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Comentarii (7)
I'd love to see this girl in Ankara but a request to agency please get a private apartment for incall. Because the price is a bit much and with hotel fee it's discouraging. I'd rather pay the girl than to pay the hotel.
NINA VK: My dear here is no options for "private incall", you can book 4*-5* hotel pay for girl price per 1h or per 2h for outcall +taxi fee in both way, than girl will come to your hotel for outcall if you dont wish viset girl in her hotel for incall
come to İZMİR soon please.😍😍😍
NINA VK: Some day she will come, my Dear💋💋💋
Any travel to Greece?
NINA VK: Soon Dear, ater Turkey she will come to Greece 💋
Come cyprus, we don’t have asian beauty’s
NINA VK: So sorry Dear, no plan for Cyprus
250 Euro?? 😂🤣🤣
NINA VK: No money- no honey Sweety )