remember it that way.   He grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her head back, a loud moan escaped from the delicate curve of her throat as he slammed his cock into her ass again.   In disbelief I groaned “Oh God no. ” and dropped the bag of food on the floor.

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    I can clearly see the boxes popping open and the rice spraying into the air and falling grain by grain on the carpet.   She turned her head and saw me standing in the doorway.   I watched her expression of pure lust change to one of fear and desperation.   She pushed away from the back of the chair throwing the man mounted on her back across her desk.   Her laptop computer slid off the edge and several of the keys popped out as it struck the floor on its corner.   I looked at the man sprawled on her desk, he was trying to recover, his dick sticking straight up in the air like a flag pole.   It looked bigger than mine.   Was that why she would do this?
            As I turned I saw her take a step toward me, her breasts jiggling, her nipples hard and red and swollen from pinching and sucking they had just received.   I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t think, I needed to get out, get fresh air.   It seemed unreal, dream like and I would wake any minute to find my wife curled warmly against my side asleep.   I ran down the corridor and slammed my hand against the elevator button. The doors opened just as she grabbed my arm.   Anger flared, hurt ripped through me and I rounded on her, grasping her with all my strength by the arms and shook her.   “Don’t ever touch me again you fucking bitch! Don’t come home! Don’t call! Don’t do anything just get out of my life!” I’m sure my shouts were heard in the next universe.   I flung her from me and stepped into the elevator.

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    The last I saw of her, was her spread out on the floor, a tear in her black stocking and her gaping wet pussy that she had given to another man.   I turned away as the doors closed.  
            The months that followed were dim, I was numbed, and distant.   And my daughter did the best she could on her own.   I should have been more help, but I couldn’t seem to get past it all.   My wife never came home, never called, she quit her job and moved to somewhere.   She had instructed her lawyer not to give me that information.   Months past and finally some of my friends tried to set me up with several women.   But every time I went out all I could see was my wife bent over that chair while some guy fucked her up the ass.   And I would wonder if this would end that way as well.   I gave up on dating and finally my friends gave up trying to help out.  
            It was at my daughters 16th birthday dinner that I noticed she had grown up, and that the last couple of years had been just as hard on her.   As I watched her at the head of the table laughing at something someone had said I saw her as a young beautiful woman.   I watched the gentle curve of her neck, the soft sweep of her dark hair against her shoulders, the sparkle of excitement in her crystal blue eyes.   She was going to be a strikingly beautiful woman.

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     She saw me looking at her and smiled broadly at me and winked.   That did it, that sealed my fate, melted my cold heart and purchased me a special place in hell.  
            The next two years I spent every spare moment with my daughter, getting to know her, letting her get to know me as an adult.   We liked each other.   We went to movies, the theatre, school games and conferences.  I thought by doing this I would learn to see her in the proper light a father should see his daughter in.   I encouraged her to date, gave her liberal curfews hoping she would find a nice boy that I could let her go to.   And all the while I watched her mature, watched as her breasts filled out and firmed up.   I loved to watch them softly jiggle as she walked, and hungered to fondle them, to suck the nipples to erection.   I would take her grocery shopping and linger in the frozen food section so I could ogle her nipples through her t-shirt as they puckered and hardened in the cold air. I watched as her legs lengthened and took shape, and oh such a shape they were.   I would lie awake at night and fantasize of those legs wrapped around my waist with my cock buried deep in her and I would masturbate and dream those damning dreams.
            I had countless talks with myself, berating myself for such unholy thoughts.   Logical talks, telling myself it was because I just hadn’t had a woman in so long.   So I tried dating again; lovely women with intelligence and good looks and sweet bodies.

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    Women any man in his right mind would find irresistible.   Yet with each good night kiss, a kiss I hoped would break the spell, free me from my demon, I would see my daughters face, imagine it was her lips I tasted.   What was wrong with me? How could I get out this pit I had dug for myself? Was there a way out?
            My daughter turned 18 halfway through her senior year of high school.    We had a pool party for the occasion.   So my back yard was filled with wet half naked teenagers romping in the pool.   I watched with fascination the energy of them.   I had invited a couple of friends, Rick and his wife June, over to help with the event and to help me stay sane.   I was standing just inside the sliding glass door sipping on a soda and watching the kids in the pool when Rick came up beside me.   He stood there a long while watching the kids jumping off the diving board.  
            He leaned close and said in a voice just loud enough for me to hear, “some of them are no longer jail bait, you know. ”
            I was stunned and didn’t know what to say.   Later I could’ve killed him for planting that seed.   He had just removed the last barrier, kicked open the last gate that had restrained my vivid imaginings from running wild and taking form.   I turned and looked at him in amazement.  
            He shrugged his shoulders and said “Hey, at least I’m willing to admit I’m a man, and as one, I can’t help but admire Gods handicrafts.

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  ”  He drained his pop can and set it on the counter and took another look out the window.   “hmmm, mmmm, He does some fine work. ”  He turned back into the house, “better go see if June needs any help. ”
            He left me standing there staring at all the young bodies, staring at one in particular, my daughter.   The thought, she’s legal now, playing over and over in my head and I slid into an even deeper level of hell.
            The next month I avoided all contact with her.   She would hug me good-bye and I would step away quickly.   She would come to kiss me good night and I would make it quick on the cheek feigning interest in a TV show.    I noticed her watching me, I knew my actions confused her since we had been so close.   But I couldn’t help it. I needed the space to keep any semblance of propriety.
            Then one morning I was running late for work and without thinking walked into the bathroom to say good-bye and give her some money for the day and there she stood.   Naked, with all the feminine curves of a woman and I gasped in awe.   She turned to me completely unconscious of her nudity, completely unaware of its effect on me and said “Have a good day at work Daddy, I’ll see you tonight.   Maybe we could do pizza and a movie?” 
            I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, I was frozen in time and space.

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   Finally I did manage a weak smile and stammered “ok, that… that sounds fine. ”  I was about to leave when she stepped up to me and put her arms around my neck and gave me a hug, pressing her naked body to mine.   My reaction was instant, I felt all the blood drain into my dick and my arms went around her pulling her even tighter against me.   I felt the warmth of her through my clothes, the soft dampness of her skin against my hands, the smell of her hair fresh from the shower filled my mind with smoky images of hot kisses and stoked the fire of my lust.   She kissed me on the cheek and stepped away glancing down at my crotch.   I know she saw the hard outline of my cock pressed against the tightness of my jeans.   She didn’t say a word, there was no acknowledgement of it in her eyes or on her face.   As she turned back to the mirror and picked up her hairbrush she said, “Daddy, I need some money for gas. ”
            I took a deep shaky breath and looked at the floor. “Ok, I’ll leave it on the kitchen table for you. ”  I hurried out of the house as fast as I could.   All morning at work I was distracted and unable to concentrate. The smell of her warm from the shower stayed in my nose and tormented my thoughts.   At lunch I raced home, locked myself in the office, turned on the music loud and masturbated to the memory of her skin against my hands, her body as it had molded to mine.   As I imagined the taste of the dampness between her legs I came, great shuddering spasms that spewed weeks of pent up semen on the carpet.

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    I relaxed back in my chair feeling each beat of my heart as it slowed, and still the images of her played in my mind, they mingled with her as a child.   Me teaching her how to ride a bike, morphing into her on roller skates, morphing into her in high school swim team, morphing to her this morning and the way she felt in my arms.   I was hard again and as I pumped my cock for a second time I envisioned her under me and how she would feel moving in rhythm to my thrusts.   As I came again the overwhelming feeling of despair washed over me and I wept at the loss of my soul.   I knew the only way to cleans this from me was to take her, to make love to her, to sate the years of cravings.   I stepped from the world of fantasy into the world of the damned.   I formulated a plan, one of lust and seduction.  
            In the weeks that followed I touched her as much as possible, hugs and kisses, a swat on the fanny now and then.   I complimented her on her hair, her dress, her smile, her figure.   I made subtle innuendos about sex.   I asked about her friends and boyfriends.   She didn’t have a boy friend, she was working to hard for a scholarship, she said, and didn’t have time for that yet.   That made me glad beyond what I thought it would have.   I wooed her like any man would a woman he wanted.   When guilt would rear its ugly head I squashed it and sent it sniveling back into the blackest corners of my heart.

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            I swam in the pool and asked her to put sun screen on my back.   I reveled in the feel of her hands on me.   Slowly she began to respond.   I would catch her staring at my crotch or my chest.   She started volunteering to rub tanning oil on me.   She began to make the jokes about sex and to compliment me on my body.   I worked out regularly and maintained a firm and muscular shape.   I arranged for her to see me naked by “accident” a few times.   And saw the look of lust in her eyes.   On many nights I stood outside her door and listened to her quiet moans of pleasure as she masturbated in the solitude of her room and I masturbated to her sounds in the darkened hall outside her door.   Was it me she imagined in those moments of ecstasy? I was more than tempted to go in and finish her myself.   But, she would have to come to me, it would be the only way I could ever live with myself afterward.   If my daughter wanted me to make love to her, then, I had convinced myself, that would make it be alright.   I would be honoring her wishes. Oh how twisted the mind can become with an obsession; bending the rules and morals to angles that allow us to reach that poisonous fruit.


            One afternoon she came home from school and I was lying on my bed taking a nap.   I was deep asleep dreaming of her toughing me, stroking me, kissing me.   I was making low guttural moans as I dreamed.    Curiosity and concern brought her to the door of my bedroom.   Quietly and slowly she pushed the door open and looked in to see if I was alright.   She stood there staring at me as I slept and dreamt of my daughter’s mouth sucking on my cock.   She watched as the bulge in my shorts grew and hardened and quivered in excitement.  I came up out of sleep a level, not realizing she watched me from the doorway.   I slid my hand inside my shorts and stroked my cock feeling the velvet softness of my erection.   I came up from sleep another level, still just under the surface of full wakefulness.   I pushed my shorts down freeing my cock, making it easier to stroke as I gained full erection.   I heard her clothes rustle in the doorway and came the rest of way awake, my eyes were closed and I opened them just a slit, enough to see her standing there watching me stroke my cock.   I saw the change from curiosity to desire pass over her face and knew that the time had finally come.   I knew that today I would have her at last.
            Keeping my eyes open only to slits I looked at her and slid my shorts down exposing my cock and balls to her hungry gaze.


    I raised one foot and pulled them the rest of the way off and spread my legs giving her a better view.   She still didn’t know I was aware of her presence.   I moaned and with my other hand played with my balls, rolling them between my fingers, tugging on them, stretching them away from my body.   I grasped my dick firmly and with slow deliberate strokes I masturbated.   She couldn’t look away from me, as she watched her nipples began to swell and she slipped a hand inside her blouse and massaged her breast.   I could see her breathing increase, hear the heavy intake of breath as she toyed with her nipple.   She licked her lips, running her tiny pink tongue over them, moistening them and a thrill went through me.   I felt my cock jump, felt the fluid of pre-cum travel to the tip and ooze out.  
            She spread her feet wider apart and pulled her skirt up with her other hand.   Her lacy panties damp at the crotch made me pump my cock faster and when she pushed her hand inside them and began to finger her wet pussy I almost came.   Letting go of my throbbing prick I reached down and pressed a finger against the vein on the bottom and pulled on my nuts hard enough to stop the orgasm.   I groaned and rocked back and forth on the bed.   I couldn’t cum now, now that I was so close to her, so close to fucking her, I had to wait, to keep the opportunity going until she approached the bed.   And I knew she would, she was almost there, almost ready.   The rhythmic movements of her fingers inside her panties matched the steady movement of her hips as she humped her fingers, told me she would come to the bed.

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            I imagined what her fingers must be feeling, the dampness seeping from her hole, the full hard swollen little clit, the softness of hair at the edges.   She stared at my pulsing cock as it jerked with each thunderous beat of my heart.   I rubbed my hands over my stomach and stretched out straight stroking them down my thighs slowly bringing one hand up to grip my balls and squeeze and tug gently on them.   Taking my cock in my other hand I felt it harden even more.   It felt like it was about to burst, it is so hard it was almost painful.   Releasing the hold on my nuts I rubbed the droplet of moisture around the head as I stroked my hand slowly and firmly the full length of the shaft.   When the palm of my hand was wet I returned to massaging my balls, I liked the feel of the slick moisture on the bare skin of my nut sack.   Another droplet oozed from the end and as I watch her, she licked her lips again wondering what the taste of it would be.  
            Unable to stand there any longer she came over to the bed and stood watching as I continued to jack my cock.   I opened my eyes and looked directly at her.   She flinched when our eyes met but didn’t turn away, or run from the room, she stood there a moment and slowly bent over.   With a shy finger she reached out and touched the droplet on the head of my cock.   The slight contact with her finger sent a shock through me and I groaned aloud.   She raised her wet finger to her lips and licked the droplet from the tip of her finger.   I was beyond reality at this point, the fever that burned through me consumed all reason, all thought and left only her, only the hard pounding need for her remained.

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            She drew her tongue back into her mouth and savored the taste, tilting her head back, she moaned and swallowed.   I rolled toward her and gently took her hand and pulled her down onto the bed.   She sat there unsure what to do, so I took her little hand in mine and placed it on the shaft of my penis.   I can’t describe the shear pleasure that raced through me as my daughters fingers curled around me.   The image of her hand grasping my cock, the light glistening off her class ring, the delicate pink of her nail polish is forever branded in my brain.   It’s what I picture even now when I grip it myself and masturbate.
            With my hand over hers I guided her in the up and down movements.   I felt more pre-cum race up my dick and ooze from the hole in the head.   She stopped the stroking and sat still for a moment.   Then to my pleasant surprise she leaned down and licked it from the end.   Oh God, oh God in heaven, that was so sweet my entire body quaked with the sensation.   My breathing was ragged and uncontrolled.   My heart was beating so hard I had to be on the verge of a stroke.   She opened her mouth and sucked the head into its warmth, running her tongue over the head. The tip of her tongue exploring the pee hole in the end.

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    I gripped the sheets so hard I could feel my fingernails biting into the palms of my hands through the material.  
            Slowly she slid more and more of it into her mouth.   I raised my head so I could see my cock disappearing into the eager mouth of my daughter.   “Ooohh, baby girl, that feels soooo much better than I ever imagined it would. ” I cried out and fill my hand with the softness of her hair.   She couldn’t take the whole thing in her mouth so she started licking along the shaft and down to my shaven balls, sucking each one into her mouth and rolling it on her tongue, then licking back up to the head.  
            When she sucked the swollen red head into her mouth this time I took her hand and showed her how to stroke it in rhythm to her sucking.   There is no drug on the planet that could duplicate this feeling of pure joy and in that moment I knew without a doubt that whatever tortures of hell I would have to suffer throughout eternity this was worth it all.  
            I wanted to feel her, touch her skin with my fingers, so I slide my hand across the bed and onto her ass.   I felt its young firmness as I grasped it lightly.   I felt the edge of her panties and pushed my fingers under it.   I shifted my concentration from the sensations in my prick to the ones in my questing fingers.   I ran them along the crack of her ass and found her little ass hole.   It puckered tighter as I ran the flat pad of my middle finger over it, but I would save that for another time.   And my probing moved farther down.

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    She shifted giving me better access and permission to continue.   There would be no stopping now.   I had moved beyond control, there was only the driving thirst that would be quenched one way or another.   I pushed my fingers lower still and found the opening of her slit.   Her panties were soaked with her excitement, I rubbed her through them, making them wetter.   I pushed my finger up into her a little forcing the saturated cloth with it.   She moaned and squirmed, spreading her legs wider, granting me access to that cherished opening.  
            I toyed with the edge of her panties slipping just the tip of my finger under their edge, feeling the heat and dampness of her virgin hole.   I eased one finger into the opening just a little way and she stopped dead.   My cock still held in her mouth, her heavy breath blowing across my balls.   I didn’t move, not a hair, and waited for her.   Would she run from the room?  Would she hate me for doing this? Had she changed her mind?  Finally she wiggled her butt against my hand pushing my finger in a little deeper.   I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding in a hard gush and pressed my finger farther into her hot little hole.   She went back to bobbing up and down on my cock, running her tongue along the ridge of its head, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my loins.   I worked my finger in and out, slowly finger fucking her, savoring the feel of her juices as they started to drip down my finger into the palm of my hand.

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    I withdrew my finger from her and raised it to my lips, inhaling her scent as I sucked her flavor from my finger.   I held it in my mouth like a good wine, memorizing her fragrance and taste.
            She released my cock from the hot wetness of her mouth and sat up.   I watched as she unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders.   I turned on my side and rested on one arm.  As I traced the lace edge of her bra I watched her eyes darken and turn stormy.   With trembling fingers I pulled the straps down from her shoulder and pushed my fingers inside the lacy cup brushing her hard nipple sending little thrills straight to her already wet pussy.   She reached behind her and unhooked it.   I cupped her firm young breast in my hand pushing her bra the rest of the way off her shoulders.   I pulled it off and tossed it on the floor next to her rumpled blouse.   Gently I pushed her back on the bed all the while waiting for her to resist, hoping she wouldn’t.   She rested on her elbows bringing her nipples to just the level of my mouth.   I felt my mouth water in anticipation of sucking on one of my daughters nipples, teasing the tips with my tongue.   I had wished for this moment for so long and it was here at last.   Looking at them so close, seeing their color and texture I was drawn forward.

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    Using my hand I caressed her breast squeezing it and pulling the nipple toward my lips.   I licked the end and it instantly puckered and grew harder in the coolness left by my saliva.   I sucked it into my mouth and felt her shudder as the sensation was immediately translated to her pussy, making it warm with anticipation.   She had closed her eyes and tilted her head back.   Her lips were parted and she was making soft sounds in her throat.   I bit gently on the nipple and then sucked hard drawing as much of it into my mouth as would fit.   I wanted to taste it all, like a starving man I gobbled it up.   She was moaning in pleasure.   I griped her nipple between my teeth and increased the pressure until I heard her sharp intake of breath and then holding it there I rubbed my tongue back and forth over the tip.   She arched her back in an effort to give me more.   I moved to the other breast and repeated my chewing and sucking while I squeezed and pinched the nipple I had just suckled with my free hand.   I reveled in the feel of my saliva on my daughter’s breast.   The smell of the wetness between her legs filled my mind with the desire to taste her virgin pussy.  
            I pushed her the rest of the way down on the bed, lifted her hips, unzipped and removed her skirt.   The sight of her panties wet at the center of the flowered cotton made my cock begin to throb again, sending waves of heat through me.

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    My heart beat quickened and I reached down her leg sliding my fingers slowly over the smooth skin and took off first one shoe, letting it drip with a thud to the floor and then the other.   Slowly ever so deliciously slow I slid my hand up first one leg and then the other feeling the firm soft skin quiver in anticipation under my strong fingers.   I listened for her command to stop and prayed to all the darkest gods it didn’t come.   I watched the wetness on the crotch of her panties grow.   I tried to spread her legs, but she resisted at first and I pushed harder as I fondled her breasts and teased her nipples with one hand.
            “Oh Daddy. ” She whispered softly.   I looked up expecting her tell me to stop, but her eyes were closed and her hand was pinching and playing with her other nipple.
            “Are you sure you want this?  We can stop now it you want to?” I said brushing my fingers lightly at the wet spot on her panties and sensing the electric shocks it sent through her body.   I wondered if I could stop if she said to or if I would just hold her down and take her against her will.   A hundred images of her screaming for me to stop as I pried her legs open and rammed my hard cock into her virgin pussy shattering her hymen, blood dribbling out around the edges as I pumped my cum deep into her, flashed unbidden across my mind and I prayed she couldn’t see my madness.
            “Yes Daddy, I want you to. ” She said and relaxed her legs allow them to fall open. “You are making me feel sooo wonderful. ”
            With a sigh of relief I lowered my mouth to her stomach and licked a wet trail to the edge of her panties.

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    I Slipped my tongue just under the waist band and licked back and forth across her stomach as my thumb found her hard little clit and rubbed it in small circles.   My fingers pressed at the entrance of her virgin hole through the soggy cotton.   Continuous moans were now coming from her and she rocked her hips against my fingers wanting more, wanting them in her.   Sliding her panties off I looked at the wet eager pussy of my little girl.   My cock had never been so hard and in need so I pressed it against her leg and rubbed it there trying to control the urge to thrust it into her hot little cunt.   I could see her wetness glistening on the lips at the opening and I leaned forward and took a deep breath of virgin pussy, my baby girls pussy.   Oh how I had longed for this, repressed the need for this, shunned the desire to do just this; to taste what I had made.  
            She shuddered at the feel of my hot breath on her mound and pushed her hips up to my watering mouth.   Opening my mouth I pressed it over her moist labia as my tongue stroked her clit, sending shivers of pleasure through her.   Her hands tangled in my hair holding my head closer to her crotch.   I sucked in the juices, relishing the taste of my virgin daughter, rolling my tongue over her throbbing hard clit, sliding it down her slit, then plunging my tongue into the opening.   She gasped and thrust forward wanting it deeper.   I could feel the hymen at the tip of my tongue and a long moan of pleasure pushed its way from my throat into her pussy, the vibration of the sound sent thrills to her very center.   Sliding my tongue back to her clit I licked and sucked it feeling her grow wetter and more excited and I increased the pressure and speed of my flicking tongue.   Engulfing her whole pussy in my wet ravenous mouth I thrust my tongue as deep as it would go, her thighs quivered and I felt the tightness form in her stomach.

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    Using my tongue to fuck her sweet virgin pussy I slowly brought her toward orgasm.   The feel of her unbroken hymen at the tip of my tongue with each thrust fueled my own lust driving my passion to limits I had never experienced. As I felt the muscles of her cunt begin the trembling of orgasm I replaced my tongue with my thumb and I grasped her clit between my teeth and flicked the tip faster and faster as the first spasm of orgasm slammed into her.   Her whole body convulsed jerking her clit from my mouth.   Grabbing her ass with my free hand I raised her clit up to my mouth once more and held it firmly in place and with my tongue and thumb forced her to have wave after wave of intense pleasure that stabbed through her pussy.   The nectar of her climax flooded my mouth and I lapped and sucked at it, drinking it up until the last waves subsided and she began to relax.
            The thrill of bringing my baby girl to climax as I watched and tasted and smelled it pushed my resolve to its limit.   I couldn’t wait any longer, the rhythmic rubbing of my cock against her leg was no longer enough, I needed to feel the wet heat of her pussy surround my cock.   Trailing kisses up her stomach and stopping to such hard on the softness of her belly I slid my hands under her shoulders.   My mouth once again feasted on her hard young nipples as I distracted her while I placed the pulsing head of my prick against the wet lips of her innocent hole.   I rubbed its hard hot head up and down her slit, lubricating it with the juices of her climax.   Slowly I slipped just the head in and the feel of her tight opening stretching over me sent searing flashes of extreme pleasure burning through me.   I quivered with the effort of restraint, I wanted so much to plunge forward, but she started squirming, trying to get away.   The size of it started to hurt her, but I had a firm grip on her shoulders.   I lowered my head and began biting and sucking on a nipple causing a confusion of sensations to flood her body, discomfort from the head of my large cock lodged firmly in her cunt and thrills of electricity from the stimulation to her nipples.


    I rocked slowly, just a fraction of an inch, in and out, in and out, until I felt her begin to relax.   I was loosing my desperate slippery grip on my control, all I wanted to do was ram forward, bury my cock deep into the hot wetness and pound into it until I could finally feel my cum empty into her.   Her mewling noises brought reality back into sight, this was my little girl, the baby I fathered, the sweet tender child I used to push on a swing, my flesh and blood.   I wanted her to learn the pleasure of sex, the joy of making love, not to fear it and equate it with pain.
            So I cooled the heated acid the pounded through my veins and continued suckling on her nipples as I reached between us and rubbed her clit while I gently rocked back and forth, slowly pushing my cock farther into her tight pure little hole.   It was exquisite torture.   I focused on the feel of my dick sliding millimeter by millimeter into her.   I was shivering with need, with an all consuming fire that was slowly burning away my resolve to take it slowly, so each moment, each sensation could be remembered later.   This was the baby I made, the daughter I held in my arms, who’s scrapped knees I gently cleaned and kissed better.   The young girl who’s tiny tits I watched grow to these ripe full breasts I was sucking and nibbling.   The feel of her nipple against my tongue was heaven as I clamped my teeth on the engorged nipple and flicked its tip.   Concentrating on her breast and ignoring the raging sensation on the head of my prick I slowed the building of my own fires of lust.   I waited for the moment when I would sense she was ready for the next step.   
            Finally I felt her begin to respond to the slow rocking thrusts, her pussy began to pulse with little contractions, sucking at the head of my cock, her breath was coming is gasps as her first orgasm began to mount.   I increased the pressure on her clit pinching it between my thumb and finger, stroking it like a miniature dick.


    She was thrusting against my cock and I became still letting her work it deeper into her virgin hole until it rested against the hymen.   I could feel the barrier press on the tip of my prick repeatedly as she climaxed on the end of my hard pulsating cock.   A thrill like none I had ever experienced filled me as I watched my baby girl cum on my cock for the first time.   The searing heat of her orgasm sent my blood racing through me, my heart was pounding.   I was breathing in hard jagged gasps as I memorized the look on her face, the smell of our sex, the sound of her cries of pleasure as she screamed out “Oh Daddy, Oh Daddy. ” Over and over.   As her orgasm washed over her, as she reached its peak I couldn’t hold back any longer and rammed my cock forward breaking through the barrier; feeling her virgin pussy stretch to receive a cock for the first time, my cock, her Daddy’s hungry throbbing cock.  
            She screamed, a shrill piercing sound of shock and pain and she struggled to get away, but I held her fast in place, impaled on my quivering manhood.   All thought was gone except for the feel of her hot newly pierced pussy pulsing around my prick and her ass wiggling against my balls as she tried to escape from my grasp.   Grabbing a hold of her hair I pulled her head back and silenced her screams with my mouth.   Swallowing the sound and trusting my tongue deep into her mouth as I had just thrust my prick deep into her cunt.   
            A small measure of thought returned at the taste of a tear that trickled down her cheek and along the edge of our kiss.   I released her mouth.   “Shhhhh just be still. ” I whispered against her ear, and sucked softly on the lobe.

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   “It will only be this way for a couple of minutes. ”  Rocking my shaft in and out of her torn pussy ever so slightly I waited for her body to adjust to the invasion of mine.   I shifted to rest on my elbows allowing both hands access to her sensitive breasts.   Rolling her nipples between my thumb and forefinger I kneaded them firmly, replacing the sensation of tearing and fullness in her pussy with one of quiet pleasure.   The feel of her rapid breath on my face stimulated me, driving me toward completion.   I watched the expressions on her face change, seeing the discomfort lesson I began slowly to withdraw my cock from her pussy.   The velvety squeeze of her muscles contracting as I pulled out was almost more than I could bare.   I left just the tip inside her.
            I raised up on my arms, extending them to full length locking my elbows in place and I gazed at her, seeing that she was watching me.   As our eyes locked onto each other a quiver passed through my heart, a sensation that thrilled my very being and I watched the flames of lust leap and burn as I slowly pushed back inside her.   I was hypnotized by the look in her eyes, I drank in the texture of her fresh pussy, the smell of her excitement tinged with a hint of virgin blood.    I licked my lips and tasted the lingering essence of her earlier orgasm.   I knew she felt every millimeter of my cock enter her, I watched it on her face as she felt the walls of her unused hole expand, stretch to let me in, feeling the hard softness of my rod as her Daddy began to fuck her.   Thrusting in and out, I reveled in the slick feel of her pussy sliding over my hard meat, the cunt lips sucking the tender skin of my prick as I quickened my movements.   With her first moan of pleasure my control snapped and I began the hard pistoning I had held off for so long.

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    My daughter’s own pleasure was once again rising and she was thrusting up to meet me, driving us closer to climax.   Her orgasm swelled and finally burst again to the sensations of my hard cock pounding against her cervix, jarring her body with each thrust.   As my own peak rushed in I screamed her name and grabbed her hips digging my fingers deep into the flesh and with one final plunge I rammed my cock hard and deep as I felt my seed gush from the head of my buried prick filling the hole of my little girl with Daddy’s cum.   I pulled out until only the still throbbing tip was left inside her and then I rammed forward once, twice, three more times until the final shivering sensation of my orgasm began to subside.   I stayed in that position, my head thrown back, diminishing cries of passion fading from my lips, heaving jagged breaths slowly calming, until I felt her arms circle me and hug me close.
            The strength in my arms gave ‘way and I rolled over onto my back with her still pressed close to my chest, my quivering cock still buried in her newly opened little hole.   I savored the feel of our moisture as it dribbled down over my balls.   I pushed my hips tighter to hers and with my hands on the small of her back pressed her snugly down on my now softening cock.   I relished the feel of her pussy as it cooled to normal temperature and relaxed allowing me to slip out and rest between our bodies as we slowly drifted into a nap.   I knew in that moment she was irrevocably woven into the fiber of my life and that I could never let her go.  
            That was ten years ago.   We moved to a new town, she went on to college and graduated.   No one here knows we are father and daughter.   They just think I’m a lucky old lecher that has a sweet young wife.  

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