I must have lost track of time and it was midnightand everyone was in bed. Come to find out my mom wasstaying up late. I came out of my room, only wearingmy tighty whites, to get a drink of water. My mom wason the couch reading a book with her robe slightlyopen. She didn't notice me come out so I just staredat her sweet pussy. I had a raging hard on, but Ineeded a drink of orange juice. I cleared my mindbut was still stiff and walked and got a drink makingsure my mom heard me. As I came out of the kitchenshe had straightened her robe but was looking at mekind of weird. Well I had a hard on so she must havebeen looking at that. I forgot all about it and walked to my room andstarted to stroke it again, but this time there was aknock on my door. It was my mom so I quickly put mycock away and told her she could enter. Her robe wasundone a bit, showing serious cleavage, and I wasinstantly hard again. . . and for 18 years old I had aserious sized cock. My mom asked me if I had been seeing any girls atschool.
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I told her no, since I was too shy. She toldme if I need any help she's is here to talk about it. So I thought I could use this to my advantage. I said"Mom, I'm scared of being rejected. What if a girldoesn't want to go out with me?" "It's ok, son," shesaid. "They just don't know what they are missing. Soon you will find a good one. " "What would they bemissing mom," I ask. She said, "Well, since you areon the swim team, you're athletic and very well toned,so they are missing a great body. And I'm sure you'rea very sweet young man. " "Aww thanks Mom," I said,giving her a big hug, letting her feel my boner in herpelvis. She was kind of shocked by this, but said"My, my, what have we here?" I said "Sorry Mom, Ididn't mean to. " She said "it's ok.
You're growinginto a man and it's perfectly natural. " "Thanks Mom,but some times I'm scared of it too.
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" "How do youmean, son?" "Well, it's just I think it gets in theway or some girl would hate me for it. " "Oh no no no,I'm sure it's beautiful. Tell you what. . . why don'tyou let me see it and I will tell you what I think. "I was shocked but wanted to at the same time. I said"Mom, isn't that sorta not right?" "Oh come now," shesaid. "I saw you when you were a baby. It's the samething, only grown up a bit. " I said ok and pulled my7 & 1/2 inch dick out for my mom. She was justshocked. She said, "Your dad isn't even this big. Itmust come from my side of the family," while she heldit in her hand. Then I got bold and said, "Mom, could I see yourtitties?" She paused for a moment and said, "Sure Idon't see why not," and showed me her 38C tits.
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Oh mygoodness! They were the most beautiful things I haveever seen. Better than on the internet. I started toreach out to touch them and to my surprise she didn'tobject. I said "Mom, is there any thing else I couldsee?" She opened her robe up all the way and showedme her milky white body, and her neatly trimmed/shavedpussy. I was in shock. She took my hand and placedit on her tummy and I knew what I was supposed to dothen. I slowly moved my hand down to feel her pussy. Itwas wet and smelled musky. She asked if I liked that. At the same time she was still touching my rock hardcock. I said "Mom, is there any thing you can teachme?" She said, "What do you want to know?" I replied,"I want to know everything. " "Well first off, I'llteach you how to eat a woman out. " I asked what thatwas. "Well, you put your head down there and lick andit feels really good. Here I'll show you first," shesaid.
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I laid down on my bed and she sucked my dick. Itfelt so good much better than when I masturbated myself.
Then I didn't know what came over me I startedto moan and say "Oh mom. Oh that feels so good," Ididn't know what else to say. I told her I was aboutto cum and she stopped. Then she said it's your turn. So I put my head near her pussy and started to lickfor all its worth. It tasted surprisingly good and I she was grindingher cunt into my face as she moaned "Don't stop. Keepgoing. That's it, right there. Lick my clit, son. Lickit lick it, yeah. Oh, oh I'm cuming. I'm cuming on yourface. " I stopped and said "No fair.
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You got to cumand I didn't. " She told me it's different for girls. Girls can cum more than once, but once a guy cums ittakes a while to get him back up. "Oh I didn't knowthat," I said. Then she kissed me on the lips, a very passionatekiss. That made my cock stand at attention. Shegrabbed it forcefully, and told me it's time for thenext lesson. I smiled and said "what's that?" Shesaid "Time to take your virginity. " Now this is whatI have been wanting for a long time. She laid me downon my bed and hopped on top of me, pointing my dick toher pussy. I reached up and squeezed her lusciousbreasts as she slid down the length of my shaft. Itwas the best feeling in the world, I wanted to cumright there. I said "Mom, do I get to cum in your pussy?" Shesaid I could if I wanted to. At that point I think Itook over. I held on to her and rammed my cock up inher pussy. moynakia live nadia cypriota lisa sparkle escort regina moon escort escortgay martina escort
She started to moan again and I told her Iwas ready to cum. She hopped off me and bent overdoggy style. I got her from behind and pumped herfull of my cum. We fell on my bed exhausted. She looked at me and Ijust smiled back at her. I said "Thanks mom, what agreat lesson. " She kissed me on the lips and said,"Any time you need more lessons come to me and illteach you. " I could tell this is going to be a goodstart to my sex life. TO BE CONTINUED. . . . .