
Janice and Wayne (part 1)



I had met WAyne when we both worked at Park LAne College in Leeds

We went to the The Craven Heifer Inn Grassington  Road, Skipton.  We had arranged it by email he had sent a lovely invite to my addressJanice. g2012@gmx. com 

Arrived justafter 12 noon, parked the car then Wayne left the car to make a phonecall outside round the back of his car.   After the call, as we enteredthe Inn Wayne commented on the beautiful colourful flower tubs outsideand the fact that the Inn had accommodation.   We went to the bar and Iwent to find a table, in the lighter, brighter extension.   I handed him amenu.   We ordered said food with a choice of new potatoes or chips,vegetables or salad.   Wayne had: Black Pudding – Grilled black puddingwith chorizo sausage, rosemary and shallot pamentier potatoes in amustard cream sauce.   I had: Heiffer Pie – Beef and heifers pride alePie, baby onions and bay leaves with a suet and short crust pastry lid.  The portions were very generous. The pie tasted scrumptious, reallylovely – the best steak pie I’ve had! Wayne had coffee to finish.

   During our meal Wayne’s phone rang and he took a call at the table, messages were arriving throughout until he turned it off.

 I waited for W outside at the car admiring the fields and meadows enjoying the superb panoramic views of the local hills.

After our meal he had suggested we have a walk around the small country village of Grassington.    

Weparked the car in the car park, paid for a ticket then we walked aroundthe village together calling into the Rugged Rabbit gift shop toperuse.

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    Walking up to the top of the village there was a lorry whichwas stuck and having problems steering around the corner at the top ofthe street by the wooden duck shop, we waited.   Continuing on, we walkedaround and down the hill towards the river across the fields. The grasswas wet underfoot Wayne, enquired if I was alright walking across themoist grass in my sandals.   We came across some hens with a cock bird inthe field just as we came out onto the road Wayne counted them andcommented “lucky bird”.   The cock began to crow.   I suggested we goright then left to walk alongside the river up to Linton Falls.  

 Aswe walked down to the riverside the heavens opened!  Down came theheavy thunder rain.   Wayne put his brolly up as he’d no coat with himand we made for shelter under some large trees to wait until the rainhad passed.   We had a cuddle to keep warm and dry, he bent for a kissthen squeezed my hand.   The cuddle made us both relax.   As the rainpoured down, even the ducks swam from the river into the more shelteredreeds nearby.   He pulled me closer, around ten minutes passed.  

Eventually,the rain eased so we crossed the bridge looking at the torrent ofwaters flowing down the two weirs and over the falls.   He saw a pool ofstill water and asked if I’d ever gone skinny dipping?   

Aswe made our way up the hill Wayne tended to stop so I could catch mybreath, we had one or two kisses.   He commented that my nipples werehard and sticking out.

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    The steep path lead us up back into the carpark.

 The Sat Nav took us throughBurnsall by the river where he enquired if I’d like an ice cream?  Hesuggested next time we could spend some time either at Burnsall orBolton Abbey.   We continued along the road when Wayne suggested we founda quite spot to get to know each other better.  

 Upthe car climbed as the roads became narrower.   We could see the darkclouds looming in the distance heading towards us once again as Waynefound a place and backed the car into an entrance to a farmer’s fieldwhere, for the first time, we got into the back on my suggestion.  

Therewas a warm, red fluffy blanket covering the seat.   We kissed and Wayneran a hand under my dress and up my leg he discovered I had no knickerson, I replied “he’d taken his time to find that one out!” I had them inmy pocket as I’d taken them off just before leaving the car park – howdid I guess he would explore me?  Our lips met and we kissedaffectionately with fondness as in love.   He pulled me closer and askedif I wanted to go further, as he undid his trousers I could see healready had an erection.   I fondled him gently rubbing my hands aroundhis firm buttocks through his trousers then on to his warm and erectcock.   Laying across the seat I placed one leg to the back of Wayne.  His hand made its way up my dress double quick time, gently caressingand squeezing my firm, round breasts with his warm, sensitive hands.  Kissing, licking and smelling clean, smooth, silky flesh Wayne layingcloser now and trying with his fingers to make one of my breasts pop outfrom its home security.   Then, he moved down again as he parted mylegs, feeling my warm, moist pussy he brought me quickly to a climaxwith his fingers and tongue as my head went back in pleasure.   I playedwith his hair and rubbed my hands up, down and around his back diggingmy fingers in as I came.   I pressed on his hand and asked him to stopfor a moment as I panted.

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    We continued, and there and then I had a newexperience we both had sex together on the back seat of his car with himon top one leg on the floor.   I felt his erection against the inside ofmy thighs. He entered me easily as I was already moist.   As he cradledmy head from the door he moved in and out of me, twice bring me to aclimax again, I moaned, squeezed his buttocks whilst arching my back andraising my hips, he said he was coming and drove himself deep into me,his hips jerked as he came. A farmer with his muck spreader in tow camesuddenly on his tractor and pulled up beside us, quickly we sat up –which made us both laugh!  Thought he was going to tell us off.   He thendrove away down the road luckily, I still had my dress on and Wayne histrousers so the farmer didn’t see too much.

 Asmall silver car had pulled up nearby. Two men about the same age ofWayne walked up to us.  Presumably Wayne’s phone call had invited them. They were both wearing round neck white T Shirts, blue shorts andsandals. I’m Richard one said and the other said I'm James. Richard looked at me can I have a snog he said to me? I looked at Waynewho nodded. I stepped forward and kissed Richard.  James stood behind meand lifted my dress up. I stood back and help him to take it off, heunclipped my Bra.

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   I stood naked in front of Richard who had quicklyundressed, I hoped the farmer did not return. We kissed for a fewminutes.  Richard opened the back door of the car. Wayne was bent acrossthe bonnet of his car trousers and underpants around his ankles, Jameswas stood behind him putting a condom on. I laid down full length on theseat so my head was touching one door and my feet hanging out theother. I opened my legs resting one foot on the floor. Richard put acondom on and laid on top of me. My pussy was wet and I climaxed andarched my back as Richard entered me. We kissed and I put one hand onhis buttocks and one across his shoulders as his hips moved his erectionin and out of me I climaxed a second time, I was panting and breathingheavily as he came. We got out of the car Wayne came over to me, "ok" heasked? "It was good" I replied.

Timewas getting on now, as we drove Wayne invited me over to his place for aglass of wine no date set.   He was going to a birthday party at theweekend.




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