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Nazima is very good girl she is very friendly and talkative. She Speaks english snd turkish very good because she is english teacher in Almati. I fucked her 2 shot for 1 hour. İt was very good casting for me. I adice her my Turks friends.
Mila is very good Polish girl. Her body and breast shape is nice. She is a little bit smart she doesn't like to talk, she is doing only her job. I fucked her ass. She doesn't like do except service which you didn't talk or agree. For example alternatif anal second shot while I fuck her back cow girl position when I splashed butt she was very angry and disturbed. I apologized her. Also I advice her all gentelman because 1 hour casting with Mila it was very good time for me. Next time in Ankara I want to go Mila again. Have a nice day