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© Prawa autorskie 2025 | Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone | Europe Escort Guide
After a long search I ended up with Cindy. I contacted the agency via WhatsApp because I wanted to know if she would French kiss. I am a tourist and since there are many escort websites it was a bit difficult to find something reliable in Athens. On this website I saw accounts with reviews so I dared to do that.
Cindy arrived at the agreed time. I have to honestly say that I find her more beautiful in real life than in the photos, but that may be because I prefer natural ladies over dolls.
At first she is a bit quiet and has to loosen up, but this lady is wonderful.
After the first round we lay down on the bed together and chatted for a while. Normally I am used to esorts being gone quickly, but it felt good that we just had the time.
After the 2nd round it was time to say goodbye again.
Strangely enough I did not have a French kiss despite having asked, but all in all I had a wonderful date. Cindy has a really pretty face, and delicious buttocks. I wish her all the luck, and hopefully I will see her again.