Hi my name is cole i am 6'1 and openly bisexual my family and all my friends know. Ok one weekend i went 2 my grandparents when i got there we did the same stuff we allways do play BINGO thats fun (not) . Around 8:00 we sat down Grandma (age 43) made dinner she made chicken salad (yummy). Ok here some more abour my grandparents My grandmas 43 has the biggest titties DDD and i get a glimps of her nipples every time i go 2 visit my grandpa is 54 and always has a boner. Lol. ok the next dad i went 2 the bath room and peeked in and saw grandma getting out of the tub i saw he shaven pussy and big titties . so i laid down i locked my door and had a wank and shot my load all over my self and had 2 wipe it off well so i went 2 sneek over 2 the bath room and when in the shower. i got out and got dressed . COLE!!!!! i hear from the kitchen . i walked in really nervesally and said what she said im not mad u did this but did u have 2 ruin my sheets . I got cum on her sheets she said next time just ask ill get u a condom or help u if pap says its ok go 2 bed ill talk 2 him tonight well my pap is bisexual well hes the one who got me in 2 it so yea.