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I was to goldye after i whach some of her muvies, i see mouvies befor she have silicon and after she put silicon, she is in hotel seminal first floor, she is more beautiful then the pictures, she is real, have very nice behaivior like your girlfriend, she kiss me is second i pass in the room, she make me tea, i make shower with her and she whash me, kiss me, suck me in shower like she love me for all time, we go in room, i put her to dress in white lingerie and hi heels because this is one of my fantesies, i put her to dance and stay on a chair to masturbate in front of me, she masturbate with fingers and dildo allso, in this time i start get mouvie with her with my go pro camera, she ask me extra 100 euro for this and she is agree to post this on internet, i will do it soon on pornhub, after she masturbate she have 3 real squirt, she squirt on my chest and she screem a lot, in 10 minutes somebady nokt on the dor and i ask her to have low voice, after this i put her in knees and real fuck her mouth like i never doit, she can make real deepthroat like she have no throat, she destry me and i have my first comming on her mouths and face, she swolow everything and lick after my dick, after 15 min pause with tigaret smeke in the room she come on me lick me, kiss me and again real deepthroat, she come on me and fuck me like i was her last fuck, i come on her missionary and i fuck her and masage her titts, she have very very big titts, she ask me to be hard with her, i spit her on face and in mouths and she like it a lot, i see she real like to be fuckt, i put her dogystyle and i fuck her outher 10 minutes with spanks after big and perfect ass, i finish again in her mouth and she finish with last squirt on the floor whie she suck me and screem, i can tell she is a real nimfomanic women she is real, like sex, love guys and love to be fuckt like in her mouvies, all this time i make mouvie with her, i hope i see her soon when i will go in bucuresti for bussines, kiss you baby
Goldie Divine: thank you very much gio, kiss you and aspect you in bucuresti