Topic: Fantasy "Fictional Story"My name is Amos and my story begins back around the time I turned eighteen years old. I would babysit are nextdoor neighbor Dawn Dalsy's daughter Adrea every Monday from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm, she was a very cute red haired girl who had already developed quite a body which wasnt surprising as her mother Dawn was a very sexy tanned red headed women with hypnotising ruby lips and very lovely breasts topped off with one gorgeous ass which I would often masturbate to. Dawns job had transfered her over to another department which was quite faw away, so far away infact Adrea had to start sleeping over just about every day because he rmom was a bit paranoid about Adrea being alone but Adrea didnt seem to mind and neither did I as the pay was great. I started noticing Adrea alot more over the next few days and started catching my self with a slight hard on when she was around. One day while Adrea was out Dawn invited me over to talk about my pay, she was wearing a her work uniform which looked very sexy on her expecialy her low cut miny skirt, she then took me into her little office room where she kept most of her paperwork, she only had her office chair and kindly let me use as she sat on the edge of her desk which I could still see her white pantys even though her legs had been crossed, she then told me the only reason she got her job transfer so far away was because she would be paid more but because of rising gas prices she couldn't pay me as much as she normaly has, I told her it was ok but she insisted on making it up. Shockingly she got up infront of me and knelt down infront of me and started rubbing my crotch then asked me if this would make up for the payment but before I could get a word out Adrea started knocking at the office rooms door I then barely was able to tell her that it was only me and her mom asked me to do some private paperwork, she unlocked the door and barged in but luckily Dawns desk was in the was in the way from her seeing what her mother was doing. I told her it was private and to leave before she got in anymore trouble, she then left the room and I could hear the front door open and close all the while Dawn was playfully teasing my cock through my pants, I told her it may be to risky what she was doing but blantely ignored me and preceded to unzip me and pulled out my hard cock from its containment.