
Danny's Return - Chapter One


Danny’s Return – Chapter One
Jenny rushed through the house to answer the insistent pounding on their door. You’d think the doorbell would have been enough, she thought to herself, but no they had to try to bust the door down too. She cautiously looked through the peephole and gasped. Quickly unlocking the door she jerked it open to stare wide-eyed at the tall, thin man standing before her.
“Nels, what –”
He shoved her further into the room and stepped inside, slamming the door behind him. Quickly locking it he turned back to her with a serious, concerned look on his face.
“Where’s Matt?” he asked.
“He’s not here. He left for work about twenty minutes ago. Why?”
“Shit. ” He flipped the cell phone in his right hand open and pressed a number the put it to his ear. “He’s not here. I already missed him. He left twenty minutes ago. Yeah. Alright, they’re probably still in the air.

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   If you don’t here anything from either of them in the next couple of hours, call it in. Marty, call me as soon as Matt gets there. ”
Nels closed his phone and slipped it in his pants pocket. He put his hands on Jenny’s shoulders and stared into her brown eyes.
“Danny escaped last night. ”
“Oh, God, no…. ”
“There’s another agent waiting for Matt at his office. I was hoping to catch both of you here. I had someone go there to wait just in case. ”
“Do you think he’ll come looking for us?”
“We don’t know but I’m not taking any chances. ” Nels reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone when it rang. He flipped it open and put it to his ear. “Yeah?”
“I just heard on the scanners, there’s an accident on the beltway. He might be stuck in it. ”
“Damn it.

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   Get someone out there now and get on the radio to the respondings. Let them know to look for him. ”
“Already called them. They say they’re too busy with the vic’s to look for our boy. ”
“Damn it, Artie, get someone out there. Now. This doesn’t feel right. ”
“I’m on it, Nels. ”
Nels clicked his phone closed and grabbed Jenny’s wrist.
“Come on, we have to go. ”
“There’s been an accident on the beltway. Matt’s probably stuck in the backup. I’ve got to get to him. ”
“Oh, God, Nels…. ”
“He’ll be fine, Jenny.

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   He’s just sitting in car cussing the long wait. ”
Nels pulled Jenny from the car and through the vehicles waiting in line behind the accident. When an officer in uniform headed in their direction to cut them off Nels pulled his ID wallet from his pocket and flipped it open. Holding it out for the officer to see, Nels kept moving through the motionless automobiles looking for Matt’s blue ’64 convertible. When he finally saw it his heart sank. It was empty. Where the hell is he, Nels wondered, his eyes raking over the other cars. When he spotted another uniformed officer he motioned the man over.
“Nelson Sheridan,” he said, introducing himself as he flashed his ID at the officer. “I need you to watch this young lady for me. She’s in protective custody. Her life is in imminent danger. ”
“Yes, sir,” the young officer replied.
“Nels –”
“I’ve got to find Matt. I can’t do that and watch out for you too.

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   Please stay here, Jenny. ”
“Just find him,” she replied, fighting back the tears.
Nels nodded to her and moved away. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket as he hurried through the cars, his eyes searching for Matt’s familiar face or form. After flipping his cell phone open he pressed a number then put the phone to his ear.
“Turner, I need some help on the beltway. ”
“I heard about the accident. Was Matt involved?”
“No. I found his car. It’s empty. ”
“Shit! I’ll have a team there in ten minutes. ”
When Nels flipped his phone closed he glanced around again as he put the phone back in his pocket. He saw a black and white police cruiser pulling away from the accident scene. It was only about twenty yards from him when it pulled away. The familiar profile of the young man sitting in the back seat gave him a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

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   He ran forward and grabbed an older officer by the arm. The man glared at him when he turned around. Nels flashed his ID again.
“That car,” he pointed at the cruiser heading away from the accident scene. “Where’s it going?”
“Damn’d if I know. ” The officer turned his head to a group gathered around several crashed cars a few feet from them. “Hey, Rog, who’s got your car?”
“What?” another man called.
The officer pointed and the man he spoke to turned to look.
“Fuck!” he cried. “Report it!”
The officer Nels had spoke to grabbed his radio and spoke into it as Nels sprinted away from him. Nels’ cell phone appeared in his hand. He flipped it open and pressed a button.
“Turner, they got him. They’re in a black and white heading east off the beltway just past the accident site. I’m stuck behind it.

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   You’ve got to get someone to him. Danny’ll kill him. ”
Nels didn’t wait for an answer, he flipped the phone closed and ran back to Jenny.
“Thanks!” he called to the young officer and pulled Jenny away from the man.
“Where is he?” she demanded.
“Turner’s on it. ”
She skidded to a stop. Nels turned to stare at her.
“Where is he, Nels?”
Nels heaved a sigh. “He was in the back of a cruiser, leaving the scene of the accident. ”
“Oh, God. Was he hurt?”
“No, Jenny, he’s fine. ”
She studied his face. “What?”
“It wasn’t cops in the cruiser with him,” he said softly, pulling her into his arms.
“So how much further is it anyway?” Matt asked anxiously.

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“Not far now,” the detective driving replied.
Matt had started to wonder if these guys were for real. When they had told him that Danny Mitchellson had escaped, he’d panicked. Then they told him they already had Jenny in protective custody. Leave it to Nels, he thought. He’s always on top of everything. Matt had immediately agreed to go with them to where they had Jenny. He wasn’t about to leave her alone now. When the car turned off onto a dirt road, Matt started to panic again. Something just didn’t feel right.
“Where are we going?” he asked.
“We had to get you guys out of sight,” the second detective said. He’d been riding silently in the passenger seat until now. “We couldn’t take any chances. ”
Matt didn’t miss the glance that passed between the two men or the smiles he could see in the rearview mirror.

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   Something was wrong. He quietly pulled out his cell phone and pressed the number six button to automatically dial Nels’ cell phone.
“So how much longer anyway?” Matt asked. “I’m getting a little anxious back here. ”
“Not much longer,” the driver replied.
Matt nodded. “What did you guys say your names were again?”
“I’m Detective Thomas,” the driver answered.
“I’m Detective Carver,” the man in the passenger seat replied. “Why?”
“I just couldn’t remember. I wanted to be sure and mention you to my contacts in the agency. Make sure you get credit you know?”
“Thanks,” the driver said.
They exchanged glances again and Matt swallowed hard, trying to think what to do next. He knew once Danny had him, he was dead. He had to find a way to lead Nels to where ever Danny was hiding. Should he just hide his cell phone in the car, he wondered.

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   What if they move the car? He was still trying to decide what to do when they slowed then stopped.
“Okay, kid. Time to change vehicles,” the driver said.
“Change cars?” Matt asked.
“Yeah. This cruiser is too easy to identify. We have an unmarked car here to take you the rest of the way. Come on. ”
Matt quickly closed his phone and slipped it back into his pocket as the two men got out of the front of the car. The driver stopped next to the rear door and pulled it open, letting Matt out. When he climbed from the police cruiser he saw a white panel van and nearly fell. It looked almost like the one Danny had used when he first kidnapped them all those years ago.
The driver put his hand on Matt’s left elbow and started to lead him forward. Suddenly, the other man was on Matt’s right and the two men pulled his arms behind his back and quickly cuffed his hands together. A gun was held to his left temple and he was shoved roughly forward.

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“Let’s go, kid. Danny’s just dying to see you,” the driver said harshly.
Both men laughed as they shoved Matt forward toward the van. The side door slid open when they drew near and Matt was roughly shoved inside. He fell to his knees, his momentum knocking him forward onto his shoulders. The door slammed shut and he leaned back on his haunches, shaking his head to clear it. A hand closed around his neck, forcing him to lean backwards. When his head connected with the wall of the van a metal collar snapped closed around his throat. He looked up to see Danny staring down at him.
“Hey, boy. Long time, no see,” Danny said brightly then backhanded Matt with his right hand. “You fucking idiot!”
Danny reached down and undid Matt’s belt, jerking it free from the belt loops of Matt’s Dockers. He then undid the button and unzipped Matt’s pants. Reaching into Matt’s open pants he pulled the young man’s briefs down and grabbed his cock.
“I told you, boy, this is my cock.


   I don’t care if it is between your legs, it’s mine!”
Matt shook his head. “No! You can’t do this again!”
“Watch me, boy. ”
Danny climbed from the back of the van and moved up front with the two men who’d helped him escape, leaving Matt alone in the back. Matt dropped his head to his chest and tried to control his breathing. At least Jenny’s safe, he told himself. God, what if somebody else got to her, he wondered. When he felt the van start to move he realized they were taking him somewhere else and he’d be alone in the back of the van for a while.
He shifted his position around until he was able to get his hands on the back of his pants. Then he lifted his ass off the floor of the van and pulled. Once the pocket was within reach of his hands he dug in it until he had his cell phone out. Fumbling with it he eventually managed to get it open. Taking deep breaths and carefully feeling over the phone he figured out which way it was laying on the floor then ran his fingers over the number pad, counting until he found the one he wanted and pressed it.
Matt almost lost it at the sound of the familiar voice.
“Nels, you have to get to Jenny. Danny’s loose.

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“Matt! Where the hell are you?”
“I don’t know, they took me down some dirt road. I’m locked up in the back of a white panel van. Nels, Jenny –”
“She’s with me, Matt. Christ, how…?”
“He didn’t know I had a cell phone with me. They didn’t search me and he hasn’t stripped me yet. Nels, tell me what to do to help you. I don’t know how much time I have. ”
“Is the van moving?”
“Yeah. I can’t see though. I don’t know which direction. It was pointing back the way we came and it didn’t feel like they turned around. ”
“Good, good. How far did they drive you? Do you have any idea where they took you?”
“I don’t know. They took exit twenty-seven off the beltway. We drove for around forty to forty-five minutes before they turned down the dirt road.

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   We probably went another twenty minutes down it. ”
“You got that?” Nels asked.
“Nels?” Matt inquired.
“I’ve got you on speaker. Keep going. ”
“That’s it. That’s where they had the panel van. Danny was waiting in it. ”
“How are you, Matt? Have they hurt you?”
“No. They cuffed my hands behind my back and he…” Matt glanced around at his surroundings in the darkness. “I’m hooked to a wall of the van. ”
“They chained your hands?” Nels asked.
“No. It’s some kind of collar or something. I can’t see.

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   There’s something around my neck that’s fastened to the wall. I can’t move. ” Matt had to shift his position when he felt the van lurch. The cell phone started to slide but he managed to grab it before it slid away from him.
“I’m sorry, Matt. I was trying –”
“Nels, tell me what you need. What do I do?”
“You’re already doing it. What else can you tell me?”
“I think we just turned right. The van kind of lurched. ”
“We’re looking at maps now, Matt. We’ll find you. I promise, son, I’ll find you. ”
“Just keep Jenny safe. Don’t let him hurt her again. ”
“I won’t let anyone get to her, I promise.

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“Nels!” Matt hissed loudly. “I think we’re stopping. ”
“Shit. Matt, don’t turn the phone off this time. ”
“He’ll see it. ”
“Hide it somewhere. Shove it between the walls or something. Just don’t turn it off. We’ll use the signal to triangulate on. ”
“Don’t say anything else,” Matt warned him.
Matt glanced around again and saw a small gap running along the wall behind him. He gently nudged the phone back until it fell into the gap. Staring down at it he was terrified that it was too visible. When the side door slid open he noticed a piece of torn carpeting hanging from the back wall. He grabbed it and pulled it down over the gap behind him, effectively hiding the cell phone.

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Listening to Danny talk to the other men, he knew he was in trouble. Danny climbed into the van and knelt in front of him.
“Well, boy, you’ve caused me a hell of a lot of trouble. You know that?”
Matt remained silent and stared at the other man in defiance.
“Haven’t change a fucking bit have you, boy?” Danny asked.
“Go to hell,” Matt replied.
Danny reached down and grasped Matt’s right foot. Matt kicked out at him and they fell into a brief struggle. Danny ended up with Matt’s shoes for his efforts. He held them up and waved them at Matt.
“I guess I win that round, huh,” he taunted.
Matt stared at him with eyes full of hatred.
“You know you’re gonna loose, boy. You’re comin’ out of this fucking van buck naked,” Danny told him.
Matt remained silent.

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“I’m really gonna enjoy this,” Danny said.
He gripped the legs of Matt’s pants and jerked hard. The material slipped part way down Matt’s hips, pulling him against the restraint that held him to the wall. Danny smiled at him.
“Hurt you neck?”
“Go to hell,” Matt replied, gritting his teeth.
Danny jerked Matt’s pants again and they slid down over his hips and legs, down to his knees.
“Unhh,” Matt groaned, the collar cutting into his neck.
Danny laughed and jerked again. The pants came off in his hands. The cool air from outside, blowing in through the open door instantly caused bumps to raise up on Matt’s exposed legs. There was another short wrestling match while Danny tugged Matt’s socks off. When he’d won again, Danny sat back on the floor of the van and stared at Matt, fury shining in his eyes.
“You’re not gonna win, boy. Give it up. ”
“Go to hell, Mitchellson.

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“You’re still mine, Matt,” Danny said softly.
When he got no reaction Danny pointed to the old scar on Matt’s upper thigh. Matt grimaced and turned his eyes to stare out the door of the van.
“Maybe this time I’ll put one on your prick,” Danny said snidely.
“Fuck you!”
“Yeah, maybe you will. ”
“Not in this lifetime,” Matt replied evenly.
Danny laughed. “We’ll see who fucks who. ”
Danny motioned out the van door. The two men who had impersonated detectives to lure Matt into Danny’s clutches climbed into the back of the van. Thomas crawled behind Danny and positioned himself on Danny’s left as Carver positioned himself on Danny’s right. Each one reached out to grab one of Matt’s ankles and pin his feet to the floor. The spread his legs then put one hand on his knees while keeping one hand on his ankles, effective pinning his legs in place. Danny pulled a pocket knife from his pants pocket and flipped it open. He moved to kneel between Matt’s legs then slowly cut Matt’s briefs from him.

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   Tossing the ruined material away, he reached out and tightly gripped Matt’s large prick in his hand.
“I keep telling you, boy. This is my cock. I only store it between your legs. ” Danny laid his knife against the dick, the blade pushing lightly into the skin. “Maybe I should just cut it off and feed it to you. ” He stared into Matt’s brown eyes. “Wanna suck your own dick, boy?”
Matt didn’t move, he barely breathed. He simply stared, unflinchingly, at the man tormenting him. Danny raked the blade of the knife up Matt’s cock then let go his meat and grabbed his shirt.
“Time to loose the rest of the clothes, boy. ”
Danny ripped Matt’s shirt open then used his knife to cut it from Matt’s body. All three men stared at a bound and naked Matt. Carver finally gave a low whistle.
“You sure know how to pick ’em, boss.

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Danny laughed. “You haven’t changed much, boy. You still turn the horny bastards on. ” Danny looked at Thomas then Carver. “He really hasn’t changed much. Just filled out a little, grown up some. He’s still just as pretty as he always was. ”
“Damn,” Carver said softly. “I sure would like to have some of that. ”
“Maybe you will, Billy,” Danny replied, turning his gaze to Matt. “Maybe you will. ”
“Bring him and let’s go,” Danny nodded at Matt as he climbed from the van. “Vega should be here with my bitch by now. ”



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