Topic: usochaper1For those of you familiar with "To Take A Thief" I'm back. This is the first of my latest series. I wasn't sure which category to put it in since there is no Sci-Fi category, so I stuck it in "Others". Sorry no sex, (In THIS chapter) but this is a necessary build up, set the whole story up, and starts it in motion. Go ahead and read it, I love this story, and I wrote it. I have many chapters written, so let me know if I should start posting them. I'm kind of proud of this story.
U. S. O. - Chapter I Shadows jumped and darted around in a hypnotic dance, in the trees, as the flames of the campfire slowly died into embers. I could stir the embers and get the flame going again, but it was getting late, and I was tired, so I'd decided I was going to let it die out. This particular campsite was popular and well known among local hikers, the ground was worn down and bare, so there was little danger of my small dying campfire setting off a wildfire. I rolled over in my sleeping bag and looked up at the stars. Somehow they didn't look as bright as they did the last time I was up here. It was almost like that was another lifetime.
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Amazing how one simple phrase could change your life so much. Six little words, and my whole life came crashing down. Maybe she did me a favor, I was feeling a little rushed. Did I really want to propose in the first place? It was more like her decision, and I was just along for the ride. Still, why did she have to wait until the last minute? Just a week before the wedding. . . . . Without the slightest warning, a sudden roar tore apart the quiet stillness of the evening. I almost jumped out of my skin. I even felt the heat from the blaze, as it streaked across the sky just over my head. A split second later I heard the crash in the distance when it hit. It took me a few minutes to realize what had happened. I laughed to get my heartbeat back into control, the adrenaline rush had it beating about 18 times it's normal speed.
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I took another deep breath and got up out of my sleeping bag. I looked off into the distance, I couldn't see anything anymore. All the remained was a faint smell of smoke. It was a real shallow trajectory, almost horizontal. Never seen or heard of a meteor coming down at such a low angle. And the smoke, it smelled almost like a cross between some sort of plastic, and burnt snake meat. Is that what meteors smell like? I'd never witnessed one before, so I didn't know. It seemed weird? I wanted to take a look at that meteor, maybe get a piece of it as a souvenir. Imagine having a rock from outer space. A piece of something from another part of the solar system. That would be so awesome! At that low angle trajectory, it had to land, I figured, probably 5 miles away. I pulled out a compass and noted the direction. Just 5 degrees to the south of due east. Pretty treacherous terrain, not the kind of hike that's safely navigated at night. Especially on a moonless night like tonight.
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I'd have to wait until morning. I got back into my sleeping bag, and tried to relax. The adrenaline still had my heart beating at two or three times it's normal speed. At least it gave me something else to think about. I soon calmed down enough to doze off to I woke up bright and early the next morning, and the embers of the fire were too cold for coffee so I skipped it and had a quick meal of jerky and dried fruit before packing up my campsite and heading off 5 degrees south of due east. I knew with that terrain, heading in a straight line would be impossible. I hoped the impact caused enough damage to be visible from a distance. Still, I intended to go as straight as I could. I would have been helpful if I could have followed the sun, but clouds rolled in overnight, so it was an overcast morning. I couldn't see the sun. I quickly realized my decision to wait until morning was a wise one. I probably would have injured myself trying to navigate this route in the dark. I had to take extra care to not to hurt myself in broad daylight. Besides, I was constantly checking my route and adjusting my trajectory. It was coming up on 10:00 AM and figured I'd traveled at least six miles, but I'd seen no signs of the meteor.
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I sat down and sighed, what chance did I really have of finding it? This area was heavily wooded, and unless it started a brush fire, I'd never locate it. At the low trajectory, I hoped it would have cut some sort of path of damage, and I could pick that up and follow it. But it probably wasn't a very wide path so my angle of approach didn't help my chances of running into it. I decided to head up the mountain. Maybe from a higher vantage point I could see the damage, and locate where it had landed. I headed due east straight towards Moon Lake Mountain. Moon Lake Mountain, was really a dormant volcano. Inside the crater, a crescent moon shaped area had filled with water forming a lake. From the rim of the crater, the crescent moon shape was undeniable. That's where the mountain got it's name. Originally Crescent Moon Lake Mountain, the name was shortened over time, dropping the 'Crescent'. Although some of the old timer's still called it by it's full name. Of course the lake itself, kept full by ample snowfall in the winter, was called Crescent Moon Lake, or just Moon Lake. Now the fact that it was created by the melting snow that fell in the crater over the winter, made the lake icy cold. I liked the way it made Kimmie's nipples hard whenever I tossed her, (naked) into the frigid waters.
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I shook those memories from my mind. As I made my way up the gentle slope that was the south face of the mountain. Suddenly something made me stop. It was a faint smell, I wasn't even sure if I smelled it. It was the smell of burning plastic, and snake meat. I paused and inhaled deeply, I didn't smell it anymore. Did I actually smell it in the first place? I wasn't sure, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. I started to move again and paused, there it was again! Okay, I didn't imagine it this time, the meteor was nearby. I waited and felt it, a faint breeze, from the northwest. It wasn't constant, but it was what carried the scent. I headed into the breeze. I must have passed by to the south of it. I smiled and looked up into the trees for some sign of the damage the meteor caused. The smell was getting stronger, I was on the right track. It wasn't carried by the breeze anymore, it was hanging in the air.
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I saw some twisted and broken branches high in the trees, up ahead. An adrenaline surge made me rush through the trees until I was right below the damaged branches. Looking east I could see the path the meteor cut through the trees, but I couldn't see where it landed. However, the smell was unmistakable, and following this path was going to be no problem. The prospect was getting me excited. This was so cool, an actual meteor, from outer space. Who knew how many millions of years old it was, or the billions of miles it may have traveled, what planets it may have passed, what solar systems it may have gone through, and now here it was on earth. I was pretty sure any dangerous space microbes would have burned up during it's flaming trip through the atmosphere. The smell grew stronger as I made my way along the path it cut through the trees. The damage was appearing lower, a tree, almost directly in the path, was even knocked over from the force. This rock must be pretty big, I'd have to let my Uncle Jim know about it. My Uncle ran the local newspaper. I wished I'd taken the time to bring my camera along on this trip. The closer I got, the stronger the smell got, and the faster my heart beat. I could now see a mound of dirt, and something half buried? I drew closer, the light must be playing tricks on my eyes, it looked like it was smooth and round, not the rocky form I was expecting to see.
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As I got closer I realized it didn't just look smooth, it WAS smooth. Was that normal? I wasn't sure, I'd always imagined meteors, the way Hollywood depicted them, as big rough shaped chunks. Maybe this one was composed of metal and smoothed out during it's superheated trip through the atmosphere. I passed through the brush and stood looking at an object, the I originally believed, no other human eye had ever seen before, but now I wasn't so sure. I was confused and unsure of that now. It was smooth alright, and it appeared semi-transparent. It must be man made, which explained the plastic-like smell. It must have been some sort of satellite that fell out of orbit. Maybe that was why the trajectory was so shallow. I sighed! Okay so no meteor, but this was still pretty cool. Some satellite that fell out of orbit. I walked closer and wondered if it was nuclear powered, since I saw no signs of solar panels. I'd heard the military uses nuclear power quite often in their high powered spy satellites. Was this a top secret military spy satellite. I nervously looked around, half expecting a dozen or so special forces guys, dressed in black, to come running through the trees towards me.
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But I'd heard no helicopters or planes, and it was almost noon. Surely if it were dangerous, or top secret, the military would have been tracking it. Heck they'd be all over it by now. I sighed. Just some communications satellite probably, or maybe a research satellite. I heard they'd launched some smooth reflective satellites to bounce lasers off of to detect anomalies in the earth's gravity field. Was this one of them? It sure fit the bill, and that would mean it wasn't nuclear powered, in fact it wouldn't be powered at all, so no solar panels. I smiled and thought, that would be one heck of a gravitational anomaly, knocked it right out of orbit! I walked closer, it appeared to be semi transparent, not reflective. I took off my backpack and dug out my flashlight. I shined it on the smooth round globe. It wasn't reflective at all, in fact the surface seemed to absorb the light from my flashlight. I slapped my forehead, of course it wouldn't be reflective anymore! All the reflective material would have burned off in re-entry! I shook my head and walked up to it. I touched it without really thinking about it and pulled back. It felt soft! I'd expected a hard, rigid surface, as I tentatively touched it again with just a finger and found I could easily dent the surface. It was almost like jello! Not hard or rigid in any way.
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I pushed at it, the surface didn't seen to be penetrable. Almost like a balloon filled with jello, but it had no discernible 'skin'. I ran my palm along the surface, then pressed it in. My hand easily pushed into it, but left no indentation when I removed it. It still had a round shape. After an impact like it took last night, it had to have some kind of rigid framework inside. I walked around the object as I ran my hand along the surface. I stopped dead in my tracks. The meteor had slammed into the inclined ground at that almost horizontal angle and dug a trench, and pushed up a mound of dirt behind it. But the other side wasn't buried, there was almost 3 feet of space between the mound of dirt and the object. The mound was also higher and wider than the object. I knew it was hot during re-entry, I felt the heat as it passed over my head, so it should get smaller as it cooled off, but SIX FEET SMALLER? The entire diameter wasn't more than eight feet, but the size of the trench and the mound was undeniable. It had to be fourteen, maybe fifteen feet, in diameter when it hit the ground and made this trench. I wondered, what if it's pliable surface allowed it to flex to soften it's landing? That had to be it, it didn't jive with perfectly convex shape of the indentation of the mound of dirt, but it made more sense than the thing shrinking from fifteen feet to less than eight feet, just by cooling off.
I paused and felt the side with both hands and spoke out loud to myself, "I don't know what the hell this thing is made of, so maybe it did shrink to half of it's size, just by cooling off.
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" I continued my walk around the sphere. The leading edge appeared to be firmer, crusted, almost cooked, as if this side alone bore the brunt of the re-entry. It didn't rotate. GYROSCOPES! But if it had gyroscopes that would mean it had to have power. Since the sphere showed no signs of solar panels, I was back to the nuclear powered theory. Then why isn't the government all over this thing by now? They had to be tracking it. I pause as I realized, they would be tracking it, if it was a U. S. satellite. This might be a Soviet satellite, left up there from the Cold War. The surface absorbed the light from my flashlight, maybe it could absorb radar too, so we couldn't track it. If this was some sort of Soviet spy satellite, what was it made of, to survive re-entry like that. Even Sky-Lab and Muir broke up and mostly disintegrated on re-entry. I looked around again for the black-clad, special forces guys, as I listened for helicopters. Surely they would have been all over this by now, even if it wasn't U.
S. built. There was an Air Force base less than 100 miles away. This was puzzling? I continued to feel the ball, it was almost like those big, round, elementary school, playground balls, except with a spongier, squishier surface. I felt up the side, about six feet up, my fingers disappeared into the ball. I yanked them back! It felt wet, and slimy, but my fingers were dry. I felt around some more. About 6 feet up, on the 'back side' of the ball, there seemed to be a place where the soft form faded away, and your fingers went inside! I can't explain it in any other way. It felt cold wet and slimy when your fingers were in there, but when you pulled them out, they would be perfectly dry. I licked my fingers to get them wet, then slipped them inside. When I pulled them back out, they still had my saliva on them. It was like nothing had happened, The place on the back side of this ball, seemed to be maybe 12 inches wide where my fingers, could penetrate the surface. Upon further investigation, I found it appeared to be an arch, possibly a circle. I paused, and thought out loud, "What in the world is this thing made of?" then it hit me and I cried out loud, "Holy Shit! This is a UFO! An honest to gawd, real live, freakin' alien spaceship!" I stumbled as I backed away from it, falling on my butt. I sat there wondering what to do, how to proceed.
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. . I froze, were the aliens still inside? It didn't appear to be a controlled entry, maybe it crashed? Were there survivors, or maybe it was an unmanned probe. OR maybe they had a way to counter gravity inside the sphere and they didn't even feel a bump when they landed, then there would be no need for a controlled landing. Maybe to them, this WAS a controlled landing, after all, it was a very shallow trajectory. First thing was to determine if they were still inside. I called, "Hello! Anybody there? Do you come in peace?" It didn't look like a warship, no discernible weapons. It was a smooth squishy round ball, no discernible anything! I called out again, "Hello? Where do you come from? Do you speak English? Do you know our language? Hello? HELLO!?!" Suddenly I felt a little foolish, talking to a ball in the middle of the forest. And I laughed to myself. I remembered where my fingers penetrated the ball. If they left, they left the door open. I was overcome by curiosity, I had to get a look inside! I felt around for the 'door', it appeared to be a semi circle at least as far as I could reach. If it was round, it would likely be about 18 inches, more than enough room for me to slip through. I couldn't get a grip though. The soft side just seemed to fade away, there was nothing to get a grip on.
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I sighed and looked up. The crater it made, went up the back, maybe I could jump on top and get in from above. I took a drink from my canteen, then got out my rope and went around the pile of dirt this craft had made upon landing. I found a partially uprooted tree and tied the rope to it, the other end I tied around my waist. I carefully walked to the top of the mound and gathering in the slack. I carefully jumped down on top of this "alien spacecraft". It felt soft as I landed, light as a feather. I turned sideways and stepped cautiously, feeling with my foot for that soft slimy 'opening' that I felt from below. I couldn't find it, but it should be there. I must not be round like I thought, and it must be much smaller than I figured. I decided I would sit down and slide down to where that opening was. I put my hand down and it passed through the soft slimy sphere, with no resistance. I lost my balance and fell on my side, my arm disappearing into the sphere. Nothing but my arm went in, I rolled over and tried to get myself up, but my other arm went in just as easily and my face went in as well. I panicked and tried to roll out of it and fell off the sphere and landed on the ground with a thud.
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I rubbed my side where I landed. It had felt wet, and slimy, but I looked at my hands and arms, they were perfectly dry. I smelled them, but smelled nothing. What the hell was this? I had been standing right there, in the same place where my arms and face went through!?! Puzzled I headed back around the sphere, back up to the top, and again I jumped down on the surface. I got down on my hands and knees and easily found the 'hatch'. It WAS round and almost the 18 inches I figured it to be, I could fit through that. I turned around and backed my legs to the opening, my feet didn't go in. I reached up and my hand went in easily? What the hell!?! I sat down on what I was sure to be the 'opening'. Strange, I could put my hands into it, but as I sat directly over it, it just felt, soft and squishy beneath me. I shifted around and tried to put my arm all the way in again, and did it with no problem, and it came right back out. I remembered my face went in before, I tentatively tried again. My face went in but I was afraid to open my eyes in the slime. I pulled my head out and reached in again. It seemed as if the slime ended about 3 or 4 inches deep. I repositioned myself and took a deep breath.
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My head went but stopped at the shoulders. I got a look inside and saw, OUTSIDE! I pulled my head back! I paused then positioned myself for another look. I stuck my head in and opened my eyes. From the inside it appeared to be completely transparent. I put a hand in and felt for the walls. They felt much like the outside, but had indentations, or holes in the walls every so often. I also felt an attraction to it, as if it had a gravitational pull. I looked out and saw the sleeve of my short sleeve shirt bunched up around my shoulder. DAMN! Revelation! Could it be that easy? I pulled myself out of the sphere and pulled off my shirt. I easily slipped into the sphere, up to my waist where my pants stopped me. That was it! My body could pass through but my clothes couldn't. That would mean the aliens didn't wear any clothes. . . I briefly pictured a green slave girl from Star Trek running naked through the forest, but quickly dismissed that thought, as I tried to picture a being that wouldn't need clothes, and came up with an image of a Wookie from Star Wars, only much smaller.
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Naked Ewoks? I saw the craft wasn't completely transparent. Almost at the bottom, maybe a little to the front, it, had a smooth flat 'floor'. It looked like gold, solid gold, but I couldn't reach it. I was still holding my breath, but realized if the aliens were here, breathing our air, it was probably likely I could breath theirs. Wrong, I got dizzy, it didn't seem like there was enough air in there or enough oxygen to survive. Using my pants for leverage, I quickly pulled myself out of there. I gasped a couple times to get some fresh air into my lungs. Maybe they breathe nitrogen, since out atmosphere was mostly nitrogen, this would be a good place for them. For some reason I felt a little uneasy. Of course I just discovered and alien spacecraft, but it was more than that. I nervously looked around for the aliens. Would they be upset if they came back and found me checking out their ship? No way of knowing, but this was just too good an opportunity for me to pass up. I stood up on the top of the ball looking around. Nope, nothing moving for as far as I could see. Good, for now.
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I untied the rope from around my waist, then took off my shoes and socks, and told myself this was no different than skinny dipping in the river or in the chilly waters of Crescent Moon Lake. I slipped off my jeans then my boxers. The craft felt weird against my butt as I sat on it. The rope was still hanging down nearby and I reached out for it. I went to put down my hand for support, momentarily forgetting that the 'hatch' was right about there. My hand didn't support me, it passed right through the craft, I lost my balance and fell inside. I didn't actually fall inside, it was more like I rolled inside. I was just inside, now lying on my back directly below where I was sitting on the outside, a moment ago. I sat up on the ceiling of the craft, and it felt like gravity holding me there. As I looked through the transparent walls of the ship, it was a bit disorienting. I was upside down, but I felt right-side up. I tried to move around a little bit and found out I was able to crawl around the spacecraft, on the walls. It was like gravity had no effect on me in there. The walls seemed to have a gravity all their own. I stood up and ran sideways around the sphere.
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I felt like one of those circus acts where the guys ride motorcycles inside those big steel balls. I remembered I couldn't breath in there and quickly moved back to the hatch, and stuck my head out. I was amazed at how it felt wet and slimy, while I passed through, but once I was through I was perfectly dry. I still had that uneasy feeling, almost like something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked around for signs of any beings that might consider themselves the owners of this craft. This had to be a transport of some kind. A probe would have sensors and equipment inside. This had a big empty compartment, and it was transparent, from the inside, like a big window. I tried to imagine what it was like watching from the inside as this ball hurled through the atmosphere at breakneck speed, with hot plasma engulfing the leading edge, cooking it. I shook my head, took a deep breath and slipped back inside. I walked down the side to the 'floor'. I bent down to touch it. I was startled to find it was a liquid, as my finger dipped into it. But no ripples appeared when my finger touch the surface. I needed a drink of water! I'm not sure why but I felt like I hadn't had a drink in forever! I was really thirsty, literally parched! I NEEDED some water, and NOW.
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I hurried up the wall and managed to crawl out of the lower side of the 'hatch'. Then I used the earth's gravity to literally fall out of the alien spacecraft. I stood up and brushed off the dirt, then headed for my pack. I reached for my canteen. As I unscrewed the cap I paused, noticing that I really wasn't thirsty at all. I felt fine. I stood there, dazed and confused. I shook my head, just a moment ago I felt like if I didn't get some water, and quickly I would discontinue normal functions.
Discontinue normal functions? What the hell did that mean? But that was the thought in my head. I closed the canteen and turned looking at the alien spaceship, scratching my head. I didn't understand and of course felt a little trepidation, but this new development also peaked my curiosity. I headed back around the mound, and jumped down on top of the ship. I took a deep breath and climbed through the 'hatch'. I paused, I didn't feel thirsty. No feeling that I would 'discontinue normal functions' if I didn't get water right away, But I did feel that uneasy feeling that something wasn't quite right.
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And it wasn't because I was standing upside down in an alien spaceship. I noticed the gold floor again and remembered it was when I touched that was when I felt the thirst. I stuck my head out for another breath of air, then carefully crawled around to the bottom of the sphere. I touched the golden liquid. THIRST! Desperate THIRST! I NEEDED water or I would DISCONTINUE NORMAL FUNCTIONS! I yanked my finger back and the thirst, the desperate need for water quickly passed. I returned to normal in seconds, that is except for that uneasy feeling. I pondered the golden puddle for a minute then, I realized I needed some air and went back to the hatch for a breath. That was strange. Some sort of thought control device? But for what purpose? To make someone desperately thirsty? Maybe that was the last thought of the aliens! Maybe it was some type of thought recorder, like a log or something. Maybe they left their ship to find water. Would they head to the river or Crescent Moon Lake? The river was closer, but they would have passed me on the way. Of course I almost missed the ship, I could have missed them just as easily. They might not have the same light requirements we have, or they may have had some type of flashlight, they could have passed my camp while I was still fast asleep. Should I try to find them. But which way did they go? I needed more information.
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Maybe I could get more from the golden liquid thought recorder device? I went back to the hatch for another breath and went back in. I quickly walked around the inside of the ship, I was getting used to this, and touched the golden liquid again. Thirst, that same desperate thirst! I desperately NEEDED water or I would discontinue normal functions! I didn't know how to work this thing, so I just thought, 'I need more information. " Instantly my mind was filled with vivid images of lakes, oceans, waterfalls, rivers, streams. . . . an endless onslaught of water images, and all from a birds eye view. I thought of my canteen, and one huge, incredibly vivid image appeared in my mind, my canteen. The image of the canteen opened and the water poured out. I pulled my finger back, the image in my mind lost it's vivid quality but remained in the forefront of my mind. I had a revelation! Maybe the ship was powered by water! The aliens went to get water to fuel their ship! This, liquid thought device, was the ship's control panel, it was controlled by thought. It was telling me it was almost out of fuel and would 'discontinue normal functions' if it didn't get some soon. I needed to breathe, I started to head for the hatch, when the image of my canteen returned to the original vivid state. I looked down and saw a slender golden appendage had risen from the gold liquid and touched my finger! Interesting! Did the ship take it upon itself to communicate with me? I needed air and suddenly felt a cooling breeze wash over me.
I pulled my hand back away from the appendage. Something was different, the atmosphere inside the sphere felt different, cooler, less stagnant. I cautiously exhaled and took a breath, ready to bolt for the hatch. It smelled good, fresh, like outside. I could now breathe inside the spacecraft. I bent back down to the liquid, the appendage was gone, so I touched the liquid. There were no images, there was barely anything at all, just a feeling that it had given me what I needed, now it wanted water from me. It had expended a good part of the energy it had left, exchanging the atmosphere in the craft and was about to discontinue normal functions. And one other feeling, an unsettling feeling of despair. I hurried, tumbling out of the ship in the same way I did before. I snatched up the canteen and dashed around the mound of dirt, I jumped down on top of the craft and hopped into the hatch feet first. As I tumbled into the side of the ship, the canteen was ripped from my hands as it couldn't pass through the hatch. As I fell, my hand fell into the golden liquid. It had lost much of its shimmer and I got no thoughts, no images. I rushed back out and jumped down retrieving the canteen.
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Rushing back on top of the ship, I paused to try and figure out how I was going to get the water into the ship. I had a silly idea, but it might be the only way. I slipped my lower body in and took a mouthful of water. I put my head in and spit the water out in a spray towards the gold liquid. It hit the gold liquid, but there was no splash, no ripple, no nothing. The water just seemed to instantly merge with the golden fluid, and the fluid seemed unchanged except for a slight glimmer where the water merged into it. I took another mouthful and spit that into the liquid, with similar results, except the shimmer was slowly spread out a little bit. This was going to take forever, I wondered if her could pour water through the hatch. I tried it slowly pouring it out and the water disappeared into the hatch like it wasn't even there. No splash no resistance, like pouring it through thin air. I looked inside and the water was running down the curved wall, to the golden fluid. When it touched the fluid it began to shimmer around where the water merged with it. Slowly the gold started creeping up the wall. It was following the trickle of water, taking the shape of the trickle as it went and absorbing it. I stuck my head out as the golden liquid came out of the ship and followed the stream of water right into the canteen, a second later the canteen was empty.
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The golden liquid retreated back into the space vehicle. There wasn't even one drop dripping out of the canteen. I stuck a finger inside and the thing was bone dry, it had absorbed every drop out of that canteen. I went back inside and said, "That ought to allow you to continue normal functions. Now let's see what you can tell me about your pilot, or pilots. " The golden liquid was now in a pool near the 'hatch', just across from me. I reached out and touched the tranquil shimmering pool. Thirst! It was still desperate for water! I pulled my finger back and sighed, "This ship sure is greedy. " I climbed out and jumped down, I was getting better at this. I pulled my other canteen out and climbed back up on top of the ship. I just stood there and poured the water through the 'hatch'. As expected the gold fluid, came up through the hatch, following the stream, and drained the rest of the canteen instantly. I reached out and touched goldie, before it retreated back inside. It was still thirsty, it needed more water. But there was something more here, something I couldn't explain.
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It was like, a consciousness! The golden liquid WAS what controlled the ship, but it WASN'T the control panel. IT WAS THE PILOT! This thing I was communicating with was a sentient life form! It was the aliens being who this spacecraft belonged to! This was incredible! An alien being, and it was totally liquid. An intelligent, sentient fluid. I now understood that 'DISCONTINUING NORMAL FUNCTIONS' was forever, and what we call DEATH. It was real close to that right now. My canteens had barely brought it back from the very brink of death. I scrambled off the sphere and dropped to the ground. I opened the bottom of my backpack and pulled out the two liter bottle of cooking water. I hadn't made any coffee this morning, so it was very nearly full, I hadn't used that much to prepare dinner last night. I hurried back up the mound and jumped back on top of the ship. I started dumping the contents of the plastic container into the hatch. This time I saw the gold fluid when it reached the neck of the container and expanded merging with all the water in the container then shrinking back. I reached out and touched the alien and it communicated that it needed more water. I tried to make it understand that I didn't have any more, but I could go back to the river and get another four liters in my canteens and cooking container. The being needed water desperately.
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I calculated how long it would take to get to the river, more than a day, but if I went back the way I came, the trail was well used, easily navigated in the dark. If I didn't sleep, I could be back up here by this time tomorrow with another 4 liters. The alien-being some how conveyed I would 'discontinue normal functions' long before my return, It was severely weakened and probably would only last another quarter rotation of this planet. I thought, a quarter rotation? A full rotation would be 24 hours so a quarter rotation. . . that's only six hours! It would take me more than twice that just to get back to the river, and Crescent Moon Lake was even farther and uphill. I slumped down as the alien slipped back into the ship. Here I was, in the presence of what appeared to be a highly intelligent, alien being. First contact with an extra-terrestrial race capable of interplanetary travel. On a planet who's surface is 75% covered with water, it's going to die of THIRST! How ironic is that? Shit! I had to stop and think. I started to formulate a plan. I had a rain jacket tucked away in my backpack, just in case. I could use my roll of Emergency Duct Tape to seal it off. I could fashion the sleeves into makeshift straps and use it like a backpack.
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Maybe I could carry the alien to the river before it discontinued normal functions. I slipped inside the ship. the alien reached out to me as I reached out to it. I thought about my plan, and as I expected, the alien read my mind. The alien indicated it could not survive the journey. I insisted we at least give it a try, it was better than sitting here and dying. I let it know I'd get ready and be back when we're be ready to leave. I quickly got dressed and pulled out the rain slicker and the Duct Tape. I zipped up the nylon zipper and hoped it was water-tight, or should I say, alien-tight. I closed the neck with Duct Tape and tied the sleeves to the drawstring at the waist giving me my straps. I climbed up on top of the ship and stuck my head inside, Goldie was still on the side, near the hatch. I touch it and it communicated it's opinion of this futile attempt, I communicated the human capacity for hope in the face of adversity, as the alien 'poured' itself into the rain jacket. I got the slicker on my back and using the rope that was still hanging around, I slid down to the ground. The alien was a bit heavier than the 4 liters I poured into it, I wondered what the rest of it was made of. I picked up the two empty canteens and realized I was going to have to try and make a 12 to 18 hour journey in just six hours without any water.
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I sighed, "The human capacity for hope beyond all odds. " At least I wouldn't have to do it without food. I grabbed a pack of beef jerky, a few packs of raisins, and stuffed them in my pocket. I clipped the empty canteens to my belt and headed off. At least it was downhill most of the way.