
The Prisoner


Her new "room mate" was snoring rhythmically on the lower bunk, but as Hallie tried climbing into the upper berth, she accidentally bumped Big Donna Price who immediately woke up!!! "Hey, you dumb bitch, can't you see that I was sleeping," Big Donna said in a nasty voice, "I oughta just beat the shit out of you for fucking drills, and I would if I weren't so fucking tired!!!" "I-I'm sorry," Hallie stammered, "I didn't mean to wake you up, it won't happen again!!!" "It won't happen again," Big Donna said while mimicking Hallie's voice, "now that you got me wide awake, let's see what ya look like, bitch!!!" All of a sudden feeling like she was on display, Hallie turned away to avoid making eye contact with the fat convict, but much to her surprise and terror, Big Donna grabbed her by the arm and spun her around hard, forcing her to stand still directly in front of her!!! After giving Hallie a quick once over she said softly, "Not bad, not bad at all, you're lucky ya know, you coulda gotten stuck with any piece of shit this hole has to offer, but you got me instead!!!" Not knowing what to say, Hallie stood there quivering, while still being held firmly in place by the strong hand of Big Donna Price!!!"I got a question for ya, bitch," Big Donna asked softly, "have you ever sucked a pussy!?!" Hallie's head began to spin when she realized for the first time what she was in for, but she managed to reply softly, "No, never, and I never will!!!" "And I never will," Big Donna mimicked again, "you will, and you'll fucking like it, got it!?!" Hallie tried pulling away from her tormentor, but much to her horror, big Donna easily held her in her tight grasp, and at the same time, the fat bitch pulled down her panties and with a hard pull, forced Hallie to her knees only inches from the most disgusting pussy she had ever seen!!! "Now my little cunt lapper," Donna said in false sweetness, "it's time to pay the piper, and if you know what's good for you, you'll do a good job on my wet pussy!!!" As the acrid aroma of stale urine filled her nostrils, Big Donna Price grabbed Hallie by the back of the neck and jammed her mouth directly into her fat wet hair pie!!! Fighting back tears and vomit, Hallie was now being forced to perform oral sex to the most sadistic piece of crap she had ever met, but there was little if anything she could do about it!!!The next few days practically flew by while Hallie learned the regimented routine of prison life!!! The warden had assigned her to housekeeping duty, so it was her responsibility to keep the rest and shower room facilities clean, not an enviable task when you were cleaning up after five hundred cons!!! The nights however, didn't pass so easily as she was constantly being sexually abused by Big Donna Price, with most of her time being spent with her mouth attached to the big dykes never satisfied pussy!!! Hallie wondered if she would ever get to use her own bunk because big Donna's smelly cunt was becoming her personal pillow, and while up until now, Big Donna hadn't taken any interest in her pussy, she knew that could change at any time, and she could end up being brutally assaulted!!! On her third day in the slam, when she and the other prisoners were returning to their cells following their evening meal, a voice over the loud speaker intoned evenly, "All inmates in C block levels two and three proceed to the shower rooms immediately!!!" "We're gonna get to take a shower," Hallie asked big Donna!?! "Fuck no, you dumb little cunt, "we're going shopping, of course we're taking a shower, bitch, use your fucking head, two showers a week, Sunday and Thursday evenings!!!" "Oh, I was just wondering, that's all" Hallie replied while she and Big Donna fell into line and marched off to the shower room!!! "Well don't wonder too much, cunt," Big Donna whispered, "it can be bad for your health!!!" Hallie shrugged her shoulders, and the two of them walked in silence the rest of the way to the showers!!!The women moved like a long line of ants into the changing area, where out of nowhere, three very pretty cons appear as if by magic around Big Donna and began helping her remove her prison issue!!! Several other bull dykes were wearing strapons, and much to Hallie's horror, one new cute cons was being forcibly fucked right on the shower room floor, while everyone else acted as if there nothing was out of the ordinary!!! The poor girl was screaming in pain while the big dyke slammed the thick latex monster in and out of her like a jack hammer breaking up concrete!!! Hallie's eyes were glued to the couple, much like gapers on the highway checking out an accident, so she didn't even notice when two of Big Donna's young pussies grabbed her by the arm and dragged her over in front of the huge dyke!!!"What are you doing," Hallie shrieked in horror, while knowing all along exactly what was happening to her!!! "I'm gonna break your cherry," Big Donna said evenly while advancing upon her trapped quarry, "now don't struggle, cunt, it'll only hurt worse if you do!!!" While certainly not a virgin, never in her life had Hallie been violated by such an incredibly large object, whether it was a live penis or a rubber dildo!!! "P-please, Donna," she begged weakly as the big dyke climbed on top of her, "don't do this to me, you can't, please, nooooooooo!!!" The big dyke just laughed evilly, and without even a hint of a warning, slammed the huge hammer deep into Hallie's unprepared pussy!!! "Oweeeeeeee," Hallie screamed as the thick latex cock brutally impaled her, "i-it hurts so badly, ohhhhh, no, please don't," but it was too late for pleading, so all she could do was grit her teeth and ride out the storm!!! Big Donna's three cute attendants were letting their hands roam freely all over both Donna and Hallie, and as repulsed as she was by it all, incredibly, as the assault on her box continued, the unmistakable onset of an orgasm began developing deep inside her tummy!!By now a crowd of cheering woman had formed a circle around them, and while she tried controlling her emotions, it was becoming increasingly apparent that Hallie was even more turned on than was Big Donna Price, and as much as she tried holding back, she finally gave in to her desires and in a low moaning voice begged, "O-oh please, fuck me, fuck me harder you pig slut dog!!!" Now while there were many things that Hallie could have called called big Donna Price, a pig slut dog was not a wise choice, as Big Donna turned the big rubber pecker into a vicious battering ram!!! The crowd was now cheering and screaming encouragement to big Donna to fuck the little slut into the ground, but what they hadn't figured on, was that Hallie, while small in stature, had and almost insatiable desire burning in her loins!!! "Come on you piece of shit," Hallie urged, "is that all you've got, cunt, I could get better fucks from a ten year old!!!" The derision spewing from the young woman's mouth was enough to drive her crazy, and as much as she hated to admit it, if this little slut out fucked her, she'd lose more than a little respect in the pecking order of the prison hierarchy!!!Both women were now completely out of control as they drove their genitals together in what can only be described as murderous fury!!! With jets of hot water pelting down on them, both the pussy of Big Donna Price and Hallie Gentry were going off the Richter Scale as thunderous orgasms convulsed through their spasming organs, leaving both of them in a shell shocked heap on the shower room floor!!! Cheers for both women echoed off the cement block walls, until a bevy of guards entered the shower area and hustled every one back to their cells!!!Back in Cell-81, Big Donna looked at Hallie with a new found respect and while offering her hand said, "Ya know, Gentry, you're all right, you got guts and heart, I think we're gonna get along just fine!!!" Taking Big Donna's huge hand into her own, Hallie replied firmly, "I think so too, but next time I get to wear the strapon!!!"THE END



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