
To Take a Thief


 This is my first fiction posting so I'm looking for feedback. However, before I start I want to give credit to liberachiporn. You may have seen the earlier posting by him of the similar title "To fuck a thief". The title immediately intruiged me, I liked the concept. Unfortunatly the story was kind of a diappointment. But it did plant a seed of creativity in my mind. The following story sprang from that seed. So thank you liberachiporn for the idea, just giving credit where credit is due. Let me know if you have any more really good original ideas like that. Maybe we could be a TO TAKE A THIEF        At 20 Years old, I'm kinda young to own my first house, but I couldn't see throwing money away on rent when I could buy my own place and put the money towards equity. I only had a couple of college courses, my parents couldn't afford to send me, my Dad helped when he could but I eventually decided I have a better shot if I quit college for now and started working full time. I didn't have the the best job in the world, but I worked my way up to manager. Of course it was at a shoe store, so no big deal. But I wanted more. I got my Dad's help and wrote a killer resume and posted it online.         Next thing I knew I was interviewing for a job as a bank manager.

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   Unfortunately she said I didn't have the experience she was looking for but offered me a job as a bank supervisor and encouraged me to re-apply for a management position in 6 to 8 months. I took the poisition, it was for more money, it came with all the benefits of a full time job, and it was the best way out of that deadend job, managing a shoe store. I was doing really good as a supervisor, I was really trying to impress people and I guess it worked. 4 months later they were opening a new branch. I applied for the job to manage that branch, and got the job! A bank Manager at 20 years old.         Of course I started looking for a house immediatly and got my mortgage through the bank. Being a manager they couldn't really turn me down now could they. I bought a two story three bedroom, two bath house with a full basement. Of course at the price I could swing, it wasn't in the best part of town so I immediatly started thinking about home security. With my mortgage payment I couldn't afford one of those high priced national home security chains, so I looked on the internet and found a retail site that sold a home security system, that could run on my home PC. And the price of the software and enough hardware to setup my whole house was about what you'd pay for 3 months of one of those national security chains. I placed my order and got the package 18 days later.         It was a Friday afternoon, so I put the card in my PC and installed the software, then started installing window and door sensors, It was getting late so I decided to install the remote keypad, garage and audible alarms in the morning. But what I had was pretty hot, I could activate my system from my PC, and I did, just before going to bed.         I woke to a beeping on my PC, I got up and checked it out.

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   One of the window sensors downstairs had been activated. It was the first one I installed, I probably screwed it up somehow. I headed downstairs to check it out. Halfway down the stairs I saw the window, and the curtains gently blowing in the breeze. It was wide open! CRAP! Somebody was in my house! I know what your thinking, go back to your bedroom, lock the door and call the police. I probably wasn't thinking, the adrenaline rush of spotting the open window and all. Besides I was pissed that somebody had broken into MY NEW HOUSE!        I thought, I need a weapon. I thought if I could get to the kitchen I could get a knife. I heard a sound, from the family room. Shit! My Television, Wii, Xbox, Playstation, DVD/VCR, and sterio were all in that room, and it was right off the kitchen. Then I saw my tool box, still on the end table next to the stairs. I crept down and quitely opened it. My hammer! I hefted it and thought, damn, this will crush his skull. Do I want to kill the guy? I was pissed, but not that pissed. I grabbed the channel locks, but took the hammer in my left hand, holding it around the neck, just in case I needed it.

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          I peered into the kitchen, there was a little light from the neighbors back porch shining in through the windows. (I should have had MY back and front porch lights on. He probably would have passed up my house. ) He wasn't in the kitchen. More noise, he was around the corner, probably dismantling my homemade entertainment center, stealing all my electronics. I crept across the kitchen and thought about grabbing a knife, but decided to stick with the channel locks and the hammer. I looked around the corner and saw him lifting my television. Or should I say he was TRYING to lift my television. This guy was short, barely 5 foot tall, if that, and he looked pretty scrawny, maybe 100 pounds. He was having considerable trouble with my TV. It was a 32 inch set, but it was a picture tube, I got it really cheap, because everybody else wants Plasma or LCD sets. He set the television back down and took a step back. As short and skinny as he was, I didn't need the hammer, that's for sure.         I snuck up behind him and <CRACK>! Right across the back of his head with the channel locks! He dropped like a stone. I looked around for an accomplice, but this guy appeared to be alone.

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   If he had help he probably would have them help with the television instead of trying to lift it himself.         I flipped on the light and saw my Xbox, Wii, sterio, Playstation, and DVD/VCR on the floor, disconnected, cords loosly wrapped around them, ready to go. Too bad the fool tried to get the TV. I had to get a buddy to come over and help me get it in the house. It was obviously too heavy for this skinny punk, all by himself. He should have brought an accomplice, his skinny ass couldn't carry much else.         I looked at the heap. lying on the floor as I picked up the phone. Something didn't look right. His shoes, I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was wrong with those shoes. His ankles too, they were sort of skinny, and were his socks rolled down? I lifted his pant legs and yes indeed his sock was rolled down, on a leg that had NO hair on it at all, and the skin looked really soft. What was with this guy? Was I being robbed by a skinny gay guy who shaved his legs? Then I thought, crap it's just a little kid! I looked higher and saw some round hips and a really nice tight little ass, this was no little boy. I rolled him on his back and even though he was wearing a black sweatshirt, it was plain to see, he had TITS! And a very nice pair indeed. I reached out and gave one a squeeze, feeling the unmistakable, fabric of the bra and the undeniable softness of female flesh. I pulled up the ski mask to find my intruder was a pretty attractive latino woman! I thought, you know with a little make-up and some lipstick she'd be really hot!        I had an idea, and quickly put back the phone. 

   I picked up her light frame, she probably weighed all of 90-95 pounds, and carried her up to my bedroom. I laid her on the floor, she was starting to stir. I hurried over to my computer desk and pulled the cable ties out of the drawer. I bought them without thinking. The security system I'd purchased was all wireless, but I'd still need a few for the battery backup stuff anyway. (This system even works if the power goes out, as long as you have a battery backup for your computer, and I do. ) Besides, you never know when you might need some cable ties in an emergency situation. Like, say some hot latino babe breaks into your house, and you catch her. . . Okay, that's a bit of a streach, but. . .         I hurried back and she groaned as I rolled her onto her stomach. This wasn't my idea, I got it watching cops, but I used the cable ties like a pair of handcuffs, and bound her hands behind her back.

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   Just for good measure I bound her slender ankles with a pair of ties as well. I rolled her back over and she was moaning grogily.         My computer was still complaining about the open window, so I went down to close and latch it.         When I got back up her eyes partially opened and she started to lift her head. I picked up my cell phone and opened it. She shifted and realized her hands were bound, and a wave of panic washed over her. She was fully awake now, and soon realized her legs were immobilized as well. She struggeled for a few minutes then stopped and looked around, then saw me, with my phone to my ear. She paused then asked in a disappointed voice "La policía?" I replied, "Yea, I was thinking about calling the cops. " She said spoke again in spanish, "Lo que es usted esperando?" and I told her, "No habla espanol. " She just sighed and put her head back, then winced and raise it again. I smiled and said, "Sorry about the knock on the head, but, after all, it was YOU who broke in, and tried to steal my stuff. " She looked back at me, those dark brown eyes were so dark they looked black, but they had a fire in them. She waited, staring, and I stared right back at her.         Finally she spoke in engish with a sexy latino accent, with a slight tone of defiance, "You already call them?" I replied, "No, not yet?" She reverted to spanish, but I knew what she meant, "Por que?" I smiled and replied, "I thought, maybe we might be able to come to an agreement as to some alternative arrangements.

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  " She looked at me slightly puzzled, then realized where she was and looked at the bed, then at my crotch, then back at me. I laughed and told her, "All in good time. First I want to know how you broke in. You didn't break the window, and I KNOW I latched it. " She smiled for the first time, and it looked nice on her face, she looked much prettier. Sure. it was a smug smile, but she looked a whole loy hotter, just the same. "All it took was a mantequilla knife. " I paused, she had a knife. She has already cut her hands free or she wouldn't have mentioned it. I left the channel locks downstairs, but she was a small girl. I could handle her.         I rushed over and to my surprise, she didn't try to reach out and claw my face off. I felt her pockets, but felt nothing. I rolled her over and saw a silver handle sticking out of one of her pockets.

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   How did I miss that? Too busy admiring that tight, heart shaped, ass I guess, (It was pretty fine. ) I wondered why she hadn't used it yet as I pulled it out. I was a fucking butter knife! A plain old, ordinary, butter knife. No wonder she didn't try and use it. This thing was so dull I bet it barely cut butter, no way it had a chance against those cable ties. How did she use it to get into my house.  I saw her make a sudden move, but I was expecting her to try something and jumped aside, He kick barely brushed the back of one knee. She tried to clip out my knees with a kick. I laughed at her and said, "Nice try. . . I looked at her shoes and they realized they looked perfectly normal now. Now that I knew she was a woman. They were woman's shoes, that why the looked so strange when I thought she was a guy.         I looked back at these firely black eyes and asked, "How did you get into my house with this?" She just stared back at me.

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   I asked her again, a little louder, "How did you get into my house with this?" Still she remained silent staring back at me. I smiled and said, Maybe you're not realizing the predicament you're in here, so I'm going to ask one more time. . . I stepped next to her and put my knee on her chest, between and slightly below her breasts, and started to add weight to it. I saw the expression on her face start to turn to worry, I asked, "Getting hard to breath?" as I shifted more of my 195 pound weight to my knee and her chest. I smiled as I saw her start to turn red, struggling for air. I asked again, with a slightly frustrated tone as if suggesting this would be the last time I ask it, "Before you pass out, would you mind telling me how you broke into my house with this butter She gasped, "No puedo el aliento!" in spanish, I started to reply, "No habla. . . " She interupted me as she gasped, "I no can breathe. . . " I  saw she was looking light headed, so I asked, "All you have to do is answer my question. " She nodded and gasped, "Si.

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  . . si. . . yes!" I shifted my weight off my knee and said, "Okay, start talking. " She took three deep breaths, filling her lungs again, the redness started to drain from her face as she explained, "I used that knife to open the window. " I sighed, and slightly increased the weight on my knee as I replied, "How? That window was latched. " She shook her head and said "Latch? Pedazo de mierda!" I looked at her and eased up on the knee. She said. "I slip my knife between window and wiggle until is sliped between the latch, then slip it over. Then I open the window. " I paused to mull over her explaination and suddenly it made sense, I smiled and nodded, "That's pretty clever. " She made a sound that sounded to me like a snort. I asked, "Oh? So does everybody around here know how to do this?" She replied, Everybody but the new gringoes who like to flash all their expensive toys, that they are about to lose.


  " I stood back up and walked over to my computer. I hit the shift key and screen jumped to life showing my security software. And replied, "Some gringoes set up a security system to protect their expensive toys. " She looked at the screen, I patted the monitor and said, "This thing even has a battery backup so even if the power goes out, my toys are protected. " She looked and asked, "But you have no. . . " she paused looking for the word, then asked, "Sign?" On your window?" I looked down into the box and saw the small plastic zip lock bag with window decals. I picked it up and said, "Oops. Here they are. I guess I forgot to put them She was getting uncomfortable so she asked, "I told you what you wanted to know, now let me go!" As she briefly stuggled against the restraints. I laughed and told, "Oh no honey. You'`ve only just begun to pay for this crime. " The fire was back in her eyes as she said something in spanish that I doubt was complimentary, "Usted bastardo!" I'm not positive, but I think she was calling me a bastard.         She kicked her bound feet in my direction as I approached.

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   I easily dodged the attempt as I walked up to her head. I reached down, grabbed a handful of her long black hair and pulled her to her knees. She gritted her teeth refusing to scream at the pain. Not wanting to give me the satisfaction. I had been sleeping, so I had on boxers and a tee-shirt, I yanked down my boxers letting my 8 inches, bob in her face. I saw a slight look of surprise, before she turned her face away, in defiance. I grabbed her hair again and bent down turning her pretty little face to mine. I explained, "I know that you know what to do. Let me tell you what I'm going to do if you get smart and try to use your teeth. . . You bite my cock and I have no use for you. I hit you with a small wrench before, if I even feel your teeth, I'll take you downstairs, put that ski mask back on your head, and bury my hammer into the side of your skull! Then I'll let you bleed to death before I call the cops. " I straightened back up and added, "I really have no problem with letting you bleed all over my carpet, I'm planning on getting new carpet I turned her head towards my dick and said, "Open up bitch. " She defiantly stared at my throbbing rod.

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   I let go of her hair and slapped her, she seemed stunned more than hurt, I think it surprised her, She opened her mouth then made a face and tried to pull back as I shoved my cock in her mouth. I grabbed her hair with both hands and started fucking her face. She gagged a couple times as my disk hit the back of her throat, I laughed, "Get used to it baby, I'm gonna teach you how to deep throat a I paused and she glared up at me with those firey eyes, I had to admit those eye were a turn on. I told her, "You'd better start sucking on it, if you ever want to get out of here alive. You better make this the best blowjob you've ever given. You better make me come and swallow every-last-drop. You'd better suck on my cock like your life depends on it. . . " I yanked her hair and added, "Because it does!" She paused for a couple of defiant seconds before her lips slowly closed around my shaft. Then after a couple more defiant second I felt the suction. I used her hair to stroked her sweet lips on my cock and said, "That's better now, much better. " I pulled over my leather computer chair and took a seat keeping my cock in her mouth. I smiled and told her, "Use your tongue. " Of course she waited the customary few defiant seconds before I felt her tongue worming around my rod.

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   I didn't force her to deep throat me like I threatened, she was doing a great job without it. I even let go of her hair and she started bobbing up and down all on her own. I just sat back and enjoyed her sweet mouth, soft tongue and awesome suction. It felt so good, I tried to hold on a bit longer but this girl could really suck some cock. I finally sighed, "I'm gonna come!" I felt her pull her head back, but I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back down ramming my cock down her throat. She gagaed as I asked her, "What? Did you forget you were going to swallow my I eased up and the suction slowly returned. Her eyes were watery from gagging on my cock, but she still had that sexy defiant look in them. I wrapped some of her long silky lock around my hands and got ready to blow my load. Either she was going to swallow my come or I was going to yank two big handsfuls of hair right out of her head. She was sucking when I groaned and shot the first wad of come to the back of her throat. The suction stopped and she tired to pull back I pulled her hair and cried, "Swallow it bitch, swallow my come!" As I pumped wad after wad onto her warm mouth. The pain of the hair pulling must've been sufficient to convince her, she did swallow and the suction returned. I ordered her to suck all the come out of my cock and then suck it clean. I was surprised there was no defiant pause as she immediately obeyed me.         I let her suck my cock clean before I pulled it out.

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   She could get the whole thing in her mouth while it was soft. It felt good in there. I looked at her as tears steamed down her cheeck from all the gagging. Her defiant looks had softened considerably, and that softer look was even more sexy. I felt my cock already starting to stir again. I saw some come that slipped out the side of her mouth and was running down her cheek. I wiped it up with my finger and informed her, "I told you to swallow all of my come. " Some of that defiant look started to come back as she slowly opened her mouth. I put my finger in and she slowly closed her lips around it. I slowly pulled my finger as she sucked the come off of it.         I smiled and said, "Good girl, you just might get out of this alive. " I pulled open the neck of her sweatshirt and looked down it and said, "Let's see what else we've got. " I shoved her back so hard she lost her balamce and landed on her side. I quickly slipped my boxers back up as I rolled her on her back and sat on her hips. Her defiant glare was fully back now, and just as sexy. 

   I started to lift her sweatshirt and said, "Now my little Chiquita, lets see what you've got!" She starled me as she cried, "My name is no Chiquita!" I replied, "Well since you never mentioned your name. . . " She angily shot back "Gabby!" and I could see she regretted as soon as she said it. I smiled, "Gabby, as in Gabriel?" She nodded slightly and seemed embarassed that I knew her name. I smiled wistfully and said "Gabriel. . . That is a lovely name?" She looked a little bit stunned, unsure of what to make of this. I smiled and said. "Gabriel just sucked my cock, Gariel just swallowed my come. . . " The look of defiance returned as I pulled up her shirt and added, "And it looks like Gabriel has a very nice pair of She seemed pissed that I now knew her name and choose to use it. The next manuver was tough, but I pulled and tugged until I got her sweatshirt over her head.

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   She winced when it ran over the bump on her head. I rubbed the welt and told her, "Be happy I hit you with the round side, if I hit you with the other side, it could've poked a whole on your skull. " The look in her eye told me she didn't appear to appreciate her good fortune.         I tried to reached around to take off her bra. She arched her back and to try and stop me. I grabbed her bra and said, "You can let me take this off, or I'll rip it off your body, and I will make it hurt. The choice is yours. " She relaxed and let me take it off, her eyes were softening again. I started massagine those full 'C' cups. They were firm but yeilding, really nice, a gorgeous pair. I bent down and started kissing and sucking on those awesome titties.         I was just having fun but I noticed her breathing was changing. I glanced up and saw those defiant black eyes were closed and she was breathing softly yet deeply. I allowed this to continue for a few moments then paused, coninuing to caress her breast as I got right in her face and asked, "Enjoying this are we?" Her eyes snapped open, she seemed surprised and embarassed for a second, but that sexy defiant look returned. I laughed and said, "Lets see what else we got.

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  " I slid down sitting on her knees and started on that brown, leather, webbed belt. She cried, "Fuck you!" I laughed and told her, "No, I think you've got that backwards. " as I opened the button on her slacks. She closed her eyes when I unzipped her. I saw a thin line of hair, she was wearing no panties! I sat there for a minute then asked, "What? You were worried about panty lines while you were robbing my house?" She just screamed at me in spanish "Usted hembra de mierda. " I shrugged and pulled those black jeans down her thighs. I said, "Hmmm. . . a landing strip. " as I looked at the thin strip of fur extending to about two inches above her slit. I announced, "I don't like landing strips. " I stood up and went to the bathroom to get a razor, I came back and smiled at her. "I like little hearts. " She looked at me confused.

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   I sat back down on her knees and started shaving her landing strip.         I shaved it down to a three small squares then carefully shaped each one of those squares into a little heart. I looked up and her defiance seemed to have melted considerably into shame and humiliation. I didn't mind that much, she was still hot! I leaned down and kissed each heart, then started kissing and licking her slit. I dipped my tongue down between her legs penetrating her slit and caressing her labia, gently rubbing her clit. She was already wet! I noticed her breathing and her thighs relaxing. I couldn't see her eyes, but I was pretty sure they were closed. I let her enjoy it for a while while I thought of my next step.         I had a wild idea, I stopped and raised my head. Yup her eyes were closed. I asked, "You enjoying this too?" her eyes snapped open as she caught her breath and stared blankly ahead. I announced, "You are enjoying this all too much, I should be punishing you for breaking into my house. " She quietly mumbled in spanish, "Voy a jodiendo la matanza usted. " I ignored her and pulled over a wooden chair I usually pile clothes on. I picked her up by her arms she didn't seem to care, until I bent her over the back of the chair.

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   She obviously knew what I had planned and didn't like that position as she tried to get back up and started swearing at me, mostly in spanish. I held her in place with one hand while I pulled out my belt. I was going to spank her but she was squirming to much. I saw her belt and had another idea. I looped my belt and put it over her head and made it a bit more snug, she has a scared look in her eyes. I wasn't going to choke her but the look gave me an adrenaline surge, knowing I had the power of life and death over her. I tied the loose end to the rung of the chair bending her so far over the back of that chair, her feet barely touched the floor. I pulled her pants down as far as they'd go and noticed she had some very, VERY, fine stems. Scored major points in my book, I love legs. I removed her belt from her jeans and wanted to make sure she knew what I was going to do with it, so I told her, "Since you were so uncooperative and I had to use my belt to restrain you, I'm going to use your own belt to spank your ass. " She softly repeated in spanish, "Voy a jodiendo la matanza I wrapped part of her belt around my hand, leaving a good manageble length out. I then raised my hand over my head and brought the belt down quickly. It cracked across her ass and she yelped in pain. She tried to cut it short, but I heard it. I looked and the soft, tender brown skin of her ass had a red stripe across it where the belt made impact.

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   I was already rock hard and could have fucked her right then and there, but I kind of enjoyed spanking her I decided to continue. I raised my hand again, and gave her another whack. As it cracked against her ass she jumped a little and a slight yip came out but other than that, she to take it well. I hit her again, and again, the red stripes criss-crossed her gorgeous brown It was like I was in another world, I continued the beating for what must've been about 5 minutes. Then as I was raising my hand for another swing I heard a slight sniff. I snapped back into reality. Her entire ass was a crimson red. I gently touched it with my finger tips, she jerked at my touch. Her ass felt very warm, almost hot to the touch. It must've felt like it was on fire to her. She sniffed again, and I noticed slack in the belt holding her head down, and her feet were no longer on the floor and she didn't seem to care. She was no longer struggling at all.         She sniffed again and got my attention. I caught a look at part of her face from where I was at. Her face looked almost as red as her ass.


   I put down her belt and untied my belt holding her head down. She made no move to raise her head, in fact it seemed like she was holding her head down on her own. I tried to lift her head, but she shook off my hand and kept her head down. I pulled her head up by her hair and saw her eyes were full of tears, and her face was red from crying, in fact she was still crying. She struggled to turn her face away. I let her. I kind of felt a little bit guilty. I looked down and saw a small pool of water on the seat of the chair. Either she drooled, or it was a pool of tears. I assumed it was the latter.         I releasaed her head and she leaned back over the chair, but kept her feet on the floor. I was stunned, I asked, "You want me to keep spanking you?!?" She straightened up so fast she fell sideways, but landed on her crimson red ass. She winced and I got a clear look at the pain on her face, as she cried out in pain and didn't care who heard. I hurried to help her, but she quickly laid back and rolled over burying her face in the carpet to cry some more. I touched her red hot ass again, and got an idea.

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   I went over to my night stand and got the bottle of Mint Flavored Massage Oil. Girls like the way it makes their skin tingle when I blow on it. I liked getting a blowjob after rubbing some on my cock. I lifted her and bent her over the side of the bed. She was still I gently rubbed some of the oil on her ass, she paused and froze. I spread it over her entire ass. Then I gently blow on it and, she let out a soft sigh of relief. I blew on it a few more time, then while inhaling to blow on it again, I noticed a musky scent, and something else. Her pussy was sopping wet! The come was slowly running down her thigh! The spanking turned her on! My guilt turned into something else as I became overcome with a desire to taste her.         I licked her inner thigh, and tasted her. I had to taste more. I dove into that sweet pussy and started lapping up her nectar. She was a petite girl and her pussy was tiny. She was gonna be tight, and she tasted great. There was an unusual amount of moisture down here.

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   She obviously had multiple orgasms during the beating I gave her ass. I was licking her deeply, tring to get all the nectar I could. She wasn't holding back anymore as she cried out, "Santo el cristo! Si! Si! Si!" I swallowed a mouthful of her sweetness, and I decided I wanted more. I was going to give her another orgasm, but this time with my lips and tongue. I lowered my head and licked her clit with my tongue. She moaned, "Si! Si! Ah Dios! Si!" I needed better access. I rolled her over so her sore ass was still off the bed. I held her hip and although her ankles were still bound, her knees bent and her legs parted slightly. I dove back onto her sweet juicy pussy and resumed my tongue work. I licked her deeply as my upper lip caressed her clitoris. She cried out, "Caramelo madre de mary de Dios!" I licked her pussy some more, then started sucking on her clitoris. She was speaking in spanish again, but I wasn't listening. I was intent on giving her that orgasm and she cried out as I I lapped up every last bit of her come. I stood up licking my lips, she looked up at me. and said, "Jódame.

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  " I didn't know what she meant and she saw the look of confusion, and she was kind enough to translate for me, "Fuck me!" She had a very sexy look of passion in those dark eyes, and I was hard as a rock. I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors and cut one of her legs free. I tossed the scissors back in the drawer, then pulled off her jeans. One shoe came off as well. Her legs fell apart as she demanded, "Fuck me. " I told her "Ask me nicely?" She looked at me confused. I told her, "Ask me nicely for my dick. " She was breathing hard but seemed to be understanding. She carefully said, "Fuck me. . . with your dick. " I replied, "No, that was no good, now you'll have to beg. " She looked almost paniced. I waved my cock around and told her, "Come on baby, beg for me to fuck your sweet little pussy with my dick.

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  " She was panting and seemed frustrated as she looked at me. I waved my dick around some more and taunted her, "Come on baby, beg!" She cried, "Please fuck me with your big I was stunned, but I liked it! (I never mentioned the word 'big', that was all her. ) I smiled, "Well, since you asked so nicely. " I grabbed a condom from my nightstand and quickly slipped it on before I moved forward and pressed the big purple head of my cock against her vagina. I paused and looked at her, she said, "Por favor, lo necesito!" I don't speak spanish, but I was pretty sure I knew what she meant. I slowly pushed my erection into that tight tiny pussy. she sighed "Ah Dios! Si!" Wow! was she tight, I pushed deeper and I don't think the next thing out of her mouth was spanish, as she let out a long low moan. She was so fucking tight it took several more gentle thrusts to get it onto the hilt. She arched her back and cried "Tan grande, tan bueno!" I was pretty sure I knew what 'grande' meant, and it made me feel pretty good. I paused a few moments to allow her tiny pussy to adjust to my size. I slowly pulled back and started a slow stroking motion, savoring the warmth and tightness of that sweet little pussy. She cried out in another orgasm. The wetness increased and provided more lubrication. It was getting easier to move in her hot tight pussy. So I started fucking her a bit faster. 

   Her orgasm seemed to go on and on, as I drove my cock into that incredibly tight little snatch over and over like a pistion. She seemed to remain in the thoroes of that same orgasm, as my cock started making squishly noise as I hammered into her. She was making unitelligable sounds in the back of her throat.         That face, those legs, that body! She was way too tight and way too hot for me to last much longer and she seemed to be comming constantly, which was really hot. I blasted wad after wad into that condom. (You didn't expect me to fuck a thief I didn't know without protection?) I pumped her hard with each blast. When I finally stopped and dropped my weight down on her petite frame, and felt those breast mash against my chest, and she sighed, "Ah como maravilloso. " Like I said, I don't speak spanish, but I liked the sound of that I lifted my head and she looked like she wanted to be kissed so I did. Her lips were soft as they parted and her tongue entered my mouth. Our tongues danced, when our lips parted she smiled and softly repeated, "Maravilloso. " I smiled and reminded her, "I don't speak spanish, but you were pretty maravilloso yourself. " She softly smiled and closed her eyes, as I got up and went to the bathroom. I flushed the condom and took a wiz. When I got back She was struggling to get off the bed, her hands still bound, She looked at me and asked, "Sus servicios?" I helped her to her feet and she looked at the bathroom then back at me, then glanced back at her bound hands. I nodded, "Oh yea!" I got the scissors and quickly cut one of her cable ties, and she just let the sweatshirt and bra slip off her arms, then briefly rubbed her shoulders.

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   To my surprise she turned, softly placed her had on my cheek, then gave me a really sweet kiss and very sweetly she said, "Gracias. " then I watched that hot red ass, as she scampered off to the I stood there stunned. I wasn't sure what to think! I catch her robbing my house, I tie her up, strip her, beat her ass, then rape her, and she kisses me like I'm her new I heard her flush and peeked into the bathroom. She was looking through my drawers and pulled out a pair of scissors. I wondered what she planned on doing with them. I didn't have to wonder long, she snipped off the cable tie on her wrist, then bent down and snipped the remaining cable tie off her ankle, and put the scissors back in the drawer. She continued looking throught the drawers, and stopped in the bottom drawer and pulled out a comb. She started combing out her hair? While she was combing out her long silky locks, she paused. she looked down then put her hand on the tiny hearts I shaved in her pubic hair. She looked back in the mirror as she traced them with one finger, she tilted her head and smiled.         What the hell was going on here? I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone? Where's Ashton Kutcher? Am I getting punked?        I sat down on the bed and thought this over. Maravilloso? The kiss? Admiring the hearts I shaved into her pubic hair? I was completely The door to the bathroom She stood there seductively leaning against the door frame. She tossed her reamining shoe into the middle of the floor. Then she looked at me with a seductive smile, as she bent one of those perfectly gorgeous legs. I didn't know how to respond, but I wasn't going to let her take the driver seat.

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   I move onto the middle of the bed and laid down, I ordered her, "Get over here and suck my cock!" She nodded and replied, "Sí mi amor. " as she rushed to comply. As she knelt down next to my erection I told her, "Lay down and put your legs out here. " As I patted next to me. She smiled and cooperatively streached out her gorgeous legs, and started working those sweet soft lips on my flacid penis. There was no more defiance in her eyes, or her actions.         She took my entire soft cock into her sweet mouth and turned on that awesome suction. As you can probably guess, I didn't remain flacid for long. I quickly began getting stiffer and longer as her tongue wormed around my penis. I began caressing the firm tender skin of her sexy legs. The warmth, softness and the suction was awesome. As I grew stiffer and she became unable to hold my entire erection she used one of her now free hands to stroke what she couldn't get in her mouth. I stared to smell that sweet, musky smell of her pussy. I was driving me wild. I grabbed her hips and lifted her onto my face, putting us into a sixty nine.

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   She never let go of my cock, she continued to suck on it as I got her into That pussy looked just as tight and sweet as it felt. I was just adorable. And that tiny puckered little anus was looking pretty inviting too. I'd have to see if I could poke that hole before I let her go. If my cock would even fit in that tiny little orafice. I ran my finger tips and down her vagina, she was soaking wet again. I got my finger all slippery wet then pressed it against her anus. She paused her cock sucking and whimpered, "No. . . " I replied, "You just get back to cock sucking Gabriel. You have no say in how I decide to punish you. " She hestatied, then gave me a sad sounding, "Sí señor. " As she returned to her awesome, blow job.         I pressed my finger against her anus and pushed.

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   She was clenched tight, so I flicked my tongue across her clit and she sighed. I started licking her labia, then licked her clit with a circular motion. Her moan was muffled by the cock in her mouth, but I felt her anus loosen up. I slipped my finger in to the first knuckle. She gasped and clenched her ass again, but it was too late, I was already and in. I continued to lick and suck on that sweet-sweet little pussy, while forcing my finger deeper into her tight little ass. She alternated between moaning and grunting, as I teased her pussy with my tongue and twisted my finger, as I forced it up her ass. Soon the moans were out numbering the grunts, she was getting close to having an orgasm, with my finger up her ass. I had my finger all the way in, as far as I could get it, I twisted and pumped it. She orgasmed and she clamped down on my finger so hard I thought she would squeeze it right off. In addition to that she sucked very hard. I was already hard as a rock, but it felt like that suction was making me harder and bigger, it felt so wonderful. That and the gush of her nectar from her sweet juicy pussy, made me forget all about the finger that was getting crushed in her When her ass finally let go, my finger was nearly numb. I managed to slipped it out of that tight little hole. it felt a bit puffy and looked a bit purple, but I think it was going to be alright.

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   Out of the blue she started sliding her hips down my chest. Her wet pussy was leaving a shimmering trail of her nectar down my chest and stomach. At my hip she raised herself up and with one hand aimed my rigid cock at her tiny pussy and softly whispered, "Tan grande. " Then she began lowering herself down. I felt her vulva begin to part as I entered her, but it didn't part nearly enough. Her pussy felt almost hot against the head of my penis. She groaned and added a little more weight, to try and slowly work my engorged cock into her. My cock was as rigid as a steel rod from the BJ I just got, and I was ready for some serious fucking. So I said, "Aw, to hell with this!" and grabbed her hips. I pulled her down and buried my rock hard dick into that hot little Holy fuck, was she tight! I only got about 4 inches in with that thrust! She screamed like I was killing her or something. It actually turned me on. I rammed it in again. She was so hot and so tight in there, it was unbeliveable. I've never felt anything this tight. She tried to get off me, but it was a simple matter of knocking her feet out of the way and she lost balance and fell back on my dick, screaming as she impaled herself with the last couple inches.


          I had to pause for a second, my cock was in heaven. It was so warm and tight, I could not have imagined anything this good. She wailed, "Que está perjudicando a mí!" since she didn't say it in english and I didn't under spanish I ignored her, and started bouncing her light frame on my hips as she screamed and begged, "Parada por favor usted me está perjudicando!" Again If she'd spoke in enlish I might have considered what the was asking, but since I didn't understand She was obviously not expecting anything this rough, as she cried and wailed, as I bounced that awesome ass on my hips, still redhot from the spanking. However, it wasn't long before her painful cries started turning into pleasurable moans. I assumed she had managed to adjusted to my size, (without my gentle help this time) and was starting to enjoy it. Soon I didn't have to bounce her anymore. She took over and stared this incredible rocking motion with her hips, I just cried, "Oh baby! Go for it! That feels so good!" I'd had a couple of orgasms so even thought she was incredibly tight, and that rocking motion was driving me insane it was still going to take a while for me to get off. She was screaming things like, "Eres tan grande!" and "Usted me está dividiendo en dos!" I also heard that, "Caramelo madre de mary de Dios!" again. I had no idea what she was saying, but her sexy voice was still turning me on.         She cried out as another orgasm ripped through her and I remembered that tight anus as I saw it clenching, almost winking at me. As soon as her climax subsided I pushed her off me, my cock ripped out of that tight snatch with a loud POP!. She gasped and looked at me I told her, "My turn to be on top. " She understood and nodded, "Si, si, mi amor!" as she eagerly positioned her self to take my huge dick back into her streached out pussy. I grabbed her ankles and smiled. My cock was dripping with her slippery nectar as I raised her legs higher twisting her hips and exposing that tight puckered rosebud.

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   She softly sighed, over and over again, "Si, si, si. . . " That is until she felt the head on my cock pressed against the back door.         Her eyes flew wide open, and they looked quite sexy, as she cried, "No! No! Es demasiado grande!" Not english, so she couldn't have been talking to me, I just smiled and pushed. It was clenched so tight I didn't get anywhere. I raised her ankles above her head, folding her in half and giving me a better angle at her ass and I pushed harder. It was starting to get in, she cried, "No! No, por favor! por favor!" I pressed my lips to her ear and said, "You can make this easier by letting me in, or you can resist and it's gonna hurt alot worse. Either way, you are gonna get butt fucked tonight! Even if it takes all night!" I pinned her leg with my shoulder as I reached down and pinched one of those perky nipples, and twisted hard. She screamed and the head of my engorged penis forced it way into that tiny anus. The scream continued, but the pitch changed and it got louder.         She took a breath but continued to scream, as I forced my rigid cock deeper onto her ass. My cock was well lubricated with her juices, but her ass was so tight it was working like a squeege and taking it all off, so it was really hard working into her. I thought her pussy was impossibly tight, but this hole was even tighter. It wasn't as moist, but it was warmer.

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   It must've took 5 full minutes before I was finally worked my way, all the way in, that tight ass! She was getting hoarse from all the screaming and yelling. The little spanish that slipped out was incoherent, not that I would have understood it anyway. I just rested on her with my dick all the way up her ass. That took quite a bit out of me. Her screaming paused and we were both panting like a couple of dogs.         When I decided to resume fucking her ass, she decided to resume her screaming as well. I could hardly move in that TIGHT little hole, but I manged to get s slight stoking motion going. I raised myself up on my arms as I worked my cock in her ass. I got and idea.         I repositioned myself for better stroking and to free one of my hands. I slipped a finger up her pussy and started massaging her clit with my thumb. The pitch of her screaming changed. I managed to work a second finger into that tight pussy and there was a big change in her screaming now. They were definatly turning into cries of pleasure! Moments later she orgasmed. OH FUCK! Her anus clamped down hard on my cock! I thought she was going to squeeze my dick right off.

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   As much as it hurt, I liked it! It was turning me on even more. When she loosened up again it took about three tight short strokes before I blew my wad deep up her tight little ass.         Even soft, it was hard to extricate my limp dick from of that tight little ass, But I managed as she wimpered. I went to the bathroom to clean the shit smell off my dick. Behind the closed door I thought I'd better let her go. I figured I already humiliated her and punished her enough for breaking into my home, she probably hated me, I'd better really burgular proof my home to prevent her from bringing her freinds back and trying again. Once I had my dick smelling fresh and clean, I went back into the bedroom.         She was still naked, but lying on her stomach, rubbing that gorgeous round bottom. She looked at me and to my surprise she gave me the sweetest smile. I was a little stunned, but I managed to say, "I'm through with you. You're free to go now. " She just laid there and looked at me confused. As I put back on my boxers, I told her, "I'm through punishing you for breaking into my home. You're free to go now. " I waved my hand and explained, "You can leave.

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  " She looked like she was about to cry, as she slowly crawled off the bed, which kind of surprised me. She looked at me, like I just ran over her favorite puppy dog.         I laid back, and watched her get off the bed. She had and awesome body, it was incredible. I actually felt bad when she slipped up her jeans and covered those perfect legs. I felt a pang of remorse, as she winced pulling those jeans over her red ass. Suddenly, for no apparent reason I remembered her calling me "Mi amor. " I knew in that old Dean Martin song 'That's Amore' the word 'amore' was 'love' in Italian, and I was pretty sure the French word for love was very similar, did she call me "My Love"? Did she think we were in love? I watched her adjust those perfect round breasts, into the cups of that white bra, and decided I didn't want her to leave. I didn't currently have a girlfreind, and I could do a whole lot worsed than this Latino Beauty. Her dark skin, that long black hair. those sexy dark eyes and those sensuous lips. And that wasn't even taking into account her amazing body! Maravilloso, that's what she was, and I was about to fucked it all up.         I heard her sniff and I thought, maybe she doesn't want to go. I thought fast then as softly and sweetly as I could I told her, "You know when I told you, you were free to go I didn't mean you had to leave. " She paused her dressing for a second so I added, "If you wanted to stay, I wouldn't have a problem with that. 

  " She tuned and peeked at me through her long hair, I think she was trying to determine if I was serious or not. She'd been crying, she wiped her face with her hands, then looked up at me. I pulled back the covers a bit and said, "It can get cold at night all by yourself, we could keep each other warm. " She looked confused, maybe she liked it better when I was being dominant and telling her what to do. I took a chance and sternly told her, "Make up your mind, I don't have all night. Take off those clothes and get in bed with me, or get thr fuck out!" She smiled and took a deep breath then practically ripped out of her clothes as quickly as she could, she even fell on her ass trying to get those tight jeans off. I smiled slightly, I had her. She was hot, sexy, and great in bed, and she wanted me to dominate her. How lucky could I get!        She quickly climbed into bed with me cuddling in close and rested her head on my chest. I said, "I need to kiss you first. " She looked up smiling and said, "Sí mi amor. " I told her, "Thomas. " she looked at me I explained, "My name. . .

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   my nombre. . . Thomas. " she nodded, "Si Thomas. " I kissed her sweetly and softly, without any tongue, and she kissed me back the same way. Then she laid her head on my chest and let out a contented sigh and softly whispered, "Thomas, mi amor. " I reached, back turned off the light. I felt her hand move down into my boxers, then her fingers wrapped around my limp penis. She started stroking and I stopped her. I said, "No. I have work to do tomorrow. I have to finish my security system and change the latches on all my windows. " She started to let go of my cock, I told her, "No. Leave your hand there, just hold it.

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  " She nodded and left her hand aound my dick and replied, "Si                                                                       THE END I'm looking at this as Chapter 1. Let me know if you like it. I'm already formulating a continuing saga in my mind, but I'm thinking the next few chapters should probably go under the bondage catagory. Then if those go well the following chapters should probably go under the Taboo category when Thomas meets Gabriel's younger sister Mariel. Please give me feedback should I continue, or does this story have no hope?



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