Meanwhile Jimmy put on a striped Speedo suit, but whenhe got a look at his voluptuous wife he wondered how hewould ever stay inside the small piece of fabric. Donningtheir robes they went out hand in hand to the pool area. Mike and Barb were sitting by the pool sipping drinkswhen they arrived. Mike was wearing the same small blacksuit as the day before, but Barbara was wearing a yellow andgreen one-piece that was see-through even without being wet. Jimmy and Dana unrobed, and flushed at the appreciativestares they received from Mike and Barb. Barb peeked over the rim of her sunglasses at thebulge in Jim's lap, and her hand unconsciously went to herown crotch for a second. After a few minutes of chit-chat Mike said that hewanted to show them the surprise he had mentioned the nightbefore. He walked over to the pool's edge, knelt down, andmotioned to someone on the other side. There was a splash,a pause, and then he was helping a teenaged blond out of thewater. The sun glistened from her green eyes, and the waterclung to her tanned skin, almost like it was reluctant tolet go. She had narrow hips but long legs that made herseem taller than her 5'6" height. Her hair hung wetly downto an ample chest, but the most striking thing about her washer smile, set amidst a model's face. Her smile was warmwith just a hint of mischief as she accepted Mike's hand andwalked over to where the other 3 sat. "Tanya," Mike said, his eyes never leaving her, "letme introduce you to two very close friends - Jimmy andDana. " Jimmy started to get up, but became afraid he wouldliterally poke up through his suit, so he just leanedforward and shook her hand. Dana followed suit, and foundherself staring at this lovely young creature in spite ofherself.
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"Tanya," Mike explained, "is our niece, just in thismorning from across the state. She was in our wedding as ajunior bridesmaid 5 years ago when she was 18 She'sslept," and he paused for effect, "with us whenever therewas a concert in the city she wanted to attend. We try tomake it a habit of having her here at least once a month. " Tanya then skipped off to the diving area and began toshow off her form on the medium board, doing doublesomersaults and entering with hardly a splash. Jimmy leanedback, waved for a drink from the bar, and wondered how hehad ever gotten so lucky. Dana's eyes were glued to thenubile girl's acrobatics, and she caught herself licking herlips. An hour later they decided to go in from the sun,and all 5 hurried to Mike and Barbara's apartment. The air-conditioning felt great after the heat of the day, and noone dressed any more modestly than they were while Barb wentinto the kitchen to fix a pitcher of cool drinks. Tanyatold Jimmy and Dana that she was in town to see a hard rockband the next night. Mike then explained how Tanya hadwalked in on he and Barb making love accidentally nearly 6years ago, and they had spent time with her explaining themechanics and the emotions, but had not done more with heruntil her 18th birthday. That was when the monthly visitshad begun, and had continued for nearly a year. Barbreturned with the drinks, and as everyone sipped Mike askedTanya if she would like to expand her horizons. Themischievous smile reappeared on her face, and she reachedout both hands to Jimmy and Dana, and led them back to thebedroom with Mike and Barbara following close behind. Shemotioned for the 2 couples to sit on the bed, and then shebegan a slow striptease that sent shivers down their spine. When her suit was off she turned her back to them, but theycould see her fingers moving back and forth between her legsas she swayed her hips.
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Her motions picked up tempo and sheturned and faced them, her eyes closed, but her fingersmassaged her slit, and now and then dipped inside forlubricate herself. One hand reached up and began pinching anipple and a gasp escaped her lips. Slowly her steps movedher closer to the bed until she masturbated right in frontof Dana. She moved and swayed closer until Dana couldn'thelp herself and she leaned forward and suckled the upturnedbreast. Her own nipples were stiff, and Mike reached frombehind and massaged them vigorously. Barbara was sitting behind Jimmy, and her handsencircled his waist and then found his rod still straininginside his bikini. She freed it and kissed his neck frombehind, pressing her own straining breasts against his back. Jimmy alternated between closing his eyes in ecstasy andpeeking over at the show going on with his wife and thenubile young co-ed. He saw as Tanya's lithe body pressed upagainst his wife's eager mouth, and how she sucked, nibbled,and licked in eager return. Tanya's tight body showed notan lines - a fact Jimmy decided to inquire about later. Barb pulled him backwards until he lay back on the bedBarb moved around and off the bed, pulling his trunks off asshe went. She pulled the top of her own suit off down tothe waist, exposing her perfectly round firm breasts, and hefinally had cause to tear his eyes off his wife and Tanya. Jimmy was a sucker for a chest like this and he watched asshe leaned over and pressed his stiff member between them. The tanning oil that had been applied earlier felt deliciousto his engorged penis as it slipped in and out of her goldenmounds. Next to them Dana had stood up and given Tanya atender embrace.
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They stared into each other's eyes and thententatively kissed, their tongues circling and probinggently. Mike felt a little left out, but then decided to dosomething about it and joined them in the embrace. The two ladies parted, the young blonde on his left,the brown-haired new neighbor on his right, and then theyboth dropped to their knees and took turns engulfing hiscock. Dana marvelled at how deeply Tanya could swallow it,and after a couple of tries found that she could suppressher gag reflex and hold it deeply in her own mouth. Thelittle "yesses" she got from Tanya encouraged to continuemimicking the technique Tanya used, obviously practicedextensively on Mike. Although she was nearly 6 years older,Dana found herself anxiously learning at the side of hernewest lover. In between turns Tanya would reach over andcaress Dana's tits, and occasionally reach down and teaseher pussy. Mike's hips had been slowly pushing and retreating tothis treatment, but when he closed his eyes and began topush in earnest Tanya reached up and pinched the end of hiscock with one hand and held him tightly around the waistwith the other. Eventually his rocking slowed down and hewas able to open his eyes. "Why did you do that?" Dana couldn't help but ask. "We don't want to bring this to a climax too quickly,now do we?" she asked back, the smile still playing on herlips. "Come with me and let's try my favorite position,"she winked to Dana. They moved up onto the bed where shebid Dana to lie down spread-eagled. Tanya then motioned toJimmy to move up behind her as she got onto all fours, herface leaning down towards Dana's snatch. Barb gave him a"go ahead" smile, so he took up position behind her tightlittle ass.
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Mike moved over to his wife and the two cuddledas they watched their protegee do her "work. " Tanya ranher fingers up and down Dana's legs, massaging her wayhigher with each pass until she was combing through hercurly bush. Jimmy fondled the well-tanned cheeks, savoring themoment. Finally he couldn't resist her upturnedpussy peeking out from the top of her well-muscled legs. Hethought he would easily slip his meat in, but her youngpussy was tighter than he had anticipated, and he slowlypushed and rocked his way in. The resistance feltincredibly good, and rather than sliding in and out he foundthat his cock was practically hugged on its way out, as ifshe could reach down and grab him with her pussy's muscles. The slow-fuck was as close to heaven as he'd ever been, andwhen he would reach the furthest point in he could go oneach pass, instead of just pulling back to start anotherstroke, he would pull her hips into him with his hands andfeel her tight cool cheeks against his belly. While Jim slowly moved in and out of her Dana felt awarm moist tongue working its way through her pubic hairstowards her clit. It ached for a good tongue-lashing, andshe squirmed in anticipation. She felt her juices runningout and down her leg, but the beautiful face dipped suddenlyand lapped them up. Finally she felt her pussy lips partingto the insistent thrusts of Tanya's tongue. She writhed inpleasure as her little knob nearly burst. The juices flowedfaster and she met Jim's gaze with almost guilty feelings. But he looked just as content as she, buried up to the hiltin pussy. Tanya began rocking forwards and back until withhis deepest thrust yet Jim yelled "Good God!" and filled herwith his juices.
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He pumped into her for what seemed aneternity and then collapsed back in exhaustion. Dana and Tanya, meanwhile, were no where near done,and Tanya's tongue was giving her slit a real work out. Mike and Barb, though, seemed to be having a disagreement. "But we this is HER birthday present, not yours," insisted Barb. "I know, but lookat her. . . " Mike mused. Barb gazed at the arched back andthe upturned ass and relented. How could she refuse himsuch a tempting sight? She leaned across Jim and begantonguing his limp member to keep herself occupied. Mike took up the place recently vacated by Jimmy andfilled the position with relish. Tanya felt the warm cockentering her and oohed and moaned as her own sensationsrekindled. Mike leaned forward and reached around her tosqueeze her free-swinging boobs. Dana had reached up and grabbed a hold of theheadboard post to keep herself from lurching off of the bed. Each stroke of Tanya's tongue was like a spasm of fire,shooting up from her crotch to her chest and she couldn'thelp but buck and jump, it felt so good.
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Just as Dana's body quivered and shook Barb'sministrations to Jim's limp member began to bear fruit. Dana, though, was not concerned with anyone or anything elseexcept the fireworks of pleasure going off where Tanya'sloving licks lit them. Tanya used circling motions, backand forth, quick flicks, nibbles and sucking with her mouthin conjunction with the probes of 1, 2, or 3 fingers at atime into Dana's dripping crotch. She wondered if theexplosions of nearly painful pleasure would ever end? Shehad had multiple orgasms making love with Jimmy, but thiswas like one long, continuous, earth-shaking orgasm! Shegave herself over completely into the care of this teenagerwho seemed so much older than her years, at least when itcame to pleasures of the flesh. Her nipples ached and wereas hard rocks. Eventually she noticed that Barb had left Jimmy and hadstraddled her face and was lowering her own pussy down ontoher waiting mouth. Barb had seen her ecstasy and had had toget in on the action. Dana's inner fire had been sated forthe moment, so she gripped her aching breasts and did herbest to give Barb a "taste" of what she had just beenthrough. Tanya had finished her tongue-lashing of the brunetteand turned her attention to her aunt's husband. She pulledaway from him, leaving him with a pained frown on his face. "Hold it just a minute, would you?" and he smiled at herdouble-entendre. He complied happily, seeing that she hadsomething up her sleeve (despite her nakedness). She moved over to where Jimmy was lying with a once-again hard on. Reaching over him to the night stand, shepicked up the bottle of tanning oil and poured some on herback. She kept pouring until it ran down the small of herback and onto her ass, eventually finding its way in betweenher cheeks.
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She then reached back and smeared an ampleamount into and around her anus. Then she got a palm fulland greased up Jim's cock, leaving a good bit up around thetip. "Stay on your back, please," she requested of him,"and hold yourself straight up in the air. " Mike continuedto palm himself as he watched this unfold. She thenstraddled over Jimmy, her back to his chest, and did agymnastic split. She had lined things up pretty well, andslowly she brought her little hole over his slippery prick. She allowed gravity to drop her down bit by bit, andwith the oil helping he was able to penetrate the headinside her before she had to come out of her split to thensit all the way down. Jimmy gulped at the feeling ofslippery tightness as her greased up buns planted themselvesdown onto him. When she was as far down as possible sheleaned back and lay on his chest, her blonde tressessmothering his face. She hooked an arm under his and thenpulled them both over onto their sides. She then motionedMike over to her front. He got the picture right away, andmoved to sandwich her in between himself and Jimmy. She wasslightly curled up into Jimmy, but she straightened out asfar as possible and he was able to guide himself into heravailable hole. The three tightly pressed bodies then began to screwand hug. Jimmy was amazed to feel Mike's cock rubbing hisown through the vaginal wall and it felt incredible! Tanya now knew what Mike and Barb had meant whenthey had urged her to visit that weekend for her birthday.
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They had taught her well, but she had been fantasizing aboutthis encounter since they'd called the night before. Thisposition was the best she'd ever tried - to be filled by twomen at the same time! The only thing she could imagine thatcould be any better would be to have an engorged cock in hermouth at the same time. Getting back to what she had at the moment she kissedMike and allowed his tongue to fill her mouth, his darkmoustache tickling her upper lip as usual. Now he and Jimmywere moving and thrusting in unison, and she reached backwith her free arm to dig her nails into Jimmy's cute tush,to which he responded with renewed vigor. The feel of heroiled back rubbing against his chest, the proximity ofsomeone else making love so near by, and seeing his wifepleasuring another woman all added up to a head-rush forJim. But this was a head rush down below, and it felt oh sosweet. "I need to taste a cock," Tanya finally moaned, butJimmy wasn't giving up his place in line, so Mike withdrewand sidled up higher along her side and presented his peniscoated in her love juices. She parted her cherry red lipsand out snaked her tongue. She began at base of his cock,just above the balls, and ate her own muskiness off of him. She gave him long hard licks and finished each stroke off bysucking on the head for a few seconds. Then she licked oneof her fingers and reached under his scrotum to tickle andplay with his anus swirling it around and finally in. Mikecouldn't hold back any longer but did refrain from grabbingher head to ram his cock down her throat. He and Barbarahad never forced Tanya to do anything she hadn't wanted to,so he clasped his hands behind his neck and let her do histhing. She expertly squeezed and sucked him to the beat ofhis spasms, and milked him for all he was worth. Jimmy's renewed hard-on lasted longer since this wasround number two for him, and he enjoyed each thrust as hesqueezed into and out of her ass.
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He reached around herthigh and began to finger her pussy, and she then respondedwith harder pushes to his thrusts, quickening the pace, andmoaning around the gushing prick in her mouth. Mike finallygave out and she dropped her hands to her crotch to add herten fingers to the action of Jimmy's five. He reached upwith his other hand to pull the golden tresses away from herneck. He kissed and nibbled the back of her neck and chewedon her earlobes, flicking his tongue in her ear now andthen. Her pushes against his hips became harder and nearlyfrantic, and this allowed him to screw her ass deeper anddeeper until he almost could imagine being entirely engulfedwithin this gorgeous girl's cheeks. Soon part of him was ashe flooded her with his delight. They finished theirentwinement, and when they were able to open their eyes theynoticed that they were alone in the room. Jimmy found his tank suit and a towel for Tanya, andthey ventured out of the master bedroom. No one was in theliving room, but they did hear some giggling coming from theback bedroom. Hand in hand they headed for the sounds, andfound the other three beginning a whole new venture. This was technically a bedroom, but it had beenoutfitted for other activities besides sleep. There werepulleys and ropes attached at various places around the bed,which was covered in pink silk sheets. On the dresser therewas an array of devices made of rubber and plastic. Therewas a video camera on a tripod, track lighting, and manymirrors located around the walls, as well as a large one onthe ceiling. Off of this room was an outdoor deck completelysurrounded with a fence, and Jimmy remembered that he hadwondered how Tanya had achieved such an all-over tan.
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Apparently she had been in, or at least through this roombefore. The giggling was coming mostly from Barbara, alreadysecured to the bed at the ankles, and was laughing as Danatickled her and Mike tried to tie her wrists. Jimmy also noticed a large bowl of ripe fruit on thenightstand next to the bed. Tanya gave his hand a squeeze,picked up an apple, took a juicy bite from it and headed outonto the deck. Jimmy poked his head out into the brightsunshine to take a look. The architecture of the complexallowed each condo to have a completely private piece of thesky. The deck above theirs was recessed back a little,but each was surrounded by a wall that didn't allow easypeeking over. There was a picnic table and benches, and alarge gas grill next to it. On the other side were 4 loungechairs, an outdoor refrigerator, and a pile of neatly foldedtowels. Tanya sauntered over to the pile of towels, hergolden skin nearly glowing in the afternoon sunshine. Shereached under the pile and pulled out sunglasses, tanningoil, and a magazine. She spread out the towel on a loungechair which she laid flat, slipped on the glasses to protecther green eyes, and stretched herself out in the warmth ofthe day like a cat in a spot of kitchen sunshine. Lookingover her shoulder at Jimmy, she asked, "If you want to goback into the play room you're welcome to, but I couldreally use some lotion on my back. Would you please?" Thegiggling had stopped in the "play room", as she'd called it,and he was curious about what was going on in there, but hecould hardly refuse such a nice request. Timidly he stepped out onto the deck, glancing aroundto see if there were any vantage points from above thatcould see into this space, and gained confidence as he sawhow isolated they were.
Kneeling down beside her hedribbled the oil out onto her back in teasing little drops. Goose bumps sprang up on her skin, and she shivered withdelight, but he warmed her up with his hands as he worked itinto her back. She loosened up gradually and he felt her musclesslackening under his ministrations. She opened hermagazine, and he saw that it was a "couples" kind. Shegazed at the pairs of lovers on each page, man and woman,woman and woman, man and man. Jimmy allowed his hands towander a little farther down her frame, marvelling at thepetite waist, tight cheeks, and muscular legs. He addedsome oil to her thighs, and really massaged her legs,working his way down to the calfs, the ankles, and the tinyfeet.
Tanya luxuriated in the warmth of both the sun andJimmy's knowledgeable hands. Usually her feet were quiteticklish, but his fingers kneeded and caressed them withoutany discomfort. She turned her head to the side and wasaware of the colors all around her. The bright blue skywith its cottony white clouds. The red brick walls aroundthem, and the florescent pink plastic lounge chair she waslying on. She propped herself up on her elbows and turnedto look back at this hunk giving her a massage. He was so unlike the boys she had gone out with. Hewas willing to give as well as take.
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She admired hismuscular chest that was almost hairless. His short blondehair made him look young, but she knew he was an experiencedman who knew his way around the block. She gazed lower athis tight stomach muscles and the beginnings of his pubichair before her legs and the chair blocked her view. Theyhad made love not long ago, but with so many involved shehadn't really been able to appreciate his special attentionsthe way she was now. Ooo it felt so good. His hands working her feet andthen her ankles. Her legs felt like jelly as he massaged upher calves and then the back of her knees. He made his wayto her thighs and lingered there a bit, rubbing in a littlemore oil, spreading her legs a little to get at the musclesof her inner thighs. Then, aaah, his slippery fingers foundthe place where her legs came together. She allowed him tomassage and caress her lips, but then turned over and satup. Jimmy looked surprised and asked, "Is something wrong?" "No, not a thing," she smiled back at him. "But hereyou've been making me feel so good, . . . I just want to returnthe favor.
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" She got him to straddle the lounge chair sitting up,and then leaned over and sucked his cock as deeply into hermouth as she could. He leaned back and braced himself witha hand on each side of the chair. She then gave his shaft atongue-bath. The tip steadily grew and filled with blooduntil it looked like a mushroom. He was so hard that itgrew a dark red, almost purple color. He didn't pokestraight out but slightly curved upward. Tanya covered herteeth with her lips and slid her mouth up and down,squeezing with her fingers, and sucking as hard as shecould. Again, she thought, it feels so good to be witha real man! Outside, the two blondes, the little teenaged girlcelebrating her 19th birthday, and the neighbor from acrossthe way, continued their activity. Inside, Barbara had been secured to the bed by herhusband, with Dana helping out. Dana noticed that all thestraps holding Barb to the bed had snaps on them thatBarbara could reach and undo any time she wanted. Danarelaxed in the knowledge that anyone involved in thiskinkiness was doing so of their own volition. The strapsreally held her securely, but could be easily released anytime the one bound chose. Mike opened a closet door andpulled out a belt, collar, bracelets, and anklets all madeof leather with silver studs on them. Then he got out asecond set. One he handed to Dana and the other he beganto put on his wife.
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Dana put the collar on, then theanklets and bracelets. She had momentarily wondered aboutthe belt, thinking maybe Mike had meant to use it onBarbara, but then she saw him hooking it around her waist. She followed suit and admired herself in the mirror. The feel of the leather and the smell of it aroused her. She looked so different from the prim and proper wife shehad always thought herself. She was slowly changing herself appraisal, and she liked the changes. She felt morepowerful, more in control, more willing to accept thatpleasure was alright to receive. When she turned back to Mike and Barbara she had aglint in her eye not previously there. "Don't you lookgood?" admired Mike. Dana then walked over to the dresserand considered which of the "toys" she would try. Her eyes roamed over the assortment of dildoes,vibrators, handcuffs, ben-wa balls, creams and jellies. Shealso noticed a couple of masks. She picked up one thatwould cover a face from the nose up, that was in blackvelvet with colored feathers lining the top edge. She triedit on and looked in the mirror. What stared back was a sexy young woman with leatheradornments on, a woman with no identity because of the mask,a woman of mystery.
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She gazed at the body in the mirror andsaw a medium frame, brunette hair, slim legs, and a poutingmouth below the mask. Satisfied with what she saw shepicked up one of the vibrators and headed toward Barbara'sprone body. Mike watched as she leaned over and gently kissed hiswife. Their kisses then took on greater urgency, Barbaratugging at her bonds in an attempt to return the caressesDana was giving her smooth belly with her free hand. Thenhe saw her hand glide up onto the left breast and give it ahard squeeze. Barbara gasped in pain but then responded byforcing her tongue deeper into Dana's eager mouth. Danastepped over Barbara's body all the while kissing andcaressing her roughly. She turned on the vibrator andguided it unseeingly down Barbara's body until she found thespot she was aiming for. She knew when she had reached it,for the body beneath her arched its back. She withdrew from the kiss, but never said a word. Shewas no longer Dana, she was Aphrodite, the goddess of love. She presented her "subject" with a wet smile, rubbing thevibrator around the dark-haired mound, watching to see whateffect it was having. She then leaned down and sucked thereddened nipple she had been harshly fondling. The breastwas firm beneath her tonguing, the nipple hard. The aureolawas large in circumference and nearly as dark as Barbara'sbrown eyes.
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She sucked the breast hard and then lightly bitit. Barbara began thrashing on the bed at this treatmentbut didn't verbally object. The masked lover teased herwith the vibrator, dipping it in her now and again, butmostly circling around the clitoris. She then allowed it tobriefly come into contact with the clitoris, and Barbaracried out, "Yes!" The teasing finally stopped as the vibrator wasinserted as fully as it would go and a tongue found its waydown to her dripping pussy. The hum was nearly inaudiblenow buried within her, but the feelings continued, and thetongue and mouth eating her increased the sensation ahundred-fold! Barbara gave in to the sensations completely. In the back of her mind she smiled at the "rough"treatment she had received at this masked creature's hands. She had gone along with the little pinches and nibbles asthough they were truly painful, adding further ambience tothe scenario her neighbor seemed to be creating. She wasdelighted at the climax to the scene that Dana was playingout. She also knew that the whirring noise in the backgroundwas the lens of the camera focusing in and out. 'Mikey mustbe getting all of this for posterity,' she thought. She sawDana look back at the camera noise also, but she turned backto her "work" with a smile on her face. As her head dippedback to where the vibrator was humming away within Barbara,the feathers of the mask tickled Barb's tummy muscles. Mike zoomed in for some close-ups of the action Danawas giving his wife. He was entranced with the change thathad come over their new neighbor and wanted it on tape. Shehad come into their lives only the day before, and when he'dfirst met her he had sensed a repressed sensuality.
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Thatnight the four of them - he and Barb, Dana and Jimmy - hadbroken through a few walls of reservation, but what wasplaying out here was a quantum leap farther. Dana had shedher inhibitions like they were an old skin, and was actingout some of her deepest fantasies. For the moment Barbarawas the benefactor of this coming-of-age, but he wasdetermined to probe it for himself. Dana felt powerful behind the mask and wearing theleather accessories. Barbara was bound hand and foot to thebed and was at her mercy - something she didn't plan to showmuch of. She had her "victim" writhing in ecstasy, and wasputting on as much of a show for the camera as she could. She pulled her legs up so that she was eating Barbara fromall fours. This made it easier to spread her own legs andsway her ass right into the camera which was positionedjust to the side behind her. Eventually she reached back with one hand and beganmasturbating into the lens. The idea of this being on tapefor later perusal got her hot, and she really began gettinginto it. She pulled the vibrator out of Barbara, licked offthe juices with long strokes of her tongue, and then reachedit back to her own dripping slit. Barbara began moaningfor her to finish what she had begun, but now Dana was toocaught up in the thrill of the buzzing in her own basementto be attentive to Barbara's demands. Mike finally came tothe rescue when he undid one of Barbara's wrists and handedher one of the other, even larger vibrating dildoes. He then lay down on the bed next to his wife (who waskeeping herself quite busy, thank you) and presented hisbody to Dana. She then straddled his midsection and loweredherself down, back to his face with her pussy wet andwaiting, onto his straining prick.
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She didn't, however,give up use of the vibrator on her swollen clitoris as shemoved up and down slowly on Mike's manhood. The sounds of 2 vibrators and a camera were drowned outby the moans and sobs of the three on that bed. OutsideJimmy was pumping his juices into the warm mouth, hisfingers tightly entwined in her golden curls, of the nubilegirl. She licked and sucked his engorged cock, trying totake it all in and not miss a sticky drop. Inside Dana and Mike were hitting the heights ofpassion as Barb about passed out in pleasure from Dana'sattentions followed up by her own. The sounds both insideand out finally abated, but the musky smell of sex lingeredon. .