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© Copyright 2025 | Alle rechten voorbehouden | Europe Escort Guide
Please upload more pictures or videos of this gorgeous ass!!😍
Thank you !
Mel: 👄👄👄👄👄😉
Reduce the price for 1 hour to 200. 250 is way too much!
Appearance different from the photos .
Strange behaviour . Bad services . Keep away .
Janet: Too sad dear we didn’t had the connection. 😞Have a beautiful evening anyway
Reduce the price . 250 is way too much 💕
Please come to Thessaloniki!
There is no girls here . Thank you !
Annie : I will be in veroia probably baby 😘😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋
What’s app number does not work.
Are you planning to visit any other cities ?
Flavia: Soon , Love Kisses