
Work Experience as a Home Decorator (Day Two the Evening)


It was all hinging around me being able to get some video surveillance cameras and recording equipment working. This was one of daddy’s projects that he’d been trying to get working for weeks now. The PC was now up and running and I had the installation instruction for the PC capture card software. I followed the instructions, inserting the installation CD when it was asked for, clicking next when prompted, until it arrived at the final window with the button saying ‘Finished’. “Your capture software has been successfully installed, please reboot the system”. Ok here goes, 'Shutdown', now wait! It all boots-up, says it’s found new hardware, now it doing some installing new drivers. “Drivers installed, please re-boot to enable DCR card”. So I re-boot again, and wait! This time it all fires-up, no messages, but sitting on the desk top is a new icon. Now the instruction book says connect your camera, so I’ve got the box with the 2 wireless cameras sat on the floor, and I connect the lead from one of the radio receivers into the back of the PC. This is it, I double click the icon, and a window appears showing a picture of the light fitting on the ceiling. Success! Well how did I manage to get this working when daddy has been trying for weeks without success? Simple, I used the instruction book! The idea of an instruction book to daddy is like the devil reading the bible. So now I’ve got a camera, so what now. Well filming people when they don’t know they’re being filmed. So where and how to hide the camera? First rule is, you have to look natural, so as I’m never seen outside of the house without my bag, this seemed the obvious place to hide it. The bag had a pocket at either end, which closed with a drawstring. I tried placing the small camera in the pocket, and using tape to hold it, but this wasn’t going to work.

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   Then I saw on daddy’s desk a packet of headache tablets. This was dead-on right size; I taped the camera to the top of the box and put the battery inside. The whole thing then slid into the little pocket on the end of my bag, and the camera was facing directly up out of the top of the pocket. Now for the final touch, the tube out of a toilet role, cut to a short length, and pull the draw string up around it. It was perfect, I put my bag down by the desk, and even looking directly at the pocket, and knowing it was there, it was difficult to spot. Now to get the PC to record, out with the instruction book again, and that was it, just click the red icon. Well it says its recording, but let’s see what happens. I step over my bag, and walk to the door, turn around and walk back, stand just behind daddy’s desk, bag slightly to one side. Now click the stop icon, then playback. Oh god! This is better than I imagined, as I’d stepped over the bag, my crotch had open wide, showing my sexy little red panties in the clearest detail, even the wisps of curly hair that the panties didn’t cover. And standing by daddy’s chair gave a clear view of my bulging mound at the front of my crotch. If this didn’t turn daddy on, he must be gay. Now to execute my plan, I set the PC recording again, and turn off the monitor, pickup my bag, and off we go. Next door lives my best friend Julie from school; she was on work experience this week the same as me. She has an older sister named Francis (we call her Fanny, but she doesn’t like it), about two years older than us.

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   And I know for a fact my daddy fancies her, because I’ve seen him sneak out of his greenhouse, which is at the bottom of our garden. He first looks down to the house to see if moms in the kitchen window, and then he follows the line of the fence, hiding behind the large shrubbery bushes. It’s while the hot weather is here, and she’s sunbathing in her back garden. After he’s watched her for a while he goes back to his green house, but I can’t tell if he’s wanking, because the view from my bedroom window into his green house is blocked by the apple tree. Anyway, as I said I know he fancies Fanny (but I suppose all men do), so my plan was to try and get some up-skirt recording of her. I knock on Julie’s front door, and her mom answered. “Oh, Hi Linda. Come on in. Julie’s not home yet”. As she’d opened the door, she turned on her heals, and walked back towards the kitchen, talking as she went. I followed as close as I dare, pushing my bag forward to gain the best possible view up the back of her dress. She’s got one of those loose fitting thin cotton dresses that people wear on the hot summer days, at this point I had no idea what type of panties she was wearing, or if she had any on at all!“You don’t mind if I carry on, they’ll all be home soon, and I’ve got to prepare a salad for tea”? “No course not. Is Julie getting on ok with her work experience”?“Yes she seemed really happy when she got home yesterday. How’s yours going”?“Oh great! I’m love every minute”. “That’s good.

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   Wallpapering or something isn’t it”?“Yeh. But it’s not just the job; it’s the people I’m working with". “So you get on ok with the guys you’re working with. They’re not just using you as cheap labour”?“No. I can honestly say, I haven’t had to do much real work at all. But they’re teaching me a hell of a lot of things”. “Mind your language Linda; I’m sure your mom doesn’t let you use words like that. Anyway, it’s good you’re being taught new skills. So you’ll be a real Pro, by the end of the week”?“I recon I’m almost that now”. I said giggling to myself. “Is that Fanny I can hear having a shower”?“Yes it is, but you know she doesn’t like being called Fanny, her names Francis. She’s getting ready to go out”. I picked up a glass and pushed it under the cold water tap (Faucet), and as I turned it on I asked, “Is it ok to have a glass of water”. Jane (Julie's mum) spun around, “NO! Not while she’s in the shower”. “Oh! I’m sorry, I never thought”, I said as I turned the tap back off, and having a job to hide my giggling.

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  “If you run the cold tap the shower will suddenly get hot”. Of-course I knew that, and I didn’t really want a glass of water either. “I’m sorry I never thought. Is it ok if I go and see if she’s alright? I’ll wait for Julie in her bedroom”. “Yes you go on up”. Now all the time she’d been moving around in the kitchen, I’d kept my bag in my hand, and kept it as close as I’d dared to Jane’s legs. I’d been looking from both back and front, but at this stage I had no idea if I’d recorded anything worth seeing. “Sorry about that Fanny”. I said as I passed the bathroom door. The shower had stopped running, so I guess she must be drying herself. As I stood by the doorway to Julie & Fanny’s room, the bathroom door flew open and Fanny marched out. Totally naked, unless you count the towel that she had wrapped around her hair. I was deliberately standing in the doorway, so as she passed me she had to turn sideways and side step through. My trusty bag was down by my side and I was hoping the camera had caught that wide open leg shot!“I might have known it would be you pissing around with the taps. I bet you did that on purpose”.

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  “Who me? I wouldn’t do such a thing; I’d never forgive myself if Fanny had got scolded”. This kind of bickering was normal between me and Fanny, we’d never hit it off. Maybe that was why I wanted to get some compromising shots of her, but no, I think it was as I’d said earlier, I knew daddy fancied her. I wonder if that’s why I don’t get on with her, am I jealous of her? Who cares! “God Fanny is that new”? I said staring down at her crotch. “What”?“That tattoo”! I’d seen it before; she’s had it about a couple of months. “No. I’ve had it ages. You must have seen it before”. “No. How far does it go”? This was a dragon across the side of her navel, and its tail curled around the front of her leg and disappeared into her upper thigh. She now did just what I’d hoped, proceeded to show off, displaying her tattoo proudly. She lifted one leg onto Julie’s bed as she lay back on her own. I walked across to pretend I was getting a close look, and tilted my bag. “What are you, a lesbian or something? You don’t need to get close enough to kiss my pussy”. “I’ll tell you what Francis, that’s awesome.

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   It’s so detailed. How were you brave enough to let someone do that to you”? I knew she’d fall for this flattery. “What do you mean, it didn’t hurt very much”?“No I meant letting someone get right in close to your pussy, was it a woman tattooist”?“No. it was a guy, a big hunk of a guy”. “God! And you had to lie down spread wide open while he did that, weren’t you shy”?“No way. One day when you grow up you’ll stop being a shrinking violet”. Little did she know! Anyway I carried on buttering her up. “How did he manage to do that bit on your tummy, didn’t your panties get in the way”?“Don’t be silly, I hadn’t got any on”. “No! How did you cover your pussy up”. “There wasn’t much point; I’d had to fuck the guy to get him to do the tattoo anyway. Some shit about me being under 18, and he’d loose his licence. So I flashed my legs, and he took me in the back room. Once he’d fucked me, he was the one who suggested this design. All the time I was laid on his table he kept taking a quick lick of my meat. I was that close to cuming, I couldn’t feel his needle, by the time he’d finished and put the bandage on I was rampant.

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   I about raped him. ”“Fucking hell! I bet your mom don’t know”?“Too fucking right she don’t, and if you say a word you're dead”. “Me? I wouldn’t split on you. Is that a clit stud you’ve got”?With that she dropped her leg back to the floor, “Yes. But that’s something else mom don’t know about, so make sure you keep it buttoned”. “Wow, I never knew you were so cool”. “Ok you can stop taking the piss”. “No, I’m not kidding. Sorry I kept calling you Fanny. But I never knew you were that cool, and had a stud in your clit”. “It’s no big deal”. “I think it is. I wish I could be brave enough to do that”. “It only stings a bit at first, you soon get used to it”. “No it’s not the pain, it’s you know, letting a guy play with your pussy”.

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  “Once you’ve been fucked a few times you won’t be that shy”. “Can I ask you something”?“What do you mean”?“Well if I ask you something, you won’t tell anyone”?“What the hell are you going on about”?“Please if I ask, even if you say no. Promise you won’t tell anyone I asked you”?“Go on then, ask away”. “And you promise you won’t tell”?“Yes I promise. Now for fucks sake hurry up. I wan‘a know what you’re gon’a ask”. “Can I have a closer look at your stud, and touch it”?“Jesus! You are a lesbian”. “No it’s not like that. I’m just so excited at the thought of getting one of them myself. I want to get mine done. Go on please lets me look at it”?“Well ok. But this is between you and me. You tell anyone and I’ll fucking kill you”. She lifted her leg back across to Julie’s bed where I was sitting. I knelt down on the floor, propping my bag against the bed behind me at an angle to try and get the best view I could.

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   As I leaned towards her open legs I could smell her pussy, even though she’d only just showered, the real pussy smell was so sweet. I gently took hold of one of her outer pussy flaps and held it to one side so I could see the stud. As my fingers contacted her skin I saw her shudder, and knew this was exciting her. But hell what had started as a way of getting my dad turned on, had now got my pussy throbbing!I took hold of either end of the stud between the finger and thumb of my left hand. Each movement made her pussy lift, and I was gently but continually giving it little tugs. “Ok. That’s enough!” and she tried to lift her legs shut. I was firmly positioned on the bed in-between her legs and she was going to have to use force to get them closed. “Please Francis don’t stop me”. With that I put my tongue on her lips and licked slowly up towards her clit. She shuddered violently. And as I reached her clit I sucked it, drawing clit and stud into my mouth. Her hands were now on the top of my head pushing down. But I sucked again, rolling my tongue around the stud. Her hand shook on my scalp, not pushing to get me off, but in a frenzy.


   I’d got her; she was now under my control, as I’d been under Robert’s control earlier. I continued my sucking and my tongue manipulation of her stud. But now I had two fingers probing her hole, and she was starting to buck her hips. God how had this happened, this wasn’t on my agenda, but fucking hell it was so sweet, or was it the feeling of power. I’d got her totally under my spell. So I thought now I’ve gone this far, let's go all the way. I kicked off my shoes, and while still keeping her clit going with my mouth, I pulled down my panties. Once they were off, I climbed on the bed, only momentarily leaving her pussy. Then as I lowered my pussy down, I felt her tongue touching my lips. Wow! There were no words, and I honestly can't describe the events, it is all a blur even now. I know I enjoyed it, and we both cum. I do remember we ended up pussy to pussy in some sort of weird contortion, holding and kissing each other. Even looking at the recording on the camera later didn’t show enough detail of the action to recap my memory. But hell who cares, we both enjoyed it planned or not. “You tell anyone what we’ve just done and you’re history.


   That little episode never happened, and don’t you ever try that again. Shit I need another shower now”, she said as she stormed out of the bedroom. Well what can I say, it wasn’t planned, and not much of it got recorded, well not visually, but the camera does record sound! I used my panties to clean myself up, and sat there waiting for Julie to come home, all the time wondering what Fanny, or do I now call her Francis? What will she say when she returns after having her shower?Suddenly I nearly jumped out of my skin. “God! Has that girl not come out from that shower yet? FRANCIS HAVE YOU SEEN THE TIME, YOUR FRIEND WILL BE HERE TO COLLECT YOU SOON”. It was Jane shouting towards the bathroom door to overcome the noise of the shower, then turning back to me, “it’s a wonder she doesn’t come out all wrinkled like a prune”. Then I heard the front door as Julie arrived home. “That’s Julie, sounds like she’s home now, I’ll tell her you’re up here”, she said as she disappeared back down stairs. As Fanny rushed into the room, this time with the towel covering her torso, she was followed by Julie who had just come up the stairs. I could tell Julie was bursting to tell me something, she was making hand signals like crazy. She threw her bag across the bedroom, and rushed back towards the bathroom, beckoning me to follow. “Go on. Go and lick her pussy now”! Fanny let fly with a quick snipe. As I sat on the edge of the bath, and Julie closed the bathroom door she asked. “What was that about? Was she trying to say we’re lesbians”?“Take no notice of Fanny. She’s always making some comment”.

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  “Yeh, you’re right. I’ve got something much more exciting to tell you”. She was almost frothing at the mouth, her excitement was bubbling over. “Guess why I’m late”?“You had to do an extra blow job”? Julie’s work experience was in a hairdressing salon, so the reference was to the task normally left to the novice hairdresser, ‘the blow dry’. “No but you’re not far off”. “Go on then I know you’re bursting to tell me”. “The guy who owns the hairdressers, lives two blocks away, and he’s been giving me a lift in and bringing me home”. “So you’ve been hanging around him all day”?“No he’s got loads of shops, we only see him for about ten minutes during the day. No it’s when he gives me a lift home. Yesterday, you know how hot it was. I never thought when I got in the car, I had my skirt pulled up and was getting a wet-wipe from my bag to cool my legs, when I felt him put his hand on my knee. God, I froze. You should have felt it; it made me go all funny. I just sat there while he ran his hand up to my panties”. “Christ Julie! Did he get your pussy”?“Well no.

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   Not then, but he did today”. “What he had you”?“Well I wouldn’t have stopped him. But no, he didn’t fuck me. But god I thought he was going to. He’d got my leg up over the back of the seat, and my panties pulled across. He wanked me till I cum. I still haven’t stopped shaking, and my legs are like jelly”. “So where did this all take place”?“Up Carters Lane”. “What he took a detour up the old spinney”?“Yep. We only stopped for about five minutes yesterday, but today he was eating my pussy for ages. I was sure he’d fuck me, I was scared to death. But then when he put my legs back down I felt so disappointed. When he'd started licking me I was wondering if I should try to stop him if he tried to fuck me. Before he’d finished licking, I wanted that fuck so much I almost asked him”. “Wow! So are you getting a lift with him tomorrow”?“Yep! And I’m counting on loosing my virginity”.

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  “You’re going for it then”?“Bloody right I am. I’m taking a spare pair of panties, and some wet-wipes, and I might even take a spare skirt”. “Won't your mom notice if you come home in a different skirt to the one you leave the house in”?“Got that sussed. I’ve got that little red skirt; I’ll slip it in my bag with my knickers when I go in the morning. Then when I finish work I’ll slip the little red pussy pelmet on, and if my first fuck turns out to be a bleeder, then it won’t matter”. “God you’ve worked it all out. You are serious”. “You bet’ya. When I come home tomorrow my cherry will have been popped. Whoaaaaaaa!”“Hang on a minute. How do I know you’re not just making this all up”?“Why would I”?“You might just want to win the bet”. There had been the usual bragging at school last week, about whether anyone would get lucky during their work experience, and we'd had a bet to see who would be first to score. “Well yes I do, but it’s all true what I’ve been saying”. “So your pussy is still wet”?“Yes! And my panties”. “So!”“What d’ya mean? So”?“So if they’re still wet.

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   Prove it”. “Really? You want me to show you”?“Well it’s the only way I’ll know for sure”. I’d been sitting on the edge of the bath, and she was sitting on the loo with the seat lid down. She slid forward, opening her legs, and lifted her skirt. “See!”Yes I could see, and I tilted my bag, so the camera would see as well. “Ok so your panties are wet, you could have pissed yourself”. It worked; she slid her fingers into the side of her gusset, and gave it a tug. Then she used the thumb and fore finger of her other hand, and opened her pussy lips, showing her glistening slimy wet pink hole. “Well now are you convinced”?“Yeh ok. Cover it up quickly before you start attracting the flies”. With that, she let go of her pussy, dropped her skirt, stood up and grabbed the wet flannel out of the wash-hand basin, and threw it at me, laughing as she said. “You fucking bitch, you were just having me on”. “Well I wondered how far you’d go. I didn’t recon on a pussy show. You wait till I tell the girls at school”.

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  “You wouldn’t”?“I’ll see. Maybe I can think of some kind of favour you can do for me”. “Like what”?“Don’t know yet, but I’ll think of one”. “Anyway got’a go, mom’ll be flipping her lid by now. It’s her keep fit night”. “Will I see you later”?“Doubt it I got’a lot things to do tonight. See ya tomorrow”. “See ya”. “Where the heck have you been till now? You know Tuesdays is a rush for me. Everything’s done; it just needs serving up when dad gets in. I’m running late now, I’ll just dash up and get ready, then I’ll be off. Oh, and Gordon will be in late he’s got a cricket match tonight, so I’ll probably be back before him”. And with that she was off upstairs. That whirlwind, in-case you hadn’t guessed was my mom, she’d let fly at me as soon as I’d walked in. And Gordon is my 20 year old brother.

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   But in all her rushing around, she had been oblivious to me thrusting my bag-cam under her shower coat. Yes she must have already showered, and had been preparing the meal dressed in one of those shower coats, loose fitting, made out of towel material, and only coming down to her bum. Now although at this stage I couldn’t see under it, it would be very unusual for her to have put any panties on if she was dressed like that. Now I rushed into daddy’s study, and turned the monitor on. Yes! Its still in recording mode, nothing crashed. Ok let’s stop recording, and see what we’ve got. It wants a file name, god what shall I call it. Who cares, ‘Temp’ will do. Shit! Fucking hell! I do that every time I’m in a rush. I named the bloody thing, but didn’t pay attention as to where it was going to put it. Select C: System, ‘Search’, ‘Temp’, ‘Search Now’. If daddy were here he’d be saying, “More haste less speed”. Gotcha! There it is. I’ll cut it now and paste it in my folder so I know where it is. Fucking hell this must be a big file.

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   Ok done now, here goes. Come-on open up you bastard! I’m sweating, I’m that impatient. Media player is there, but it’s taking forever to load the file. At last! Ok it’s got a picture, it’s only the ceiling, but it’s working. Try the fast forward button. Yes its working, now we’ve got white-out, must be the sky outside. The house roof, ok back to normal speed. Now Julie's front door, the picture is so clear once its had a second to sort out its light levels. Jesus Daddy will flip at this, as the door opens, the clearest shot up Jane’s dress as it billows forward with the draft blowing through the door. First look I think she hasn’t got any panties on, but no it’s a thong, but a skimpy one. I play this bit at normal speed, now she’s turned around and going towards her kitchen, thin string of the thong is totally disappeared up the crack of her bum! Even with a picture this clear its difficult to tell she’s wearing any at all. Oh yes this is good, daddy’s got to be impressed with this as she moves around the kitchen the glimpses of her crotch are astounding. Spin through the bit where it looks up my skirt as I go up the stairs. Now back to normal speed to see Fanny show her fanny as she side steps past me, YES! Got it to perfection, centre screen. Oh shit, I can hear mom coming down.

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   No time to shutdown, I’ll just turn-off the monitor, and go and sit in the lounge. “What are you up to”?“Nothing mom. Why”?“Well you look as guilty as hell, and your dad’s study door is closed. That was open earlier. Have you been on his computer again”?“I was just………” but I didn’t get chance to finish my sentence. “Oh hell I’m late. I’ll have to let your dad sort it out. Can I trust you to behave yourself until your dad gets home”?“Course you can”. “Ok bye, I’ll be home about 8:30”. I’ll be good till dad gets home, but I never said I’d be good once he gets here. Ok now she’s gone get a second camera from the box, and go up to her bed room. Ok camera hidden in-between the millions of bottles and lotions on the shelves above her dressing table. Back down stairs to connect the other end, and get this camera recording. Well ok got a picture, but not really got the whole bed, I’ll dash back up and move it a bit. This is harder than I thought; it takes about 6 goes before I can say I’m happy with it.

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   Ok now for the camera in my bag, daddy mustn’t know I took these pictures deliberately. Get the camera out, un-tape it from the box, and now lie it in the bag facing upwards. Its too far from the edge of the bag to be able to get it close up anyone skirt, and if I don’t pick-up the bag carefully, then it’ll tip over. But who cares I’ve got the pictures and this is just a cover. Now to check out the rest of the tape, oh no, not time, that’s daddy’s car I can here pulling in the drive. Ok quickly re-name the file and plonk it on daddy’s desk-top. There’s the front door. “HI ANYBODY HOME”? He shouts up the stairs as he comes in. “In your study. Come see what I’ve done”. He doesn’t like anyone in his study, and although he’s useless on the PC he hates other people going on it. So me saying I was in his study was like lighting the blue touch paper. He came storming in, dropping his briefcase at the doorway. “Linda what have you been up to. I’ve told you before that computer cost money, it’s not a toy”.


   By now I was out of his chair and he was sat down. “I know that daddy. But I’m working with a guy who’s a computer whiz kid, and he’s explained exactly how to get your cameras working”. “Look I’ve been trying for 4 weeks now, talking to guys who work with computers all day, and even with their advice I haven’t managed to even get the sound card working. So how do you expect to find something I haven’t”?“So you’re not interested in me showing you them working”?“What do you mean? You’re not trying to tell me you’ve got a picture out of them”?“Well I can get a picture, but I’m not sure about recording”. “You can get a picture? How”?Now I said I had little skimpy red panties on, and he was now sitting at the PC. So, I was stood alongside daddy, legs spread wide either side of my bag, little camera not been disturbed, so still pointing directly upwards. “Well I think if you click on that little icon that looks like an eye, it should open a camera”. He moved the mouse and clicked, the picture appeared, sized at full screen. I knew what would appear, but it still took me a second or two for my brain to process the view from that angle. Daddy obviously didn’t know where the camera was, and what he was looking at. Then the penny dropped, and he blurted out. “Where the hell is the camera”?“Oh. I bet its still in my bag”, then looking all round the room, I looked down, and brought my leg back to the other side of the bag. “Oops.


   Sorry about that. It was looking up my legs”. Now although it had taken daddy a while to work out what the picture was, I’m sure he’d realized it was an up skirt. The detail was so clear it would have been impossible not to, I think he just couldn't imagine how his camera was getting it. “What is the camera doing in your bag anyway”?“Oh I forgot. Once I’d got the system working, I put it on record, and I put the camera in my bag to take it around to Julie’s”. “What for”?“To see if it would pick up from that distance”. “And did it”?“Oops. When I got to Julie’s house, I’d forgotten about having the camera, so I never even tried it. It’s been stuck in my bag all the time”. “Typical woman. You get some guy to help you get the system working, then forget what you’re doing and go off nattering”. “Sorry. But don’t I get a kiss for getting it working”?“Yes of course you do, come here”. Nice big stride placing my foot by his chair, knowing full well my bag was directly in-between my legs, facing him so I couldn’t see the screen, arms around the back of his neck.

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  His eyes were glued to the monitor, as I turned his face to mine and kissed him. This was all too much for him, he hadn’t had time to pucker up for the normal daddy daughter kiss, lips tight shut. As I kissed him I pushed hard with my tongue, and he didn’t keep his teeth closed. Our tongues met, and my body quivered, I’m sure it did something for him as well, but he pushed me away. “Linda what are you playing at”? Now he’d pushed us apart, he must be back to seeing the view up my legs. “Oh come on daddy, I thought you’d be pleased I got your camera’s working”?I was still stood there legs wide open. “I am darling. But you shouldn’t kiss daddy like that”. “Why not? Do I taste bad”?“No dear of course not”. “Well I was just showing you how much I love you. I’m not a little girl any more; I’m almost a working girl. Why can’t I kiss like I’m grown up”?“Well it’s not that simple, you know I love you. But mom wouldn’t like you kissing me that way”. “So just cos mom don’t like it, you won’t kiss me any more”? I stepped violently back across my bag, kicking it over as I did, and stormed to the door. “And I thought you be pleased with me, seems there’s no pleasing some people”.

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  “Julie! Julie, come back here”. I’d already left the room, but I walked back and stood in the door way, pretending to cry. “No I’ve got to go and get changed; you’ve missed your chance. And if you're interested, then I named the file I recorded as ‘try one'. Judging by the view you just got of my knickers, it might have recorded something, so at least you’ll know if it works at that range. And your teas on the table, it’s only salad, so it won’t get cold”. I went upstairs to give him chance to find the file, hoping he'd get himself worked up. I slipped on a loose lightweight summer dress, short, and full fitting. I’d removed my bra, and knickers, and quietly sneaked down the stairs. I opened the back door and crept around the side of the house, to the outside of the window to daddy’s study. I was stood up, not kneeling, as I was actually on the flower beds. So to keep low and not be seen my hands were on the window sill, and I was bent over forwards, looking through the window. I was so intent on what I was peeping at, I never even thought about there being someone peeping at me. So daddy was playing the video I’d recorded, and using the occasional fast forward to go from one bit to another. From my vantage point I could see his monitor clearly, and his back was towards me.

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   I’d been there about 18 minutes, before daddy had got to the end of the recording. All this time I could see he had one hand down by his dick, but he didn’t appear to be wanking. Now he got up and was furtively going out of the room. Shit I hope I haven’t missed my chance. Was he going to sneak up to my room to fuck me? I turned quickly and jumped from the flower bed to the path, and caught a glimpse of Mr Brown, Julie's dad, as he ducked back behind a bush in his garden. The filthy bugger must have been ogling my pussy. No time to worry about that now, I didn’t even acknowledge that I’d seen him. I ran around to the kitchen, and could see daddy was at the end of the hall, looking up the stairs. Shit! He turned around and started back towards the kitchen, I hope he didn’t see me. I took a quick peek; he was leaving the kitchen and going back towards his study. I run back to the study window, on the way I see Mr Brown in his garden, but don't acknowledge the fact. He immediately hides behind a bush, and I guess he’s going to be looking up my skirt again, but who cares. Daddy has pushed his chair back from his desk, and he’s undoing his belt. Now he’s sat back down and put the video on to play again. From where I am I can’t see his prick, but the action of his right hand tells me he’s in full jack-off.

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   Now is my time to pounce. I sneak very quietly back into the house, reaching the edge of the door to his study. The door is closed, so I take a deep breath, here goes. I give two loud raps on the door as I turn the handle and burst into the room. He’s stunned for a second, then while pulling his trousers together he blurts out. “Julie! Bloody hell can’t a guy get any bloody privacy, even in his own study”?As I backed out of the door closing it behind me I replied. “Sorry daddy I was only coming to tell you I was sorry for upsetting you earlier”. He must have got himself all tucked back in, and straightened up, almost immediately he was calling. “Julie! Come back Julie I didn’t mean to shout. Please darling come back. Let me explain”. I went back and he was sitting at his desk, head in his hands, bowed down, looking so guilty. Sorry I burst in like that, but I was just coming back to tell you I love you. Even if I’m not your favourite little girl any more”. “Julie.

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   Don’t be like that, you know I love you, you’ll always be daddy’s favourite little girl. Come on come and give me a hug”. “I don’t want to be your little girl, that’s what I’m saying. I wanted to show you I’ve grown up now”. “You have darling, that was very clever getting my cameras working”. “No. I wanted to kiss you like a woman; I wanted you to kiss me”. “But you’re my daughter”!“So now you’ve stopped loving me”?“No course I haven’t”. “Let me kiss you, and you kiss me properly, show me you love me. Mom never has time for me, and our Brian hates me, I’ve only got you daddy. Please I’ll never do it if anyone else is around, it can be our secret”. “Come here, but no one else must know I’ve done this with you”. I walked slowly towards him, stopping to put my bag back to its upright position. “Leave that I’ll pick the camera up later”. “No, I’m sorry I kicked it, I was angry.

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   I’ll put it back”. I took my time placing the bag where I would need to step over it, and fussing around to make sure the camera was pointing upwards. Daddy didn’t say anything, but it was obvious I was making sure he’d see up my dress. Then I took up the same position, one foot by his, the second some distance away the other side of the camera. I didn’t rush to kiss him, but stooped slightly giving him an even better view. “I’m still your girl daddy, but I’ve grown up now”. With that, I cupped his face with my hands and put my mouth to his. Out tongues meet again, but this time he didn’t push me away. As I rolled my tongue around his, his tongue came from his mouth, and entered mine. This was it, I’d got him, I sucked on his tongue, and we were locked in the slimy clinch for at least 5 minutes. By which time I was standing astride his legs and his hand was on my pussy, fingers pushing in deep. Now I was reaching for his belt, and sliding down his zipper. Boy was he hard, but I must admit, I’d expected him to have been bigger, not that I’d ever tell him that. I eased myself towards him and lowered myself onto his shaft, if he’d been unwilling, he sure wasn’t showing it. Our mouths connect again and as his prick rammed up inside me, his tongue pushed hard into my mouth.

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   I’d wanted this to be something very special, my first fuck with daddy. But before I’d realized what was happening, he was jerking his hips, and I could feel his warm spunk in my eager pussy. I rode him for as long as I could, but not long after he’d shot his load, it all went limp, and my hope disappeared with his melting prick. “God Linda! We shouldn’t have done that”. “But daddy you were so good. And it’s not your fault, if mommy wasn’t such a bitch you wouldn’t need to jack-off”. “LINDA! Don’t talk like that about your mom!”“But daddy, you know it’s true. It’s not fair you having to play with yourself after going out to work. Mommy should be waiting here to look after you”. “That’s as maybe. But we must never do that again”. “But daddy! Wasn’t I any good”?“Look Linda, you know you were. But we can’t, it’s not right”. “But I was good”?“Yes you were good. But please never put me in that position again, you’re so sweet and I haven’t got the willpower to resist”.

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  “So why try? Come on take me up to your room, and show me I'm your favourite”. “We can’t your brother could walk in any second”. With that I stood back and took hold of his hand, pulling him from his chair. “No Linda, we can’t”. I pulled all the harder, not that I was ever going to get him out of the chair if he didn’t want to move. “Yes we can, mom said Brian won’t be home till after her, he’s playing cricket, so we’ve got ages yet. So unless you’re saying you don’t love me”?He rose from his chair, and followed me. We walked hand in hand in complete silence. When we reached mommy’s room, I walked to the bed and pulled all the covers off the bed. “Where are you going”? Asked daddy, as I left the room. “To get some spare sheets from the airing cupboard. You don’t wan’ a leave any evidence when you make me cum”. “Linda! You sure this is the first time you’ve done this”?As I walked back in the room, I spread the fresh sheets on the bed, while saying. “Daddy! What do you mean! I swear before this week I’ve never even been fingered”. WELL I WASN’T LYING.

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  “Sorry my little darling, I don’t know why I said that. I know you would never do that kind of thing with anyone else”. Now I’d got sheets on the bed I walked across and started to strip him, he went to lift my dress off. “No daddy. Not yet”. He didn’t argue, but meekly stood there while I stripped him naked. Then I said, “Do you want me daddy”? His prick could have answered for him. “Oh yes! You know I want you”. “Can I ask you to do it special for me”?“Special! What do you mean”?“Was I good for you in your study”?“You know you were”. “Well this time, will you do it to me the way I want? Like I’ve dreamed about”?“You’ve dreamed about”?“Oh yes daddy I’ve dreamed about you doing this to me for months now”. “Of course I’ll do anything you want”. “Ok let me lie down, and I’ll pretend to be asleep. I want you to come in and get a hand full of your ties. Then gently take each one of my arms and tie me to the head board, but be careful you don’t wake me. Then tie my legs, but make sure the knots are real good, when I wake, I want to be able to thrash about, and not escape”.


  “Are you sure about this”?“Please daddy you did promise. Once I’m securely tied, I want you to rip my dress from hem to neck, so you can see me naked. Then I’ll wake-up and start fighting you. But you have to force, even slap me if I make too much noise. Do it for real”. “No. Linda I think you’re asking too much”. “But daddy you promised. Please”. “Why”?“It’s my dream; I want you to rape me. I want you to make me do as you say. Be really cruel”. “But I can't, I love you and you’re my little girl”. “But you want to fuck me”?“You know that”. “So rape me, if you’ve ever wanted to do something with mommy, and she was to frigid, then make me do it! Make me scared of you, make me your slave”.


  “This is not what I thought you wanted me to come up here for”. “But you’ll do it”?“Ok, but what about your skin getting marked if I slap you”?“Then slap me somewhere it won’t show”. “Ok but how will I know I’m not going too far”?“Daddy you can do with me what ever you want, but please will you eat my pussy first, then once you’ve got me aroused, you can pretend I’m Fanny from next door”. “Fanny? You mean Francis, what’s she got to do with it”?“Don’t get uptight daddy, I’ve seen you looking at her sunbathing, then going back to your greenhouse for a wank”. “I don’t know. . . . ” but I cut him short. “Don’t worry daddy your secrets safe with me. If you want you can punish me for watching you. Or just close your eyes and pretend you’re fucking Fanny. So long as you make me cum, I don’t care who you’re fucking in your mind”. I walked to the bed and lay down, saying. “Go on get out.

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   I want you to creep in when I’m asleep”. Then I lay still and waited. He was so gentle, taking my hands one at a time, and tying the knots around my wrists. Daddy might not be good at many things, but he knew his knots, and these were not the pretend knots you see in most TV and films. Now he was pulling my left leg across, and though he was gentle, he was now pulling quite hard, and I slid down the bed until the tie on my right wrist pulled tight. Then as he took my right leg and tied my ankle he looped it through the bed post and pulled. God did he pull? It was like being stretched on the rack. I’d told him to do it for real, and for real is what I was getting. I had planned to pretend to be asleep until he was well into eating my pussy, but he was stretching that hard it hurt, and I winced as the knots on my ties all started cutting into my wrists. These weren’t his neck ties he was using; this was some kind of thin nylon rope. This was not going to break, no matter how hard I struggled! As my pretence of sleep was now exposed, I thought I might as well start my performance. I opened my eyes and shook violently against my bonds, but I was really tightly held and there was very little movement possible. “Daddy! What are you doing”? He didn’t answer, but stood on the bed above me, naked, his prick only semi-hard now. He knelt astride my bust, his prick dropping down to my lips. I lunged up as if trying to take a bite at it.

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  “Get off me you bastard”. This shocked him, but then he realized I was getting into the act, and he responded accordingly, with a very hard slap across my belly. That was no pretend slap; it cracked as it came into contact with my soft tummy. I let out a yell as I smarted with the pain; this was a real yell to match the real pain! He once again lowered his prick towards my mouth, this time more cautiously. But as I repeated my attempt to bite his dick, he was ready with his hand, and he grabbed my jaw from under my chin. His grip was tight, squeezing hard into my cheeks. While holding me, he lifted his leg back over my body, so he was now kneeling along side me. He now brought his free hand down slapping my pussy. I instinctively let out a yell, but this was muffled by his hand restraining my jaw. “Listen my girl. If you try biting me again, I’ll make that pussy of yours so sore you won’t sit down for a week”. Now at this point his last slap had actually reduced me to tears, real ones! But I still thought I try pushing him more. So when he asked, “Are you going to be a good girl and suck daddy’s dick”?I answered, “No you bastard. Leave me alone”. At this a torrent of slaps rained down on my pussy, one after another, and I fought with all my might, sobbing loudly.

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   How many slaps I took I don’t know, but the pain was so acute I think I peed myself. This time when he asked me, I meekly nodded my head and through my sobs said ok daddy. His dick was hard as hell by now, and he plunged it into my mouth. In no time at all he was in a 69 position, fucking deep into my throat, while lapping around my stinging pussy with his tongue. The pain had somehow intensified the sensitivity of my clit, and I lifted for him willingly. His prick was well into my windpipe, thrusting deep and hard. I had no way of pushing him up to get his to let me take air, and I did actually black-out!It was only later seeing the recording that I know what happened next! He was so intent on shooting his seed, that he’d forgotten I needed air. It was a good job my mom hadn’t been letting him have a regular fuck, other wise I could have been suffocated. As it was, he took no time at all to cum, and pulled out almost immediately, turning to she how I was reacting to his efforts. The look of horror and panic on his face was not an act! He suddenly realised what he’d done, and started by slapping my face side to side, and shouting, “Wake up! Linda! Wake up”! But I was genuinely out cold! Now he pulled my head back. And opened my mouth. He then proceeded to give me the ‘kiss of life’. He was taking very deep breaths, then putting his lips to mine, and blowing his air into my mouth. This went on for quite some minutes, and as I say I only know this by watching the recording some time later. But even watching it, and knowing I’d survived, I was sitting on the edge of my seat like it was a movie.

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  It is obvious as I’m telling you this that I did eventually come to life. But as I did so, it was with a lot of coughing, and pulling against my bonds. Daddy immediately pulled at his knots, and released both my wrists. I instinctively rolled face down and coughed up loads of white milky cum onto the bed. He was now rubbing and patting my back, saying. “Come on cough it all out. That’s it. Are you ok”? I lay on my side for a while, face down breathing very erratically. As I started to gain my senses, I went back to my acting. I sat up and flung my arms around him. “Sorry daddy. Please don’t hurt me any more. I’ll do what ever you tell me, only please don’t kill me”!This spooked daddy big style, and he pushed me away from him. “Look Linda this has gone far enough”. Then as he started untying my ankles, “Are you feeling ok”?Still sobbing, “Yes daddy, please don’t hurt me any more; I’ll be a good girl and let you put your thing in me”.

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  “Look Linda. This has gone far enough; I’m not playing your games any more. If you’re ok, I’ll leave you to clean up and I’m going down the pub (Bar)”. Before I’d had chance to say if I was ok or not, he was gone, carrying his clothes with him. Well if my plan had worked, this would look like a genuine rape of a daughter buy a brutal daddy, I’d have him under my thumb for life!I now had to get myself and mom’s room cleaned up as quickly as possible. I rushed around doing the room first, and then dashed to the shower. When I got out, I had some very red cheeks, and a very sore pussy. But the biggest problem was my wrists and ankles. I put cream on them, but there was little else I could do. Now back downstairs to stop it recording, and copy that file onto a CD, I wanted a copy of that where daddy couldn’t get at it. At this time, I hadn’t got time to look at this file; I had more things to do. Now I opened the recording from earlier, and searched it rapidly to find the part where I’d come home, and mom had been dashing around the kitchen in her bath robe. This was perfect, as I’d thought; she just slipped the robe on after her shower, like I’d just done. And like me now, she hadn’t got any knickers on either! So this part I cut from the rest and made into a separate file. I’d only just saved it when I heard mom coming in, instead of getting up from dads desk, I sat there, and pulled up an old homework project on the screen.

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  “Hi Mom”. “Linda! What are you doing, I told you earlier, your dad doesn’t like you using the computer”. “It’s ok mom. Dad says I can use it when ever I want now, in-fact he was the one who told me to do this project on here”. “Well ok if you’re sure, but I’ll be asking him when he comes down from his greenhouse”. “He’s not up the greenhouse. He said he was going down the pub”. “The PUB! That’s not like your dad. Did one of his friends call for him”?“No he was on his own”. “Ok. I’ll talk to him when he gets in. I’m going upstairs to lie down, and then I’ll be having a shower”. “Ok”. Now for some inside information about my mom. Every Tuesday she goes to keep fit, and as soon as she comes in she goes to her room to lie down.

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   Well her description of a lie down, and yours might not be the same. I recon she’s got the hots for the guy who runs the keep fit class. One evening, quite by accident, I walked into her room while she was having one of these lie downs. I only wanted to ask her something, and as I opened her door, I saw her. Yes she was lying down on her bed, but she had no panties on, legs up and spread wide. And her fingers were working her pussy like crazy. She didn't notice me, not because she was to engrossed, but she had on a black-out mask, the type used for migraines, and her personal stereo with earplugs. I watched her for some moments, amazed that she still had sexual desires. Since then I’ve listened at her bedroom door several times, and I know this is a regular routine. So now I start the camera in her room recording again, but I also watch for a while. Well as I’d expected mom was soon laid down, mask on and earplugs in. She raised her legs spreading them wide, to reveal her naked pussy. Her fingers started playing around the clit, and she was almost immediately lifting her hips. Then the fingers of one hand found the entrance to her hole, and in they went, manipulating vigorously. Suddenly my trance was broken, by the noise of Brian and three of his buddies coming in the back door.

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   I hadn’t realised, but I had been playing with my pussy while I’d been watching mom. The noise at the door, brought me to my senses, and I quickly straightened up my bathrobe. They all came through to the lounge, and on went the TV, and then they fired up the play station. As they all sat around in the lounge Brian looked in to where I was sitting at dad’s desk, and said. “Hey, what are you doing on there? Dad’ll blow his top when I tell him”. “Don’t be such a creep. Why don’t you just get on with playing your silly games and leave me alone”. Then one of his buddies (Garry) leaned his head around the door, and said. “I’d rather come and play with you! I’ve got a stonking hard you could look after for me”. “Hey that’s my kid sister you’re talking to”. “So! She can still give head can’t she”?Before Brian had chance to reply, I spoke up. “Don’t get so worked up Brian, he’s only pulling your leg. Any way I bet you guys prefer a real woman like this one dads got on here”. All the guys got to their feet, and as they came into the room Brian said. “What are you going on about”?I clicked on the file I’d just cut, the one showing up mom’s bathrobe.

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  “Bloody hell! Look at the pussy on that! God I’d give her one”, came Brian’s remark. “Fucking hell what’s your dad doing with porn like that”?“Don’t know. How did you find that Linda”?“I was doing my homework, and I lost my file. Then I found this one”. The clip ended, and Brian said. “Go on run that again sis. I don’t know how dad got it, but she’s fucking hot”. I clicked, and it started running again. “Don’t you know who it is”?“No. Should I”?“I would have thought so; can’t you recognise the kitchen cupboards? I know you don’t go in the kitchen that much”. “Shit Brian! It’s your mom”!“I was wondering how long it was going to take you guys to work it out”. “Linda you’re fucking sick”!“Me sick! You lot were the ones getting all hottttttttt, looking at mom's pussy”. “Well turn it off. It ain’t right”. I stopped the file, and clicked the camera in mom’s bedroom onto real time display, and sound.


  “Uhh uhh oh ohh uhh”, the unmistakable sounds of pleasure as moms hips heaved up and down, her fingers clear to see really ramming into her pussy. “What the fucking hell! That’s your mom again! How many clips of her have you got”?“This isn’t a clip, not yet anyway. This is live. She’s up there now beating her pussy. Dying for someone to give her a fucking”. “Hey Linda! Don’t talk like that about mom”!“Don’t be so fucking touchy. You can see I’m right. She wouldn’t be able to let you lot fuck her, but if you held her down and give her one, I bet she’d secretly be pleased”. “I said don’t talk about mom like that”!“But she’s right. Look at her go. If ever there was a woman who wanted to be fucked, your mom does”. “Look guys, this ain’t right. That’s my mom”. “Yes Brian, the same mom that you were just saying ‘was fucking hottttttt’, and that ‘you’d like to give her one’. It still a pussy! And you can see she needs a fuck as much as you guys do”.


  “But she wouldn’t let us lot fuck her”! Said Garry. “She's got a mask on and ear plugs in, you could all get hold of her at once, and hold her while you take turns to fuck her”. “What rape her”?“It isn’t really rape. You know she wants it, its just she couldn’t really say come on up and fuck me. But you can see she would if she could”. “Naa, she’ll call the cops and we’ll all be in trouble”. “Do you really think she’d call the cops, if you show her this video of her frigging herself? You’ve only got to threaten to send a copy to all the other parents in the parent teacher club she goes to. She won’t dare breathe a word. Go on quick before she cums, or you’ll miss your chance”. “What do you recon”?“I’m up for it”. “And me”. “Look guys, that’s my mom”!“So like your sis says, she’s got a pussy that’s begging for it”. “But you can’t”. “We not only can. But we’re gon’a.

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   So are you with us, or are you going to stop and watch on the PC”?“Oh fuck! Come on then let’s get her”. That was it, the fire was lit, and now it would turn into an inferno, impossible to extinguish. I just sat and watched on the PC. The door opened, and I saw all four of them sneaking into mom’s room. She was oblivious to their presence, laid on the bed, eyes covered, walkman flooding her head with music, legs wide open frigging herself. Jim went to one side of the bed and Alan went to the other, whilst my brother stood behind Garry who was busily getting stripped off at the foot of the bed ready for action. Brian stood there as though he couldn’t decide whether to join in or help mom. The guys either side were now in position, and they were both stripped. You could see by the hand gestures and head nodding they were all ready, and as soon as Garry gave the sign the two guys leapt into action. They dived onto mom from both side, taking an arm apiece, and Jim gripping mom across her mouth, stopping her from making a sound. Alan had got one of mom’s legs, so as Garry jumped onto the bed to mount mom, he only had one flailing leg to contend with. Mom was bucking and struggling violently, but Garry was into her and fucking like crazy without any real difficulty. Gradually as her resistance subsided, they pulled her mask off, and removed her earplugs. As mom realised who her attackers were, first she renewed her struggle, and then Alan started trying to calm her down. “Hey Mrs Thomas, stop struggling, were not going to hurt you”.

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  Then Jim chipped in, “Yes just calm down, you know you want a good fucking, and if you promise not to scream I can let go of your mouth. Are you going to be sensible? You know you can’t stop us, so there’s no point in struggling like this and getting hurt. Come on just enjoy it. That’s better. I’m going to take my hand away, and if you scream I’ll hit you. OK?”I could see mom attempting to nod her head, while all the time Garry had been bashing away at her, and now looked like he was about to reach his climax. His bum was pounding into mom shooting his spunk deep inside her. Jim lifted his hand slowly away from her mouth, but left it hovering in readiness to either slap her or re-apply his grip. Mom didn’t appear to make a sound, and as Garry lifted himself off her, I got a full view of her pussy which was seeping out milky spunk. Brian was still stood back by moms dressing table, so I don’t think she realised he was there. Alan passed moms wrist over to Garry as he came around to the side of the bed. Now it was Alan’s turn, mom never attempted to struggle, and as Alan eased himself up inside her, you could tell she was letting her bodies desires take over. It started gradually with her lifting her legs wider and then wrapping them around Alan’s back. Then she was using her legs to lift herself up to meet his thrusting. Now both Jim and Garry had released her wrists, and once she’d got her arms wrapped around Alan, that was it.

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   It was as though she hadn’t been fucked for weeks. Not only was she thrashing herself up to meet his thrusting, but she was now shouting deep sexy instructions to her lover. “Fuck me you raping bastard! Come on then, if you think you’re man enough! Oooooh yes! Go on fuck me hard!” This shouting was really making Alan work at it; he pounded her for all he was worth. Then as with Garry you could see the change in movement as he started violently jerking his cum into mom’s pussy. At this mom's legs dropped to the bed, and her arms flailed about. As Alan lifted himself free, she was writhing about jerking in all directions. Jim was at the foot of the bed ready to take his turn, but there was no way he could attempt to get mounted. It took the best part of three minutes before she’d settled down, and Jim climbed onto the bed. As he was pushing himself into mom’s pussy, she was lifting herself up onto her elbows and saying. “Come on then how many more is there after you”?When suddenly she caught sight of Brian standing back by the dressing table. “BRIAN! What the hell are you doing there! Oh god get off me”. And with that she started to struggle and try to get free. They all pounced back onto her, restraining her while Jim started his fuck. It took quite a few minutes before she settled down enough for them to release her, but she eventually did. Jim completed his fuck, and was able to deliver his spunk deep inside mom’s pussy without any protest.

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  This fuck had not however got mom to the point of orgasm, and as he climbed off the bed she just sat up. “Well is that it? Have you all done with me now”?The three guys looked across to Brian, but did not speak. She looked at Brian, and then asked in a sarcastic voice. “Don’t tell me you’re gon’a’ fuck me as well”? Garry then joined in, “Well? Look if you don’t want a go, I’m gon’a have another go at her”. Then Jim piped up, “Come-on Bri, she’s as hot as hell. Just forget she’s your mom. You saw how fucking wild she is”. Brian started to walk towards the bed, then mom spoke up, you could detect the edge of panic in her voice. “Brian. You stop there. Brian! Don’t you dare take another step”, and with that she went to jump off the bed. Once again she was pounced on from all sides, this time three guys holding her tightly. They restrained her with legs spread wide, but kept propped up to make sure she got a good view of her son stripping off in preparation to fuck her. Garry had his hand clamped firmly around her mouth, to prevent any screaming. Brian was not rushing, and before he’d dropped his pants, Garry was asking mom.

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  “If you promise to be sensible and not to scream, I’ll take my hand off your mouth”. Mom nodded, and Garry removed his hand. Mom immediately started pleading with Brian. “Brian please! I’m begging you. I’ll do anything else you want, but don’t rape me”. Brian didn’t speak, but Garry soon answered. “Ok Mrs Thomas if we let you go, you’ll give Bri a blow job”?“I wasn’t talking to you. Brian please listen to me. You can’t do this to me, I’m your mother”. By now Brian was stood at the bottom of the bed naked, I’d caught a glimpse of his hard dick while he was stripping, but now with his back to me, I only had his bum in view. He answered mom. “Ok mom. So if I get the guys to let you go, you’ll get on your hands and knees and blow me”?“Oh Brian. Please. You wouldn’t make me do that”?“I wasn’t going to make you.

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   You said you’d do anything I wanted. Well, I want you to blow me”. “But Brian, I’m your mother”. “So? You fucked my buddies. And don’t tell me you weren’t enjoying it, cos you were fucking like a bitch on heat”. “That’s not fair; you saw what they did to me”. “That’s enough talking. Either you agree to blow me or I’m gon’a fuck you. What’s it gon’a be. Be quick”!“Ok I’ll do it. But I’ll never forgive you”. “Who the fuck cares about being forgiven, you ain’t no priest. Just make sure if we let you loose, that you do as you’re told”. “Ok”. “Let her loose guys.

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   And you bitch. Get on your hands and knees and get sucking this”. As soon as she was let go she climbed onto her hands and knees, and crawled down the bed. This bit I couldn’t see, but it was obvious she was on his dick. It took no time at all before my brother's arse cheeks were clenching in spasms as his spunk rose up his shaft and into moms throat. When she sat up on the bed, the spunk was evident around her lips, and she put her hand to her mouth and proceeded to cough up the spunk into it. “Hey don’t waste it. You’re supposed to swallow it”, said Garry. “Cough! Cough! Look I’ve had as much as I can take of you little bastards ordering about. The lot of you had better fuck off now or I’m calling the police”! Brian came back with a sudden remark that stunned mom rigid. “SHUT-UP YOU FUCKING BITCH”, and then as he lifted her hand back up to her mouth and tipped her head back. “GET THAT FUCKING SHIT DOWN YOUR THROAT BEFORE I FUCKING RAM IT DOWN FOR YOU”!Mom’s attitude changed, and she obeyed instantly, licking her hand clean. She hardly finished before Brian issued another order, not shouting this time but still in a forceful tone. “Now bitch, get back on the bed and spread your legs. And I’m not asking, I’m telling you”.

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   As I said he wasn’t shouting, but even sitting hear watching, a shiver went down my back. Mom did exactly as she’d been told, not a word spoken. The guys around the bed stood looking in amazement as Brian mounted mom. She was broken, her spirit crushed. Almost as soon as he started pushing his dick into her, she lifted like a willing slut. Her blow job had relieved his pent-up libido, so now he was able to take his time. Every thrust Brian gave, was greeted with and equal and opposite thrust from mom’s hips giving her maximum penetration. This was now developing from what had begun as a frenzied rape, into a passionate love embrace. It almost felt wrong to intrude on the magic of the moment by watching them. Neither of them could have realised, they were both oblivious to anyone else’s presence. Their mouths were locked together, and this was no act. Some how it was like a long lost lover having a re-united embrace. Oh god! This was so good to watch that without knowing I was stretched out on dad’s chair finger deep up my pussy going at it for all I was worth. But what turns me on obviously wasn’t doing anything for the guys upstairs. “That’s gross, he’s got his tongue down his mom’s throat”, said Alan.

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  “Yeh, and she’s just as bad”, chipped in Garry. “Come-on lets get him off there I want another fuck”, was Jim’s contribution. “Are we gon’a let him finish first”? Asked Garry. “No I want a fuck now”, replied Jim. “Now come-on guys! It is his mom! Its only fair we let him shoot his load”, reasoned Alan. “Well ok. But he hadn’t better take too long about it”, said Jim. Their bickering destroyed my potential orgasm, and I was getting hot under the collar, not now in a sexual way, but in a kind of rage. If I’d have been a boy, I bet I’d have gone up there to make sure my brother was left alone to finish his love making. But I suppose if I had have been male, my reaction might have been the same as those other guys. Anyway I sat there watching and hoping they’d leave him alone until they both reached their climax. I didn’t need to wait long, soon Brian’s erratic jerking signalled his success, and mom went into her uncontrolled convulsion. Brian had completely emptied his balls, and he lifted himself off mom. But she carried on oblivious to her audience. Now Jim might have been desperate, and thought he was next, but Garry was the leader of this pack, and it only took him to lift his arm up blocking Jim’s path, to make him back down.


   So while Garry climbed back on the bed to have another go at mom, Jim had to stand back once again watching. Brian was once again stood back to one side, looking very confused. His passion had overcome his conscience, and now I think he was wondering what had come over him. As Garry bashed away and mom responded with equal eagerness, Brian’s face showed his distaste for what was going on. Then as Garry delivered his love seed, pumping it deep into mom’s pussy, Jim was once again standing there ready to pounce. But as Garry got to his feet, Jim was once again stopped, this time by Alan. “Hang on a minute! Who said you were having the next turn”?“Look Alan, you’d better back off, or I’ll fucking flatten you”. “Hey guys! Wow up there. There’s no need to come to blows”, said Garry pushing his arm in-between them. Then looking across at mom who was laid on the bed propped up resting on her elbows, legs still spread wide open, “She’s fucking gagging for it, why don’t you both take her at once”. At this mom closed her legs, and blurted out. “Don’t you dare! I’m not letting anyone take my bottom”. “Don’t worry I ain’t no queer, there’s no way I’m fucking your arse”, said Jim. “Me neither”, said Alan. “Who mentioned her arse? You can double fuck her cunt.


   She’s as sloppy as fuck. One of you get on top and roll her over, the other get stuck up from behind her”. “Fucking hell yes”! Said Jim, lunging forward. “No you don’t. You’re not double fucking me which ever way you try”. Garry went round to one side of the bed, and grabbed an arm and one leg, saying, “Come-on Brian, gr.



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