
Over a Barrel


“Damn, damn, damn!” Shannon muttered heatedly as she came into the security office. The other two security officers gave each other a knowing glance as she stomped over to the small closet and took off her light weight jacket, jamming it roughly into the closet before slamming the door shut.
“Well I guess I’m gonna get on out of here,” one of the guards said as he rose and grabbed his things.
“Sorry I was late,” Shannon said as he moved to the door.
“It happens,” he said with a casual wave of his hand as he left the office.
“And good evening to you,” Lenny said with a chuckle as Shannon snatched the clipboard that they signed in on and jotted her name and then slapped it back onto the hook it hung from.
“Hi,” she said curtly as she sat down next to Lenny at the bank of consoles.
“Your car giving you trouble again?” He asked as he leaned back in his seat.
“What was your first clue,” she asked with a wearily laugh and shake of her head.
“Just a guess,” the husky black man said with a hearty laugh.
“That piece of junk,” Shannon muttered as she flopped back disgustedly in her seat. She sighed longingly as she ran her fingers through her shoulder length, wavy cinnamon colored hair. She laid her head back and stared at the ceiling saying, “It wouldn’t start. I was worried that I might not be able to get here. And then it cut out a couple of times on the way. I’ve got to put it into neutral whenever I hit a red light or else it will die.

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“Why don’t you take it in?” Lenny asked with a puzzled grunt.
“Because we can’t afford to,” Shannon said as she sat up and scooted closer to the bank of consoles. She reached up and began to fiddle with one of the camera’s controls as she said, “There’s my husband’s school loan and mine. Plus rent for our apartment and we’re also paying on his car. We’re just barely getting by and there’s no way we could afford a major car repair bill. ”
“So what are you going to do?” Lenny asked as he got up and walked over to the wall next to him that was filled with a number of video recording machines.
“Just keep my fingers crossed and hope that it hangs in there,” Shannon said with a shake of her head.
“After awhile you’re gonna have to either get it fixed or get another car,” he said as he pushed the eject button on one of the machines. He removed the tape and then opened the long drawer beneath the rack of machines. He removed another tape and slipped it into the machine and then put the first tape into the empty slot in the drawer.
"I know,” Shannon said weakly. She frowned as she manually swept one of the cameras over an empty parking lot that was part of their site.
Shannon knew he was right and although he hadn’t said anything she knew she was on thin ice. While she hadn’t been officially reprimanded the site supervisor had begun to make some subtle comments about her unreliable transportation. The other guards had been pretty understanding about her plight and really hadn’t complained about her constant tardiness; usually they didn’t log it when she was late, unless she was real late.

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   She was grateful, they could have done that, seeing that they were staying over until she finally got there, which would have caused her to lose pay. Working security wasn’t her career goal, it was just a job; a paycheck. Her husband of three years had just finished getting his law degree and was now trying to find employment as a lawyer. Hopefully he would soon and Shannon could quit this dead end job and go back to school and finish getting her teaching degree.
Shannon hated this security job, she was on the midnight shift and essentially she and Lenny were just babysitting an empty building. For seven hours of their eight hour shift they were the only ones present. It was mind numbingly routine, generally. While they were supposed to make patrols throughout the building during their shift they rarely did. Usually they spent most of their shift in the security office. From there they could monitor the whole building.
“Maybe I should start playing the lottery,” Shannon said with a tired laugh. She shook her head as she sat back in her seat saying disgustedly, “Cause what they’re paying us here ain’t gonna do it. ”
“True,” Lenny said with an understanding laugh. While the post they were at was one of the higher paying accounts the company had, it wasn’t a salary that one lived the good life on.
Shannon knew that if she was pulled from this account she could be transferred to a post where she would be getting minimum wage.

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   She desperately needed to hold on to this job until something better finally arrived.
“Say my brother works on cars maybe he can take care of your car for ya,” Lenny said as he sat back down at the console.
“You sure?” Shannon asked hopefully.
“I can ask him when I see him and let ch’ya know,” he said with a casual shrug.
“I would really appreciate that Lenny,” Shannon said reaching out and lightly touching his shoulder. She frowned slightly and said, “But like I said money is real tight I don’t know how much we can afford. ”
“Don’t worry about it, we can work something out. ”
* * *
“So after today you won’t have to pick me up or take me home any more,” Shannon said cheerfully as she and Lenny sat down at the console after relieving the other guards.
“Yeah Danny said your car is all ready for you to pick up,” Lenny said as he glanced at the post’s read file to see if there was anything new they needed to be aware of. He had been picking Shannon up before work and taking her home after work while his brother worked on her car.
Shannon knew that it was out of his way and she really owed him for his sacrifices; him and his brother. They had basically helped her and her husband out of a big jam; they had helped them avoid a possibly serious setback. Now hopefully they could at least stop worrying about not having reliable transportation.
“Your brother said he completely overhauled the motor on my car and it’s running great,” Shannon said cheerfully when she came into work a week later. She gave her husky co-worker a hug as she said, “I really want to thank you and your brother for helping us out.

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   I really owe you for this. ”
“Glad I could help,” Lenny said enjoying holding her close. He gave her a pat on the back as he hugged her back.
“But he didn’t say how much he wanted for all the work he did,” Shannon said as she sat down at the console.
“Well really he owed me a favor and that’s why he did it for free,” Lenny said with a wave of his hand as he too sat down.
“Well that’s awful nice Lenny but surely there’s something I could give you for what your brother did,” Shannon said as she turned in her chair towards Lenny.
“Well there is something…” Lenny said appearing to think heavily.
“Well remember money is tight so I can’t pay you too much,” Shannon said lightly.
“Oh that’s okay ‘cause I ain’t thinking of money,” Lenny said calmly as he turned in his seat towards her.
“Oh?” Shannon said quickly. Her stomach tightening, something about his answer made her uneasy. She cleared her throat and looked at the consoles before her, asking, “So what is it that you’re thinking about?”
Shannon had at first felt a little uneasy about being alone with Lenny. He had made some comments when she first started that had made her just a little uncomfortable. Nothing really out of line just some casual things that one could take a couple of different ways. To her relief he hadn’t made any more comments and so her unease had subsided.

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   Now it roared back full force.
“Nuthin much really,” he said in a smooth tone. Out of the corner of her vision she saw him settle back in his seat. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat feeling his eyes on her.
“May…maybe I should go make a round,” she suggested quickly.
“No,” he said in a firm tone that froze her to her seat. He reached over with his hand to play with one of the control knobs saying, “I don’t think you need to leave right now. ”
“Len…Lenny I don’t know what you have in mind,” Shannon said in a shaky tone. She repeatedly blinked her now teary eyes as she said, “But…but I’m not going to do anything…”
“Like what?” He asked with a short chuckle.
“I…I’m a married woman,” she said in a tight voice.
“Yeah I know, so what?” He asked with a husky chortle.
“Well…well I’m not going to be unfaithful,” she said quickly. She felt a flash of horror as she wondered if she might be assuming ill of Lenny for no real reason; what if he had a perfectly reasonable request and she was just assuming.
“Well I ain’t asking you do cheat on him,” Lenny said with laugh.
“So what are you asking?” Shannon asked slowly, keeping her eyes trained on the monitor in front of her.

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“You know most of us have wondered what you look like out of that uniform,” Lenny said calmly, his words causing Shannon’s stomach to knot tightly. Maintaining his casual tone he said, “We all bet you look real nice out of that uniform. We bet you’ve got a real nice lookin’ body underneath that uniform. And I just want to find out for sure. ”
“You want what?” Shannon asked as she turned her head to look at him; her eyes wide and her jaw dropping slightly.
Oddly Shannon was disturbed to think that her co-workers were actually spending their time discussing her or rather her body. She knew that often times it was very boring there but she didn’t think it was ever that boring. She was also the only female on the team there so maybe it was just because they didn’t have any other females to talk about. Still it bothered her. Shannon knew that she didn’t have a hot model type body; she rather thought her figure was just ordinary. She was just five five and weighed a hundred and ten pounds. She definitely wasn’t well endowed; her bra size was C and that was just barely. Her titties really didn’t need the support of a bra; while they were on the small size they were pert.
“I just want to see you out of that uniform,” he repeated with a shrug of his shoulders. He looked over at the console as he said, “You can either do it here or we can wait until we’re off work and over at my brother’s.

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“And would your brother want to watch too?”
“Probably,” Lenny said with a chuckle. Taking on an almost reassuring tone he told her, “Hey I ain’t gonna do anything to you. I just want to see you without that uniform on. ”
“And if I say no?” Shannon asked keeping her eyes on the monitor but not really seeing it.
“If that’s what you want,” Lenny said with a wave of his hand. He turned towards the console saying, “You’ll just have to figure out where you’re gonna get the money to pay my brother then. ”
Shannon knew she was trapped. She took a shuddering breath dismayed at how easily she had walked into this, but she had no way of knowing she tried to tell herself.
“You…you promise not to try anything?” She asked in a breathless voice. She was shocked to hear the words coming out of her mouth. She knew she should have said no. Hell she could have filed a complaint with their company and probably won with no trouble. Hell her husband was a lawyer and he would probably have taken the case without hesitation. Still if she did that they still wouldn’t have the car, she would probably be transferred from the post, at least until the case had been settled. Still they would have to pay for the work that had been done on her car.

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   It would seem that saying no would have been more costly in the long run.
“Why sure Shannon,” Lenny said firmly as he turned to face her again. Grinning broadly he told her, “I just want to see if we’re right about how you look without that uniform on. I just want a look at your body. ”
Shannon shuddered at his blunt comment. It wasn’t that she didn’t like having men look at her as long as they weren’t too blatant. Yes, she had before she was married dressed to catch the eye of guys but she had never put her body on display. Not like what he was wanting.
As if to reassure her Lenny placed his hand on his heart saying, “I promise that I won’t try anything and no one will know about it. ”
Shannon slowly shook her head looking down at the smooth console before her. Boy when she screwed up she really screwed up. Her husband had been so glad at the deal she had worked out and she knew there was no way she could tell him what the cost of the great deal was turning out to be.
“Well what’s it gonna be?” Lenny asked slowly after a few quiet seconds.
“Just this one time,” she said with as much strength as she could find. She was afraid that it really sounded weak and nervous.

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“Oh yeah,” Lenny said nodding his head. He leaned back in his seat adding lightly, “Unless there’s some other deals you’d like to make. ”
“Not hardly,” she said. She continued to stare blankly ahead trying to determine if there was any way she could get out of her predicament. Finally she exhaled and then pushed back from the console.
“All right,” Lenny said eagerly as she turned in her seat towards him.
Shannon took a shuddering breath and then reached down and took hold of her white pullover blouse. She paused for a long second and then slowly drew her blouse up. She shook her head after she had pulled her top off to settle her tousled hair. Quickly she worked it down and off her arms, looking about for someplace to put her blouse. Lenny quickly leaned forward and reached out to take it from her; she started to protest and then quietly relented.
Keeping her head bowed as she sat there letting him eye her bra covered breasts. She was wearing a plain flesh toned bra, she was a little dismayed by the fact that the bra was rather sheer the dark outlines of her areolas were visible through the material. She then leaned forward to untie her shoes and pull them off along with her white socks. She wished she could remain bent over as she was but knew he wasn’t going to allow her.

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   She stuffed her socks into her shoes and then pushed them under the console. A little shakily she rose from her chair.
Lenny groaned lustfully as she stood there and moved her hands to her slacks. She was surprised at how stiff her fingers had become as she fumbled with the metal slide clasp on her slacks. She hesitated once she had undone it and then reached down and took hold of the small metal tab on her zipper. She swore she could feel Lenny’s horny gaze on her as she worked the zipper down, the soft staccato clicking it made as it descended sounded incredibly loud in the small quiet office.
Sniffing loudly Shannon moved her hands to her hips and shoved her thumbs inside the waistband of her black slacks. She closed her eyes and then shoved them down her slender legs. Heavily she sat down in her chair and then kicked her feet out of the slacks. Once she had Lenny leaned over and grabbed them off the floor. Shocked Shannon watched as he turned in his chair, leaned over and opened the bottom drawer on the set of drawers that were next to him. He then dumped her uniform into the drawer before turning back to her.
“Wh…why did you do that?” Shannon asked pointing over at the drawer.
“Oh you ain’t gonna need your uniform for awhile. Don’t worry you’ll get it back.


   But not right now,” he told her smugly. He motioned at her saying, “Come on get the rest of your stuff off. ”
“No,” Shannon said shaking her head. She held up a finger stopping Lenny from saying anything and told him, “You said that you wanted to see me out of my uniform and that’s what I’ve done. ”
It was a small victory, she told herself but still it prevented her from taking off all of her clothes in front of him. She knew that really she had shown more flesh with some of the bikinis she had worn before she had gotten married. While her bra covered her breasts, the sheer material didn’t really hide too much and her matching bikini cut panties covered her butt more of her cheeks then the average bikini bottom did.
Lenny frowned as he thought about her comment. He then laughed and nodded his head saying, “You’re right that’s what I wanted to see and that’s what I’m seeing. ”
“So…so can I have my clothes back now,” Shannon asked.
“No,” he said simply as he turned and shoved the drawer shut. He turned back towards her saying, “Like I said I’ll give ‘em back later but I just want to enjoy the show. Now stand up and let me see you. ”
Shannon flinched; his last comment was more like an order. He was treating her like some kind of bimbo that he could just order around.

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   But she knew that her position was risky, what if she didn’t do like he said, they were there all alone and she was just in her bra and panties.
Wobbly she rose to her feet, swaying slightly once she had. Nervously she stood there facing him as he began to eye her. She reminded herself as she stood there that she had had guys eye her before but never anything like this, she felt more like a display on exhibit.
“Um nice Shannon real nice,” he grunted after a few seconds. He nodded at her asking, “So what size is your bra?”
“C cup,” she said curtly; barely she knew but decided it wasn’t necessary.
“Hmm I wouldn’t had thought that,” he said casually. He leaned back in his seat saying, “We never really could tell how big your chest was for sure, that top the company has ain’t that revealing. They look nice. Your husband like little ones I guess. ”
Shannon gritted her teeth and aimed her eyes to a spot on the far wall. She had no desire to talk about her husband’s preferences. She shivered slightly as she stood there, she had never really realized just how chilly the security office was but then again she had never been in there with just her bra and panties on.
“Hey I’m not complaining,” Lenny said with a wave of his hand. He smiled at her as he said, “I know some guys like girls with big hooters.

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   Me I really don’t like huge hooters I like ‘em just right. A good handful. ”
“Please,” Shannon said with a frown. She sighed asking, “Can I sit down?”
“Not yet,” he said with a quick shake of his head. He made a circle with his finger as he told her, “Turn around. ”
Still feeling strangely shaky on her feet Shannon slowly turned around. She stopped when her back was to him assuming that was what he wanted her to do. She clearly heard his appreciative grunt when she did.
“Man you’ve got a nice looking butt,” he told her admiringly. He grunted again and said, “I always thought you had a nice butt and now I know for sure. Damn I wish the slacks they had you wear was tight. ”
Standing there and still shivering slightly she glanced back over her shoulder and found him staring at her panty covered derriere. Lenny apparently realized she was looking back at him for he raised his eyes to hers. He gave her a smile and said, “Man there were a lot of times I wanted to feel your butt. Just reach out and give it a quick squeeze.

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   Your butt is so nice lookin’. Is it cheery?”
“Yes,” Shannon said quickly. Without any prompting she told him, “I’ve never done anything like that. ”
“Pity,” he said with a shake of his head. He returned his stare to her bottom saying, “I would love to do you there. If you ever want to try it just let me know and I’ll be glad to show you. ”
“I don’t think so,” Shannon said curtly. She knew that some women liked getting it in the ass but she wasn’t one of them. While her bottom had received its fair share of pats and pinches, none of her lovers had ever tried to do her there. Her husband had never brought it up and she had no interest in trying it.
“Have any tan lines?” He asked after a few more quiet seconds.
“It just turned to spring,” she said shaking her head.
“Yeah well maybe you went to a tanning salon or something like that,” he said with a shrug. He looked up at her and raised an eyebrow dramatically as he asked, “So you got any tan lines. ”
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   It had been awhile since she had the time to lay out and get a tan, even if the weather was right for it she just didn’t have the time.
“Can I see for sure?” Lenny asked playfully. He nodded at her bottom saying, “Just a quick peek. ”
Sighing disgustedly she reached back and jammed her thumb inside the waistband of her panties. Roughly she pulled her panty down uncovering the upper part of one of her butt cheeks, saying testily, “Here. Happy?”
“Oh yeah, very,” he said eagerly nodding his head, his eyes glued to her ass.
With a disgusted huff she pulled her panties back up and turned back around. Frowning severely she folded her arms across her front and asked tersely, “Happy now?”
“Oh yeah,” he said with a slow nod. She saw that he was slowly moving his eyes up and down her barely clothed figure.
“Can I have my uniform back now?” She asked.
“Naw not yet,” he said with a shake of his head. He looked at her face and said sweetly, “I want to enjoy the show for some more. ”
Shaking her head she grabbed her chair and pulled it back so she could sit down. She scooted back to the console seeing out of the corner of her eye that he was still facing her. She hoped that he would do as he promised and not try anything.

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   She also hoped that the field supervisor wouldn’t stop by for a post inspection. She knew that they would see him arriving on the outdoor cameras so hopefully she could get her uniform back on in time. She knew there was no way they could explain why she was there wearing just her bra and panties.
“So you ever go around dressed like that in front of your husband?” Lenny asked after a few seconds.
“Yes, he’s seen me dressed in just my bra and panties,” she answered curtly. She shook her head adding, “He is my husband. ”
“Yeah if I was him I’d want you wearing very little,” he said. He shifted in his seat, putting an elbow on the arm rest and resting the side of his head against his hand as he asked, “You wear sexy little night gowns?”
“I have a few,” she answered quickly.
“Um boy that I’d love to see,”
“Don’t hold your breath,” she muttered quietly.
“Hey turn this way for a sec,” he suddenly told her.
“What? Why?” She asked shaking her head in confusion.
“Just turn this way,” he said a little more firmly as he leaned towards her and gave the arm rest of her chair a quick tug.
Puzzled she turned her chair so she was facing him. She frowned after she had, asking, “There. ”
“Good now spread your legs,” he said with a cold smile.

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   Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she stared at him hoping she hadn’t heard him correctly. With a casual wave of his hand but with noticeable impatience in his voice he told her, “Come on Shannon spread your legs. I ain’t gonna do anything. ”
Instinctively Shannon moved her hands to her panty covered crotch and pressed her knees together. She wasn’t able to bring any words to her lips as she moved them. Dumbly she shook her head.
“Oh come on Shannon,” he said with mounting impatience. He flipped his hand in the air as he told her, “You can’t be acting embarrassed. Hell I just want to get a good look at your snatch. Now come on just spread your legs for me. I promise not to touch. ”
Shannon maintained her shocked stare locked on his cold eyes and sensed that she had best do as he wanted. She didn’t know what he might do if she refused and she really didn’t want to find out. Meekly she raised her arms and placed them on the armrests of her chair and then carefully slid her feet about six inches apart.
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   He smiled again saying lustfully saying, “Just pretend I’m your old man. ”
Gritting her teeth severely she threw a baleful look at him. She lowered her eyes to a spot on the tiled floor between them as she slowly spread her legs as far apart as she could. She could feel the warmth of her blush spreading across her cheeks as she sat there with Lenny’s eyes glued to her panty covered crotch. While she had had just a few lovers so it wasn’t like no one had ever seen or fondled her pussy it had never been so crudely observed. It was like he was checking out a piece of meat at the store. She knew that the bra and panties she was wearing was a matched set she didn’t think that the material of her panties was as sheer as her bra. She had never looked but she felt, actually hoped, that the thin strip of pubic hair she had wasn’t visible through the material.
“Nice Shannon real nice,” he said with a shake of his head. He raised his eyes from her snatch to say, “We were wondering if your pussy was shaved smooth or not. Can’t really tell so what is it?”
Shannon was horrified that he would be telling all the other guards about what he had seen and learned from her but she also knew there wasn’t anything she could do about it. From his look she sensed that he wasn’t going to let her not answer his question. She sighed and then said, “It’s neither. I have a small strip of hair; my husband likes it that way. ”
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   He shook his head saying, “I had bet that you were shaved smooth. In fact everyone thought that. ”
With a sly smile he asked in a stage whisper voice, “Mind letting me have a peek?”
Wanting to tell him a definite no she had a stirring idea that he wouldn’t accept her refusal. Frowning severely she moved her thumbs to the waist =band of her panties. Eagerly Lenny sat up and leaned forward his eager stare locked on her crotch. Bowing her head as she pushed her panties down, she revealed the upper part of the thin strip of closely-cropped, curly pubic hair.
“Um yes,” he grunted huskily. Shannon sat there quietly as he eyed her snatch. He briefly looked up at her face asking, “How many guys have had the fun of playin’ with your pussy?”
Shannon wanted to not answer but she hoped by answering maybe it would shorten the whole ordeal. In a breathless rush she said, “Three or four. ”
“So your old man wasn’t the first?” He asked lightly and Shannon simply shook her head. He chuckled crudely as he asked, “Does he like to lick your pussy?”
Shannon knew she really couldn’t object to his questions, at least not in their current situation. She swallowed and said quickly, “He does now and then. ”
It was the truth; her husband had on a few occasions gone down on her, but only after her pleading with him to. She had had her pussy licked by one of her prior lovers and had enjoyed it she wished she could get her husband to do it more often.

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Deciding she had allowed him enough time to stare at her partly covered pussy she pulled her panties back up. He groaned disappointedly as she turned back to the console after quickly running the ends of her finger just inside the waistband of her panties to smooth it out.
As she scanned the readouts for the different monitors she saw that one of the machines was nearing the end of its tape and needed a new one put in. She tapped the rewind button on the monitor’s control panel and then got up. She wasn’t surprised to find Lenny still facing her. He turned in his seat as she padded barefoot over to the rack of recorders to keep watching her.
Knowing that he was watching her Shannon leaned from the waist so she could pull the long storage drawer open. She swore she could feel his hot stare at her ass as she stood there with her panty covered ass pointing at him. She removed the tape she needed and straightened. Slipping the new tape under her arm as she reached out and hit the eject button on the recorder she was interested in. She again deliberately bent over at the waist as she put the full tape away and then straightened, shoving the drawer shut with her knee. She kept her back to him as she grabbed the clipboard hanging on the metal rack and jotted the time and her initials on it to notate that the tape had been replaced. As she was making her entry she heard Lenny scooting his chair over near her. She returned the clipboard to the small hook hoping the shift would pass quickly and she had a sinking feeling it wouldn’t.
Shannon let out a startled cry when Lenny suddenly grabbed her by the hips and pulled him backwards.

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   Her feet flew up when he pulled her down onto his lap. He laughed as he excitedly said, “Have a seat Shannon. ”
“Let me go!” She frantically demanded as she tried to regain her footing. Her feet were kicking about and her arms were wildly flailing at the air in front of her.
“Ah come on Shannon enjoy your seat,” he grunted firmly as he continued to pull her hard onto his lap. As he held her he was eagerly pushing his crotch against her squirming bottom. Even through his pants and her panties she could feel his hard cock rubbing against her.
“Please Lenny,” she pleaded fearfully as she stopped trying to wiggle free.
“That’s better,” he said lightly but still gripping her hips tightly. He continued to slowly grind his crotch against her as he told her, “Now why don’t you just sit here for awhile. ”
Shannon could tell by his tone it wasn’t a request but a direction. He grunted when she made no more effort to standup. He then gave her another hard pull back so she was seated squarely on his hard cock, giving her a pleased grunt after he had.
“That’s good,” he said in a slow sugary tone. He relaxed his grip on her hips but kept his hands on them as he asked her, “Doesn’t that feel good Shannon? Like your new seat?”
“No,” she snapped with a definite shake of her head.


   Lenny simply grunted light heartedly.
Awkwardly Lenny moved the chair back so they were facing the monitors again. Shannon’s toes were just brushing the floor sitting on his lap. Her legs were spread due to her position with his knees between hers.
“Bring up the main parking lot,” he told her. Obediently she leaned forward, resting her forearm on the console as she reached out with her other hand. Quickly she switched the camera he had wanted to the main monitor. As she did he was lightly rubbing the bare skin of her flanks, just above her panties. She shivered as he lightly stroked her skin. He chuckled, apparently feeling her tremble and told her, “Aim it on the main entrance. Just in case someone decides to stop by. ”
Shannon did as he directed; at least they shouldn’t be caught unaware, while there were a number of parking lots around the building there was only one street entrance. She remained leaning forward on her forearms after she had positioned the camera.
“That’s good,” Lenny said. He slid his hands a little higher on her sides and pulled her back, making her lay back against him.

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   He groaned loudly as she did saying, “That’s better. ”
Shannon stiffened as he began to slowly move his fingers along the waistband of her panties. He slipped his fingertips just under the waistband as he moved his hands from her side slightly. Quickly she grabbed his wrists and moved his hands, firmly placing them on the chair’s armrests.
“You said you just wanted to look,” she sternly reminded him.
“Can’t blame me for trying,” he said with a laugh. He pressed his crotch up against her as he asked, “So you ever had a black man?”
“No,” she said with a quick shake of her head.
“Would you like to?” He asked slowly, “You know what they say. Once you go black…”
Quickly Shannon scrambled to her feet, stumbling slightly as she did. She spun around to face Lenny, finding him sitting there with a perplexed look. She was shivering with shock and anger.
“I think this has gone far enough,” she said as she leaned towards him and waved her finger at him. She straightened, folding her arms across her chest saying, “I want my uniform back. Now!”
“Not yet,” he said casually as he settled back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest after he had. He locked stares with her and told her, “I’ll give it back when I want to.

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Shannon gritted her teeth as she glared at him. She knew there wasn’t anything she really could do. She sure as hell couldn’t complain to their site supervisor about it. She could just imagine complaining that he had said some things she found offensive while she was sitting on his lap wearing just her bra and panties.
He gave her a condescending smile as he told her, “Don’t worry I’ll give your uniform back before anyone shows up. ”
As if to demonstrate his control he turned towards the console and reached out to adjust one of the cameras. Disheartened she let her arms drop to her sides and her shoulders dropped. She grabbed her chair and sat down in it; she wanted to cry but decided to not give him the pleasure of seeing her cry. After a few moments she saw from the corner of her eye that he reached over and opened the small drawer that was under the counter and between their two positions. She kept her eyes trained forward but all of attention was on what he was doing.
Lenny removed something from the drawer and shoved it closed. He was holding something out towards her as he said, “Here. ”
Shannon looked over to see what he was offering her. Her brows raised when she saw that he was holding the department’s pass card; it gave them access to the whole building and also maintained a record of when the card was used and where. She shook her head asking, “What do you want me to do with that?”
“Do a round through the building,” he said simply.

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   The card replaced the need for them to have to carry a number of keys while they did their rounds through the building. He nodded at her as he said, “I did it last night so it’s your turn. ”
They were expected to make at least one tour through the building, preferably more and this was how they could show that they had actually made a round. Shannon reached out and took the card from him, at least it would give her a chance to get dressed and get out of there for awhile. She wondered just how long she could arrange to stay away. She laid the card on the console in front of her, asking, “I need my uniform. ”
“Naw,” Lenny said casually with a shake of his head.
“You don’t expect me to make a round like this?” She asked in a shocked tone.
“Sure, why not?” He answered lightly.
“Lenny what if someone comes by?” She asked shaking her head.
“Oh no one is going to be here for six more hours,” he said matter-of-factly. He leaned back in his chair and motioned at the monitors saying, “And if someone does I’ll see ‘em. ”
“But…but what am I suppose to do?”
“Well if someone does stop by while you’re out I’ll give ya a holler on the PA and I’ll toss your clothes in the ladies john that’s down the hall and you can get dressed in there,” he said with a caviler shrug.
“You can’t be serious,” she said weakly knowing he probably was.
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   Suddenly he patted his upper thighs saying, “Or you can have your old seat back. ”
Disgustedly she grabbed the card off the console and stood up. While at least it would get her out of the office for a little while, she told herself. She prayed that no one would show up while she was out, she really wasn’t sure if he would actually put her clothes in the rest room for her as he said or not.
“Have fun,” he laughed as she pulled the door open and stepped out into the hall.
Shannon nervously looked up and down the empty hallway after she had stepped out. She knew the building was empty but she couldn’t stop herself from looking about fearfully. She shuddered as she stood in the quiet hall, it felt rather chilly and the smooth tiled floor was also cold under her bare feet. She tried to decide what would be the quickest route through the building. She was tempted to do it on the run but knew that could cause their supervisor to ask some questions. Turning to her left she walked along the hall quickly, pausing when she reached the end of the hallway and nervously peered out.
The main entrance area was quiet and luckily dark. She didn’t see any cars moving along the front drive, she took a deep breath and hurried across the lobby area. Skidding to a halt once she had passed through the lobby and into the short hallway across from where she had been. It was a T-intersection; to her left it went to the kitchen area and to her right to the shipping and receiving area.

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   She moved down the short hallway to the metal door that opened into the building storeroom.
Waving the thick card in front of the sensor plate on the wall near the door she tugged the door open when she heard the low buzz indicating that the lock was free. She had always gotten a mild creepy feeling when she would walk through the area; it being dimly lit and with a high ceiling and now she felt even more uncomfortable because of her attire. She again shuddered as she stepped onto the cold concrete floor and the door silently swung shut behind her. Moving quickly along one of the rows she was glad that it wasn’t the middle of winter because it could be down right cold in there.
Reaching the back side of the storeroom there was three large doors for trucks to load and unload things, there was also another one of the pass card sensor mounted near the entrance for drivers to come in through. Before she had reached the door she heard the PA crackle making her draw to a halt fearfully. She was both relieved and puzzled when she heard Lenny’s voice over the speaker, “Call the security office. ”
The shipping and receiving desk was nearby so she wouldn’t have to go hunt for a phone. She moved around the desk and grabbed the phone quickly dialing the security office’s extension.
“What?” She asked when he picked up the phone.
“You look real nice,” he said smoothly. Her eyes widened as she looked about and then remembered that there was an interior camera that showed the dock area. Instinctively she looked up where the camera was and knew that he was watching her on it. She was relieved to know that only the exterior cameras were recording and the interior ones didn’t.

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“What do you want?” She asked curtly.
“I really like the uniform you’re wearing,” he said as if he hadn’t heard her question. He chuckled as he said, “I think that should be the official uniform. ”
“Are you done?” She asked trying to keep her anger in check.
“No I want you to sit down at that desk. ”
“What? Why?”
“Just sit down at that desk,” he told her in a little bit firmer tone. Shaking her head she pulled the chair out and plopped down on it. He grunted quickly and then told her, “Now move back a little. ”
Deciding that arguing with him was useless she scooted the chair back a short distance. Once she had she asked, “There, anything else?”
“Yeah, lean back in the chair and put your feet up on the desk,” he directed her in a husky voice. Sighing disgustedly she did as he had ordered; the chair squeaked loudly as she leaned back and placed her heels on the desk top. He grunted again and then told her, “Now spread your legs. Real wide. ”
Gritting her teeth and gripping the phone tighter she again did as he directed, slowly moving her feet apart.
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   There was a pause and then he told her, “I wish this camera had a zoom on it. Know why? Wanna know what I would zoom this camera in on if I could?”
“My face?” She asked testily, glaring at the camera.
“Not quite,” he said with a hearty laugh. In a playful tone he told her, “Nope try again. What do you think I would zoom this camera in on if I could? Zoom in for a real good close up. ”
Hoping to end his disgusting game Shannon said quickly, “Between my legs. ”
“You got it!” He said cheerfully. He grunted and then said, “Yeah I’d zoom the camera in for a real tight shot. You’re giving me a great view. You look so hot sitting there with your legs spread. Um but you know what I’d really like to see. ”
“No, what?”
“Oh come on Shannon you know what I’d really like to see. ”
“Yes. ”
“And what is that Shannon? What is it that I’d really like you to show me?” He teased.
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“Right again, very good,” he said proudly. Slipping back into his smooth sultry tone he asked, “Come on Shannon how about a little peek? Just pull your panties over and let me have a peek at your pussy.
”What’s the harm? Just a quick little peek at your treasure. Hell I can’t do anything from here but look at it. Come on Shannon be a sport and let me have a peek at heaven. ”
“No,” she said firmly.
“Okay if that’s how you feel,” he said. In a more casual tone he said, “Alright there’s something I want you to do at that key station. ”
“And if I don’t?” She asked knowing she really wasn’t in a position of strength.
“Oh then I might not hear you knocking on the door to get in here and you might have to spend most of the shift out in the building,” he told her in almost arrogant tone.
“What do you want me to do?”
“That’s a good girl,” he told her in a mockingly friendly voice. He then told her, “The pass card I want you to stick it inside the front of your panties and then go over to the sensor and trip it. ”
Shannon frowned knowing she really couldn’t refuse his disgusting request. Not if she wanted to get back into the security office and her uniform. Curtly she asked, “Anything else?”
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Dropping her feet to the floor and scooting back closer to the desk she hung the phone up. She sat at the desk for a long moment, acutely aware that he was still watching her on the monitor. She also knew that the door where the sensor was was also visible to the camera. Shaking her head she stood up.
Shannon swore she could feel his horny stare on her as she stood there holding the card in her hand. She moved her hand with the card to her waist and slipped the card inside the waistband of her panties, sliding it halfway in. She held her arms out and looked up at the camera tilting her hips.
Moving around the desk she walked over towards the doorway and the sensor. For some reason she found herself walking on the balls of her feet, almost tip toeing. She was keenly aware that Lenny was watching her on the monitor; she avoided looking up at the camera as she walked over to the door.
When she reached the entrance she saw that the sensor pad was a little higher than waist height. The flat panel stuck out from the wall by about two inches and she knew from experience that you had to hold the pass card almost right against the sensor to get it to work. Stepping close to the wall she instinctively placed her hands on the metal beams that the sensor was mounted between as she raised up on her tip toes. At the same time she thrust her hips forward, looking down as she did.
“Take your time I want to enjoy this,” Lenny’s voice crackled over the PA.

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Shannon gritted her teeth as she arched her back so she could push her hips further forward and trip the damn sensor. She knew that sometimes one had to move the card about to trip the sensor. Reluctantly she began to slowly move her hips side to side praying to hear the buzz signaling she had tripped the sensor. Her pelvis was lightly brushing against the smooth black surface of the sensor as she continued to move her hips quietly cursing the damn thing for not detecting the pass card.
Gripping the metal beams tighter she raised herself up as high as she could and still keep her feet on the floor. She was beginning to wonder if the damn thing was broke as she continued to move her hips up and down and side to side as best she could. Finally she heard the low buzz and metallic click as the lock released. Her knees buckled slightly as she heard the welcomed noise. She was breathing heavily, more from relief as she sagged weakly and letting her head bow forward.
“That was great,” Lenny said lightly over the PA. He grunted and then said, “Real nice Shannon. You ought to be an exotic dancer. ”
Shannon resisted the urge to give him the finger; she feared he would gladly accept her offer. Her legs were strangely wobbly as she stepped away from the door. She avoided looking at he camera as she moved away, pulling the pass card out as she did.


   She was glad that the warehouse was about the only pass card station that there was a phone near by. Maybe he wouldn’t make her do any more disgusting displays for him while she was finishing her round. Luckily the other monitored pass card locations were near entrances to the building or different department areas inside the building.
Normally when she would make a patrol through the building Shannon would check to make sure that unnecessary lights were turned off and that the conference rooms on the ground floor were secured. This time she just hurried through the areas not really caring about security, she just wanted to get back to the security office and hopefully be able to put her uniform back on.
Shannon was hurrying through the office area on the second floor when the PA crackled. She cast a nervous look up at the ceiling when Lenny’s voice broke the quiet, “Shannon call the office. ”
Shaking her head and muttering a curse she moved over to a nearby desk and sat down. She briefly wondered what the woman that worked at the desk would think if she knew that she had been sitting there clad only in her bra and panties. From the pictures of the woman and what she assumed were her children she probably wouldn’t have been too pleased.
Shannon picked up the phone and dialed the security office’s extension. Tersely she said when he picked up the phone, “What do you want?”
“Where ya at?” He asked.
“I’m upstairs near the east stairs,” she said quickly.
“Oh good,” he said. There was a pause and then he asked, “So you’ll be coming down those stairs in a little bit?”
“As soon as I get off the phone,” she told him glancing at the door that led to the stairwell.

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“Good there’s something I want you to do when you get back on the ground floor. ”
“What’s that?” Shannon asked dread starting to stir. The stairwell was monitored by actually three cameras; one handled the fire door that lead outside and the other two were trained on the doors that lead in and out of the stairwell, one to the second floor and the other the first floor.
“Well take the pass card and stick it in your bra, right in the middle. Between your tits,” he said in a warm thick tone. He groaned softly and then told her, “And keep it there when you open the door. ”
“Lenny please,” she responded knowing it was useless and she should just do as he wanted.
“Do it,” he said in a gruffer tone. Then in a more casual tone he said, “Or did I forget to tell you that the door to the security office seems jammed and won’t open. It might need to be looked at by the maintenance people…”
“Okay,” Shannon said weakly. She slowly hung the phone up running her free hand through her hair. How did she let herself get into such a mess, she sighed. It was too late to think about her decision now, she told herself as she stood up.
Shannon paused when she reached the door preparing herself for her next show. She tried to lessen her sense of shame by reminding herself that at least there were no phones in the stairwell so he couldn’t direct her like he had over in the warehouse.

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   She also knew that she had best do as he had ordered, if she wanted to be able to get back into the security office.
Bending her neck sharply she brought the pass card up and carefully slipped it underneath her bra. As he had directed she put the card in the space between her pert tits. She took a slow deep breath and then pushed the door open and stepped into the brightly lit stairwell. She paused once in the stairwell and looked at the camera. She shrugged as held her arms out sure he was watching her. She then carefully went down the stairs to the ground floor.
Shannon studied the sensor pad as she came down the steps trying to determine how best to trip the sensor. One had to hold the card flat in front of the sensor to trip it and also almost right against it. This one was mounted on the wall a little higher than waist level. She stepped in front of it looking down at it and giving Lenny time to switch to the camera that monitored this door.
Deciding she had given him enough time she moved closer to the plain white wall, placing her hands flat against it. She felt the flat sensor panel against her lower abdomen as she stood there. Slowly she began to bend her knees, slowly sliding down the wall. As she did she turned her head to one side, grimacing as her knees popped loudly.

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   Awkwardly she worked her feet back as she slid down, struggling to keep her body against the panel.
Shuddering briefly when the top edge of the sensor panel touched the underside of her bra clad tits. She grunted softly as she resumed lowering herself, her back was starting to ache from her awkward position; keeping her chest against the wall and moving her feet back at the same time.
Pausing to bend her neck so she could know how she was positioned she saw that she had the card near the center of the panel where the small red light glowed. Instinctively she pressed her perky tits against the smooth face of the sensor pad and began to move her chest about waiting for the sensor to detect the card. She ground her teeth impatiently as she slid her chest about imploring the sensor to work. Finally she heard the low growl of the activated sensor. Still squatting down she reached over and grabbed the door handle. She both pulled the door open and pulled herself to her feet and almost fell headfirst through the doorway.
Shannon stumbled to a halt and arched her back groaning longingly as she did. She hoped that Lenny was done degrading her and would let her have her uniform back. She pulled the card from her bra and started down the dimly lit hallway for the security office. She rapped her knuckles on the unmarked door and was delighted to hear the door being opened. She pulled the door open and hurried inside.
“Man that was great Shannon,” Lenny said shaking his head as she scurried in and sat down.

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   He smiled at her as he turned to face her saying, “I really think that should be your uniform. You look so hot like that. ”
“Speaking of my uniform, can I please have it back?” Shannon asked impatiently.
“In a little while,” he assured her. He gave her another long look and then said, “I just want to enjoy this show for as long as I can. ”
* * *
“Lenny please it’s almost five,” Shannon implored nodding at the clock on the wall over the rack of monitors they were sitting in front of. They both knew that people would start showing up now, not a lot but still.
“Yeah,” he said with a slow nod. He turned towards her again resting an elbow on the arm rest of his chair. He studied her for a long quiet moment and then said, “Man I’ve been sitting here enjoying watching you. You really have a great body. And I need some relief. ”
Shannon’s stomach knotted tightly, she felt her chest muscles tighten too squeezing the air from her lungs. Alarmed she looked at him her eyes wide with fear. He smiled lustfully at her and moved a hand to his crotch.

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   Brazenly he rubbed his crotch, smiling at her. He groaned loudly and told her, “Can’t drive in this condition. ”
“I…I’m not going to…” Shannon stammered, shaking her head.
“I figured you wouldn’t let me stick it in ya,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. He nodded at her saying, “Believe me I’d love to shove my cock into you. But if you don’t want to try it. ”
To her astonishment and relief he partly turned in his chair and leaned over pulling the drawer open where he had put her uniform. Shannon took a shuddering breath as he grabbed her white blouse from the drawer; maybe her nightmare was about to end. She turned towards him and held her hand out for her top.
“Not yet,” he said with a quick shake of his head crushing her relief. Her jaw dropped as he began to fumble with his pants.
“You…you said you weren’t…” she stammered as he shoved his zipper down. She was upset that despite her dismay she couldn’t pull her stare from his crotch.
“Oh I said I wasn’t going to stick it in you,” he chuckled. He paused as he pulled his stiff rod from his pants.

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   Shannon’s eyes widened a little more when she saw his erect cock. It was the biggest piece of male parts she had ever seen; she guessed it was nearly ten inches long and thick. Brazenly he slid his hand along his shaft saying, “But like I said I need some relief. ”
Shannon flinched slightly when he dropped her blouse on his lap. He released his cock so he could move his hand from under her top and then grabbed his cock again. He resumed slowly stroking his shaft now wrapped in her blouse and told her, “Stand up. ”
Dismayed and yet slightly relieved Shannon struggled to her feet. She mentally blasted herself for not being able to pull her eyes from his big cock. Open mouthed she watched as he stroked his cock.
“Damn you look so great like that,” he grunted in a husky voice. He shook his head saying, “I can see your nipples. You like havin’ them played with?”
“Yes,” she replied without thinking.
“Yeah I heard that women with little titties really like havin’ ‘em played with. Um I’d love to suck on your nipples. Bet you’d love that,” he grunted.

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   He leaned back in the chair, increasing his pace as he said, “Yeah I’d love to see your tits. We all thought you probably had some nice titties and now I know you do. Maybe you could go braless. I wouldn’t complain. ”
Dumbly Shannon nodded her head not knowing why she did. He gestured with his free hand saying, “Turn around I wanna see your ass again. ”
Obediently Shannon turned around and then without being told to leaned forward placing her hands on the arm rest of the seat. After she had she looked back over her shoulder at him finding his eyes locked on her butt. He groaned loudly saying, “Damn you’ve got a nice ass. ”
Shannon was finding the whole thing a little exciting; disgusting but still a little exciting. Being on display as she was. It was more her sense of helplessness, she really couldn’t refuse to do what he had wanted. To her shocked dismay a low moan came from her.
“How about lettin’ me see that sweet ass of yours?” He asked in a breathless rush.
Without even attempting to refuse she reached back with one hand, hooked her thumb inside the waistband of her panties and shoved them down uncovering one of the cheeks of her pale ass.

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   Quickly she forced her panties down completely baring her ass and making Lenny groan lustfully. Instinctively Shannon gave her ass a wiggle as she moved her hand back to the arm rest but still keeping her eyes on his crotch.
“How ‘bout lettin’ me see your pussy?”
Again she didn’t even attempt to refuse. She straightened and turned around to face him again. She slipped both of her thumbs inside the waistband of her panties and slowly pushed them down off her hips. She stood there with her legs spread slightly with her panties down near her knees and her neatly trimmed pussy uncovered.
“Um that’s great Shannon,” he groaned shaking his head slightly as he eyed her pussy. He increased his pace as he muttered, “Damn I bet you’re real tight. I’d love to shove this in your pussy. ”
Again she moaned softly, despite her revulsion at what she had been forced to do she found herself wondering what his huge cock would feel like in her wet pussy. She sensed he was getting close to climaxing because of his now rapid pace of his hand and his rapid breathing. Her panties were stretched tight by how spread her legs were. She knew that her pussy was completely visible to his hot stare. The only thing he couldn’t see was how wet she was, already some of her cream was beginning to ooze onto the upper skin of her inner thighs.
Suddenly Lenny tensed and lay back groaning loudly.

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   Shannon knew he was climaxing and knew it would be some time before she would be able to and she really wanted to. She moaned softly as she watched Lenny stiffen and then shuddered mightily. His loud long groan filled the small room and instinctively Shannon moaned too. After a few seconds he went limp, collapsing weakly in the seat. He slowly stroked his cock a few more times and then just laid his head back, gasping for air. As he did Shannon quickly pulled her panties up.
Shannon waited a few moments until Lenny wearily raised his head and looked at her. She smiled softly and with a quick nod asked quietly. “Can I have my uniform now?”
Groaning painfully he partly sat up and leaned over grabbing her slacks out of the drawer. He held them out to her as he sat back up. She mumbled a quick thank you as she grabbed her slacks from him. She sat down in her seat and slipped them back on. She put her shoes and socks back on before standing again. She zippered her slacks up and then carefully asked, “Can I have my blouse back?”
Grinning sheepishly he picked the garment off his lap, his flaccid cock slipping free. He held it out to her and she stepped over and took it from his hand.

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Shannon let the garment hang down; the front was stained with his spunk. She was glad she had her light weight uniform jacket with her; she could wear that and hide the stain. There was no way she could possibly explain the stain. She carefully laid the soiled garment flat on the console saying, “I’ll wait before I put that back on. If that’s okay?”
“No complaints from me,” Lenny told her with a weak laugh. He leaned back so he could tuck his cock back in his pants and zip up.
“Guess I’m gonna have to do wash when I get home,” she said as she sat down.
“Didn’t you say that normally your husband is home when you get home?”
“Yes,” she said with a nod hoping that maybe today would be different. She had no idea what she would tell him if he happened to notice the stain and she had no idea how he wouldn’t.
“Well maybe when we stop by to pick up your car we can borrow my brother’s washer and dryer,” Lenny said looking over at Shannon. With a sly smile he told her, “You could wash your clothes over there so they’ll be nice and clean when you get home. ”
Slowly Shannon nodded her head sensing there was more to his offer.
* * *
“Well hello,” Shannon’s husband said cheerfully when she came through the door. He walked over and gave her a kiss saying, “You’re a little late. What happened?”
“I…I had to pick up my car from Lenny’s brother,” Shannon said quickly as she moved past him.


   She hoped he would be leaving soon, she really didn’t want him asking too many questions about picking up her car. She also didn’t want to try and explain why she wasn’t wearing her panties or why they were still over at Lenny’s brother’s place.
“Oh that’s right,” he said as he followed her to the kitchen. As she poured herself a cup of coffee he asked, “So how’s the car running?”
“Great. ”
“That friend of yours really helped us out,” he said with a shake of his head. He thought for a long moment and then said, “Boy if we had been forced to take that to a repair shop it would have cost us a fortune. Man we were lucky that he said he’d do that for free. ”
Shannon simply nodded deciding to not tell him that Lenny was collecting for his favor. She knew that they were going to be paying for it for sometime or at least she would be. In fact Lenny had told her that he had some friends that would like to meet her this coming weekend. She was both scared and a little excited about it. Well as they said, nothing in the world was free.



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