Saturday mornings felt like being wrapped up in a warm, snuggly blanket
on an icy cold winter's night. They are the sanctuary for the weekday
weary, and for Sarah it meant she could rouse from her `slumber of the
dead' a couple of hours later than usual. It was a lovely feeling, being
relaxed and totally at peace with the world. She stretched out her tired,
weary limbs under the big soft duvet and smiled; it felt like floating on a
fluffy white cloud. Five days of the week, the pressures of academia
sucked the life from her body, until she would finally collapse from mental
exhaustion each Friday evening. Saturday morning was like being born
again, in theory anyway.
With a reluctant sigh, Sarah shuffled out of bed naked, navigated her
way across the laundry strewn floor of her room, and slipped into the bath
robe which she found slung over the back of a chair near the door. With
all of the grace and poise of an alcoholic with an inner ear infection, she
managed to stumble down the stairs without breaking her neck. Magazines
and shoes littered each step in a veritable death trap of student crap.
She weaved between the front tyre of a bicycle and the edge of a door
frame with a practiced spin, then trudged her way into the kitchen. The
tiles were cold on her bare feet, and the blinding light of a beautiful
morning flooded in through the windows stinging her eyes. As she sleepily
shuffled over to the refrigerator, Sarah saw pinned to the front of it a
note. She removed the flesh-coloured magnet resembling a pair of boobs,
and read the scrap of paper through squinted eyes.
Hi guys!Mike and I have gone to his parents' place for the weekend.
Last minute thing. Back on Sunday night.
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Smooch!S&M. x
Sarah had moved into the house fours months earlier when she'd started
university. The thought of sharing a place with three other students was
at the time, much more appealing than that of being cooped up in a dingy
little dorm room. Sally and Mike were an item; it made her laugh that she
signed off all of her notes with 'S & M'. Sarah was sure that the humour
of that small quirk escaped Sally. What made it doubly funny was the fact
that every single night without fail, Mike and Sally fucked like two bunny
rabbits on an ecstasy trip. Sarah couldn't count the number of times she'd
stuffed her head under a pillow, desperately trying to drown out the noise
of Sally getting pounded into the mattress in their room upstairs.
As if having to listen to every moan, groan and squeal wasn't enough,
Sally also liked to boast about her sexual adventures as well. On one
occasion the boys had been in the kitchen putting some lunch together, when
she had casually slid up to Sarah on the sofa and started to
conspiratorially whisper girly secrets. Sarah now knew everything about
Sally and Mike's love life: their passion for anal sex, what Mike's cum
tasted like, and how much he loved it when she squeezed his balls whilst
giving him head.
Having to start university whilst still a virgin was a point
embarrassment for Sarah. All of her friends had `done the deed' in
college, but the opportunity had never presented itself for her. Now she
felt somewhat of a recluse in that regard. After hearing some of Sally's
sexual exploits, she'd never be able to admit her own sexual status to
The scrunched up note flew through the air and bounced off the
overflowing garbage bin and onto the floor.
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She reached into the fridge,
took out a carton of orange juice and started to pour two tall glasses.
Dominic was her other housemate. He was a second year fitness management
student and truth be told, a great looking guy. A bit of a ladies' man
from what she'd gathered; the last girl he'd brought back for sex had
sounded like she'd been moaning the theme from `Titanic' whilst he'd been
fucking her. The walls were paper thin and at times it drove her insane.
Dom was a very friendly and engaging guy, which was probably why she had
such a crush on him. It was his confidence and charisma which fuelled her
interest most, confidence is so fucking sexy.
Sarah carried one of the glasses back up the assault course and knocked
quietly on Dominic's bedroom door.
"Dom, you up?" she asked through the door. There was no immediate
response to her question but she could hear him moving around in there.
"Do you want a glass of OJ?"
"Yes!" came his enthusiastic reply.
Sarah opened his door, took a couple of steps inside and froze on the
spot. Sprawled out on the bed was a sight which made her knees go all
wibbly-wobbly. She felt a sudden lightheadedness as she took in the scene
in front of her; Dominic was completely naked and vigorously pleasuring
himself. His nude, muscular body writhed and tensed as he moaned and
groaned his way closer to an orgasm.
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Sarah's eyes rose and fell like
bouncy balls as they followed the metronomic motion of his clenched fist.
It was gliding up and down along his long, hard cock in a practised flow
that made her mouth go dry. She marvelled at how gorgeous it looked; it
was slick and glossy, and made a `shlick' sound with each pass of his hand
like he'd used something to lube it up.
"Oh yeah. Fuck," he moaned to himself.
Realising her predicament, Sarah started to sneak backwards out of the
room without him noticing. If it weren't for a power lead lying discarded
on the floor next to the door, she might just have managed a covert
retreat. The most intense pain shot up her leg as she brought her bare foot
down onto the dull metal prongs of an electrical plug.
"Shit!" she cried out, as she hobbled trying to stay upright. Sarah
regretted it immediately. When she realised what she had just done, she
raised her head and glanced slowly over towards the bed. Dominic had
stopped what he was doing and lay perfectly still, cock in hand. He was
staring at her as she precariously balanced on one leg, orange juice
dripping from her left hand where she'd spilt some of it from the glass.
"Good morning," he greeted her disarmingly.
"Dom, I'm so sorry," mumbled Sarah.
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"I didn't realise you were. . . I'm
such an idiot!"
"Sarah, relax," he replied softly. He sat up, swung his legs off the
bed, and slipped on a pair of baggy cotton shorts from the floor. "No harm
done. "
She bit her bottom lip out of embarrassment as he walked over to her.
He was still sporting an impressive erection under his loose fitting
shorts, which were obscenely tented at the front.
"Here, let me take that," he said, as he took the wet glass from her
hand and placed it on his bedside table. "How's your foot?I'm sorry
about the cable, I've been meaning to have a tidy-up in here. "
"S'okay," she replied quietly.
"Let me take look. " Dominic hooked her arm at the elbow and helped her
hobble across to sit on his bed. Sarah was blushing furiously about the
whole situation, she felt like such a goof. As she plonked herself down
unceremoniously onto the edge of the bed, she lifted her right leg up onto
the mattress.
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With a gentle touch, he lifted her leg and looked at the
sole of her foot closely.
Sarah took the opportunity to have a bit of a nosey look around Dom's
room, she'd never actually been in there before. The shaggy, faded-red
carpet was littered with magazines and boxer shorts, and the walls were
plastered with posters of metal bands and topless blonde models with huge
breasts. On his shelf sat a lava lamp, some DVD cases and a selection of
thick anatomy text books. `Nothing exciting there,' she thought to
herself. As she glanced across to his bedside table, she swallowed and
quickly looked away lest he notice her looking. On it, stood next to the
glass of orange juice she'd just brought up for him, was a half empty
bottle of baby oil.
"Are Sally and Mike up yet?" Dom asked.
"Who?Oh, they've gone to Mike's parent's for the weekend. Sally left
a note in the kitchen," she mumbled quietly.
"Oh right," he replied as he studied her foot. "Mmm, you didn't break
the skin. I think it'll probably just bruise. " Sarah winced as he began to
gently rub the sore spot for her. It felt really good, in fact it actually
felt quite intimate to have him massaging her foot.
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Just as she started to
relax a little and let his fingers soothe the pain in her instep, several
realisations hit her all at once. First and foremost was that the fact
that the warm, oil-slicked hand that he was touching her with, was the same
hand that just moments before had been gliding up and down his penis.
As she watched his face, she saw Dominic's calm exterior slip for just a
split second. The calm and collected hunk all of a sudden looked a little
embarrassed. He gently lay her foot back down on the bed and flashed her a
charming smile.
"Listen, Dom, I really didn't mean to walk in on you like that," she
said. "I did call out through the door. I thought it was okay to come
in. "
"Oh, don't worry about that," he replied, waving it off. "I'm not shy.
Anyway, I reckon we're probably even. "
"Even?" Sarah asked. "What do you mean?"
"You're not wearing any panties. "
It took a moment to register, but Sarah realised that as he'd lifted her
leg from the bed to look at her foot, the bottom of her bath robe had
ridden up and she'd given him an eye-full of her flimflam. She quickly
pulled the cotton material down to cover her intimate area and hid her
blushing face behind a hand.
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"Sorry," Dom said quietly. "I didn't look, honest. Well, that's not
technically accurate. I did look, obviously, but then I, erm, stopped
looking. " They sat in silence for a moment. "Shit, this is a little
awkward. "
Sarah didn't know what to do or say, awkward was right. As she was
contemplating an attempt to jump up and make a run for it, he whispered
comically, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours. " She couldn't help but
start giggling, he could always make her laugh. Sarah lowered her hand and
slapped his arm playfully.
"Jesus, Dom!It's not funny!"
"Why are you laughing then?" he chuckled, before leaning back on his
hands. His penis wasn't at full mast anymore, but the outline of his
semi-stiff state was still clearly visible through the thin fabric of his
shorts. "I think it's hilarious. Don't tell me you've never wanted to
take a look. "
His smile was infectious.
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Sarah didn't know whether to laugh or cry,
feel embarrassed or aroused, it was all so confusing. She couldn't help
now but admire his physique. Dominic was in amazing shape. His body
exuded the kind of gruff masculinity that makes women drool. He was toned
like an athlete, yet didn't shave or wax his chest to look like some sort
of magazine underwear model. She loved that. She also loved the way his
muscular torso had that gorgeous, concave `V' shape from his hips, which
dipped tantalisingly towards his crotch. What the hell is that called?
"I, erm, I think it's probably time I let you get dressed," said Sarah
with a shy smile.
"Sure," replied Dom with a nod. As she swung her leg off the bed, he
chipped in, "Unless. . . "
Sarah froze, she could already feel her heart starting to race at the
possibilities of what he'd meant. What the hell was he suggesting?
"Unless?" she enquired innocently as she turned to look at him.
"Unless you want to stay and watch me finish," he replied, looking
directly into her eyes as he said it.
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She thought he might have been
joking, but his expression didn't give that impression. "Or perhaps you'd
like to help me with it?"
"Are you serious?!" Dominic was obviously enjoying himself, the smile on
his face only bewildered Sarah further.
"Well now, let's see. "
She watched wide-eyed as he slipped his thumbs into the waist band of
his shorts, and slowly slipped them down his hips to pool around his
ankles. He was now semi reclined on his bed, with his glistening cock lying
across his thigh. Despite the fact that he was her friend and housemate,
she found herself unable to look away. Sarah had never actually seen a
penis up close before. Her only experience with the opposite sex had been
a drunk, fumbled hand job with her last boyfriend. It had been in the back
seat of his car, in the pitch black, at two o'clock in the morning.
"We have the place to ourselves," he replied calmly. "Why don't we help
each other out?"
"I don't understand," said Sarah nervously.
"Well, you've never been with a guy, right?" Sarah could feel her face
flush even redder, the heat rising from her cheeks was practically curling
her eyelashes.
"How do you know who I've been with?"
"Come on, let's not kid ourselves. I can tell. " Sarah just sat there
for a while before eventually nodding a confirmation.
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"And if I'm honest,
I really fancy the pants off you. You know, if you were actually wearing
any that is. " The last line was followed by a cheeky grin.
"Dom, listen, I don't know if. . . did you just say I was hot?" The look
on her face was one of astonishment, she couldn't believe what she'd just
heard. "You don't like. . . you know, when thinking about me, do you?" she
asked nervously, before nibbling her bottom lip.
"What, jerk off?What would you say if I did?"
"I-I don't know. I thought you were going out with that girl Amanda. I
could hear her moaning from my room. "
"Not if her last text message to me was anything to go by.
No, it
didn't really work out. Anyway, we never actually had sex. She only
wanted me to eat her pussy. "
Sarah could barely swallow, her throat was so dry. Even the passing
reference to oral sex made her cheeks redden further; she was starting to
resemble a beetroot.
Sarah watched open-mouthed as Dom, in his slightly
laid back pose, began to slowly stroke his cock. It didn't take long for
it to begin to firm up and grow longer.
"You've never had a guy go down on you either, have you?" It was like he
could read her like a book. Sarah pursed her lips and shook her head.
"But you've thought about it. Imagined how it would feel. " She nodded.
"Would you like me to?"
Dominic sat up and leaned over close as she looked away, unable to hold
is gaze. She could smell the masculine scent of his body, it was
intoxicating. He brought his lips to her ear and whispered softly, "Would
you like me to lick your pussy, Sarah?"
She couldn't speak, she couldn't even look at him.
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Having a gorgeous
guy go down on her was one of her ultimate fantasies, she often thought
about what it would be like. Her fingers had so far sufficed as a poor
substitute, but it wasn't enough. It felt like butterflies were fluttering
in her stomach and her palms were becoming sweaty. She couldn't believe
this was actually happening.
"I promise I'll be gentle," continued Dominic. "I've been thinking
about this since you moved in. I bet you taste so good. "
That was all Sarah could stand, whatever happened next, so be it. With
the slightest of nods, she gave him permission to continue. Little
footsteps of soft pressure tiptoed up her inner thigh as he walked his
fingers under her robe. A small gasp preceded a groan as she felt his warm
palm cup her bare, aching sex.
"Ohhh," was all she could manage as she was touched for the first time.
With very gentle persuasion, he coaxed her to lie back on his bed. Soft
kisses caressed the flushed skin of her neck as his hand slowly rolled
against her sopping pussy. Sarah hadn't realised how wet she was, but she
could feel it now as his fingers became slick with her arousal.
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His lips
teasing the sensitive skin of her neck felt wonderful, he was being so soft
and tender.
Sarah closed her eyes and sank into excess. It felt like she was
floating on a tranquil sea, as the warmth of the sunlight filtering through
the gap in the bedroom curtains splayed across her face. There was nothing
now but the moment, the feeling, the ache for pleasure and release. Years
of sexual frustration were culminating in this moment, and she wanted to
soak up every single second of it.
Dominic stroked his palm slowly over her soft, shaven mound, across her
flat toned stomach and up between the swell of her young, firm breasts.
The loosely tied belt unfurled and her robe fell open to expose her
gorgeous teenage body. Her breathing was slow and deep causing her chest
to rise and fall like placid waves. Dominic's mouth watered in
anticipation of tasting such a delicate and delicious creature. She looked
so beautiful like this, with her silky brunette hair spread across his bed,
and her cheeks flushed a rosy red with apprehension and hope.
The warmth of Dominic's breath felt wonderful. Sarah shuddered as he
began to kiss his way around her little pink nubs of sensitive puckered
flesh. Each nipple became painfully taut as his tongue roamed ever closer
to touching them. It seemed as though it took an age, but when his lips
finally closed over one of her tight nipples, the most exquisite warmth
radiated through her body. He sucked and suckled on her lovingly, tracing
slow circles with his tongue.
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Sarah could already feel the hushed tingle
of arousal radiating from her core. She'd wanted this for so long, and now
it was actually happening.
His hands roamed her slender body, slowly caressing each and every hill
and valley of soft flesh. Little whimpers of delight made Dominic smile as
Sarah's young body yielded to his touch. She was nothing like any of the
other girls he had been with; her inexperience and innocence were
"You have an amazing body," he whispered quietly. Sarah felt a little
quiver of delight ripple through her as she heard his words.
"Oh, Dom," she sighed, unable to article anything further.
His closely trimmed stubble bristled the delicate flesh of her breasts
as he slowly began to descend her body. Every curve and swell of her torso
was kissed with affection. As Dominic shifted his body on top of her,
Sarah's legs parted to allow his hips room on the bed between them. The
act in itself felt decadent and rude, how she'd craved to part her legs for
a boy.
The ticking sensation of Dom licking her naval made her smile, it was
one of those dreamy smiles which radiated complete joy and bliss. However,
the smile slowly faded and was replaced with parted lips as he traced a
scorching path lower with his tongue. As it stroked over the crest of her
smooth mound, she bit into her bottom lip.
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Sarah could feel her inner
thighs now resting against Dom's broad shoulders, and even the tickle of
his shaggy dark hair on her soft skin.
Sarah lifted her head and looked down. Through the foggy haze of sexual
tension she could see the longing in Dominic's eyes. He paused and admired
the soft pink folds of her womanhood for a moment, just taking in the sight
before him. With his right hand he cupped her warm, slick pubic dune and
stroked slowly back and forth. Each time his hand pried her supple,
pliable flesh upwards, her delicate petals parted and she moaned. When the
temptation was finally too great, he descended for a first taste of her
body. Dominic stroked his tongue over her warm, smooth skin, and revelled
in the unmistakable sickly sweet tang of nubile girl.
"Oh my God, you taste so good," he groaned, in between two deliciously
long licks.
Each little whimper from Sarah made him want to please her even more; he
could tell by the way her body was reacting that these were all new
sensations for her. He took his time, and made love to her delicate folds
with his hot mouth. Each little quiver of her body drove him wild, it was
so enjoyable to give so much pleasure. The girlish moans and deep breaths
that resulted from his tongue dipping inside her were just divine. He
continued lapping at her gooey folds of delicate flesh until she sank
slowly into delirium.
Dominic had gone down on several girls since starting university, but
none of them had tasted as good as Sarah.
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There was almost a kind of
citrus note to her arousal, something he found utterly intoxicating. As
her hips involuntarily rolled, pressing her desperate sex against his
mouth, Dom gripped the soft creamy skin of her thighs tightly and began to
feast. Sarah gasped as he licked and sucked at her pussy with a flurry of
enthusiasm. She could feel the distant rumble of a thunderous climax
approaching. The thought of coming whilst a guy was eating her was both
exciting and scary.
"S-Slow down, please," whispered Sarah through ragged breaths. "I
don't. . . I can't. . . "
Her mind was a fuzzy jumble of sensations and emotions, all new and
deliciously ungoverned. By now Sarah was like putty, pliable and willing.
She hooked her hands behind her knees and held her legs apart for Dom, as
he lifted them from the bed and up to her chest.
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All sense of modesty had
now been lost; the fact that she was so crudely splayed on Dominic's bed
only heightened her arousal. As her eyes slowly closed, she felt Dom's
tongue begin to circle downwards slowly. Just as it stroked over her tight
puckered bottom, her eyes shot open.
"W-Woah," Sarah stuttered as she lifted her head from the bed. "What
are you doing?"
"I'm licking your ass," he replied, gazing up at her from between her
thighs. The look in his eyes made her ache inside. As his tongue extended
and began to circled her little crinkle, her lips formed a little `O' shape
and her eyelids drooped. Sarah's head flopped back onto the bed and she
sighed; it felt so good, she'd never imagined. As Dom felt Sarah relaxing
into it and becoming more enthusiastic to the act, he gripped her firm
little cheeks and buried his tongue inside her. The little squeal of
surprise that escaped her lips sounded so fucking kinky.
It had been a risk as not all girls are into ass-play, but Dom had been
aching to sample everything Sarah had to offer. Whilst he was enjoying the
feeling her clenching down on his intrusion, he reached over her thigh and
started to stroke the tip of his index finger around her swollen clit. He
rolled it gently from side to side, teasing her throbbing nub of sensitive
nerve endings.
"Oh, sweet Jesus. .
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. " she moaned, as he smiled slyly to himself. Sarah
couldn't take much more of this, and Dominic knew it. As if on cue, her
fingers gripped his hair tightly and tugged it hard. She mashed his face
between the apex of her thighs and cried out, "Oh my god, Dominic, I'm
gonna come!"
Before she was able to taste the delicacy of sweetest excess, everything
stopped; his tongue stopped wriggling and his finger stopped circling.
Sarah had been teetering on the edge of something monumental, and was now
being denied the very thing she wanted more than anything, a mind-melting
"Not yet, baby," whispered Dom, before blowing cool air across her
swollen, flushed-red clam. He knew what he was doing, and the frustration
in her sigh was evidence of just how close her body had been to tipping the
scales. He placed soft kisses along the hot flesh of her puffy outer
labia, as his fingertips caressed her inner thighs. "My turn. "
Sarah struggled to sit up; her head was spinning and her throat was
painfully dry. As Dominic lay back on the bed, she slipped off onto the
floor and crawled across the threadbare carpet to his bedside table on her
hands and knees. As she lifted the sticky glass to her lips and hungrily
gulped the cool, sweet orange juice, her eyes were glued to the half empty
bottle of baby oil sat on the table.
Deep breaths helped to calm her nerves as she crawled back over to the
edge of the bed. As she shuffled up between his parted legs and sat back
on her haunches, Sarah could feel the moisture leaking down her thighs.
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Tentatively, she reached out and took a hold of his erection. The first
thing she noticed was how hot it felt; the thought of how it would feel
inside of her was mind-boggling. Her fingers wrapped around the firm
flesh, and as she squeezed it gently, she watched a droplet of clear
pre-cum leak from the head of his cock.
Now that the time had come to return the favour, little doubts began to
creep in. `Can I really do this?What If I'm no good?' A guilty pleasure
of Sarah's was curling up at night in bed with her laptop and watching
porn. The videos where a girl was sucking a guys cock always made her hot
and bothered under the sheets. She often fingered herself quietly in the
dark whilst imagining herself as the girl on the screen. Do all girls do
the same thing?Do they all fantasise about that?The thought of stroking
her tongue along the length of a big hard dick always made her quiver.
Dom propped himself up on his elbows and watched Sarah playing with his
dick. He knew she'd never done this before, but her apprehension and
eagerness to please him made it all the more sensual. The way her eyes
marvelled at the sight, wide and innocent, was just the cherry on the top,
so to speak. With a quick glance at his reassuring smile, Sarah leaned
forward and licked the smudge of slick liquid from the tip of his shaft.
She rolled her tongue around her mouth, savouring her first taste of a man.
It wasn't exactly what she'd been expecting, but it wasn't unpleasant
Having taken the first step, it just became an exercise of putting one
foot in front of the other.
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She stroked her tongue slowly along the entire
length of his shaft, loving how it looked with her saliva renewing the
gloss of the oil. Each time she neared the swollen head of his cock, she
felt it twitch in her hands. In one of her magazines there had been an
article about giving head, something she'd spent a considerable amount of
time reading and re-reading. With one hand gripping the base of his thick
shaft, she gently cupped his balls with the other and sank her mouth over
the head of his cock.
"Yes!" Dom hissed through gritted teeth as he was swallowed by Sarah's
hot mouth.
She rolled her tongue around his rigid flesh, circling the valley of his
ridge and stroking slowly over his sensitive glans. Sarah was so excited
about finally fulfilling her fantasy of sucking a gorgeous cock, all she
wanted to do was tweet it to everyone. Of course, that would be a terrible
idea, but it made her smile. What made her even more happy was the fact
that she was doing a good job. A quick glance upwards confirmed this when
she saw Dom's face was flushed and his breathing was heavy.
"Oh fuck," Dominic moaned, as Sarah squeezed his balls playfully.
"That's so good. "
He reached out and placed his right hand on her head, running his
fingers through her soft brown locks and gripping them tightly as her head
bobbed up and down. It was the best blow job he'd ever had, and from a
virgin as well. It was the utter pleasure and enjoyment she was getting
from the act which made it so good.
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He'd had his cock sucked by plenty of
girls, but none of them had wanted it like Sarah did.
The closely trimmed, coarse black hairs around his base tickled her nose
and chin. Sarah found that now his cock was wet and slick, she could take
more and more of him each time, it was just a case of relaxing her jaw.
She reached up and let her hands roam his body as her mouth took care of
his dick. She ran her palms over his firm pecks and flat, toned stomach
with relish. It was as if all her most secret and sordid fantasies were
all coming to fruition, and to experience all of this with a guy she
thought was gorgeous made her hungry for so much more.
Sarah's knees began to ache after a little while but she didn't care.
All she wanted to do was suck on Dominic's cock all morning, she was
craving it like an addiction. Her hands slid back and rested on the tops
of his thighs as she began to suck harder. Each time she withdrew now, she
swirled her tongue around the head of his cock like a lollipop. The
encouraging groan she felt reverberate through his body only made her want
to do it better. His grip tightened on her long dark hair and his hips
began to lift from the bed as he neared completion. She wanted to stop and
make him feel the frustration of denial as he had her, but if he had
flooded her mouth with his hot cum right that second, she'd have welcomed
As the thoughts of him emptying his balls into her willing mouth
saturated her sex-hazed mind, he placed a finger under her chin and tilted
her face up.
"Lie down on the bed," he instructed her, as her lips released him with
a `pop'.
On unsteady legs, Sarah rose from the floor and climbed onto his bed.
She watched from the corner of her eye as Dominic stood up, his stiff cock
swinging in front of him,
"On your front," he said softly.
As she lay on the crumpled sheets and rested her head on his pillows,
she breathed in deep; they smelled of him.
"You look tense. Let me loosen you up a bit. "
All of this was so new and not a little daunting to Sarah. She knew
what to expect, but that didn't help calm her nerves as she felt him
straddle her thighs. The hairs on his legs tickled the sensitive skin on
her own as he sat back. Sarah held her breath as she watched a hand reach
out and pick up the bottle of baby oil from the bedside table.
"Just relax. "
Droplets pitter-pattered on her back and shoulders as Dominic began to
pour the clear liquid on her skin. It trickled between her shoulder blades
and ran in small rivers to pool in her lower back. The cap was clicked
shut and the bottle replaced as she waited for his hands. They were soft
but firm as they started to spread the oil along her spine. It felt
absolutely wonderful; she'd never had a massage before.
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Dominic carefully
caressed, rolled and kneaded every inch of her back, from the nape of her
neck, to the curve of her buttocks.
A gentle sigh was lost in the fluffy pillows as his powerful hands
grabbed her hips. He worked her pliable flesh firmly, stretching and
flexing every muscle and tendon as he worked his way across her body. It
all felt so wonderful Sarah didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Whimpers
of pleasure were unavoidable as his expert fingers glided along her side
and around the curve of her breasts.
He took the bottle of oil and clicked the lid back open as he shuffled
lower, his knees now cradling her own. Droplets speckled her ass, before
he slid his slick palms over the glossy liquid and slowly worked it into
her. Each time his hands clasped her cheeks and parted them, Sarah's
sopping pussy lips parted and she involuntarily clenched. Her eyes rolled
as her teeth sank into her bottom lip. The massage had definitely now
moved onto something else.
With one more quick squeeze of the bottle, Dominic watched the
glistening rivulets run down the crack of her bottom and between the
valleys of her cleft. He clicked the lid shut and discarded the bottle
onto a pile a laundry on the floor. Sarah almost screamed as Dominic, in
one long slow motion, ran his warm hand down between her ass cheeks and
over her inflamed sex.
As he rubbed her pussy, her hips lifted from the bed, rolling slowly as
her bum stuck up in the air. His slick hand glided almost frictionless
over her pouting sex, causing her to moan loudly like she was in heat.
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Embarrassed by how vocal she was being, Sarah buried her face into a pillow
and bit into it. She wanted to tell Dom how long she had dreamt of
something like this happening to her, but all she could think was, `what
would my mother say?!'
Sarah almost lost her mind when she felt Dominic lean forward and start
to rub his big cock between her oily cheeks. It glided effortlessly back
and forth, hot and lubricated.
"You feel that, Sarah?" he whispered into her ear. "I'm so hard for you
right now. "
"Mmm," was all she was able to reply.
"Do you want this?"
"I, I. . . " she struggled, gasping for enough breath to form the words.
Dominic lowered his mouth to her ear and nibbled her earlobe softly. He
almost growled in his husky voice, "Do you want me inside you?"
"Y-Yes," Sarah whimpered.
"Then make me believe it," he toyed, angling down and teasing the head
of his cock between her parted velvet lips.
"Please, Dom," she pleaded. "I need you to fuck me!"
Without another word spoken, he rolled his hips forward and speared deep
into her tight virgin pussy.
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Sarah seized the sheets in a white-knuckled
death grip as she felt him enter her. It was so hot it felt like her core
was burning. She could feel the ridge around the head of his cock as it
plunged deeper, raking against the soft insides of her walls. The
sensation was incredible, she felt so stretched and full. She finally felt
Sarah was so tight it gave Dom the impression of his cock being seized
in a vice of hot liquid silk. He took it easy at first and inched slowly
into her gooey depths, planting soft kisses on the back of her neck as he
did so. With each gentle nudge into her inexperienced centre, she gasped
and hissed out laboured breaths of sweet agony. For Dom, giving pleasure
meant receiving pleasure, and this was absolutely wonderful.
After several minutes Sarah began to loosen up. To make things a little
easier on them both, he lifted her gently by the hips and settled her body
onto her knees. She was shaking a little from the flood of adrenaline
coursing through her veins, and wouldn't have been able to stand even if
the house had been on fire. With her pert little peach of a bottom
sticking up in the air invitingly, Dom lined his thick cock back up with
her swollen pussy and glided it back inside her.
He fell into a steady rhythm as the sounds of his thighs slapping her
ass filled the room. Seeing Sarah's fingers curling his crumpled sheets
into her fists only made him want to fuck her harder.
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As he looked down
and watched his glossy cock disappearing into her body, he smiled and
gently worked his fingertip into her ass. It was tight as he wriggled it a
little further inside her bum.
"Fuck, Dom, you bad boy!Oh my. . . Jesus. " He just grinned as she
leaned back of her own accord, and sank herself onto his cock and finger as
deep as they would go. With that sort of encouragement, what man could
resist?Sarah wailed as Dom began to thrust faster and harder. "Oh, for
the love of. . . Oh!"
Words tumbled from her mouth as she began to mumble unintelligibly. Her
body was experiencing more sexual stimulation than she'd ever dreamt
possible, and her mind was having trouble processing it all. Her pussy
ached, her back and knees were sore; it was everything she'd hoped it would
be and more. As Dom reached up and gripped her left shoulder for leverage,
he removed his finger from her ass and gripped her hip as his thighs
slapped against her ever louder.
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With one quick downward swipe, Dominic brought his hand down onto her
bottom with a loud `whack'. Sarah's flesh rippled as the hard spank left a
burning imprint of a hand on her ass. The warm, tight sensation of
stinging skin set in motion a chain reaction which radiated through her
body. She bit into the pillow and screamed as her legs began to shudder
and spasm. She felt a wave of something catastrophic beginning to tear
through her body, raking along her muscles and setting fire to every single
nerve ending.
Sarah's entire body set alight as she became inflamed in wet electric
fire. Her body writhed and shook with the force of the explosion which had
started between her legs, but had now spread from the tips of her toes to
the hair follicles on her head. Dominic was still sawing in and out of her
slowly, and every millimetre of his flesh that stroked her core only stoked
the raging inferno of her orgasm. With tears soaking into the soft while
cotton of the pillow case, she wished with the last shred of sanity that
remained that that moment would last forever.
A wave of euphoria crashed into her as she felt the room begin to spin.
It tore through her like a powerful gale coursing onto land from a
turbulent, stormy sea. With no thoughts but the messy chaos that a
monstrous climax had left behind, Sarah had nothing left. The inevitable
comedown was slow and excruciating; it felt like giving something up she
wasn't yet ready to leave behind. With barely the strength left to keep
her upright on her hands and knees, she leaned forward and slipped off
Dom's cock.
Wanting Dom to come as well, she whimpered breathlessly as she rolled
onto her back, "I want to see.
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With a wince, she watched as he lined up his big, cum-slicked cock and
drove it back into her depths, spreading her sore folds of swollen flesh.
Each thrust was a beautiful agony she now longed for more than anything.
His momentum was urgent and purposeful; he needed to come. As Sarah looked
up into his eyes, he brought his mouth to hers and kissed her hard.
"You're my girl, right?" he grunted.
"Yes. "
"You're my dirty girl," he stated, slamming his cock into her roughly
with each word in order to punctuate the meaning.
"Yes!" she cried out as her flailing arms wrapped around his neck.
He crushed her slender frame against the bed with the weight of his
muscular body. His hot skin, slick with sweat, burned against her
trembling torso. In a furious flurry of vigorous fucking, his legs shook,
and his chest heaved as he gasped desperately for air.
"Oh fuck!" he cried out. "Where?"
Sarah replied by running her hand over her stomach. He pulled out of
her quickly and began to stroke his cock energetically as he knelt up. She
watched every single pass of his tight fist as he gripped his throbbing
length and coaxed himself to the edge.
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Sarah tried to imagine what he was feeling, that inevitable tingle of
warmth that swells and swells into an overwhelming and uncontrollable urge
to just explode. His balls were tight against his body and the muscles in
his thighs were taut. With a cry of absolute ecstasy, he threw his head
back and began to jut his hips. His stroking motion faltered as his balls
clenched and a huge, arching jet of thick white cum shot out of the head of
his cock.
The hot fluid coated her body from chin to navel as it landed on her.
Sarah's eyes went wide with wonder as she watched his hard shaft pulsate
and twitch. More and more cum throbbed out of him onto her torso. She
could feel every drop that touched her, it felt like it was burning her
When Dominic's balls were completely drained and he had nothing left to
give, he collapsed onto his side on the bed next to Sarah and let out a
deep, tortured groan.
"Oh fuck," he moaned between gritted teeth, as his hands cupped his
balls. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut, and his chest was heaving as
he tried to suck in enough air to continue breathing.
"You okay?" asked Sarah quietly through a fuzzy warmth of post-orgasmic
"Yeah," replied Dom as he rolled onto his back and started chuckling.
"Just making sure nothing came loose down there. Jesus!"
Whilst Dom was giving himself a medical, Sarah slowly traced a fingertip
through the copious pools of semen splattered all over her body.
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She could
smell the musk of him all over herself, it made her feel lightheaded and
dizzy. Dom glanced over just as curiosity got the better of her. She
wiped a droplet of the warm liquid from her chin and slipped the finger
into her mouth. It tasted salty and not at all like she'd expected a man's
cum to taste.
"Mmm," teased Dom, as he propped his head up on his arm. "Now that's
fucking hot. "
Sarah blushed at his words and slipped the finger from her mouth, she
hadn't realised he'd been watching her.
"You know, if you ask me nicely, next time I might just let you suck me
off. "
That comment earned him another playful slap as they once again burst
out laughing.
Having showered her aching body and changed into some baggy clothes,
Sarah now stood in the kitchen. She was cutting up a pineapple at the
counter when she heard bare feet padding across the floor behind her.
"Hi. "
"Hi," she replied quietly, trying to keep her cool.
"You okay?" Dom asked. "You know, about earlier?I wasn't sure if
maybe you'd had second thoughts.
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" Sarah turned around and looked at him.
His jeans were slung low on his muscular hips, the corse hair on his
stomach just visible as his white tee shirt rode up. He had his right hand
resting on his head, with his fingers wound through his shaggy dark hair.
The unsure look on his face was cute.
"Honestly?" she replied, to which he nodded. "It was incredible. I've
never come that hard before. "
The fact that she'd whispered those words across the kitchen made him
smile; they were the only two people in the house. He sauntered over to
her, smooth as silk, and roughly pinned Sarah's body against the kitchen
counter. She gasped, but smiled as his hands seized her wrists and his
warm, firm body pressed into her.
"You know," he said quietly. "I haven't been able to stop thinking
about you. "
His voice was like honey, it made her cheeks flush just hearing him
speak like that. She could feel the bulge in his jeans pressing against
her abdomen. Sarah nibbled her bottom lip and pretended that she wasn't
already aching for round two.
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"I was so hard in the shower. "
Their mouths collided in passionate press of hot, soft flesh. Their
tongues twirled together, stroking each others' in a lust-fuelled fervour.
By the time they came up for air, Sarah was panting and felt lightheaded.
"Dom," she whispered breathlessly, "you're such a bad boy!"
"And you're my dirty girl. I'd say that makes us a perfect match. "
His hands tightened on her wrists as she felt an involuntary flutter of
anxious pleasure prick her skin. What Dom could feel was her pulse; her
heart was racing.
"I was thinking that after you finish chopping up that pineapple, you
could give me the guided tour to your bedroom. I'm dying to get you back
into bed. " He placed a kiss on her cheek and whispered quietly, "I wonder
if I could make you scream for mercy. "
Sarah leaned back and gazed into his big, steel-blue eyes. She licked
at her dry lips and after taking a moment to arrange the words she wanted
to say, replied, "Fuck the pineapple. Let's go. "
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