My entryIapologize for being so late. I had become preoccupied. Since the nightis nearly over, I figured I'd at least post something, so here goes:
Just Fuck Me
My attitude had changed after that night. The night my father strippedme of my virginity, and I became his personal fuck toy. My attitude hadchanged drastically. I didn't fucking care anymore. I didn't care aboutanything anymore. My name is Heather. I'm 16, and I live with myfather, mother and my 2 brothers, Eric and Cain. It was a Saturdaynight when it happened. It was all so fast. Mom had gone out. Eric was18, and almost never at home. Cain was over a friends house. I was homealone with dad. My body wasn't all that glamorous.
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I was slim or toned,but I had quite a luscious ass for a girl my age, and a white girl atthat. My tits just barely fit a C-cup. I was in my room playing music,it had to be at least 18 0'clock at night. I laid on my bed, listeningto the stereo, drowning myself to sleep when my bedroom door creakedopen. My eyes were closed, and I didn't even pay attention to my dadstanding over me. It wasn't until I felt his body on top of mine that Iknew he was there. I screamed for him to get out, and leave me alone,but he refused. He was stark naked lying on top of me, and he startedto rip way my clothes. He ripped down my t-shirt, freeing my nakedbreasts. He sucked, licked and nibbled on them while shoving a gropinghand down into my panties, and stuffing two vingers into my virginalcunt. I struggled to push him off of me, but to no success.
He finally gripped my pajama bottoms down my legs, and revealed myshapely figure. This was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn't getover how glamorously, unbelieveably sexy I was with him lying on top ofme. I tried to avert my eyes, but they caught sight of my dad's 8 1/2inch dick, and it was aiming straight for my hole. To scream now wouldbe useless, dad had already gone this far.
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It was obvious he wasn'tprepared to stop. He slowly slipped his raging hard prick inside mytight wet cunt, and broke my cherry. He stopped for a second, to letthe blood leak out, and to allow me to adjust to his intrusion. Once Idid, he pumped in and out of me like my pussy belonged to him. Hecontinued to swallow my breasts in his mouth as his cock continued afurious pounding on my young pussy. I refused to scream now, becausethe only sound that would come out were moans.
As much as I despised him now for doing this to me, I couldn't believehow great it felt to have this large cock inside of me, pleasuring me. Dad spread my legs wide, and continued to fuck me. His balls weresmacking against my ass as he fucked me harder and harder. God, I hatedhim. I hated him with every fiber of my bones. I hated him for takingmy virginity. I hated him for raping me, but most of all, I hated himfor making me like it. The fact that his cock felt like it belonged inmy pussy made me feel worse. Fucking bastard.
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I could feel my pussytighten, and a rush of orgasmic ecstacy flooded me.
Dad had made mecum. I saw the hideous smirk on his face. He enjoyed the fact that hecould make his daughter cum. And he did. Then he did it again, andagain, and again. His smile didn't fade. And after my fifth orgasm, Ifinally felt my father's sperm fill up my pussy. He shot load afterload inside me. His intent was obviously to get me pregnant. Fuck it, Idon't care. Not anymore.
Dad's cock started to shrink. I wanted this torment to end, but at thesame time, I wasn't sure if I was ready for his cock to leave me yet. "No Dad, more.
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" I whispered softly almost against my will. The smirkreturned to my fathers face, and it was almost as if his cock justgrabbed a second wind. He began to plunder my pussy again unmercifully. He had a vice grip on my tits as he struggled to shove his cock deeperand deeper into me. The further back, the easier it would be toimpregnate me. It didn't take long before his cock started spurtingit's hot, thick, incestuous semen up my well-fucked, once virginalcunt. Dad pulled out of me, and went to his room to retrieve hisclothes. I laid there naked, feeling strange, and unusual. It was nodoubt that my attitude would be completely different.
After that night, it seemed like I came out of my room a completelydifferent entity. There was a slutty, unforgiving, dominance written onmy face. For weeks after, my father would continue to fuck me. Hisraging cock pulsing sperm into my pussy, and filling me with his lovechild. If I did get pregnant, I would abort it. I didn't tell my fatherof that.
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He wanted me to have his child, but I didn't. I didn't wantnor need a child. I just wanted to fuck. The best time Dad fucked mewas on Father's Day. Only Mom, Dad, and I were home, and mom was fixingdinner in the kitchen. She was planning a big meal for Dad, and we knowMom; she doesn't like to come out of the kitchen until everything isfinished. Dad saw the perfect opportunity. We were both sitting on thecouch watching TV when Mom entered the kitchen. That gave us twentyminutes of quick fucking time. Dad unzipped his pants, and whipped outhis massive organ. "Not now Dad, she'll hear us. " I whispered.
"Don't make a sound. She'll never know. " Dad whispered back, ensuringme.
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With that, I slipped off my shorts. I didn't wear underwearanymore, so it was easier for Dad to get to me. He lifted my shirt up,so he could suck on my tits, and he plunged his massive cock inside mytwat again.
He was such a good fuck. He pistoned me from every angle,and each stroke made me want his cum more. I started to moan, but Dadput his hand over my mouth, "Not a word. " he repeated as he continuedto ravish my young pussy. How could I not moan for twenty minutes?That's impossible. His dick is just so good, and he fucks me so well. Damnit, Dad. How can you not moan? It's hard not to moan when you'refucking anyway, but when you're fucking your daughter, it should beimpossible. Dad was stifling his moans as hard as he could, sucking orbiting my tits to keep from screaming. Dad's dick was becoming toomuch, I was gonna cum, but I couldn't scream. I grabbed a pillow nextto me, and shouted into that as I exploded onto my Dad's enraged cock. He smiled at me, and continued his furious pounding.
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Then, he slipped out of me, and bended me over the edge of our couch,and plowed my pussy from behind. He enjoyed the view of my luscious assbouncing on his incestuous cock. He fucked me long, and hard frombehind, he grabbed hold of my tits, and yanked on them as he plowedfurther into my cunt. I couldn't tell how long we were fucking, but momwas still in the kitchen cooking. It was amazing that we hadn't made anoise in all the fucking we were doing. Then, Dad turned me back on myback facing the other way, and shoved his member into my pussy onceagain. The more he fucked, the more I loved it. He drove his cockdeeper and deeper into me with every thrust.
Then, in the middle of our fuck session, our front door opened. To ourshock, and shame, my older brother Eric walked in on my Dad and I. Hefroze at the door immediately. Dad and I paused in our sexual frey. Eric didn't say a word, his face was frozen solid in heartwrenchingshock. Dad and I looked at him, and when he didn't say anything, Dadreturned a glance at me, and with his cock still inside me, hecontinued to fuck me. Eric stood there watching as my tits bounced inour fathers face from the force of his cock.
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God, it felt so goodhaving Dad fuck me while Eric watched. Dad raped me for a few moreminutes until he exploded a fierce load of semen into my cunt. Hebreathed out hard as he finally made a noise of relief. When we lookedup again, Eric was gone. Dad and I straightened up, and just as we werecompletely dressed, Mom came back into the living room to tell us thatdinner was ready. Dad and I sat up from the couch completely avoidingthe situation that had just taken place. I had gotten fucked by my Dadin front of my brother while my mother was in the other room. Theperversion of it all made me horny all over again. But in the back ofmy mind, I was a little worried of how Eric would react to this. But Isoon got my answer to that. __________________
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