Topic: THE CUMMING TOGETHER. My wife's mind was going in the right direction,it just needed a push.
Married a while and happy,with two kids,we enjoyed nearly all things sexual. But my mother and stepfather were poles apart from each other and us. I felt sorry for the guy,so I covertly offered him some sexual day,me and the wife were discussing my parents doubtful relationship. Clearly a marriage of convenience utilizing mutual funds and housing. I knew my wife found a commonality factor with my stepfather,possibly she felt sorry for his situation. I never pressed her on this point you see,but I'd recognized,her being a flirty prick teaser and he being sexually deprived,it seemed reasonable for me to give her a push in the right direction.
The afore mentioned conversation was going along the lines of whether they ever had sex. Clarifying this point,I said to my wife Linda, 'Probably at an earlier time,but I reckon the last time he probably had it was twenty five years or so ago' Her casual reply was, 'Fuck! that's before I was born,his dick must be throbbing like hell' I lead on, 'Yeah it does every time he gets a look at your thighs and ass,haven't you noticed'? A smirk came across her face,clearly she was relishing the thought that she tormented his cock without even realizing it.
I open the play with, 'He's into photography and does his own developing,you could always give him some views to snap that wouldn't get past the censor' she responds, 'Don't be daft,how could I do that without your mother spotting what we were up to'? 'Out the house' - they lived in the country in a secluded cottage, - 'When you romp with the kids on the lawn,you could move your legs I'm sure in an in-obvious way to give him some flashes up there' She was quiet for a bit,then, 'You mean without knickers,that would be to dangerous' 'I didn't say that,but now you come to mention it,you could try it with knickers,then if it goes okay,you could gradually get to no knickers'
'Fuck,you're so dirty,how would I try to do the flashing then'? 'Just wrestle with them - the kids, - like you usually do here,I love watching the flashing you innocently give me,especially when they get pressed into your crack,but you always damn well adjust them and pull it back out' She grinned widely to that. 'How could he possibly get where he could take pictures of my pussy without getting seen? It just can't be realistic' 'Course he can,he has a super camera,fast,and on a tripod behind that small outhouse window that opens,I bet if you sneaked in there,you'd find him wanking himself stupid already,because I've noticed he tries to look at you from there,especially when you bend forward with those short dresses on,you wear'
The trouble he has is,you don't point in the right direction for him or you're too far away,I can tell you where you need to get for his best advantage' 'You've been planning this! You've got it all worked out you dirty sod' 'Not really,I lied,its just that I noticed you show a soft spot for him and he has a hard spot for so to speak' I got a threatened slap for that.
'I do not! But I don't want to be cruel to him,like your mother is' 'I only said flash him,not fuck him! Not yet anyway' I risked this statement,and paid the price. She grabbed my balls and squeezed,fortunately not to hard,but enough to make me aware of what could happen if I overstepped the mark.
Not to be out done though,I skitted. 'If you damage those,you will have to go in search of another pair ready to fire juice up your pussy' 'STOP NOW,I know where this is leading,NO! NO-NO-NO' 'I haven't said anything' 'Yeah,but I know how that mind of yours works' It was left at that and we continued talking about something not our next visit,I mentioned nothing and decided to see how it played out,or if in fact it played at all.
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After about twenty minutes,the novelty of the grandchildren visiting their gran played out in preference to some crap soap on TV. 'You can all stay and play on the lawn while I see my program' and she was gone for the duration. I plonked myself in a deck chair by the wall that gave me a good view of my wife's attributes if shown, - Well I deserved my share of any goodies put on show as the instigating organizer don't you think?
I was not able to see in the window we talked about,but also could not be observed from the window either,but I could hear if any activity was going on inside. Before seating myself down,while close to this window I over loudly said to Linda,I'll pop down and see if my mate of old is about,wont be long. This was a total ruse of course,just to ease any pressure from my being in close proximity.
The romping got underway and true to form our son got a bit carried away quite quickly and in his excitement hitched my wifes top a bit high thus showing the underside of her tits, - No bra,so she was playing the sex card I concluded, - Just after I heard a scraping sound that could be a tripod being moved. I smirked at the thought of his hardon over my wife's tits.
I hadn't thought of this till this time,but my stepfather was into all new things regarding sound and visual. It was only that I heard no shutter sounds,but a slight humming noise is best as I can describe it. Attracted back to the view,I cast it from my mind,but thinking later,I realized it was there all the time my wife done her bit. After a while,my wife jumped up saying, 'Wait,all this mucking about has made mum need a wee' and promptly headed for the loo. In no time she returned and the fun carried on. Our boisterous son had just slid down my wife's raised knees like on a slide,which inadvertently dragged her dress down towards her thighs. There it was in all its splendour! One naked pussy,well naked except for her pussy fur and supported by two half moon bum cheeks. She was endeavouring to get her shirt back over her knees and succeeded,but not before I heard a gasped grunt and 'Fucking hell' come from the open window.
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I smiled with satisfaction.
They were playing creepy mouse by now and young son was set on creeping his hand up his mothers skirt. She was desperately trying to stop his hand touching her now naked pussy and only just managed to grab him an inch or two from contact. Phew! that was close,I could just imagining him saying, "Gran,mum has no knickers on,she must have wee'd them just now" Linda made a point of keeping all creepy mice much nearer the belly and armpit ticklish areas after this near miss. But at least another ten minutes of display was had by the male species,with up thigh flashes of the highest quality. We loved happening was not able to be mentioned till after the kids bedtime. It turned out that when my wife had got to the loo, - a typical cottage,no lock just a latch door, - she had a pee,then just as she'd dapped any drips and being about to discard her knickers,the door opened and there stood my stepfather. Instantly dropping her skirt,she got a sorry,sorry,I didn't know anyone was in here. Lying toad,I said,he heard you like I did say you were going there. 'I thought that,but more to the point, - she giggled, - he had the worlds hardest hardon sticking out his trousers' 'What actually sticking out in "as you seen it"? 'Yeah,he had it in his hand,I reckon he was going to have a wank' I said, 'No,that can't be,he knew you were going there,the dirty old sod! He done it to show you what he has if you're ever hungry for cock'
'No,never,I reckon you're only saying that because of what you hinted the other day' 'Hang on,It wasn't me that had it in your face out there' passing on,she said, 'He definitely seen my cunt close up before I had time to hide it' Then it clicked,I realised what the whirring was. I told Linda,I've got it,he has got himself a new video camera,he's got your naked pussy on tape,I'll bet he'll wank himself senseless tonight. She smirked and blushed all at the same time, 'It'll be in colour as well' 'He won't stop there,now he'll want more from you with that machine,you see! It'll be interesting to see how he'll tackle you to give him more action.
My wife didn't reply to this observation,but then again she didn't exclude the prospects.
bye now.
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