
In my house


 this story is totally fictional"Hey mom! i cant find my luck underwear!". "Oh for gods sake youv had those for 2 years!". "Well maybe because i lost my virginity in those boxers! and you were there to witness it!. DAvid and his mother had a sort of "special" relationship, see back when David was 19 he gotten caught jerking off inside his room when his mom walked in drunk from the party outside. All his mom could do was sit down right in his lap with her panties pulled down halfway and ride him wild, which brings me to my next point. David had a younger sister 1 and a half years of age and her name was samantha. Only David and his momma knew that she was Davids. Ever since that incodent David and his momma have been having sexual get-togethers once, twice a week since then.
It was a sunny day out in phillidelphia on July 4th. David was in the cool AC watching tv while his family were out side swimming in the pool, except for his older sister Nora, who was sound asleep at 18 am. Davids mom had walked in "David? have you seen the baby oil anywhere?". "Ummm, im not sure the last time i saw it was last night when i could fit my hard cock in your asshole". "Oh stop it you sicko! im serious. I want to tan my beasts for the party later! i have to look fine just incase anyone wants to slip inside for some play time if you know what i mean. HeHe. " Davids mom had invited some friends from work and was hoping that she would get some action and maybe build a relationship with this one man she loved.

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   (oh ya, Davids dad does not esist) David was flipping threw the channles when suddenly Spice came on and david instantly got a hard on. His prick was busting out of his thin boxers like a monster on the loose. David had nothing else on his mind but to relieve himself and jerkoff. He pulled his boxers down to his ankles and starting slowly stroking his hard 8 in penis, it was a monster cock. After a while David felt his balls harden and knew only one thing! he was going to cum. While he stroking his monster cock he looked into the kitchen and saw his mother bent over loading the dishwasher and her bakini bottom a little to the side with her clit hanging out, David didnt think twice and got up walked over to his mother and shoved his 8 inch monster cock all the way in until he felt it hit her womb all in 1 stroke. His mother burts out in pleasure "OH Baby you know exactly what i love! fuck me baby fuck my up in to my stomach!" David kept on humping his mother in the pussy from behind for about 4 minutes when he felt his cock start to twitch and ke then knew he was going to cum!. He grabbed on tight to his mothers hips stoked his mother one last time stuck his monster cck all the way up and let loose at once and let his hot cum ride up into her "OH baby! i fell your hot cum in my body OH BABY I WANT TO HAVE YOUR SECOND CHILD AAaaghh" his mothers screams volumed down and david took his prick out slowly and watched as his hot sperm dribbled out of hsi mothers hot unshaved bush. David felt awesome at this point and could think of anything better that could have happened. David was so relieved at this point "momma you slut do you really want to have my baby?" "oh baby you know i do!" "well to bad becasue i already know whos going to have my baby!" "whs that honey?" "samantha!" " Say what?!, Now listen David Samantha is a still virgin for all i know and you cant go around having babies with every woman you see!" "well momma ive made my mind"
Later on that day David decided to kind of get payback on his mother by doing exactly wht she told him not to. He walked into Samanthas room while she was sleeping and layed down next to her. David was feeling very horny and was nude at this point with his thick prick sticking straight out. He laied down next to his older sis, his older sis was about 5"6 105 pounds with brown eyes and black curly hair. David took the 1 sheet that was coverin his siter to reveal her sexy body, David looked at in awe. His siter was laying their on her back hands and legs spread out wide.

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   David his sis was going to take after his mother in breast size seeing her beautiful D38 breasts where where who mother had DD 32. HEr breasts were so soft and smooth with nipples atleast a half inch long and her areola was as round as jar cap. David countinued to look down until he reached her womanhood, she had a beautiful trimmed pussy with a bizzare shaving made out of her hair in letters "Sam". David found this beautiful! and couldnt resist, he started to notice something shiny sticking out from under his siters ass and when he reached to get it he couldnt believe what he saw for it was a but plug! the thought of his sister sleeping with a but plug made his nuts! hie immedietly fastened himself over his siter and aimed his monster cock at her pussy "come on sis, your gonna be a mommy". David took the head of his swollen cock which was now purple in color from the pressure and rubbed it gently up and down sam's pussy crack when he startd to notice her clit starting to come out slowly, David couldnt believe his eyes! his sisters clit lips had to bea tleast 3 inches long!. David was now fully aroused and ready to inpregnate hs hot sister. He did feel kind of guilty and woke up his sister by shoving his whole cock down her throught *cough* *cough* "aakhh. . . gggg. . . David waht are you doing?!" "dont worry sis your going to be a mother!" HIs siter went nuts and could not believe what she just heard! she sceamed out " MOM! MOM! HELP ME PLEASE!" The mother ran in from sunbathing topless and just a g-string on down below. " DAvid! What did i tell you! get off of her right this instint!" "oh ya! make me! watch me brake her virginity" Sam: "Plz dont do this! I know YOu and mom fuck all the time! im okay with that! but please not a chidl!". David stopped deasd in his tracks and looked at his mom " How do you know sam?" "well it not hard to tell when i walk in from work and you have momma on the back porch fucking away at her pussy!" " I never thought you would find out!" "its ok Dave!, Id b glad to be your fucker but not a pregnant one".

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   Dve smiled and so did his mother, his mother came and laied down next to them and took her g-string off and starting to suck on samanthas toungue and kiss her oh so pasiionitlly. Dave noticed his sisters pussy start to dribble wet and decided it was time. . . He slowly inserted his hard rock penis into his sisters pussy and noticed it was so tight! he had to loosen it up. He hard cock got in about 4 inches when he noticed that he couldnt go no more and his sister screamed "OH DAVE! thats my wall! plz dave plz fuck me open and cum in my hot pussy, samantha was REALLY hot ow with her mother shoved up against her wit her pussy in her fac and samantha tongue fucking her mothers cunt. Dave decided to make this as interesting as possible and took his whole dick out, he put the head half way in, grabbed on to his sisters hips and told them to hold on. Dave counted to 3 then bust his big hard cock straight into his sisters wet pussy! he felt the wall brake and so did his sister, she screamed out in joyful pain! and starting to breathe really hard " oh dave! omg you broke me so well, plz fuck me and cum in my hot pussy plz!" dave started to stroke in and out as fast as he can at various angles but had to pull out once in a while to let the blood drip out of his sisters newly fucked vagina. Dave could fel his balls hardening and decided to cum straght up his sis! he started to fuck her wild! non-stop for 12 minutes when he shoved his cock in all the way to where sam's pussy could handle and released! his hot load into his siters hot pussy! Dave squirted about 6 times each 1 longer than the other. after everyone had calm down their mother god off sam and signaled to dave that he should take his dick out of sam's pussy. Dave did so while everyone watched and they all waited to to see his hot load but there wasnt anything there!. Daves mom got really worried! and so did samantha. All daves mom could do was walk out of the room and not speak to dave for the whole day.
3 months later it was a little chillie outside since it was the end of september, Samantha walked in the room while everyone was eating lunch and shouted out "its a boy!" Dave and his mom got up and hugged samantha in excitement, over the months they had forgot about the whole incidint and dealt with the baby normally as if dave wasnt the father.  
And they happily ever after.

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