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Please get a private apartment for incall :)
I'd love to see this girl in Ankara but a request to agency please get a private apartment for incall. Because the price is a bit much and with hotel fee it's discouraging. I'd rather pay the girl than to pay the hotel.
NINA VK: My dear here is no options for "private incall", you can book 4*-5* hotel pay for girl price per 1h or per 2h for outcall +taxi fee in both way, than girl will come to your hotel for outcall if you dont wish viset girl in her hotel for incall
Come to ankara please
Please come to ankara ^^
It seems as if they forgot to change prices for Ankara. 250 might be ok for Istanbul standards but it's a bit pricey for people here.
SUNNY VK: we are not forgot change price Darling, ours price same for all turkey.
if you need lower price you can use local turkish girls of your gf
Hope to see her in Ankara soon
ANY VK: so sorry, she soon will come back to her country, so she will not come to Ankara, if you wish see Any, you need come to Istanbul asap
Please come to ankara babe
Please come to ankara
Please come to Ankara :)
Lady Di: Thank you, my Darling for your invitation in this time i am in Turkey for short vacation, but in next my trip i will come to Ankara fir sure💋
Giden yok mu? hiç yorum olmaması garip geliyor bu kadar güzel biri için