
Best Jerk-Off Story Contest 2007------I love to eat pussy


I love to eat pussy

My name is Chris. This story took place when I was 18 years old. At thetime, my sister, Audrey, was 18 years old. She matured early for herage, already having breasts by this time, and standing a full 6 inchesover her classmates. We were from a large family, so of course spacewas tight. Because of the limited space, my sister and I were put intothe same bedroom. Now, it had been like this since we were 8 and 6. And, being that we were the two youngest, with 4 years separating mynext oldest brother, and me she and I spent a lot of time together, andgrew quite close.

It started actually when I was about 18 years old or so, and I hadhoned my skills of masturbation quite well. I was really enjoying thefeelings, and wanted stronger, better orgasms. So one time, during asmall vacation in Niagara Falls, it was just my parents and my sisterand I. We had gotten a hotel room for the night, and my parentsnaturally slept in one bed, leaving the other for my sister and I. Iremember waking up around 2 or 3 in the morning with the hardest boner. I tried to go back to sleep, but it just wouldn't let me. I started tojerk off quietly, right there next to my sleeping little sister, and Iwas thoroughly enjoying myself. I was approaching my orgasm, when I hadan idea.

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   Why didn't I try anything with Audrey? She's fast asleep righthere next to me, and she won't know a thing. So I touch her armlightly, to see if she will react. Nothing. So I push her arm a littlebit. Still nothing. Just slow, even breathing. (She's a sound sleeper,even sleepwalks and talks sometimes. )

So I put my hand on her arm, and start to slide it down towards herhand. Satisfied with no reaction, I become emboldened, and I grasp herhand, and slide it over toward my groin. Still, no reaction from herled me on. I placed her warm, slightly damp hand onto my 6-inch hardcock. It feels like heaven. I was almost content in leaving it there,but I continue. I wrap my hand around her hand and my member, and startto jerk off with her hand. It felt GREAT! I knew I would not last long,and I was worried that I might wake her up, but I tried to make it lastas long as possible, damning the possibilities of her waking up, or myparents for that matter.

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   Her hand felt like molten lava it was so hot. I couldn't believe that her hand felt that great. Quickly, my orgasmcame, and I spilled my hot sticky cum all over her and my hand. Ialmost groaned out loud when I came, as it was the strongest orgasm Iever had yet. I stroked her hand up and down on my slowly softeningdick, enjoying every last bit of this amazing treat that I can. Then Iwiped as much of the cum off her hand onto my underwear as possible,put her hand back onto her stomach, and with a sigh of pleasure and asmile, I went back to sleep.

The next morning, no one knew anything had happened, and Audrey wokeup, and took a shower, and probably never had time to smell anything. We continued on our trip through Niagara Falls, and then went home. Inever tried anything like that again over the next year or so,preferring to play it safe and jerk off in the bathroom, rememberingthe awesome feeling of her hand that night.

And then, one day about a year later, our father tells us that our sickaunt is going to move in with us, so that she can be cared for. Sinceour room was directly across the hall from theirs, we had to move outto make room. But since there were no more bedrooms to be used, we hadto take over half of the downstairs T. V. room. The only other problem,and it wasn't really a problem for me, was that there was only roomenough for one bed.

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   That would mean that Audrey and I would have toshare a bed. How long? Since no one was moving out any time soon, itwould be until our aunt either got healthy, or died.

So, we settle into the routine of sleeping in the same bed. Or at leastI tried to. On even the first night, I was very aware of the barelydressed form of my hot, sleeping little sister. Knowing how sound shesleeps. Knowing how hot her hands are. Knowing that I could probablyget away with what I had done a year ago. I tried to put the thoughtsout of my head, knowing full well that if I started doing it at home,that I would do it again and again, further increasing my chances orwaking her up or being caught. And I can't think of one single thing totry to talk my way out of that one. So instead, when I'd wake up with arock hard erection, I would go into the bathroom, and toss one out fastand go back to bed.

Well, that worked for about 3 or 4 weeks. Then one night, after wakingup with a boner, I went in the bathroom for relief. I thoughteverything was going to be fine as I crawled back into bed. I lifted upthe sheets, and got in, I noticed that Audrey's night gown had slippedup her legs, and up over her small, round ass.

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   I got a great view forabout 18 seconds, and then decided to cover her back up so she doesn'tget cold and wake up or cover her ass up again. She was lying on herside, semi curled up. This resulted in her ass pointing out righttowards me. I slid over next to her, and realized that I had a hard onagain. "I'm never going to get to sleep now," I said under my breath. Idecided that maybe I could get off again, then my hard on might goaway. So I put my hand on her ass cheek, and left it there for a bit tosee if she'd react. And like before, there was no reaction. I rubbedher left ass cheek for a while, and then slowly started going up herside. I was watching for any sign of her waking up, but none ever came. I glided my hand up to her left breast, and slowly rubbed and squeezedit. It felt amazing. I had never felt a breast before, but it was allthat I thought it would be. I couldn't tell if they were big or small,but it was enough to fill my entire hand. I kept on rubbing her tit,and I felt her nipple get hard.

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   The fabric of her nightgown made ithard to completely feel, so I went back down and under the nightgown. My hands were trembling by this time, but there was no stopping me atthis point. I was getting harder by the minute, and I thought my dickwas going to explode. I reached her tit again, and immediately noticedhow amazingly hot her skin was again. I felt her nipple again, and thistime I started pinching it and rolling it between my thumb and middlefinger. This was exciting me so much, that I didn't even notice that Iwas rubbing my cock against her tight ass now. I was tent poling mytighty whiteys so bad, it began to hurt. I reached down to adjust mycock, and just pushed it through the opening in the front of myunderwear. Finally freeing my member from its confines, I was free togo back to exploring my little sister's body. I went back to rubbingher luscious tits, alternating between the two of them.

I was at this for about 5 minutes when I noticed her breathing hadchanged slightly. It had picked up pace. Not so much that I thought shewas waking, but simply deeper breathes. I stole a glance at her, andsaw that her cheeks had gotten a little red as well. I was so turned onat this point; she could have woken up, and would not have cared.

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   Islid my hand back down to her ass, and realized that while I had beenrubbing my cock against her flower printed panties, I was leakingpre-cum all over them. The thought of that turned me on even more, andI slid my fingers down to her pussy. I felt her lips through herpanties, and I felt something else that surprised me. She was wet. Iwas instantly concerned that she woke up, but why wouldn't she saysomething or cry out. After about a minute, I decided she was indeedstill asleep, and I continued. I rubbed her soaked pussy a littlelonger, and then I picked up the side of the panty leg, and lifted. Easily, I slid my slick, hard cock up against her ass crack. I slid itright in by her pussy. Between my pre-cum, and her being wet, it waswell lubricated in there. I started sliding my cock back and forth inbetween her hot, wet folds. It felt like I had died and gone to heaven. I placed my hand back on her breast, and started playing with hernipple again. I was really going at it, and I probably should have beengentler, but it felt so good, I couldn't stop. As I played with hernipple, I looked down at her face.

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   It was by now very red, and sweatwas forming on her brow. She was almost panting by now, and I couldfeel her pussy lips starting to open, and my cock was trying to slipin. I could feel the entrance, and I knew I could get in. But I alsoknew that if I had, I would absolutely wake her up. I continued, hopingto cum soon so I can stop. But I never did. After another minute ortwo, she started breathing really hard, and moaned kind of loud. Herass started to grind against me, and I felt a gush of hot liquid. Itsoaked my cock and the bed under us both. She continued bucking againstmy cock, moaning softer each time. On one of her thrusts though, itfinally happened. The head of my cock slipped up in her pussy, and thecame to rest against her hymen. I thought it was all over then. I wasfilled with the two biggest feelings in my life. The greatest, with mycock being inside my first pussy, and the scariest, because at thatpoint, her eyes opened up, and looked dreamily over at me.

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"Chris, what are you doing?" she asked me quietly. I was frozen. Ididn't know what to do. First thing, I pulled my cock out of her pussyhole. I really didn't want to, but what was I going to do? On one hand,I was happy she wasn't screaming, but on the other hand, she couldalways start at any time. I had to do something smart, and fast. "I'mmaking it feel good for you. It feels good, doesn't it?" I asked her. "Yes, it does. But, I don't know. It doesn't feel right. " she replied. I had to do something fast. I said, "Wait a minute. Just check thisout.

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   If you don't like it after five minutes, I'll stop. You'll see,you'll love it. " I slipped my hand down to her belly, and startedrubbing in little circles. She kind of just looked at me strangely,like she had no idea what was going on, but she wanted to trust me. Slowly, I started rubbing a little lower and lower. I was under theelastic of her underwear when she stopped me the first time. "Are yousure I'm going to like this? Something feels wrong about this. " "WouldI ever let anything bad happen to you? Who looks out for you? Who keepsthose pushy 8th graders off of you? Who pulled you out of the pond whenit was frozen and you broke through and almost froze? Me. I'm just in areal bad place here, and I need some help. I don't have a girlfriend,and I can't seem to help myself. I thought that if I make it nice foryou, you might return the favor. You don't have to do anything to me ifyou don't want to, but I still want to make you feel good. " With that,she seemed to ease up. She kind of looked up at me, smiled a littlebit, and told me to keep going. I pushed my fingers down a little more,and started to feel light pussy hair.

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   It was barely there. It felt likelight arm hair. So soft. As I reached her bare pussy lips for the firsttime, I couldn't resist reaching up, and kissing the side of her neck. She arched her head up and to the side, and pushed her neck into mylips harder. She was getting into this. I found her clit, and rubbed itlightly. She arched her hips up into my hand, and sucked in a sharpbreath. She bucked her hips up and down, like a simulation of fucking. She wanted to fuck, and I knew it at this point. I was going to fuckher, but I just had to figure out how. I would have to take it slow. And it would have to start with me giving her another orgasm. But thisone would happen while she was awake.

I kept rubbing, going at it for about 18 minutes.


   I still didn't reallyneed any lubrication, as she was still soaking wet. I dipped my middlefinger down into her pussy hole, and rubbed the inside. I felt herhymen again, and pushed up against it. She groaned a little, and Ithought that it was more of a hurt groan than a good groan, so Istopped. I reached over with my other hand, and lifted her nightgownthe rest of the way up, over her tits. She finished the job by pullingthe nightgown the rest of the way off. Now she was helping me. I knew Iwas getting pretty far tonight. I leaned over and kissed and sucked onher little pink nipples. They got hard and grew a bit. I switched fromone to the other. She liked this. Audrey held my head in her hands, andmoved my head back and forth between her two titties. I took one of herhands, and guided down in between us. I pushed it down and up againstmy hot, hard cock.

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   I told her, "I want you to put your hand around mycock, and rub it like I'm rubbing you. Like this. " I wrapped her handaround my cock, and then placed my hand over hers. I started strokingher hand and mine up and down. She looks over at me, and says, "Iremember. You mean like the night at the hotel in Niagara Falls?" Icouldn't believe it. She was awake?! I must have looked at her funny,because she laughed, and said she was awake for the whole thing. Shewas wondering what I was doing. But then, because she rubs herself tomake herself feel better, that she figured that's what I was doing. Then she starts to rub my cock by herself. HOLY SHIT! It felt great. Ifelt 100 times better than if I did it myself. I instantly startedleaking pre-cum, and she used that to lubricate my cock. Her hand wassliding up and down my cock smoothly. It was pure bliss.

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   I returned torubbing her clit, which caused her to rub my cock even harder. It wasgetting pretty intense. We were face to face. We were both breathing sohard. Sharing each other’s breath. It was heady. We were both basicallypanting. She was pulling on my cock hard and fast. I move a littlecloser, and rub the head of my cock against her pussy hair. I move downa little, and push it forward into her pussy lips. I used the hand Iwas rubbing her with to guide the head of my cock against her clit. Ihit my mark, and she moaned aloud. I was so close again, but sheshifted away, and looked up at me. She said, "No. We can't do that.

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   Iknow what that is. As a matter of fact, this is all I'm going to do. "referring to her hand job. I was a little disappointed. I was hopingthat she'd at least use her mouth on me, like I saw in that one porno. I had to come up with something. Her hand felt great, but I wantedmore. I wanted to fuck her. If I couldn't fuck her, then she was goingto give me a blowjob. I was still going at her pussy, when I felt herpussy stating to tighten.

Right then and there, I stopped, and pulled my hand up. She looked atme like I just stole her favorite new toy. She panted, "Why are youstopping? Don't stop. Please, keep going. " I replied, "Are you going tohelp me out.

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   Because, if you aren't going to help me, why should I helpyou?" She immediately responded. "YES! YES!. I'll do whatever. Justkeep going!" "Alright, alright. Just keep you voice down. I'm going todo something even better for you now then. Open your mouth. " With that,she did. I placed my fingers in her mouth, the ones I had been strokingher pussy with. "Suck on them. " I told her. She did, and she seemed tolike it. "It tastes good, right?" She nodded her head, and sucked alittle more. It was funny, the more she sucked my fingers, the more Ifelt my cock get harder. Slowly, I slid my body down hers.

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   I got to herbelly, and planted little kisses on her bellybutton. I shifted my body,so my dick was at her face. I slid her panties down, and they got hungup under her ass. She picked up her ass, and her panties slid offeasily. As they slid down, I got a whiff of her musky scent. I wantedher so bad, I could barely restrain myself. I opened her legs, and gotmy first view of her bare pussy. It was beautiful. It barely had anyhair on it. Her lips were tight and puffy. Her inner lips didn't evenpush out yet. So young. So delicate. I dipped my head down, andinhaled. She smelled great.

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   Fresh. I pushed my cock towards her, and Ifelt her grasp my cock again. She started stroking it once again. Itwas drying out, and so was my pre-cum. I told her to spit in her hand,and use the spit to lubricate my cock. It worked well. I licked fromthe top of her pussy lips all the way to the bottom on my first pass. She froze, and held her breath. I came back up, and did it again, andshe shuddered. I reached up, pulled her lips apart, and stuck my tongueright on her clit. She relaxed and sighed, and went back to work on mycock, with a renewed vigor. I tongued her clit for at least fiveminutes, and she continued to just stroke my cock with her hand. Ipulled my head up again, and she stopped and looked at me. "Why did youstop again?" she asked. I told her, "I want you to use your mouth, justlike I am on you.

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   I use my tongue to be like a cock, and you use youmouth to be like a pussy. All the grown ups do it, and it's really thebest that way if you aren't gunna do 'it'. "

She hesitated, and I licked her clit again. That brought a gasp fromher again. I asked her again if she'd do it. Again, I got no response,and so I licked her clit again. I told her that I wasn't going tofinish if she didn't do it. I started licking her clit again, this timehard and fast. She ground her hips against my face, and startedmoaning. I stuck my finger back into her pussy hole, and she aboutjumped out of the bed. At that time, I felt the wettest, warmest, bestfeeling I felt next to her pussy envelop my cock. I stole a look down,and saw her lips wrapped around my cock. That almost made me come rightthere. I went back at her clit and box, now with renewed attention. Icould tell that she was close, but so was I.

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   I just wanted to outlasther, but the thought of what I was doing was turning me on even more. She started breathing harder and harder. Her legs started closing downon my head. I kept licking. I flattened my tongue to try to cover asmuch area as possible. She was sucking my cock like it was her onlysource of life. I don't know if she knew how to give head already, butit felt like she was a pro at it. She was bobbing up and down on mycock in a steady rhythm. I could feel my orgasm approaching. She wassqueezing my head harder and harder. I thought she might suffocate me. This was going to be her first conscious orgasm, already having oneearlier in her sleep. Suddenly, I was soaked with pussy juices. Theytasted so good, I lapped it up greedily. But at the same time, I wasnow coming, and I couldn't tell her.

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   I didn't want to come in her mouthand shock the hell out of her. So I reached down, took her hand, andput it up on my cock, and pulled my cock out of her mouth. I started tospurt come, and I hit her in the chin. She caught on quick, and startedpumping my spurting member. The second shot hit her on the neck, andthen the rest went on her tits. It was just like a porno movie. Shemust have seen one. She kept on milking me, and I came for at least aminute. I continued on her pussy until she pushed my head away, unableto take the assault on her oversensitive pussy. We both twitched for alittle while, and reveled in the afterglow of orgasm. She wasabsolutely covered in my come. And the bed was soaked with her pussyjuices. I shifted position again, coming face to face with her. Shesmiled, and said, "That was the best thing I've ever felt in my entirelife. " I just nodded, pulled her in close, and passed out.

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I woke up later on that night, with, believe it or not, another hardon. This time, I think it was due to the fact that I had, in my sleepapparently, got into a spoon position with Audrey, and my cock, hardagain, found it way up against her ass again. I realized thisimmediately, and I wanted more. I know I had just gotten off with theblowjob, but I may never have this chance again. She may change hermind later. I start rubbing my cock along the crack of her ass, and uptowards her pussy. I was leaking pre-cum again, and she was still wetfrom earlier, so it was rather easy to get it in. The head of my cockfound her hole with ease, and slipped right in. I started to slide myhand down her belly, towards her clit, when she shifted. The head of mycock was still lodged up inside her, right up against her maidenhood. When I found her hard little clitty, she gasped out loud, and groundher hips down against me. I was dying to just rip into her, and sink myaching cock up to the hilt. But I couldn't. She was tight. She stillhad her cherry.


   She'd cry out. I didn't want to hurt her and scare her,so I went slowly. I left my dick in her, and continued to rub her clit. I stroked my cock in and out in quick shoves, as to not break herhymen. I was really rubbing her clit at this point, and I didn't needany kind of lubrication, as she was absolutely soaked. I could neverhave imagined a girl could get so wet. I could feel her box starting totighten up on my dick, and it was my turn to gasp out loud. As herimpending orgasm approached, her pussy clamped down on the head of mycock tighter than ever. I thought I'd lose it right there, but luckilybefore I did, she came again. I looked down at her face again, and shewas covered in sweat, and totally red faced, as well as her chest. Shewas panting, her early forming chest heaving. She looked up at me,grabbed me by the back of my head, and pulled me down into the mostsensuous tongue kiss I have ever experienced. After about 30 seconds,she broke the kiss, and whispered in my ear, "I want you in me. I wantyou all the way in me. I want to feel you fill me up.

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   I want you tofuck me. I want you to fuck me hard. " I couldn't believe what I washearing. Here was my 18-year-old sister, telling me to fuck her. And tothink not 18 minutes ago, I was worried about her crying out.

I positioned myself above her, never taking the head of my cock out ofher. I didn't want to change her mind, so I got right to it. I leanedin, softly kissed her ear, and whispered to hold her breath, andremember to be quiet. I quietly pushed up into her, and broke into herrather easily. She kind of groaned a little, but then that was it. Shewas just staring up at me, half smiling, with sweat rolling down hercheek. Or maybe it was a tear, I don't know, but I just started pumpingin and out of her. This was my first fuck too, and I wasn't going toget shortchanged. I looked down, and what a sight. Audrey was in goodshape for her age.

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   She had some defined abs, and a nice rack. She was a"B" bra. I know, because I looked. And lately, I had started seeing "C"bras. So I guess you could say she was a small "C". It didn't matter tome though. To me, she was perfection. I picked up the pace a little,and began rubbing her clitty again. This brought out another long loudsigh from Audrey. She was rocking her hips up and down in time with myin and out. We had some great motion for a couple of first timers. After a bit, my hand started to ache from the awkward angle it was in. I asked her if she would rub herself now. She nodded her head, unableto speak. I took her hand, and placed it down on top of her pussymound, and told her to do it now.

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   She just kinda looked at me, and thenwent right to it. I couldn't believe it. This was a sight. My13-year-old sister, getting herself off with her hand, while I poundedinto her with my rock hard cock. Just the sight of it was getting to betoo much. I was going to come. I told Audrey that I had to pull out,that I had to come. She immediately grabbed my hips and pulled me intoher, HARD! "NOT YET!" she gasped. "I'M ABOUT TO COME!" she said, andthis time, she was getting kinda loud. I tried to tell her to keep itdown, but then she moaned even louder, and pulled me back into her. Ifelt her pussy starting to contract again, and I knew there was goingto be trouble. She was attacking her clit now, desperate to come again. Realizing that she'd never let me out of her until she came, I startedpumping for all I was worth. A few seconds later, she was grinding mycock like she was trying to break it off, and her cunt was gripping melike a vise. It was over.

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   It was too much. She came in a flood,drenching me. Her pussy squeezed and milked my cock as I came in herlong and hard. I drove my cock up in her as far as I can push it. Iswear I felt her cervix. I came and came and came. I didn't think Iwould stop coming. The harder I pushed, and the more I came in her, themore she came on top of my cock. It was a vicious cycle of come.

I collapsed on top of her, completely spent. She was breathing hardunderneath me. She was softly cooing as she started to relax. "Oh, my,God, Chris. " She said. "I know, I know.

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   That was unreal. " I replied. Irolled off of her, and she curled up into the side of me. "What are wegoing to do about that?" I asked her. "What do you mean?" she replied. "I mean, how often do we get to do that in the future?" "As often asyou like. That was amazing. You can make me feel like that any time youwant. " And that was just the beginning of an amazing summer. An amazingsummer indeed. . . . .

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