
Cousin Cumming Of Age Pt 1


Well I got the call the other day that my uncle had died. It was expected, as he had been in the hospital for some odd weeks now. Everything went as expected, just about all my relatives were present for the services. I had been out of the family loop for a few years, as I had been traveling around the country, trying to find my niche. So it was understandable that there would be some new family members that I had not made aquaintance with yet. A cousin of mine had remarried for a second time, so I got a chance to meet her new husband. Another one of my normally absent cousins was there with his family. I was not really introduced to the children, just the wife.
I noticed around the funeral parlor that there was this one girl, beautiful blonde with legs that seemed to go on forever. Her straight hair and slender frame was to say the least, breath taking. She was dressed in the traditional black, a sport coat and one of the shortest matching skirts I had ever seen.  I knew that I mustn't stare at the poor girl, she hardly looked of age, and she was most likely a relative, no less. But I could not help myself. I would look away from her, and a few moments later, would catch myself scanning the room, and stealing a glimpse of her.

I tried to just pay attention to the other relatives that were coming up to me and talking, but it was getting continually more difficult to focus on anything else. At this point, I started questioning my sanity.

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   What was going on with me? I never thought myself to have thoughts of pedephilia, or incest, much less both! But here I was, at a place of mourning, lusting over this underage bombshell, who had to be related to me in some fashion. Somehow I managed to get through the day. Either no one cared to comment on my insane behavior, or I must have done a pretty good job at hiding it.
The next day's viewing, was a different story. As I mingled around into the parlor, fashionably late as usual; one of the first sites I had the pleasure of seeing was the girl again. She looked even more radiant today.  It was even harder to not focus on this picture of perfection. She was wearing another oh so short skirt ensamble today. The difference with today was the top.  There was no sport coat hiding her from view today. She had on a fairly tight fitting top, that exposed that this girl may be young, but she was not prepubescent. She had budding breasts that could be made out quite nicely, do to the fit of her chosen top. My first site of her was her bending over the coffin, paying her respects to the deceased. I got a perfect view right up the back of her skirt. I felt my glans start to stiffen immediately.

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   It was everything I could do to contain myself. I looked around hurriedly, and noticed that quite a few of my other male relatives had witnessed this site. After that, I noticed that she was pretty much in a flurry of motion today. I did my best to keep attention on my oh so honored relatives, but she kept walking back and forth, back and forth. I know she must have been bored to death, there were hardly any other kids her age around at all.
After a little while my throat was getting dry from all the family small-talk, so I went out to find myself a refreshment. The funeral parol had a nice little niche off to the side that families could take refuge in for a few minutes to help recharge. As I entered the little refugee-dining area, what should happen to appear in my narrowed field of vision? You guessed it, there she was. Just sitting there all alone at the table, fumbling with her fingers trying to pass the time. I lost my nerve, and passed right next to her, not stopping until I got to the water dispenser. I did however; happen to look back over my shoulder when I passed by the table. She had caught my eye.  I winced inside, thinking of what my wolfish expression must have looked like. As I turned to pour my cup, I noticed that she had her nose up, eyes closed and was inhaling my scent as I had walked by. "That's Tommy you're wearing, isn't it?" were the first words I had ever heard her say.

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   Such a sweet and innocent voice. "Um, yes" I stammered, "Did I overdo it, huh?" I felt my face starting to flush. "Mmm no, it's just fine. That's my favorite. " And I could see that her face was also rosey. "It's a little hot in here, don't you think?" I couldn't believe I was actually trying this tired old line on anyone. "Yeah, actually I've been roasting in here all night. " she said. "Well let's go outside and get some air, wanna?" I thought I was sounding pretty corny, but she complied. I happened to luck out and no one from my family was around to see us steal away to the outside.
To Be Continued. . .



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