My name is Dimitri , 23 years old and I lived in a poor East European shit-country where most of the people must workonly to survive. So sorry that my English is not perfect. Because I also want to drive a nice car, to have a good smartphone,etc. , like many men,I always search for ways to earn extra money.
On a Saturday evening, in a bar in the centre of the city, some unknown guy came to me and said : 'Hi , my name is Adam , are you interested in a job where you can earn a lot of money ? ' . He was wearing a nice suit , dark glasses, but his voice was soft : the first impression was confidence.
'Of course' I said, and my name is Dimitri . We sat down , he paid me a cocktail and asked : 'if I would say 'no ' if the job is not completely legal. I joked and said , 'if I don't have to rob a bank and if it pays good, no problem'. He laughed . Then he asked if I Like girls or boys, ‘girls, of course’. I replied. He talked like 'a funny guy ' and suddenly he said : - ' if you want,you can earn € 5000 for a few hours’ work - '. The only important thing you must do is 'to forget what you did after ' and to be happy with your € 5000. So when you work a few days a week you will soon have € 50. 000 a month or more.
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He looked at me straight in the eyes with his dark glasses and said : ‘so tell me now : will we continue with this conversation or do you want to go home ' ?
I could not answer directly, but after one minute I answered : ' For this kind of money I want to do a lot so tell me more details '. 'Fine ', he said while he reached out his hand , ' but do we have a deal that everything we say now stays between us and do you want to confirm this with your life '? Now I got the feeling it was some kind of gangster, I became a little bit scared , but why not , it was only words. So I agreed.
'Listen Dimitri ', you know that if you don't want to do this job, many others guys will so the result is the same : 'it will happen ' so if your answer is no,' it does not make a difference only that another guy become rich and you will stay a poor rat'. Somewhere he had a point : no matter what the job is, somebody will do it and become rich. Of course he made me very curious, I agreed with thisprivate conversation and asked Adam to go on. He asked : ' do you know that many rich people pay a lot of money just to look at a webcam-site ' ? I laughed and replied'yes of course , but I'm not good enough to play in porn-movies '.
' No ! ' . replied Adam short and loud . His voice became silent again and whispered in my ear : 'they pay for life performances to see how victims are raped and more. This is the only business for our company : customers pay and we do what they want for their money. When they pay an amount, they can send a scenario they want to see. Then our K-team (kidnap-team ) looks if it’s possible to find the subject and we make a price. If they agree, they must pay the rest and then we make an appointment to come online to start the show. This customer is the 'director ‘, He controls what must happen life on line.
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There are also 'lurkers ', they pay less but can only watch , not control. Sometimes a few hundredlurkers are online during the show. Your job : - to assist in the – redroom - .
He looked at me very straight in the eyes again and said : 'remember your promise with your life to keep this between us ; should I go on, or do you want to leave '? I did not know what to say first,but realizedI was so far in it that I could not just leave so I said : 'no ok , go on '.
Adam became more relaxed now and he continued: ' we do everything, girls, boys or whatever,butof course, most clients want girls and because the motivation is good for the show, you will assist the girl performances. Don't worry:it’s weird in the beginning, but after a few shows you get used to it and may even like it! Imagine what you can do with all that money!Now serious: there is only one director who pays a lot and he decides life during the show what must be done. Of course he writes firstsome kind of scenario so that we can prepare everything but during the show he is the boss. The lurkers pay less, but they can only watch. The director gives a description of the victim, our 'search team ' looks in another environment for the appropriate profile. then our 'kidnap-team ' kidnaps the object from the street, transport it directly to our company here and tie the subject on a toilet with a bag over the head. Finally,we give the signal 'subject ready ' to the director and make the appointment to start the show. This must happen fast because almost every 'director ' wants to see a 'fresh ' victim in the clothes they wear before the kidnap so:‘we do not tolerate that someone damage the object before the show’!Once an appointment is made , the lurkers get informed when the show comes on line, if they have paid of course. Don't think the 'director ' is always a man, sometimes it is a rich woman and they are the most difficult customers!Now I want your reply : to go home, forget this and stay a poor rat or enjoy us : became rich and perhaps it will amuse you. If you don't want to decide now, agree, but anyway : we must meet each other again . And Dimitri , I know where you live of course !' .
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I stood perplex , frozen , this information was dangerous . Adam ordered another drink , smile relaxed and said : 'don't worry, I know the feeling, but now I live in a nice villa with pool , drive a Porsche 95 , can fuck any girl I want and pay the cops to let me without questions. I live like a king !
Suddenly some weird energy came in me ; I reached out my hand to him and said - 'deal'- ! I want to try it, tell me where and when'. Adam looked surprised about my swift decision, shacked my hand firmly and said - 'deal ' - !, You will not regret it! There is a show on Saturday, 3pm. Give me your gsm-number. You will receive a text message around 1pm with the address where one of our drivers will pick you up and bring you to the playroom. Your guide is 'Sergei' . It’s your first time so you must look and learn what the 2 assistants must do because next time you will be one of the 2 assistants. . . The first time you get € 3000, next if you succeed and if you are a full assistant its € 5000. How long the show takes depends from the scenario of the director and also how strong the object is. We had had customers who just wants to see a swift, hard action from only a few minutes just to see them die, others want to see torturing during hours but also some want to see just a rape. So it depends. Of course you understand: even if the director is soft and asks to let the object go we confirm this but in reality we cannot let it go for security-reasons.
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In this case when we are off-line and if some guys of our ‘staff’ wants to play they can do what they want,but you know how it must end for the object, always… Now: go home , dream aboutthe money you will get and welcome to the company' ; I have to go now. 'Oh yeah , before I forget he smiled: take a bag with you with spare clothes because sometimes it’s a mess there'. Adam left , I would never see him again. He left me with a fearful heart, I could not realize what I did, but still, all that money. . .
Saturday I did not sleep a lot, was nervous as hell. At 1 : 00 pm exactly my phone gave a receiving signal. The message was : wait at 1:20pm at the corner of a-street and b-and street. A black Mercedes will pick you up. Be there . Success, - Adam. I was shaking as a leaf, answered , 'ok ', pulled on my jeans vest, took my bag with extra pants and shirt and was on my way to the to the place of appointment . 12:20 pm At the corner of a- and b-street : I saw a black Mercedes coming who was flashing with his lights. He stopped in front of me ; I could not see inside because all the windows were dark .
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I opened a back door and heard a voice 'in front '. I opened the front door and got in. The driver was around 60 years, completely bold, glasses, dressed in a black suit and was smoking. He did not look at me, did not say anything : I felt myself not comfortable and yes, afraid .
He drove toward an abandoned industrial area. I knew the place ; a lot of people worked there during communist time. Now it’s one abandoned, sad place where only rats are live. The car stopped in front of an old paint-factory. The driver said nothing, just continued smoking. Suddenly the door went open, a big guy reached out his hand and said : 'Hi , I'm Sergei, welcome to the company '.
I shacked his hand , got out of the car, took my bag but did not know how to behave myself . Sergei noticed this and calmed me by saying : 'don't worry ' , my job is to introduce you and to guide you into your new job. Before we go into the room I will tell you what you can expect, follow me '.
We went into the old factory, he opened a big steel door, I followed him. We went along with old, rusty stairs going down the basement.
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He opened another door, behind it was a whole complex of corridors and doors. I saw camera's everywhere. It was not a dark place, on the contrary ; fresh painted in light colors ! In the half of a corridor, Serge opened a green door and said : 'welcome to my office'. It had nothing specials : just an old metal office; probably a remnant from the time that the factory was still producing paint. But then I saw under his suite a holster with a gun in it. I realized now I could not stop this or go back, I must put my way of thinking about zero, go on with it and see what happens .
'So Dimitri ' , He said with a relaxed voice : 'I will tell you clearly and directly what happens here , what we expect from you and of course : when you leave this place with your money this never happened ' . What else could I say then 'ok, I understand '… . I thought by myself : now it’s the time to say nothing , listen carefully, try to be relaxed and not to show any fear '.
Sergei started his conversation : ' we are professional businessmen, we don't ask questions and just do what the customer wants’. Our customer, the 'director ' sends a basic scenario so that we know what kind of things he wants to see, if we should buy some extra tools, if he wants also girls to assistsor whatever he wants. Funny: some of them asks to piss on the object so drink some water before… You have luck : you have the department of - young girls - ; children,we don’t do,but such customers we refer to colleagues, but still: your objects can be 12 or younger if for example the customer wants an object with budding tits. Age as number is not important, but the look must be as the director described. He grinned: ‘Once a client wanted a girl around 18 but the k-team came with a 25 year-old. But she looked so small and skinny and had such small tits so that the client never knew the real age, but sill paid for a 18 which is much more expensive’…
So the objects are the 'movie-stars ' and must give a show for the customers who pay a lot of money to see it.
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The director is the boss, not us ! What he commands must happen, no matter what, understand?What else could I do then nod yes… So your task is to do things that the director wants; you must do it as good as possible because the lurkers also pay a lot and if they like the show, they will pay us again to come back, so more money… . For your first time: I suppose the session can take a few hours because the director wants a session where the subject must fall unconscious as much as possible, it must make a lot of noise and by the time it cannot wake up anymore there may be not much left of it. This means that the assistants(like you soon ) may not let her bleed a lot, not damage her eyes and tongue. They must do the things the director wants to see her react, but not too hard because she must stay a life as long as possible. So: let's hope we have luck that’s it’s a strong-one. It can happen sometimes that the director is not satisfied because the object dies too soon, but it’s not mostly our fault: we do what he wants and cannot know how strong the object is. We never give money in return!So you must learn to know the limits to let them react, but not go too far so they die fast!But don’t worry: Yvan, the redroom-boss , will constantly look on his tablet what the director wants and show it to the assistants what they must do. Very important : Yvan communicates with the assistants out of the camera view so the director and lurkers can concentrate and enjoy themselves on the object. The clients can choose between many cameras and there are also 2 mobile cameramen to make closeups : one always zooms in on the face, the other on - the place of action. - Always try to stay out of the image! About the victim: consider it as an object just to make money. So , are you shocked? '
Indeed,I was but I realized there was no return. I ensured him that I was ok , of course nervous but ready to go into the room. 'Fine ', he said , let's go to the red room. But first I’ll show you how we keep the object in anticipation of the show. Oh yeah, bad luck for you : you as assistant may not rape.
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For this we hire 'strong big men with experience ‘. The guys from the rape-team are selected on their ugliness , brutality , big dig and their talent to come always with a lot of sperm , most customers want to see this. Like animals; the more brutal and ugly the better and I don't think you have this profile . I saw a big smile on his mouth….
Sometimes a customer wants that we do a 'preparation ' to the victimlike one week ago a customer wanted that we bring in a raped,beaten girl and he just wanted to see how she get hanged . So in this case we had to prepare her among us and then you can help. Or a soft-client can ask just to see the object strip and to have forced sex and after we let her go home. Of course,this is not possible,but we assure the client, we will return her to her home safely. After the show you and the men can do with the object what they want,but as you suppose it may not survive, no witness.
‘Now let’s go’ he said andI followed Sergei ; he closed his green door and continued walking through the corridor. He hit right into another hallway that literally ended ata red door. Before the end of the corridor, on the right site there was a blue door. He opened it and said: ‘look, here is the object of the show’. I was astonished… I saw a girl in black dress, sitting on a toilet with her panties over her shoes, her arms tied around her back and a bag over her head. She had some bib around her neck.
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The body was trembling like a leaf. ‘Look’, Sergeï said: the k-team tied her to a toilet because of the stress she will shit and piss a lot and the client wanted a fresh object like it came just from the street with normal clean clothes. Because they captured it 2 days ago, the k-team gave her bib to keep the clothes clean when they are pushing down food and water into her throat. And also to avoid saliva on her clothes because she has a rag in her mouth. 5 Minutes before the show starts the k-team must clean her ass, pull-up her pants, remove the bag and the rag and bring her in. Of course,it’s not always like this: it can happen a client wants to bring an object that is left for a few days without anything. So it’s a mess if we remove the clothes, but like I said: client is king…
Ok, now let’s go into the red room’. We left the toilet and went through the red door: I saw a 'white room'; the walls and floor were made of white smooth stones, like in a swimming pool and the floor had drains .
There were a few men working: one had a tablet, another was sitting on a computer desk, I guess this was the 'IT-man' and 2 others were laughing like they were telling jokes.
They looked at me while saying, 'hi, the new guy' and shook my hand friendly. Weird. . . just like the first day in a normal job. Then 2 young guys came to say hello to me and introduced themselves as 'the assistants'.
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They had the same profile as me: around 20 years, just normal guys who want to do a job to earn money.
The room had camera's everywhere and to every wall a big flat screen was mounted. There was also a wheel with a garden-hose, probably to 'clean easy' after a show. In the middle of the room was a bed: an old model, entirely in metal but without mattress. The bottom of the bed was simply consisted of a metal grid. It was old and rusty with belts everywhere, I suppose, to tie the victim to the bed. Next to the bed was an electric tacle. 'look', he said: the tackle is easy to use: one button with arrow up, one with arrow down and our special 'red button. ' if you press this, the hook opens automatically so it’s easy to connect handcuff chains or whatever. To disconnect the subject is easy with this button: just push it and the subject falls down, you don't have to lift it up. In the corner was some kind of large grey plastic bin on wheels.
On the other side of the room was another door.
'Come', said Serge¨, let me show you around and give you some explanation. Here on this tackle the show usually begins. Mostly the object is tied with the arms up and a bag over the head before the start.
If customer wants we can easily lift the subject up. The bed has no mattress because, like this it’s easy to clean: just use the garden-hose to clean it. This is also a part of your job: to clean the room for the next victim. The customers also like the impression of the old, rusty model.
The big bin here we use for the 'garbage-container' like the clothes and shoes we take off, handbags or whatever they carried with them. And yeah: sometimes also hair, teeth or things we must cut off. And of course at the end you must help to throw what is left of the object in the bin. But it's the 'clean-team' that takes care of what is in the bin: they will burn everything what's in it, so lucky for you this is not your job. '
Now he asked me to follow him into the 'storage', this was behind the other door in the red room. When I came into this room, I got a very unpleasant feeling. I saw things like whips, clamps, wire, metal bars, needles, ropes, chains, a few hundred 'little fishhooks with wire', all kinds of knives, a terrible collection of dildo's even with sharp nails in it, a gas fire, buckets, nippers, electrical wires, even a shelf, underpants and bra with sharp nails in it. Also a lot of Dettol: ‘nobody wants to get ill so the hygiene is very important. After the session the assistants must clean and disinfect all the toys here, after every session, we don't want to see blood, nothing!'
I told him that I understand it and I will respect the rules. 'Super', now for your first session,let’s talk to Yvan what it will be this time'. I followed him to Yvan who was 'working' on his tablet.
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'Hi new-one' he said: 'listen: look good what will happen, don't think and just do what I say. Never, but never refuse, run away or vomit in front of the camera! I know first time can be hard, but if necessary :run to the outdoor and relax in the corridor! Never talk during the session, only if you must give a command to the victim what it must do. Understood?' What else could I do as saying 'clear!'. .
Suddenly a big bald guy came in and gave a handbag to Yvan. 'Here new-one' he said; 'your first job. Before they bring in the victim, they handle over the personal things to the assistants. They must see if there are some valuable things, the rest you put into the container to be destroyed. Put the value-things on the desk. Don't look for cellphones, the K-team destroys them directly after the kidnap. ' If the subject wears jewelry, earrings or whatever: remove them after the session'.
Yvan went to the 'IT-man and left me with the handbag of the subject they will bring in. Sergeî nodded - ok - to me for my first mission. It was a soft-brown leather female handbag. I opened it and find the usual things like make-up, mirror, tampons, wallet.
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I opened the wallet, took the money out and put in on the desk. I took her passport and sawthe picture of a very nice girl with long, curly black hair. Her name was 'Anoushka', 19 years old. ' This must absolutely be destroyed' said SergeÎ. 'Never try to take it with you such as any other thing from the subject'! I nodded yes and went to the plastic bin to throw all the personal things of Anoushka in it. I saw her passport with her beautiful picture laying down in the bin, it was a terrible feeling. But I had to be strong, brain on zero: no way return.
Now the door has gone open and 2 men came in with a professional camera. One had the profile of 'an accountant' : a frail man with glasses and weird haircut, the other looked more like Beethoven. They were testing their stuff while the IT-man was working on his computer .
I saw the 4 big flat screens activated : changing the images from one camera-view to a diagram with more images . 'Look ' , said Sergei : 'the customer can switch to the image that he wants. Once paid, the customer receives soft with a special browser. It works very well : its high-quality image and clear sound '.
One of the assistants came out of the store-room and threw a pile of balaclavas on the desk .
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'Look Dimitri ' , Sergei said : 'never , never forget to put on a cap before we go online or we have to kill you. ' He smiled, I did not know whether he meant or not. 'Serious ' , He said : not only for security reasons,but also because the customers like this, it fits well in the scenario . This was a clear message .
Suddenly Yvan clappedhis hand and shouted : '5 minutes to go ' , everybody takes your cab and into positions'. Like Everybody did,I went to the desk and took a cap to pull it over the head , even the IT-man did this ! He concentrated himself on his control panel and there I saw : '876 users on-line ', the assistants closed the red entrance door and took place against the wall next to the entrance door , the cameramen are funny with their cabs . They were pointing their cameras to the closed red entrance door, Yvan was concentrated on his tablet. Sergei said : 'remember always to stay as much as possible out of the camera view and never, never speak ! This rule is for everybody who comes here, no voices ! The customers only want to enjoy the sounds of the victim , not our voices in a strange language for them ! And of course also for security reason. And if it gets too rough for you this first time and you need to vomit, run outside! I replied : ‘ok , understood clearly'. And now it became eerily quiet in the room . Only a sound came from the IT-man's keyboard . Everybody was just waiting in silence until Yvan gave the sign. …
Now Yvan clapped his hands and counted down with his fingers: 5-4-3-2-1; completely silence…On the control-panel was a red banner ‘on-line’.
Now I heard big steps in the corridor and also a crying female voice. These sounds became louder and louder.
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Suddenly the red entrance door flew open and I recognized - the bold driver which brought me to here. Over his shoulder he had the 'subject' : the girl I saw who was tied to the toilet. - a slim body in a black dress with a dirty burlap sack over her head - .
She was wearing white open shoes, her ankles and wrists were bound together . On the big screens I saw how the cameramen made professional zooms of the body over his shoulder . What I heard was crying , begging words, nothing more. The bold driver threw the subject on the ground, turned around and went away. Because I remember how I emptied the handbag and saw her passport,I knew her name was Anoushka . But I could not think like this anymore, I must see her as a subject because I realize terrible things would happen to her now so it was better to replace Anoushka by a subject without feelings, to put my brains on zero now ! The cameramen begin to film the crying victim on the ground from every angle. On the screens you saw her laying down on the floor, shaking and full of fear. Her shocking sounds were terrible. Sergei gestured to look at Yvan's tablet just like the assistants did . I could read clearly the instructions of the director : 'I want to see her standing up on the tackle, brutal removing of bag , hair pulling , faces labs and one good punch in the belly' . Yvan gave a sign to an assistant to do it . To me he gave a sign to look very good .
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An assistant went to the tackle-control panel and let it down. Without a word the other assistant went to 'the object ' and puts the chain from the handcuffs around her wrists into the hook on the tackle and removes the rope from her ankles. The other one pushed the 'up'-button. Now I saw the tackle coming up and dragged her body with it. First her hands, arms, her full body wrapped in a beautiful black dress and her moving legs until she was standing outstretched .
The IT-man activated the floor- , ceiling camera’s and wall camera’saround the tackle; the 2 cameramen slowly walked around her and made extra shots of her trembling , shaking body. On the screen I saw every detail of her body, filmed from every corner. The floor cameras showed her nice legs that ended to the view of her light-blue panties.
What goes to my mind are 2 things : first is ' I don't want to see a horrible murder,just want to go home and forget this' but the other site : the dark site, the site from a young man who loves woman says ' wow, no : I want to see more' . What I'm I ; a victim, a sadist, a bad guy?Soon I will know myself better. Anyway : technically this was the good professional work ; high-quality-level for the - customers - . In my head,I try to forget the name 'Anoushka ' but it keeps on spinning in my head .
Now an assistant comes in front of her, I see on the screen the burlap sack . Suddenly the assistant beats a few times with left- and right hand against the back, in a very fast,brutal move he removes the sack from her head, grabs her hair, moves her head in every direction verybrutal , gives her a few hard face slabs, a big punch in this nice , flat belly and steps away from her.
The sound was one sobbing , begging, weeping mess with words like 'why , let me, help , I just want to go home , please don't do this ' etc.
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. . But nobody of the men made any sound , we could only hear 'it ', the 'subject ' as I must see her. I realized that also the 876 users could see this, get a kick from this while playing with themselves etc . . . Terrible feeling, but my dark site founded it somewhere exciting.
They filmed her about 5 minutes, then Yvan gave us a sign and showed us the 'director's new message : 'lift her up , use 2 whips to rip this dress but never remove the nice open shoes until the fall !'. He gave a sign to the assistants , they went into the 'storage room ' and came back with two long black whips . When she saw this, she became in terrible panic and started to scream 'no please ' but suddenly the other assistant pushed the up-button from the tackle until her feet were lifted from the floor. Now she was hanging only by her wrists, which must be very painful . On every screen we saw all the images from the camera's which the - lurkers- could shoos . The 2 cameramen were zooming in to her - what once was beautiful - crying face, the other to her trembling legs and feet. They went away by the assistant that stood behind her gave his first lash . I never hear such terrible cry in my life; it was heartbreaking; her whole body was shaking like a reed.
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The whip went all the way around her body. Now the other assistantwho stood in front of her used his whip : a heavy cry echoed in the room .
When her shaking body turned around,I saw that the whip around her body damaged the zipper from her dress and gave a first glimpse of her naked body. Now the 2 assistants, each in turn started to whip her. It was one entirely sound of heavy cries mixed with a flapping , shrill sound .
I saw her body turning , shaking , trembling and tried to avoid the latches. Her dress became more damaged now: I saw parts of her legs, belly, back. But now Yvan raised his hand to stop and to come to the tablet. The cameraman zoomed in to her destroyed dress, her naked skin,which had also a bit damaged with red lines and her face which was one crying mess full of tears. Yvan let us show next commando on his tablet : ' remove this dress with a big knife , let het hang a few minutes, then whips only above her underpants.
So be it : one assistant went into the store-room and came back with a big knife which made her very afraid , I had the impression she began to realize that it is finished…. The assistant grabbed her robe with one hand, with the other hand,he cut it into pieces and removed it completely so now she was hanging on her wrists in underwear, her body had some red lines everywhere. He kicked away the parts of her dress to give the floor-camera's a view and went away . .
It was quiet in the room , the only sound was a soft crying sound .
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The cameramen were busy to zoom in on her body: every curve , every red line of her body. When they zoomed in to her light-blue underpants we could clearly see she had sanitary napkins under it: so she was in her period . The 2 feelings came up again : one of horror and disgust, one small dark ' exiting ', somewhere sexually provocative .
Now the assistantstook their whips again, I heard and saw terrible reactions on her face and they began to whip her again, from both sides, each in turn on her and bra and belly. After a few whips I saw a lot of red lines on her belly, her bra was damaged and her right-tit came out of it and was bleeding . Yvan made a sign to stop , the assistants went away .
The cameramen did their job again : On the big screen the results : her back full and belly full of red lines and some blood , a bit on her belly , one tit was hanging out of bra bar and manybloodlines on belly and back . Yvan whispered to the assistants to pull of her bra now and to give 18 more whips on the region of her tits. The assistants were approaching the object again; one brutally pulled off what was left of her bra.
Now they started to whip her from both sides on her back and tits: the sound was one mass of latches and horrible cries. When they stopped her back and tits were full of bloodlines. Like always the cameramen zoomed in on the damaged places: her back was so red, her tits half destroyed, even the nipple of her left tit was completely torn off and was bleeding heavy.
Yvan showed us the next command: to pull out her under pant whip her on the legs, pussy and ass. So it started again: one assistant pulled out her under pant, , her sanitary napkins fell out. I saw her black hair with some blood on her legs from her period and another that came from her belly.
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Now the assistants started to whip again, but only on legs, ass and pussy. The terrible sounds started again, but her moves were less; I think her resistance was broken. When they stopped,now also her legs were full of red bloodlines. The cameramen were zooming in: we could see in close up the damage on her body: many flesh wounds, almost her whole body was full of red lines. We saw and hearher fast breaths … .
The floor-cameras were showing the view from under ; you could see her once-nice-shaped legs now full of bloodlines , her bleeding pussy and her shaking belly and half-destroyed tits . Yvan made another gesture to see the next command from the director .
He whispered to one of the assistants to go into the store-room and to warm up an iron : the director wanted to see her feet full of burned spots. The assistant went to the store-room while on the screen we saw 'the subject ' hanging , trembling , full of fear and pain but she was still at consciousness . I guess my - colleague - will activate the gas-fire in the storage-room and warm up an iron .
After a few minutes he came back with a red-glowing iron ; the cameramen took the position : one on feet and legs ; one to her face which was really getting in panic when she saw the hot iron .
The assistant came closer to her feet and touched briefly a tone with it . I heard a terrible cry , and tried to avoid the iron,but it was no , use . I saw how constantly he touched her feet and tones everywhere with the iron so they became full of black burned spots . This was not my style , we even could smell the burned flesh but this did not turn me on.
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What else could I do then keep still and watch . Her feet became full of burned black spots everywhere , her body was shaking like hell , her sounds were atrocious . Suddenly he stopped because it seems she did not move anymore : she lost consciousness . They stepped away , from the floor camerawe could also see that she lost her urine . I saw it expiry of her legs and also the camera lens was wet . The cameramen did their job again and started to zoom in on her. Yvan stuck up his thumb, it seems the director gave compliments .
Yvan whispered to us to start with the second position . First, we must tackle her body high from the ground and then let her fall. Then she must be tiedoutstretched on the bed with open legs. And so one assistantpushed the button from the tackle to lift her up, now she was hangingabout 2m above the ground. The cameramen took their position: one on her body, the second on the floor. The assistant pushed the ‘open hook’ button, nowwith a big smash we saw and heard her body falling on the ground. Because of the smash, she started to move again,but on the screen we could see how her right-foot was in a broken positionbecause of the blow on the floor.
Now Yvancame to me and whispered that ifhe gives the sign, I must go out in the corridor to give the instructions to the rape-team: to come in each on turn with a light up a cigarette, to open her mouth,to piss in it,make their dig hard on it and extinguish the cigarette against her pussy.
Then to come in her pussy as brutal as possible. I was a bit confused,but said 'ok ', what else could I do.
Now I saw how the 2 assistantstakingher wrists and dragged her across the floor to the old, sharp rusty bed . On the floor were traces of blood and urine . Now the other assistant came to help and took her feet, I saw terrible reactions of pain when he grabbed her right-foot because it was broken and burned everywhere. She began to cry again and to try to struggle a bit, which was no use of course . They threw her on the iron bed, removed the handcuffs , opened her arms and tie a strong rope around her wrists . Then each assistant took an ankle , put her legs over the trailing edge of the bed and tie her ankles firmly to the bed . Then they pulled the ropes around her wrists and attached them to the bed . She cried it out because this had to be very painful ; the old bed was rusty and full of sharp edges .
There was even a floor camera under the bed : on the screen I could see her damaged back full of lines but now with much more blood . The cameraman started to zoom her from everywhere in close-up. Her body became more and more damaged with bloodlines everywhere: one tit without a nipple, feet were full ofburning marksand one was seriouslybroken. Her face was almost intact,but I fear they will change it now.
Now one of the assistants went behind the bed, took her by her hair and lifted her head up.
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I remember the wish of the 'director ' that she must see everything . Now yvan gave me the sign to go outside and tell the instructions to the rape-men in the corridor. When I opened the door, I saw a bunch of very ugly , fat old stinking man full of tattoos . Almost everybody was smoking so there was no need to give them cigarettes. I told them the instructions and they started to laugh and joke telling 'don't worry new-one , we know our job’. So the first one came in, surrounded by the cameramen. He took place next to the bed , the eyes of 'the object ' looked terrible . She tried to say 'no please ' but nobody was listening…The fat , old stinking guy pulled his pants down and came on the bed over her .
It was terrible to see this dirty , smelling dick in front of her face. Now he gave her a face slap , brutally opened her mouth and put his thing in it while he began to piss. It was disgusting!Then he took over the hair from the assistant and started to move her head brutally over his dick until it disappeared completely into her mouth . It looked like she was choking on it. After a minute he pulled out his dick out and indeed : it was large and stiff now .
The assistant took her hair over and upright, her face. It looked really terrible : I bit blood was coming , also full of urine, mucus and some vomit .
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The stinking fat rapist took place in front of her open legs and extinguish the cigarette between her legs. She tried to scream,but her face was so distorted that it was not a scream anymore . One cameramen now constantly zoomed in on her face , the other to her pussy. Suddenly, the fat old stinking guy putted his dick in front of her pussy and in one big punch his big dick disappeared completely into her pussy.
I saw on the screen how her face got terrible expressions . The man ejaculated a few times, pulled out his thing and went out of the room. The cameraman hurried him to film between her legs: one big mess of sperm and blood . Her face looked terrible,but the sounds was more moans now , I think she realized everything and hoped it will soon be over. For the first time in my life I saw a girl getting raped and tortured , soon murdered . I'm not like this and will never be like this . I must see this pure as a job ,which is terrible,but 'brains on zero ' is all I can do.
Suddenly yvan whispered to an assistant that director is not happy that her tits and belly are still in a good shape , we must do something about it . 'Get some barbed wire and whip her a bit’. This sounded so terrible , but it seems they do everything what is necessary to please the director. So the assistant went to the store-room again with 2 pieces of barbed wire .
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They took place on each site of the bed and started to whip softly but deep on tits and belly. The effect was terrible: her tits and belly was now one destroyed surface. Her body was so terrible shaking , her head moved around with her eyes closed , moaning and crying like hell , I have no words of it .
The cameraman took some shots to film her belly and tits, completely destroyed. But she dit not pass out yet : she was still moving and moaning.
Yvan put his thumb up and gave me a sign to let the second raper-guy come in . The assistant took place behind the bed , and lifted her head up by her hair . I opened the door and the next rape-guy came in . It was also a bold , fat stinking, guy full of tattoos . He took out his pants , gave her a few faces labs, came over and took place with his fat ass on her destroyed tits. He pulled her mouth open and putted his ugly stinking dig in it, begins to piss and then to move it like crazy . He pulled out his ugly dick , came to stand in front of her, pushed out his cigarette between her legs and in one big movement he planted his dick in her; he begins to ejaculate so very fast and hard that the whole bed was moving.
Yvan told me now to let the 4 other men in telling them to work quickly. This was a terrible view ; while one was taking out his pants , another was filling her mouth with piss and his dick an another was raping very brutal her pussy . When the last raper-guy left the room , cameramen zoomed in on every spot of her body and we saw she was passed out.
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Her body was Full of sperm , urine, blood , destroyed skin. One assistant gave her a few face slabs to see if she was still alive and yes: moaning but no more tears and energy for crying .
Yvan put up his thumb and said: ‘we have luck, it’s a strong bitch to carry on with!’. These words I would never forget.
He gave a sign to the 2 assistants to her turn around because now the director wanted to see her get raped in the ass . So they went to 'the subject ' to make her loose to turn . She offered no resistance,just like she had no more energy and just wanted to die soon . So now she was tied to the bed in another position : bending over , legs over the iron bed edge with arms outstretched . Yvan said that the next raper-guys must push their cigarette out into her ass before they go in it and , may not use any lube, and they must do it deep and fast .
So I opened the door again and gave the instructions to the raper-men. 'Ok,they said with a smile, a bit shitty but we can do it . The first same guy came in, ' went behind her, opened her buttocks and he pushed out his cigarette against her tiny asshole . The cameraman zoomed in on it. So we all could all see this . She was clearly awake again because we heard a terrible scream .
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Now he pulled down his pants and made his dick hard with his hands. When it was big enough, he opened her buttock maximum, lay the top from his dick to her burned asshole and in one big movement he entered it completely. She made a very loud screambut the guy began to ejaculate fast and deep. The view was disgusting when he came out: on the screen we saw his dig full of sperm , shit , blood . Between her buttocks there was a creek of blood . Yvan made movements with his hands to let next and the next guy in to do the same . So I did my job and let the men in, they all sodomised her in the same brutal way, and next guy and next but then she did not move anymore . Yvan said to send the rape-guysat home except the 2 best ones and he hoped she is not dead yet because the director now wanted to begin with the last phase. I went to the rape-guys to send them home except one while Yvan whispered the final instructions who were: to turn her around and tie her on her back with spread open arms and legs over the edge of the bed. The assistants made her looseand tied her into her last position. I realized now they will finish her in a horrible way,but I hope it will be faster for her so the suffering is finished. Once tied, the assistantsthrow a bucket of water over her head by miracle: we saw her head moving and heard her moaning.
‘Great’, said yvan: now the final faze while she is still alive. He said to an assistant that the director regrets that her face is still intact so go to her and give her a few hard punches up her mouth until we see some teeth. .
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I could not realize what I heard but knew it would happen and yes: the cameramen came in position while an assistant took her face and punched hard on her mouth, again and again. I saw blood squirting. Her lips destroyed and some teeth on her cheeks. The cameramen filmed everything, this time it was a horrible, ugly view, but still she moved a bit and made sound.
He gave me the instruction to let one raper-guy and he had to come into her destroyed mouth. I went to the corridor and asked one of the guys and he said: nor problem man, I can come in everything. !’The cameramen took their positions, the rape-guy came in, took a seat on her destroyed body, brutally grape her head and pulled her destroyed mouth over his dick. After a few minutes shaking we saw on the screen how he pulled out his dick, followed by sperm and blood. But it seems she was not moving anymore. . ‘Shit’, whispered Yvan and made a sign to the assistants to throw again some water over her. And yes, she moved a bit. ‘We have luck’ he said, the bitch is still alive…
'Super ', whispered yvan to the assistants : 'now go to the store-room , bring 2 iron dildo's with pins , 2 clamps and electric wire . I could get an idea what they would do now . The assistants went into the store-room and came back with two terrible iron dildo's ; they had nails in it and on the end was a metal ring .
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They came next to the bed and showed the things to her : she could not cry anymore , but could still shake her head with no ; that was everything . 'Don’t ' worry , yvan said to me : even if they are death , the muscles still move a bit because of the electricity . Now the assistants first putted a pin-dildo into herpussy. Blood was streaming out , her moans were terrible . Now he putted the other pin-dildo into her ass . Terrible view, blood was streaming from her legs,but she was still at consciousness . Now they took 2 big iron clamps , like you put on a car-battery to reload , and putted them on what was left from her tits .
Now they connected the dildos's and clamps with electrical wire which ended on some device on the IT-man's desk and was connected with his computer . 'Look ' , whispered yvan: the director can control this now. On his screen he has a button switch to activate the shocks’. Everybody went away from the bed because it was full of water and blood around . The cameramen were zooming in from more distance. We still could see how she was breathing. Yvan communicated with his tablet to the director that everything as ready . The camera's in the ceiling and under the bed gave us a view of every detail of her destroyed body.
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which was covered with blood and dirty stuff , her face was one mess,but her eyes were still open .
Suddenly we saw her body,making an extreme curve , her belly came so hard up that her arms and legs were stretched out. It stopped, but out of her ass and vagina came a lot of blood . Suddenly her body curled up again , so hard that I saw the points of the pin-dildo’s coming through the skin of her belly. When itwent down again, it was squirting blood from everywhere. A few minutes pause, again curling , shaking, more blood etc . 'Look ' , said Yvan with a smile: 'now the director sends us smileys to let us know he likes this. .
The most terrible views was the close-up on the dildo's:every time her body curled up ; a big creek of blood came out because of the nails in it. But now we saw the reactions were as good as nothing anymore, it seems her life was gone… The weird feeling is that I had no compassion, maybe because I considered also as a game and the shock would come later.
Yvan whispered I must let the one raper –guy in and to tell him that he must pull out brutally the pin-dildos and rape her again. So I did it again; opened the door, tell the rape-guy what to do with the same answer: no problem.
So the guy came in, removed in one movement the dildo’s out of her pussy and ass and the result was one bloody mess; nothing to realize this once was a nice girl. But still, he pulled down his pants , made his dick ready and came again,but this time in a dead body. He stood up, pulled out his dick full of blood and sperm and went away; the cameramen made their shots.
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It was horrible.
When he left, it was complete silence in the room, all you could hear were the moves of the cameramen. On the screens we could see ‘the object’ from everywhere; the cameras on the ceiling, in the floor, from the cameramen: we could see every spot on her body and like the ‘client’ wanted: it was destroyed, completely unrecognizable.
Suddenly Yvan clapped his hands and said : 'good work guys , we are off-line : let's clean this shit here'. Now everybody took off his forage cap, me also . The assistants removed her earrings, removed the 'the body ' from the bed and thruway itinto the big plastic bin. Yvan gave me a sign to help so I started to collect things from the floor like pieces of clothes which I also had to throw in the bin. I saw the pin-dildo and hesitatingly I picked it up. It was a terrible object: a rubber dildo in which nails were inserted. It was full of blood and even pieces of meat and skin. One of the assistants saw this and showed me a green plastic box and said: ‘throw the toys in this, we disinfect them in this’. After a while,2 ugly guys came in and disappeared with the big, so also ‘the object. Now the assistants gave me the garden hose and asked me to spray everything with water . It was easy to clean because it was like in a swimming-pool and the bed & tackle were from metal . When it was finished , they sprinkled everything with - Dettol - .
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Now I understand why I would need spare-clothes . Now Sergei came in and said : 'this was an introduction , here is your reward but next time you will be one of the assistants ' and gave me an envelope . I opened it and , as promised there was € 3000 in it . I never had so much cash money cash in my hand . They told me he would lead me outside where the driver would bring me home . He will contact me for the next show when they know the date . I took my bag and changed my clothes in the corridor. Together we went upstairs , outside , got in the black Mercedes and the driver which could not speak brought me to the same address where he picked me up .
And so my story ends here . If people want to know how my first mission ended, I can write a follow-up. Or maybe a professional author can improve myEnglish language and to publish it in professional story's . Anyway; if possible I hope to get donations because I’m a poor rat again so I need it; leave a message if you want to support. Thank you.
Yvantheterrible at protonmail dot com