
A Hot Touch


Topic: A Hot TouchA Hot TouchBy,Walter A. Sticks ©wsticks@inbox. com (Custom Erotic Stories)He had started his search with great ambition and with a feeling of rambunctious anxiety; he slid the gearshift to park and pulled the key out of the ignition. It was an unusually hot day in Southern California. The ocean breeze was at a standstill, with the waves undulating in a slow, lulling, rhythm, underscoring the stillness of the humid air. His apartment was unbearably hot, and he knew that on this day off he wouldn't just turn on the old ceiling fan and watch TV; a usual thing on Jack's days off. Today was too hot; his apartment a second floor unit had soaked up the morning sun's heat and with a click to print, he decided to go. He opened the car door and looked out onto the ocean with a tingling in his belly; a certain uneasiness could be seen on his face. He reached into the car and grabbed his printouts and began trying to orient the paper with where he had parked. The map was smudged in areas where beads of sweat had rolled off his perspiring face. He moved the paper out in front of him. The directions were printed after an hour of intense searching on the web and an hour of mental debate. But he had decided that he couldn't resist the pull to do this. His deepest instincts moved him to try it, despite the hundreds of reasons his brain kept throwing at him, "there all old biker chicks, I'll get fined, they're all old dudes, am I small?"He rattled the papers into place and got himself oriented with the trail markers. He whipped his bag across his shoulders, closed the door, pressed the lock button twice, waited for the beep, and he set off. The sun was overbearing, shining just over his head and directly onto the tarred trail.

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   His feet could feel the heat rising right through his beach flip-flops whenever he stopped to check the directions. Almost at the bottom of the cliff face he noticed that his trunks had begun to stick to the inside of his thighs as he worked up a sweat. He stopped to adjust his shorts and looked out onto the ocean and the empty beach below and figured that if all else failed he'd at least be able to take a dip in the cool ocean. Some decent relaxation on the beach would do him some good anyway. Off the tarred trail and now onto the sandy, pebble ridden, narrow trail, he was almost there. He had reached the rock that would determine his day. He was for sure that this entire thing was just a story, but the rock was there and in just a half mile more, along an unkempt trail he would find out if the quick turnout to the beach would also be there. With the privacy that the narrow trail gave him between the cliff trail and the tree brush on the outside, he stopped for a moment, set his backpack down and fanned the top of his trunks away from his skin to cool himself. He worked up a heated sweat from the nervous walk down. He was insecure, but decided he had come this far to turn back. He jumped up to adjust himself and fixed the bag back on his shoulders and began walking confidently on. Now the tingling had turned into a rapid heartbeat that he could feel getting more and more intense as he approached the turnout. He stopped for a moment, pulled the trunks from his waist and looked inside. Some of his worry had subsided as the heat had worked up a vibrant posture. He continued on.

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   The trail started to turn right and he could hear the waves crashing with evermore intensity, as did his heartbeat. With every pulse, conflicting thoughts swarmed over him on whether to go through with it. But his desire was strong and his youth led him to step through the trail onto the beach and to his surprise. . . Nothing. Not one beach goer was there, just the sand and ocean were in front of him. He had accounted for the fact that it was a Tuesday and had expected to the turnout to be few, but he didn't think that no one would be there. It was the summertime and people were on other beaches that he seen on his drive here. He was disappointed and yet relieved in a way because the pressure of his adventure had disappeared. Well he thought, "I guess it's going to be a cool dip, and a summer read," and he walked towards the surf to lay down his blanket. After clearing the cliff, now onto the beach, he could see down the shoreline in both directions and could see people way up north on his right. He could see beach umbrellas, lifeguard stands, surfers, and beach goers playing frisbee and tossing the football. He had wondered if he would make the long walk up there, but had decided that the walk was too long and the solitude of the empty beach was somewhat inviting, so he set his bag down. He looked left pass the outcropping of the cliff and decided that it would be even more peaceful if he walked around the cliff and setup on the other side.

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   Just as he turned the corner of the cliff he saw a few people scattered behind the cliff face. His heart had resumed pace and everything inside him began to tingle and quiver with anxiety. He had read the etiquette and knew to play it cool and to just go about business as usual. He now neared where people were. They were laying out all spaced out to give each other privacy and realized that he had found it and that every person there was nude. He had also realized that everyone that he peeped a look at from behind his sunglasses, was either an old geezer or an old, crinkled up bleached, blonde. He began to feel small and scared. There were no young people out here, it was just a bunch of old nudists soaking up the sun. Then the thought came to him that these people didn't care one bit about whether he had his clothes on or not. He felt more comfortable with the idea of taking his clothes off with this crowd. It didn't seem intimidating anymore. He found the most private spot he could find and spread out his towel and set out his book and sun block lotion. He peered through the shrub branches onto the beach and took note of the others, feeling his penis growing with anticipation, and pulled his trunks down and off his feet. He took off his tank top and bunched it in front of his package because it had hardened with the element of exposure and was embarrassed. He stroked it a few times with his shirt out of sheer instinct and pushed it back down and with a relenting sigh it took a natural position.

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   He was happy at this situation because he had looked plump and he had hoped this would last. He laid down on the towel face down, his back side to the sun, and felt his hardness push into the sand beneath his towel. He could feel the sun bathing his back and it felt good. Making sure that everything was ok in the front he rolled over after breaking into a sweat. While turning over he glimpsed a leg out of the corner of his eye standing right next to him. It was a beautiful leg and he could tell instantly that whomever this belonged to she was going to be beautiful. All in that moment he looked at her French manicured toes, leading up to her small, smooth ankles, and beautifully toned calves. He knew that for sure that by tone and texture of her skin that she at least had a hot body, and this was no old horny lady looking for a thrill. He corrected his manners at the instant his eyes reached her inner knees and turned over like a man and looked her straight in the eyes. He couldn't help taking a quick glimpse at the super beautiful tits she had. They were round and firm, with small nipples kissing the beautiful beach air, glistening with a hint of golden perspiration. "I didn't mean to startle you," her thin voice declared. "Hi, oh hi, I, I just didn't expect someone to be there. ""I'm so sorry, I just got here and took a spot right over there. I just need someone to rub some lotion on my back.

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   I didn't think you would mind?" with a melting smile. Jack coughed and cleared his throat and with a schoolboy charm said, "Oh no, no not all. ""Cool, I'm Bethany by the way" as she walked over to her towel. "Are you here with anyone?" as he started to stand"Duh,", she laughed out. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, first time here, actually first time I've ever been to a beach like this. " He began to feel small but did not dare concentrate on finding out if he was going to get smaller. He bent over to grab his lotion and he turned to her catching her turning away from looking at his bare backside. "Oh I've got sun tan lotion already,""Right,"They began to walk and he chose to walk side by side with her after looking at her round, tight ass as she walked towards her towel. He was awkwardly at a loss for words and watched in a trance as each cheek movement send a tingle right to his balls. He picked up his pace and caught up with her and super conscious of his penis dangling with every foot step right in front of her, in her peripheral view, so close to her hands. He maintained his composure, as well as his good posture. She laid on her towel and reached for the sun tan lotion. She handed it to Jack without looking, her face buried beneath her golden brown blonde hair. He took the bottle from her hands, touching her fingers ever so slightly and kneeled down beside her. He poured the lotion in his hands and began tentatively rubbing her back which he had thought was tanned quite nicely already.

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   "So," she spoke out. "So?" he muttered, not knowing what to say as his mind had disappeared into his hands feeling every inch of her back, every contour of flesh, her small well rounded shoulders, and her fleshy lower back. He had to control his thoughts as he reached her lower back, the contours of her soft skin made him quiver and he thought about kneeling between her legs. "Your name silly?""Oh Jack, sorry, I'm just""So this is your first time at a nude beach huh?""Yeah, yes it is. I didn't know what to expect. I was so nervous to come down here but. . ""You from here Jack?""No just moved down to Southern Cal. ""Well I think you are going to love it out here! I come down here a lot, better than the tanning beds you know. ""Yeah back home the girls didn't really get into the whole tanning thing. ""Yeah well out here, I don't know if you noticed, but every girl is so hot so you best be hitting the tanning salons""Yeah I noticed the spas on every corner. " A pause fell on them as he reached the last area of her lower right back. He rested his hands there feeling sullen. "Hey, I've gotten your back done" He sat there hoping for something, his balls squeezed together on the inside of his thighs as he sat on his knees, his penis squeezed forward. He could feel his balls tingling with unrelentless calling.

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  "Ok thank you so much. " Bethany replied. Jack removed his hand from her back and stared at her side where her breast was squeezing out. He had noticed that it had a tan line on it and he moved awkwardly to stand up. "Jack,""Yeah" he said casually"I know you don't know me that well, but would you, umm, this is so awkward," she paused and Jack started to get hard in anticipation. "Would you rub some sun lotion a little lower down?"Jack's penis stiffened against his inner thighs and did not care as her head was turned the other way. "Umm absolutely, no problem," He thought with great dexterity and continued, "You know I could give you a massage if you like, I mean. . . ""Oh yes, that would be so great. . . " she calmly said with a seductive SoCal accent. "If you don't' mind, I think, could I get in between your legs", he said and then quickly correcting, "I mean,"She laughed and turned her head towards him catching a glimpse at his hardening cock and then focused on his eyes, and laughed, "How else could you give me a proper massage?" She smiled, and rolled her head to the other side. Jack stood up, his cock hanging heavily in the wind, and with pure joy and excitement in his loins, slowly pushed her knees aside and knelt in between her legs, towering over her backside.

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   He quivered with restrained excitement. He poured lots of lotion in his hand this time and started to caress her butt cheeks, each hand squeezing and rubbing, each movement deeper than the next. She let out a moan of ecstasy. He continued on to her back and to her shoulders, this time rubbing her round shoulders off the ground a bit to see her breasts squeeze back out the sides. He wanted to reach around her and grab her breasts, licking her nipples; he started to dream of fucking her right then, raw. "Jack""Yeah, everything ok?""Oh yeah," she lustfully moaned"I want you. "He stopped and took in what she said. She was more than a stranger now, his hopes and instincts bubbled over with excitement at this statement. He reached down and rubbed the tip of his cock and felt his creamy juice at the tip of his head. He had disturbing thought about fucking in the raw, but this seemed so right, her hotness, his hardness. "I hope you mean what I think you mean,""Let's take this over to your spot, its more private we could get in trouble. "Jack sighed with relief cause he knew he had a condom in his bag just in case this miracle had happened. "Let's go!" They stood up, she looked at his cock hanging ever so largely, curved on the brink of hardness and grabbed his hand. They walked hurriedly over to Jacks place on the beach and she layed down as she was before. Jack filled his hands with lotion and slid his hands up her smooth calves to the back of her knees, slowly sliding them apart.

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   He kneeled between her and glided his hands up her fleshy ass and squeezed her gently, pulling apart her ass cheeks, exposing the glory that he didn't think would ever happen. The lotion dripped down her cheeks, as he stretched her ass, flowing right to her beautiful anus, waxed and bleached perfectly. It was so exciting and invigorating that he had put his lotioned finger on it, rubbing her small rim in sensuous circles. Her asshole glistened in the sun and Jack just bent backwards with his ass towards the ocean and put his tongue right on her anus. He started to lick and eat it at it and she started to gyrate with ecstasy, moaning with delight. Her juices started to flow. "You can if you want to,""You mean""Yes, yes, please, give it to me""Jack reached over to his bag and swiftly unsheathed the condom. He stroked his cock standing at firm attention and slipped the condom on. He buried his face down into her ass and licked her throbbing wet pussy and drank her juices. He came back to her anus, and pushed his finger in and out, with more lotion and it started to open up. He was through, he was hard, he was large, he looked at her ass in total and then he slid his throbbing cock deep, deep, inside. . . .



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