I hated everything about this man. His looks being the worst. He put forth no effort of taking care of himself at all. He was probably nearing his 50's. Standing at about 5'3" and tipping the scales at nearly 400 pounds, he wasn't a sight to behold. I think this man never invested in a toothbrush, his breath was putrid. The odor that exuded off of him was 18 times worse. I often thought of sending him a gift basket, anonymously, full of the necessary essentials to help him out with this matter. You would have thought that he was Niagara Falls by the amount of sweat that fell from his face and neck. He constantly carried a small cloth around with him, although it never helped. The man was just simply the nastiest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. "Hope you weren't planning to take lunch today, Sarah?"The fat bastard chuckled as he forced his fat stubby hand towards my face, dropping the paper's on my lap. "I want these done immediately""You will not be going any where until I see these done and the rest of the memos I gave you yesterday"I felt the tears begin to form in my eyes but held back. I wouldn't give this jerk the opportunity of knowing he was getting to me. That would just be another thing he would have control over. This was not going to happen.
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"Mr. Felding, I really need some help here. "I swallowed hard as those words escaped my mouth. What have I just said? "Well, you know right now that thing's are a little tight around here and I think you are more than capable of handling this on your own, Sarah. "This was a lie if I ever heard one. He somehow managed to marry into a wealthy family that owned several large apartment buildings and auto dealerships. They had money coming out of their asses. When his father in law passed away, everything went to him and when it came to the business's, he knew exactly how to pull in the customers. He looked at me sarcastically as he said this, forming an evil grin on his face. God, I couldn't stand this man and if I didn't need this job so bad, I would have slapped his face and walked out. I truly despised everything about him. "But sir, there's just so much that needs to be caught up on. You say you need this done right away but to be honest with you, it's not going to happen. "Those words bravely escaped my mouth as he looked down at me, his eyes now beet red and the sweat dropping faster from his face. I knew what was coming.
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I shouldn't have said anything. Leaning forward, he looks me dead in the eyes. "Listen here, missy, you can be replaced in a heart beat. "The sweat now dripping all over my lap and paperwork. I swallowed even harder this time to hold back the feeling of wanting to throw up as his breath entered my nostrils. "You know, there is one way we can handle this if you really want, Sarah?""I could have someone in here by tomorrow if you just be a good little girl and do something for me?"I knew exactly what this hideous looking man was hinting to. I felt the vomit come further up my throat as he said this. I had become very aware just of late of his attractions towards me. I'd catch him staring at me while rubbing his hands back and forth over his crotch. Although it was nice to think that someone found me attractive enough to do something such as that, the thought of it being him was too much to bear. This was something that he has done with several of the other women at work. Sometimes during lunch, I'd hear the gossip float around the break room about how he had made advances towards the other women and how some even gave into him, in order to keep their jobs. He knew the power he had owning this company and used it to his full advantage. I really hadn't been on many dates in the past year and was becoming very lonely but not enough to give in to him. I wouldn't look at myself as model material but I'm not bad looking either.
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I am 5'5" tall and at the right weight for my height. I carry maybe a few extra pounds in my backside. My hair is one thing that I've always taken care of. It's long, about to my waist and Chestnut Brown. Pretty much all one length and thick. My eyes are almond shaped and dark green. I'm not what one would call "busty" being maybe a large B cup but what I do have, suits me just fine. I wear very little make up unless I'm planning a night out on the town. Just of late, I wouldn't put any on with hopes that this would keep my boss from eye balling me. But I wasn't so lucky. "Well,?"He looks at me like a child that's been offered the opportunity to roam free through a candy store, eyes filled with delight. "Sir, I will not stand for this kind of treatment. "The fat bastard takes my cheeks into his hand and brings me closer to his chubby face. "Oh yes you will, if you know what's best for you. "As he said this, he kisses me.
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Trying to force his tongue through my lips that are pressed tightly together. I gag several times at the taste and smell coming from his mouth. That was the final straw. I didn't need this anymore. Standing up quickly and without even realizing what I was about to do, my arm moved with all it's force and the sounds of my hand slapping his face, echoed through out the room. "You little bitch, get your shit together and get out of here now. You're fired!"With box in hand, I made my way out of the office, with eyes all upon me, as if they were congratulating me for what I had just done. One of the other gals that worked in the office looked at me and gave me a wink, knowing she was thanking me for what I had just done, I smiled back at her and kept my brave face until I hit the outside and made my way to my car. Sitting the box down beside me on the passenger seat, I realized what had just happened to me. Putting my hands on the steering wheel, my face drops forward as tears are now flowing steadily down my cheeks. I needed this job so bad. Before this, I had looked for months on end for a job. It had been so hard finding one. What was I going to do now? I sat there for a good 20 minutes before I was able to compose myself enough for my drive home. Although my apartment is tiny and bare, it was a welcoming sight after the events that just took place.
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Placing my key's on the table along with my box, I kicked off my heels and headed to the refrigerator. Opening the door, I feel the chill from the empty fridge hit me. It felt soothing over my face, especially on my eyes as they burnt from the hard crying. I needed to eat and badly at that. I thought maybe I'd call a friend of mine and see if she wanted to go out to dinner and have a few glasse's of wine. Just my luck, she was busy, getting ready to go out on a date for the night. Lucky her, I thought, as I stood there in the shower, allowing the warm water to take it's course down the entirety of my body. This was very relaxing for me and usually very arousing. I'd usually put the shower head on a hard stream and allow the water to tap vigorously over my nipples until the sensation inside me built up enough to where I'd masturbate myself but I just wasn't in the mood for it tonight. I got myself looking decent enough for a night of dining pleasure at one of our local Italian restaurants. I'd often dine there and always loved the experience I had with friends but tonight I would venture out on my own. Dabbling one last touch of perfume behind my ears, I step back to take a final look at myself. A simple black dress that hugged my curves nicely, allowing little of my cleavage to show. The dress fell to about the top of my knees, so I had decided to go without panties for the evening. I did this often because I enjoyed an occasional feel of my soft pussy lips when I thought no one was looking.
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A pair of black thigh high stockings and heels that added a few inches to my height. As I lifted my leg up to step into my car, I felt a slight breeze work it's way up between my dress and roam free over my pantiless crotch. My nipples instantly becoming erect as a surge of pleasure came across me. On my way to the restaurant, I slipped my dress up my thighs and enjoyed my pussy. My fingers roaming freely in and out of me. Feeling the wetness build up, becoming more aroused as I slid two. . . then three fingers inside me. My fingers now covered in my juices, allowing complete access of my pussy, I pushed in further. The feeling was wonderful. My thoughts began to wonder so much that I had to pull off to the side of a darkly lit road or I would have wrecked my car. Pulling my dress now completely up to my waist, exposing my beautiful pussy to myself and the dark of the night, I watched as my hands worked their magic. One hand caressing the length of my thigh, while the other hand moved gracefully in and out of myself, now using my thumb to embrace my clit while my fingers fucked me, deep inside, slowly in and out, bringing me to the point that I knew I would orgasm soon. I rested the chair back some and lay there, spreading my legs a little wider, taking in the smell of my sex as it escaped from between my legs.
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I had just started to shut my eyes, making myself ready to enjoy my orgasm when I see the faint color of red and blue, flashing inside my car. I knew immediately what it was and sat up quickly to fix my dress. I reached into my purse and sprayed some perfume to hide the scent and rolled down my window. "Miss, is everything okay?"The officer asked while looking curiously at my flushed face. I had forgotten to wipe my fingers clean of the wetness that covered them and did my best to conceal the scent. Although a bit embarrassed, I also found some pleasure in the thought of knowing that he knew I had been pleasuring my pussy. He was very pleasing to the eyes. With a well chiseled jaw and pretty blue eyes, his uniform wore him well. You didn't really have to look to hard to see the muscles trying to escape the arms of his shirt. I watched as his nose took in the scent, while his eyes scanned my body. "Yes, officer, everything is just fine. I came across a little dizzy and needed to pull over for a few minutes. "Smiling down at me and knowing all too well that I had just lied to him, he gave me a wink, reminded me to put my seat belt back on and told me to enjoy the rest of my evening. I watched as he started to drive away in his patrol car. Thinking maybe I would catch a final glimpse of this man.
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Just as he started to pass me by, he turned and looked at me.
With a flirty smile, he waved at me and took off. What usually takes about 18 minutes to get to the restaurant, took me 30 minutes this time. I was a little nervous about being caught, so I took my time driving the rest of the way. "Well, good evening, Ms. Andrews!"The familiar voice entered the air as I stepped through the door. It was the host, Michael, who I have come to know quite well. "You look lovely this evening, Ms. Andrews. "I could always rely on a nice compliment from him. He was a dear, kind man and when he spoke, you knew his words were true. He was an older gentleman and shared with my friends and I that although he had retired from a job he worked for 40 years, he needed something part time to keep the old ticker alive. I followed behind him as he lead me to the table where my friends and I usually sit. The restaurant was not as busy as it usually is. This place was well known for it's food and hospitality.
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It was the people working there, like Michael, that brought in the crowds. "Will you have others joining you this evening, Ms. Andrews?""Not tonight, Michael. I'm here alone and would really like it if I could have a table off to the side. ""As you wish. "The table he had seated me at was perfect. Although the area was partially lit, It was what I needed right now. My space. Sensing that maybe something was wrong, Michael placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a caring embrace. "Ms. Andrews, are you okay this evening?""I see hurt in your eyes. Is there anything I can do?"The invitation to vent all my worries was very tempting but I knew if I did, I'd get myself all worked up and would more than likely cry. I wasn't about to put this on that kind mans shoulders. "I'm okay, Michael and thank you for asking. That was very kind of you.
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"Handing me a menu, he walked away to get my drink. I scanned through the menu, back and front. I don't know why I did this because I pretty much knew the menu by heart. I decided to go with the Chicken Parmesan tonight. That would go nicely with a glass or two of wine. Several minutes had passed by and I sat there sipping on my wine. I noticed Michael walking a very attractive looking blonde towards the table that sat horizontal from me. She was quite attractive. I would figure maybe her early 40's, quite leggy and the bosoms of every mans dreams. She had the perfect hour glass shape and was dressed to kill. As I watched Michael turned away from her, I noticed a hint of red in his cheeks. I smiled at him as he looked at me, knowing all too well that I caught him giving her the eyes. A warm feeling came over me as this happened. Michael usually wasn't like that but hell, he's human. He stopped by my table, took my order and headed off to the back.
Several more minutes had gone by when a very attractive, European looking man had joined the blonde at her table. He was a bit younger but you could tell he liked the blonde woman very much. Within just a few minutes of being seated next to her, he began whispering into her ear. It must have been something very sexual because she took his hand and placed it on her knee. I know I should not have been listening in but I couldn't help myself. Anything to take my mind off of my thoughts would be nice. I could barely make out what they were talking about but could tell he had a thick French accent. His voice was enough to arouse any woman. The more he spoke to her, the more she giggled and kissed him. These were not just little peeks on the cheeks but full on lip locks. I watched as their tongues met and played with one another. His hands had now worked their way up her skirt and her hand between his legs. She massaged his cock as he spoke in to her ear. I felt myself becoming turned on as I watched this erotic show take place before my eyes. She unzipped his trousers and slipped her hands in, with in a second, pulling out an enormous cock.
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My God, I've not seen anything like that before. Not being able to take my eyes off of it, I watched her hand glide over it, using the precum from the tip, to lubricate his cock, making it easier for her to work it. I looked up at her to see her expression on her face and as I locked on to her eyes, she had been looking at me. She had watched me as I watched them this whole time. My eyes nearly popped out of my head in embarrassment. I wanted to slide myself under the table and hide but I couldn't. I wanted to watch this unfold. I wanted to be a part of this. She smiled at me and puckered up her lips, blowing a kiss towards me. This sent a chill over me and I could feel the need to want to touch myself. I think she knew this because she had whispered something to her gorgeous lover and they both began to kiss, watching me the whole time. She rubbed his cock harder and by this time, he had managed to lift her skirt up and allow me to watch as his fingers dip in and out of her pussy. By now, my juices began to escape me and was surely covering the seat where I sat. I squirmed a little, needing to touch myself but not sure if I should or not. Continuing to watch and knowing very well that they had my attention, I hear a slight moan coming from the blonde.
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I had to touch myself. Her moaning set my pussy on fire and before I knew it, my legs were spread wide and I began to finger myself. Wanting to share with them, I masturbated. I watched as the French man looked under my table and took in all that I had to offer. The feeling was wonderful as I played with myself and watched the beautiful couple near me at play as well. I looked into the blondes eyes as she mouthed something to me. I couldn't make out what she was saying at first but became more clear to me after really looking hard. "I want to eat your beautiful pussy, I want to taste your cum. "She mouthed to me and this was enough for me to cum. The thought of another woman eating me out was making my orgasm approach rapidly. I was just on the brink of coming, when out of the corner of my eye, Michael was approaching with my meal. Sitting up quickly, I kept my fingers inside me moving. Michael placed the dish in front of me without even knowing what I was doing. "Anything else?"He asked me with a smile. "N No No, thank you, Michael.
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"I thought the world of this man but I couldn't wait for him to make his exit. I needed to come now. He walked away from me and didn't even notice the couple at play. I thought he might have but didn't. As I looked back over, the guy had already cum all over the crotch of his pants and she had covered her fingers in his cum and sucked her fingers dry. I watched as she did this and as he slipped under the table and commenced eating her out. Her hips moving in quick jerks back and forth, keeping her eye on me. Licking her lips, fucking me with her eyes. This was it, I pumped my fingers in as hard as I could feeling the muscles in my juicy cunt attaching to my fingers. I hadn't experienced an orgasm of that magnitude in quite some time. It was hard to keep from screaming in pleasure but I managed. This went on for several minutes and as I opened my eyes and returned my glance back on them, she was in the midst of her orgasm, not taking her eyes off of me. Her lips quivered and her eyes in a lustful haze. God, I wanted both of them. The gentleman got up from underneath the table and was getting himself situated.
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The blonde took a piece of paper out her of purse and starting jotting something down. After a minute or two he got up and walked past my table, placing the paper down and walking away. She followed him several minutes later, making it a point to walk past me and rub up against my arm. Opening the paper, I saw an address and my presence being requested in an hour. I called for Michael and had him box up my food. With a quick good-bye, I paid my bill and headed to the restroom before leaving to freshen myself up. I couldn't believe what had just happened and couldn't wait until I arrived at the address on the paper. I knew what was going to happen and with that thought, I was out the door. I finally arrived at the address. I was a little late because I'd never been in this part of town. The houses were beautiful and massive. A rich man's paradise. This was way out of my league and I almost considered turning around but what did I have to lose? Nothing at all. The house was gated off with a huge iron security gate. Before I could even press the buzzer to be let in, the gates opened up and I drove on.
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The house was glorious, a water fountain in the middle of a circular drive way. Pillars ran the length of the front of the house. It was a dream. I was at the front door and ready to knock when I was met by theFrench man. He took my hand and lead me up the a large staircase. Without saying a word to me, we walked down a long hall, pictures covering the walls. In one of the pictures was the blonde haired woman and what looked to be her husband. Obviously not the gentleman she had been at the restaurant with. He looked to be a little older and from the quick glance I got of him, there was something oddly familiar. Where have I seen that face before? I couldn't tell. I needed a better look. I tried to stop and look back but was forced to carry on. I thought there was no end in sight to our long journey through the house until we hit 2 rather large white doors. It looked as if the frame was pure gold. My lord, I thought to myself.
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"This woman must have an awful lot of money. "He opened the doors and walked in. As he moved away, I could see the woman laying on a huge bed in a very revealing nightie. She motioned for me to come over and I did just that. She introduced herself to me but only gave her first name. "Well, it's about time you arrived. "She said to me. Her beauty was even more apparent now as I stood in front of her. "Hi, my name is Madison and who might you be, you delicious creature?"I forgot my own name for a minute as my words couldn't come out of my mouth. "H Hi, I'm Sarah, Sarah Andrews. "She patted the side of the bed, beckoning me to sit. "You're quite a beauty and I loved watching you play with yourself. ""Did you enjoy the show we put on for you?"As she said that, I felt the moisture build up between my legs once again. "This is Pierre"Looking back, he sat down behind me and began rubbing my shoulders, slipping the straps down past my shoulder and on to my arms, kissing my soft silky skin. "Yes," I said breathlesslyI was once again being pulled in to their desires.
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I tilted my head to allow full access of his mouth on my neck. It felt so nice. My nipples began to perk straight through my dress and I felt Madison's hand play with them. I became jello in their hands. I wanted this, no, I needed this. Although this was something I'd never done before and probably would never do again, it was an amazing release for me. Madison layed me back on the bed, as Pierre moved in closer. He kissed me with such passion. As he lay on top of me, I could feel his huge erection through his trousers. He pumped his hips, slowly back and forth on me, pressing his crotch into mine.
Madison had managed to slip my dress down to reveal my breasts to her and began playing with my nipples. "Oh my, what do we have here?"Taking my nipples in between her fingers and pinching them very softly. This felt so good. Between Pierre pumping his erection on my pussy, while kissing me very affectionately and Madison playing with my nipples, I gave in and felt the presence of another orgasm. He released his lock from my lips and moved his way down to my breast, pulling my dress completely off of me.
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He stood up to admire me, while Madison joined him. There I lay with nothing on except my thigh high stockings and my heels. I watched them admire me and felt brave enough to spread my legs for them to see my treasure. I played with my breasts and begged for them to continue. Madison reached over and unzipped Pierres pants. As they dropped, his enormous cock flew out between his legs due to the fact that he had no underware on. She played with his cock while making sure that I watched her do so. "Do you like what you see, Sarah?"My body now aching to be fucked fast and hard by this massively thick, long cock. I know that I could take on that 18 in cock. My pussy was once again on fire and I begged for him to fuck me. "Oh yes, please Madison, I want him to fuck me hard""I want his cock to fill my pussy and my ass. "Still not allowing him to come to me, she held him back. I was so desperate to be entered that I began to play with myself. Lifting both my legs into the air, I spread them as wide as I could take them. My pussy now at their mercy, I needed something to fill me up so badly.
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I noticed the chunky heeled shoe that Madison wore on her foot. Something you would see on some naked women posed erotically in a porno magazine. The heel must have been a good 4 to 5 inches long and very fat. I grabbed at her foot which was propped up on the bed and moved it between my legs. I moved the heel to insert it inside me. Letting out a gasp, as the sharp object penetrated me. Madison now moving the heel in and out of me while she watched and rubbed her own pussy. I rubbed my clit and she continued to fuck me with her heeled foot. "Oh God, Yes. . . . . you that feels so good!"Saying this brought a smile to Madisons face, her tongue wetting her lips, her hand now gliding over her enlarged clit. Pierre Had reached around Madison and had his fingers in her ass, Pumping away, while jacking off his enormous cock.
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Just as I began to orgasm, she took the heel out from inside me and demanded Pierre to get down on his knees and eat my pussy out. Feeling his tongue lick from my asshole up to my clit, I bucked my hips up into his face. Watching Madison grab for something underneath her pillow, my orgasm released. "Oh yes. . . . . Oh yes. . . . eat my little cunt. . .
. . Oh god, yes. "My body jerk violently as the orgasm ran threw me. Pierre continued to suck my clit and finger my pussy, making sure that my orgasm would last. I pumped up and down. My hips moving in a way that they never had before. Seeing Madsion now standing behind Pierre, I see her looking down between her legs. Placing one hand on his ass, the other slid the strap on cock into Pierre's asshole. His mouth moving away from me suddenly, letting out a gasp, as if he were adjusting to the intruder who entered him. I watched as Madison forcefully fucked him. Her hands now on his hips, she bucked into him. Her tits bouncing around every where. Her bucking sending his face deeper into my pussy, sending another wave of orgasms over me. Over and over again, the fucking went on and on.
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I had positioned myself now to where I could suck on Pierres cock, while he ate me out. Madison standing off to the side and ramming the fake cock deep inside his burning asshole. Not reallizing the view I had, I looked up and watched her pussy pumping him off. His nuts flapping freely with each and every movement into him. I reached up and slid my fingers in between her ass checks and inserted one finger easily. You could tell she liked it up the ass. Her opening was quite wide. Realizing this, I insert all five of my fingers as far up into her as I could. Feeling this she began to bend at the knees and invite me deeper inside her ass. I moved in rythmn with her. Our bodies all fucked at once. I had now felt the waves of another orgasm. I lost count at 8 and only wanted more and more to come my way. Madisons pussy leaked large amounts of cum onto my face as her second orgams hit. "That's it, Sarah.
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. . . Fuck my little ass, you whore!"Taking Pierres cock out of my mouth, I stuck my tongue out to catch the juices as it shot out from inside her. We were a tangled web of body parts, coming with every thrust, sucking and fucking everything we could put into each others mouths. Our little threesome lasted clear into the morning. I vaguely remember looking at the clock on the wall while I fucked Madison in the ass with the same strap on that she used on Pierre. Before I knew it and after the last of many orgams, we all lay there. After an hour or so, Pierre had fallen to sleep while Madison and I lay there talking to one another. "Honey, I couldn't help but notice that you looked sad when I first came in. "She said to me with a look of concern. She went on to ask if I had just broken up with a boyfriend or had any troubles. I shared with her what had happened at my job and that I was fired because I stood up for myself and that I had slapped by boss. I told her about the man I worked with and how he treated all of the women. How I felt bad for his wife because she was probably a sweet lady who sat at home wandering where her husband was at times.
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Not knowing if she knew the pain he placed on people and herself. How he was a no good bastard and how I wished that I could just stick my foot up his ass and let him have it. She laughed at me while playing with my breasts. Looking at her, I knew I could get use to this. Making love to her and him or just an all out fuck fest when ever our hearts desired. "What's this assholes name?"She asked me in between kissing me. "You've probably never heard of him before and I hope you never have to deal with him either. "She smiled back at me and touched my face with her hands. It felt really nice. I finally felt at ease and the pain of losing my job didn't seem so bad anymore. "Sarah, tell me his name, sweetie. "I didn't want to at first not knowing if she might send someone after him but when thinking more about it, I didn't care. "His name is Felding. Wilson Felding. ""Do you know of this man?"I thought maybe she would, seeing as she was well to do for and I knew that Mr.
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Felding more than likely had a house in this area. "Yes, dear, I know him. Very well as a matter of fact. "A look of fear came over my face as I begged her not to say anything to him. I didn't want this beautiful creature to have to be in the presence of this horrible man. She reassured me that everything would be okay and that I need not worry anymore about a job. That she would take me in as her very own personal assistant. She offered me to live at her house because I would need to be on call for her, 24 hours a day. Smiling at this because I knew exactly what she was talking about. She offered me so much money that I just couldn't pass this up. A few days had passed and I was just finishing up cleaning out my apartment when my phone rang. "Hello?""Hi Sarah, this is Rebecca from work. "I couldn't figure out why she would be calling me. "Did I forget something at work?"I asked a her, not knowing what she could possibly want from me. "Mr.
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Felding needs you to come down to his office. He needs to have a few words with you. "I couldn't help but notice how happy she sounded over the phone. This peeked my curiosity at first but then the thought of seeing this man again made me once again sick to my stomach. "I really don't feel it necessary to come down there. If he has anything to say to me, he can mail me a letter. "Before I could say goodbye and hang up, she told me that she thinks it might really be a good idea on my half to come down and listen to what he has to say. That nothing will happen to me. That I would be alright. I couldn't believe this. What the hell was going on here? Had Madison confronted this man and given him shit. I was afraid to think it but I wouldn't know for sure unless I went. I took my time and getting there and when I pulled up in front of the office building, I saw some of the gals standing out front, talking and laughing amongst each other. Rebecca saw me and pushed her way threw the crowd of women. "Come on,"She said as she grabbed my hand and lead me inside.
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I asked what was going on and she wouldn't say. Her pace picked up as we moved closer to Mr. Felding's office. She stopped at the door and told me to go on it, that Mrs. Felding wished to speak to me. "Wait, you told me that Mr. Felding wanted to talk to me, not his wife!"The thoughts of that fat bastard telling his wife that I had seduced him or something of that nature, filled my head. I hesitated but was pushed closer to the door. My heart now beating out of my chest and feeling like I wanted to be sick, I grabbed the door knob and walked in with my head looking straight forward. What I saw next was something I never thought or would have imagined in a million years. Mr. Felding was tied up around his office chair. His mouth was duct taped and his fat ass stuck out, looking very red. His eyes, filled with tears, looked up at me, begging me to stop what had just happened. "What's going on he.
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. . . . . ?"Before I could finish my sentence I look up to see Madison standing there. "Madison, what are you doing here?"Pierre emerged from the bathroom with a fairly large paddled in his hands. "What on earth is going on?"Madison stood there, more beautiful than ever. Smiling at me, she walks over and kisses me. "Hi lover, I was wondering how long it would take you to get here. "Hearing this, Mr. Felding looked up at me in horror. He was pissed and if he didn't have that tape all over his mouth, I'm sure that a few choice words would have been said. "I don't understand, what's going on here, Madison?"The door opened and Rebecca came in. Walking towards Madison, Rebecca gives Madison what appears to be a pair of shit kickers.
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"Here you go, Mrs. Felding. Just what you asked for. "My mouth dropped wide open as I heard Rebecca call Madison, Mrs. Felding. I didn't know what to say. I fucked the bosses wife. I wanted to scream out loud at first but then realized nothing would come out of my mouth. "Sarah, the day that all of this happened, when Mr. Felding fired you, I was here. ""I came in to give my husband the divorce paperwork when I had seen what he had did to you. ""You see, Mr. Felding forced his way into my family by winning my father over. My father, being the controlling man he was, forced me to marry Wilson and if I wouldn't, I would lose out on everything, this wasn't the chance I was willing to take. ""Wilson reassured my father that he would make millions for the family and he did just that.
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""Once my father died and I found out he had passed everything down to both Wilson and I, I was furious and wanted payback. ""So, I stayed. I stuck around long enough for that bastard to make me millions. I stuck around and put up with his shit but once I found out what was going on here, I wouldn't let it happen any longer. "" Little does he realize that I've bought out his half of the company and he no longer has a dime. ""All the millions he made are now mine. "Still lost for words, not believing that I had fucked the bosses wife. That I laid there that night telling Madison how bad I felt for his poor little innocent wife. Little did I realize. "You told me that you wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. That you wanted to put your foot up his ass and let him have it, right?""Yes, but I didn't think. . . . "Before I could finish my sentence, she hands me the pair of boots.
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"Here's your chance, lover. "The look on her face was nothing but pure excitement as she knew his ass was mine. I couldn't say the same for the man who once walked around the office and set his wrath upon all of the women that worked for him. The look on his face was pricelss. It would have made for one heck of a kodak moment. "I've allowed the other girl's to have their turn as you can see. "By now, the welts and blisters started forming on his fat red ass. "I've saved the best for last. "Placing the boot on my foot, it was a little big and I noticed the weight in the tip of the boot. All the better to make it's entrance up his ass. As I was bending over, pulling the boot on so that it would stay on my foot, I looked up enough to see Mr. Felding looking at me. He literally begged me. Now attempting to say something but only hearing muffles, I ignored his plea. Those shit kickers sure did do the job.