His face flashed before me. It was the hard, lined face of a man withdark, lush hair curling around his collar, an aristocratic nose, andhard body honed by hours in the gym. He loved his designer suits anddamned if his six foot, six inch frame hadn't looked good in them. Always the professional, rich businessman always well respected. Healways smelled like Brute and whiskey. I could remember the feel ofhim, hot and hard against my thigh. His six pack stomach musclesquivering with anticipation above his monstrous cock. I could smell him now as my mind took flight. He was older now and sowas I. Still these images haunted me. I felt the bile rise inmy throat, as the phantom sensation of his huge prick jamming into mydry core make me suck in a involuntary breath and brace for the painthat wasn't there. As always, to my horror, I felt my crotch floodwith wetness as I remembered looking down between my then-narrowgirl's hips and seeing his 12 inch cock, fat as a soda can, hangingbetween my legs. His muscular body builder thighs, thick as treetrunks, pressed together were twice as wide as my hips. I hadn'tgrown yet, was only 4 foot, 9 inches tall and he would tower over mewith large pumped up biceps almost the width of my torso. His handswould grab my ass, covering each cheek with his huge mit-like handswith the fat fingers, squeezing till they bruised my flesh and pullingmy ass cheeks apart. I was there again, all over again.
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My breasts were not yet formed. Ihad bigger tits now, but then, they were just barely budding, barely alump on my chest. I could remember the feel of his fists in my hair,my knees suspended with ties to the headboard as I lay on my back,spread eagle, my legs spread wide, my sex exposed. In the beginning,he never stimulated me. He would just pounce, slam his prick into meand grunt and rut until he came, leaving me stretched and sore. Healways would talk, saying, "Oh you're such a good girl, daddy's girl. Love you so much. Love your baby cunt. My monster dick loves yourlittle hole. Tell me you love me, Babydoll. "I pinched my nipples through the thin sweater I wore, picturing hisface; the visage of the dark-haired business man that nobody everreally knew was still there, mouth nearly drooling above me, open inrictus of ecstasy, rutting like an animal. I would feel the skininside sting with the brutal intrusion of his huge cock. I groaned asI relived it now, the feeling of my hair nearly ripped out of my scalpas he neared completion, my pelvis aching from the impacts, my screamsreverberating off the walls as the pain consumed me. It felt like hisprick was in my throat. He loved to hear me scream.
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It had made himwild. It would usually take him six or seven hard thrusts to bury himself upinside me. It was always a forceful penetration, even if I was a bitwet. I was just so small and he wasn't even a normal man, he was agiant. My mother had left when I was 6 years old. He was rich and powerfuland got custody of me. I remember him bathing me and spending longminutes washing and fondling between my legs and making me giggle,gently pinching my nipples before I had any boobs. When I'd turned 9,he'd had me start sleeping with him in his bed. He told me he gotlonely at night with mommy gone. I believed him. He would hug,cuddle and spoon my tiny body. He had me go from flannel jammies tobabydoll nighties to sleeping naked, telling me it was morecomfortable than getting tangled in clothes, and didn't it feel goodto feel our skin next to each other. His touches became bolder. They made me feel good and tingle inplaces I didn't understand and I didn't realize what was happening atfirst. I didn't know any different, or that it was wrong.
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I wasfairly sheltered as a child from the outside world. He made me touchhis penis and taught me to stroke him, saying, "Up and down, Babydoll,squeeze a little harder. Look what you do to Daddy. You make himfeel so good. If you make Daddy's man thing hard, you have to make itgo down or I can't sleep. It's all your fault, Baby. You're so sexy. Mmmm, my little girl. Go on now. Make it better for Daddy. "Fairly quickly, he was asking me to do other things. "Lick it, baby,wrap you lips over the end. Oh God, suck it now, baby. Suck Daddy'sbig stick. Make it squirt.
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Oh yeah, little one, here it comes. SUCKME HARD! Hard as you can. Swallow it now, swallow Daddy's juice. "He took me for the first time when I was 9 years old after six monthsof him sleeping in the same bed. He'd sucked my nipples but that wasthe only concession he made to try and excite me. He'd held my kneesto the bed and laid his swollen cock on my stomach. It reached upnearly to the bottom of my breasts. He'd said, "Oh Babydoll. Look atDaddy's cock. You made it so big and hard for you. See what you doto Daddy? Touch it baby, like I taught you. Oh, look how much ofyour tummy it covers. It's going to feel so good inside you. "I'd remembered thinking there was no way it would fit. At that point,I didn't know I had another hole besides the one I peed out of.
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"Ohwooah God, gotta have you. Holy shit, Babydoll, can't wait anymore. I've held back too long. I have to have you. You want to makeDaddy feel good right? And this will make Daddy feel like he's inheaven. Licking and sucking won't be enough anymore, Babydoll. You're so beautiful you've made Daddy too excited for that to beenough. That bitch Kristin (his last girlfriend) was frigid. Shejust wanted my money. But if you take care of Daddy's cock wheneverit gets hard, it'll be just you and me, Babydoll. Nobody else, nomore girlfriends. Just you. You'll have me all to yourself. "He'd held it out straight and positioned it at my entrance. "You haveanother hole here, baby, and Daddy's gonna put his big hard stickinside.
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That will make it go down too, just a different way, so I cansleep, like when you suck it. You ready?"I'd passed out that first time when he'd rammed his gigantic cock intome, tearing through my hymen. I'd screamed and blacked out, wakingGod knows how much later to find him still rutting like a maniac, inhis own little world, screaming, "Ah, ah, ah! So fucking good! Oh, ifI knew fucking you was going to be this good, I would have started along time ago! Oh so fucking good! You're so small, I can't even fitinside. OH FUCK!"He'd come having only gotten about 5 inches of his mammoth cock insideme that night. I was to find out that was not the norm for him. He'djust been so excited at finally being inside me, he'd come quickly. He never even realized that I'd blacked out. He'd fucked me while Iwas unconscious. He never stopped talking and grunting when he fuckedme. "Oh fuck me, feels like I'm moving your insides around, bumpingthe bottom of your heart. I can feel you pulse around me. So good. "I came to know this involuntary quirk. He babbled incessantly when hefucked and he was crude. He taught me the crude names of all our bodyparts.
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He loved to hear the dirty words from my little girl's mouth. My hands slid inside my shirt and under my bra. I pinched my nipplesruthlessly, simulating the almost forgotten sensation of when he wouldbite my nipples, jerking spasmodically as he emptied himself into mewith a deep groan, making me scream that I loved him and wanted him tofuck me with his monster prick. I felt the bile in my throat againand at the same time, I felt my orgasm wash over me, my empty corewalls fluttering against nothing, his voice echoing in my ears. "Lookat those little, stiff baby nips. "After the first couple of years, he'd been a little tender with meonce or twice and that's all it took. I'd started coming for himevery time, coming like a whore, riddled with guilt and shameafterwards that he had given me pleasure, that I had found pleasure inthe pain. It started out being a weekend thing. He came to me weekly but thefrequency increased as though the more sex he had, the more he needed. I found out some years later that he'd starting using some proteinmixture drink to enhance his workouts at the gym. It tripled hislibido, making him hard almost all the time. It took very little tomake him fully hard and erect and ready to go. Unfortunately, it alsoincreased his stamina and staying power. He would sometimes have tofuck me three times in one night before his cock would deflate. Hisbody was every woman's dream.
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But I was just a kid and all I knewwas that he was a massive giant, with bulging, rippling muscles. I was 18 years old when I had my first orgasm. He came tome even more frequently after that. The more frequently he came, themore I found pleasure. I'd be scared and thrilled at the same time,not understanding the unbelievable sensations he caused but cravingthem at the same time. His talking changed after that. He added someof foreplay but always impatient to be inside me. He lived to make mecome. And he did. Within months, I would have back to back orgasms every time. Within ayear, he was taking me every single night. His libido was insatiable. Sometimes, usually on the weekends, he would fuck me all night. Hewould fuck me and himself into explosive orgasms, fall asleep for acouple hours, wake up and fuck me again, all night long, muttering,"Gotta have you again. Can't get enough of fucking my baby doll.
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Always so hard for you. See how hard you make Daddy? It's all yourfault. Gotta make Daddy's cock go down since you caused it. "I hated him and craved him at the same time, hating him for making mewant him when I knew it was wrong. I could remember him shouting,"Nothing squeezes me tool tighter than your baby cunt when you come. "It was all for him. He used it against me too, taunting me. "Youmust love my monster cock ripping your tiny cunt open or you wouldn'tcome for me. Must feel like getting fucked with a telephone pole. How does it feel in your itty bitty pussy, baby? Tell Daddy how itfeels. "I panted as I came down, smoothing my clothing back in place. Icoughed and swallowed hard. Shit. It had been a long time since I'dhad that fantasy. I looked around and noticed that the sun had set.
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I glanced at my watch, surprised to see if was 7:30 and nearly darkout. How long had I been lost in my little world? That wasdangerous. Anyone could have walked by and saw me. How could something so traumatic at the time, bring me perversepleasure now? I was sick. I knew it, but had no desire to change it. He was dead and there was a perverse feeling of power in letting hismemory give me pleasure rather than pain. There had been only painand humiliation in the beginning, mixed with a perverse desire toplease him. He hadn't had to try hard after that first orgasm. Thepain was all mixed up with the pleasure. I would come for him withinminutes and convulse continuously until he was through. Perhpas itwas my childlike lack of undersantding, but once bitten, I wasextremely multi-orgasmic. I still was to this day. Having had noinhibitions because I had no frame of reference, I reacted totallyfrom instinct. When he'd had a few drinks (not enough to be drunk) and was pumped upon those protein drinks, he could sometimes fuck me for almost an hourbefore exploding inside me. It had been so humiliating.
Once I was ayoung woman of 18 or so, he'd stopped coming to me as frequently. Iwas no longer a little girl. He'd remarried finally when I was 18 andhad a child with her right away. To my chagrin, it was a little girl,nearly 2 years old by the time he stopped coming to me. I knew whatwas in store for her. His new wife was a tiny woman, a mere five foot, two inches. I hatedher at first but it was a reprieve having her around. He couldn'tcome to me as often and had to split his libido between us. He'd had a monster dick though, a foot long and easily three incheswide. By the time I was 16, my cunt was well stretched. And all mylovers after that had been smaller, and much less satisfying. Afterthat, I was on a quest for the biggest dick I could find. I'd foundthis date through chat room on-line. I knew if they didn't have adick at least 18 inches long, they wouldn't be able to satisfy me. Mycunt was like the grand canyon.
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Along with that, they had to bewilling to be rough. Without causing me at least a little pain, Icouldn't get off. I needed the pain to achieve release. I was hookedon sex like a junkie that needed a regular fix. I don't think I'd gonemore than a couple of weeks without sex since then. I'd take anyoneI could get as long as they weren't physically repulsive. I'd evenresorted to paying for it few times. But I had to have it. Now I hada new lover coming to meet me and hopefully that expense wouldn't benecessary anymore. I was meeting a new lover tonight that I'd met on the internet and nowthe blood was pumping in my veins. I needed a good stiff cock insideme and I needed to relive this again. And he was going to help me. XXXXXXXXXXNow that I'd started remembering, I couldn't stop the flood. My datehad gone well, but we'd decided to meet again before going anyfurther. I was disappointed but I understood.
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I lay naked on the bedand let the memories come of that first time I orgasmed. xxxxxxxHe drank generously a couple of times, swirling the liquid in hismouth before swallowing the whiskey down. His voice lowered as he climbed onto the bed, running his hand up anddown my thighs as he stared at my bald cunt. "Oh, Babydoll, I'mgoing to fuck you so good tonight. You ready?"My pussy lips were dry and tight with fear as they always were at thestart. I whimpered again. He fingered my dry fold and leaned over to whisper in my ear. Hisgigantic body engulfed me in heat. With his face in my neck, my legsdidn't reach his knees. He was a giant and I felt so helpless. "Tellme how much you want me to impale you on my gigantic cock. TellDaddy how much you love me, how much you want me to make you all wet. ""No! Please, no!" I cried, my voice pathetically weak as Itransformed into my former self. In my mind, part of me opened a doorand went inside. The other me emerged and looked out of my eyes,taking over, ready to take the abuse so that the real me didn't haveto.
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"Wrong answer, baby doll. You know you want it. You're such a littlecock tease," he growled. He pounced, his knees bouncing on the bed as he leaned over me in oneswift motion, grabbing two fistfuls of my long hair tight against myscalp, lifting his hips. Without preliminaries, he plunged himselfinside me, only getting about five inches of his 12 inch cock insidebefore coming to halt, the hard, unforgiving cock spreading me so wideI threatened to tear and scraping my core walls. I cried out, "Aaaaaaa, Haaaaaaaaaaa, NO! Daddy!""Aaahhh, YES!" he growled and began to pound me unmercifully, using myhair as reins for leverage as he jerked his hips against me, buryinghimself over and over again. "That's my girl, that's daddy's girl. Ibegan to get wet and every hard thrust jammed another inch of hisweapon inside me, his shaft scraping the bottom of my clit with everymove in and out. He backed up, hooking my knees over his elbows andleaning down again, taking his weight on his elbows and spreading mylegs so wide I thought my hips would snap. He grunted heavily, "Uhg,Uhg, Uhg, yeah, take it all baby," he chanted as he punched his cockdeeper and deeper into my dry cunt with every stroke. He'd moan, "I'mcoming in, Babydoll. "His hands slid up and looped over my shoulders from underneath. Hewas so big he could easily reach. My nose was mashed into hisbreastbone as he pulled his knees up and slammed extra hard, forcingthe rest of his pole up my tiny tunnel. And the drunken mumblingbegan.
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"Couldn't wait to be balls deep in you today baby. You'retiny, baby cunt is sooo tight. Love you so much. Tell me you love me,Babydoll. Oh yeah, you're getting so wet for me. "I shrieked. It was a melodious sound to him, the high-pitchedscreaming floating through the room. "Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,Gggggoooooddddd, Dddaaadddyyy, NO! You're tearing me in two!" Isobbed, and then descended into constant wailing. "I know Babydoll. I love splitting your tiny cunny wide open. Ithought about this all day, picturing my cock spreading your littlehole. Couldn't wait to feel your tight pussy around my rock hardboner. Just thinking about your bald, baby pussy, I sat in mymeetings all day with aching balls and big, fat stiffy for you. Couldn't wait to get home and jam my pole up your little fuck hole. Ihad to hide my towering cock under the conference table.
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I'm addictedto hammering your little bald twat. "I couldn't see his face, only the huge sweaty, muscular chest in frontof my nose, so familiar, and the feel of his super hard, enormous cockplunging into me. I felt so small, my cunt stinging with every blow,feeling his heavy nut sacks smack against my ass. A hard thrust made me cry out in pain again. My head reared back andmy back arched put my boobs directly in his face. He lowered his headand growled, "I know what you want. Look at how hard your littlenipples are for me. Want daddy to bite 'em baby doll? You love that,don't you?""No!" I shrieked. He ignored my plea as I knew he would and beganbiting my nipples, first one and then the other. He would bite hardand then scrape his teeth over them as he tugged upwards, letting myturgid buds slip out of his mouth. But then he slowed his thrusts andinstead of biting, he gently suckled my abused nipple, nursing like ababy in rhythmic pulls. Then it happened. I felt mycrotch gush with wetness, easing his long, slow strokes. My nipplesflared with heat and stabbing pain and my little womb cringed as hishard stomach muscles dragged over my tiny clitty that was hot andthrobbing from the scraping it was taking. "Oh noooooooooo, what's happening? Oh God, Daddy, I'm gonna peeee!"I heard him gasp, and mutter, "Oh fuck, it can't be! Oh God, yourlittle quim is quivering on my bone, baby.
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Oh, you're gonna cum,baby. You'renot gonna pee. Daddy's cock feels so good, it's gonna make you cum!Oh fuck, I knew you loved me. " Then he sucked my nipple so hard, Ifelt a knifing pain jag through my chest and streak down to my clit. He pressed me into the mattress, letting his weight pin me down and hesped up his brutal thrusts. I exploded, my vaginal walls trembling and convulsing on his cock thatwas plugging me so full. There was so little room for my muscles tomove and they clamped down tightly on his cock, causing me to wailwith the new sensation of pain mixed with pleasure. "What's happeningDaddy???" I shouted. He shouted, "OHH MY FUCKING GOD, BABBYYY, YEAH, OH BABYDOOLLL, YOU'RECOOMMIINNGG ON MY CCCOOOOCCCCKKKK! OHHH, YYEEAAHH, YOU'RE CLAMPING MESSSSOOOOO FUCKING TIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHHHTTTTTT. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH YES,BABYDOLL. YOU'RE THE FUCK OF A LIFETIME, BABY!"It felt like my whole body was in convulsions, every muscle twitchingas he plunged into me like an animal. My orgasm had made him lose allfinesse and he pounded me senseless as my clit exploded with blastafter blast of pain as his pubic bone rolled over it, causing anotherround of tremors every time. "Oh FUCK yeah, keep comin' for me baby doll. Feels so good, your tinycunt clenching on me, UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!""AAAAHHHH, stop it, stop it, stop it!" I cried. "Ah, no! Why? You know you love it.
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You're having an orgasm baby,you're coming and that proves how much you love it. I love poundingmy little girl. And you love to be planked. I knew I could make youlove my big cock. Look at that! I'm gonna fuck you hard every nightuntil you come for me. "Love watching my pole shove your little bald, pussy lips wide apart. I'm ripping your little crotch wide open. Your nipples are puckeredso tight, like tight little erasers. You're Daddy's babywhore. See how turned on you are? Oh, come for me my little slut. Ineed to feel it again. Didn't think this could get any better. MakeDaddy happy and squeeze his prick with your little pussy. Look atthose little stiffy nipples. Let me bite them again for you!"He did, biting and tugging viciously on my turgid points.
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The painslammed into me. My nipples exploded in pain and I began to orgasmonce again, my walls clenching as he rammed into me scraping myclitoris to the point of pain. "Oh, Nooo! Not again, Daddy!""Yes, again and again and again, baby. That's it! Fuck, you grip melike a fist. Feels so good. Daddy loves fucking. Even more now thatI can make you come on my cock. Never felt anything like it. Oh fuckme! The feel your tiny cunt clamping my cock. Oh fuck, I didn't thinkthis could be better. Oh, milk me, beautiful girl. You made it evenbetter. You make Daddy feel so good. Yeah, yeah, milk your old man'saching pole. I can span your waist with my hands.
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Doesn't that feelgood, baby? I look like a fucking pole between your legs, baby, withyour tiny hips, tiny ass. You're such a turn on to me. Daddy'sbeautiful girl, Daddy's little climaxing whore. !"I continued to scream, not understanding what had taken over my body,thinking I was going to die but lost in the pain and pleasure at thesame time. I wailed, "Nooooo mooree, pleeeaaassseeee! No! Ahhhhhahaha, Nooooo, Oh Gooodddd, Oh God. Why? Nnnnnnoooooooooooooooooo!"The sounds of my own screams encircled my brain as I continued tospasm, my father continued to fuck me hard and bite my nipples, as Ilay there immobile and unable to move! I felt the sensations of beingunable to move, being bitten, and fucked hard blend into a sensoryoverload. I was helpless. In contrast, I'd felt more powerful than Iever had in all my life knowing I'd made him lose control. I'dpleased him, surprised him and 'made it even better' for him. Therewas a perverse satisfaction in that. My screaming went on with eachorgasmic wave washing over me until I was hoarse. He bellowed like a raging bull, lifted his torso up on his arms andthrew his head back - I felt him twitch inside me and begin firing hishot seed deep inside me.
He ground his hips into me, moaning like hewas dying. "Ahhhhhhh, coming so hard in your little, tiny, grippingcunny. OH GOD!"He collapsed on top of me.
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He whispered, "Oh my pretty baby. I'venever had a fuck like that in my whole life. You're my preciousBabydoll. Daddy loves you so much. No one's ever made Daddy feelthat good. You're a sweet little fuck, baby girl. "I laid there and cried until I fell asleep. xxxxxxxxxxxxxSaturday dawned and I woke to feel him sucking on my turgid nipple. Igasped. "Please, Daddy. ""MMmmmmm, please what?" he muttered, nipping lightly and making megasp. "No more, I'm so sore. ""I know baby. I won't fuck your little cunny yet this morning. "I sighed in relief until he sat up, easily scooped my 80 pound frameup and propped me against the headboard.
I knew what was coming andshook my head. "Yeah, baby, suck on Daddy's big snake. Come on, youmade it hard for Daddy, like you always do. "His hands cupped around the back of my head, holding me in place as hekneeled at my hips. He held my nose and I was forced to open mymouth. He rammed his enormous cock into my mouth, my cheeks bulgingwith only about four inches of him inside. I tried but could barelymove my tongue. "You know the rules. You make Daddy hard, you have totake care of it and make him come. "He pushed steadily and hit the back of my throat, smiling when Igagged and hardening further. He clamped my head tightly, resting itagainst the headboard and pushed, popping his enormous mushroomed headpast the back of my throat. "Oh fuck, baby doll, as tight as yourlittle baby cunt. Oh fuck, SUCK ME!" he hollered. I struggled to breath and gurgled in my throat. He seemed to likethat and murmured, "Oh yeah, just like that baby.
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Ah yeah, see whatyou did? See what you make Daddy's prick do? Get all hot and swollenand hard. Awww, swallow it, swallow it all in that skinny littlethroat. Take Daddy's monster. Oh, I'm gonna fill your baby bellyfull of hot jism. Oh FUCK, you make my balls boil! All your fault. "You're like fucking a little doll. Oh, oh, oh my God! Look at thatgiant weapon disappear in your beautiful, little face! Oh that's sucha turn on, stretching your little lips till they're white. Oh, I'mgonna fill your baby belly full of cum. Touch my balls, baby, fondleboth my giant sacs. God, my balls are twice the size of your littletitties, baby doll. Look at that. Oh yeah! Suck me good now andI'll fuck you so good later as a reward. Suck me hard baby and Daddywill make sure you come later. "I screamed, the vibrations of my throat setting him off. He graspedmy chin and began fucking my face, forcing nine inches of his twelveinch monster down my gullet.
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He pulled back once so I could breath,when he saw I was about to pass out. Two choking breaths were all Igot and he rammed back in. He backed up, which actually helped withthe angle some and held the sides of my head as I came up on allfours. He began moving my head up and down his shaft, pumping fasterand faster, grunting with pleasure as the pain burned in my throat andI struggled to breath out of my nose. I was doing better in thisposition. "Oh God, a little more, baby, you'll have it all. Almost. You've never taken this much. You're gonna swallow it all this time. Oh fuck. "He began jack hammering his hips into my face, fucking like a rabbit,not really pulling out, his hot balls swinging and slapping my chin. Finally, he just put his hands on the back of my head and yanked hard,pulling me to tight to his body as he lunged his hips forward, forcinghis cock into my face, "Aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee, YYEESSYYEESS!Oh Babydoll! You're swallowing all of Daddy's big snake. Oh fuckyes. Look at those little cheeks bulge, suck it down baby. Daddy'sgonna cum soon!"His eyes were wide on my face and throat.
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"Oh fuck, you took it all,Baby. Make Daddy's hard go away. SUCK IT! SUCK HARD! Oh shit, Ican see it moving in your throat! Oh, that's so hot. "I didn't doubt it. I could feel my espophagus and neck musclesstretch and bulge with every thrust. I put a hand to myu throat andcould feel him moving in and out, my neck muscles taut and bulgingwith the strain of his three inch wide shaft. I began to gag and thatmade him shudder. "Oh, that's so good. You're gagging feels soooogod damned goood! You know what Daddy likes. Gag on my pole baby!Yes! That's so fucking sexy. Here it commmeeeesssss! Suck it down,Babydoll. OH FUCK, YOU'RE A HOT LITTLE WHORE!"He ejaculated directly into my stomach. I could feel his cock pulsingbelow my breastbone, he was shoved in so deep. He finally finished,pulling out of my mouth. I spent minutes choking and gagging andspitting up some cum that wouldn't go down.
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He picked me up and carried me into the bathroom, starting the shower. We climbed in together. My legs were shaky and he let me lean on thewall while he soaped me lovingly from head to toe and paid specialattention to my cootch. It was still sore, but when his thumb flickedmy little clit, it rose up sticking out at the top of the crease of mybald pussy lips, crowning my crotch and begging for attention. He chuckled and knelt down, bringing his face to my crotch and suckingme, lapping at my freshly cleaned twat and making me pool wetnessbetween my thighs. I was on the verge of orgasm when he stopped and I nearly sobbed. Hecooed to me, "Oh don't worry, Babydoll. I'll make you come. Daddy'sgonna make you come a lot from now on. Feels so good on Daddy'sprick. And look, you've made Daddy's pole all hard again. "He pushed me forward and my hands flattened against the back tilewall, my face turned sideways as he hovered behind me. He sat downon the edge of the tub and tugged my hips backwards. I lost mybalance and fell backwards, my arm wind milling. He caught he neatlyaround the waist as I fell and slammed me down on his towering cockwhich was hard again.
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, GGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD! Ithurts!" I screamed. "I'm too sore, Daddy!"He ignored me and began lifting my slight body like a sack of potatoesup to the top of his shaft, so just the tip was inside my spread lipsand then letting my own weight drop me down, impaling him deep insideme. One arm lifted at the waist and the other slid up to pinch my nipplesuntil they burned with pain and were swollen and stinging from the hotwater pulsing on them. Then his hand fell and began massaging myclit, pushing it down towards our joining, never losing his rhythm. My legs were spread wide over his tree trunk like thighs and I lookeddown, watching the magnificent bloom of his twelve inch cock emergefrom my cunt. The ridge at the back of his glans would tug at mylabia as he nearly slipped all the way out. I watched his cock,shining with wetness of my own juices. I began moaning as thepleasure began to build, the sharp darts of pain as he slammed into mycervix only heightening my arousal. The stinging soreness of mybruised walls, muscles weak with fatigue. But every stroke seemed tosuffuce my insides with warmth and wetness. The soreness actuallyfelt good! I leaned forward and put my hands on the edge of the thinledge where the tub met the wall and pulled my legs together so theyfell between his and I could place my feet on the floor. "What are you doing, young lady?" he asked calmly. I didn't answer. I just began lifting and lowering myself on hiscock, pushing back, using the ledge for leverage. He groaned, "Ohyes, Babydoll.
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Oh that's good, that's so good. Ride Daddy's bronco,baby. Oh yeah, ride it, harder, faster, ride it, ride it, RIDE IT!"He grabbed my hips helping me to increase my pace and slammed me down,his strength more than I could muster, increasing the harshness of thethrusts by ten times what I could achieve. I wailed as the pleasureraced through me, knowing this time, I wasn't going to pee. Hisfingers found my clit again and pushed it against his cock as heslammed into me and I wailed as my climax hit. "Oh yeah!" he shouted, his cock pulsing harshly and filling me withhot jism as he emptied his balls into my womb. "Oh, clamp it,Babydoll. Oh, that's it. Milk my pole, milk every last drop. SoFUCKING TIGHT!"We both went boneless and took several minutes to regain our breath. We rinsed off and got out of the shower. I was walking funny, feelingtwinges in my crotch and aching in my nipples, but I was perverselypleased with myself. He obviously liked it when I participated. I'dmade him happy. He cooed over me and made me breakfast.
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Then he tookme to the zoo and out for ice cream. It was a trade off I guess. Itook care of his needs in the bedroom and he treated me like a queen. xxxxxxxxThe next night was worse though. He tied me face down, spread eagleon the bed and put a blindfold on me. He fucked me till I orgasmed,then used my juices to lubricate my ass. I struggled and wailed, knowing what he was going to do. "No Daddy!it won't fit! It barely fits in my cunny! Please, Daddy,NOOOOHHOOOO!"He ignored me, pushing fingers inside my ass and I screamed in pain. He pumped them until he finally forced a third finger into my ass. Ididn't think I'd ever take a shit again. He poured some sort oflubricant directly into my stretched hole and then smeared his cockwith it. It was huge and red and pulsing. He muttered, "Just when I think it can't get better, I think ofsomething new to try. I've never been so hard, Babydoll. I drank athree whiskeys, baby and I drank TWO boner drinks with dinner.
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"That's what he called them, 'boner drinks'. "I'm gonna be hard for along time. Wanted to make sure I stay hard cause I know it's gonnafeel so good. Don't want cum early and ruin it for you. I've gotta doit. Can't imagine anything tighter than your baby cunt, but I know itwill be. I wanna tear your little virgin ass apart. I've beendreaming about it for weeks. Gotta see it, gotta see your tinyshitter take my monster cock. I'm gonna bury it up to your throat!"I lay there and sobbed as he positioned himself, steadily pushing. "Oh fuck, Babydoll, I'm soooo horny. You're tiny, firm butt cheeksturn me on. Christ, only the size of little musk melons. Oh fuck. Wannasee all twelve inches buried to the hilt.
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"He squeezed me till I cried out. When I did, he slapped my ass andjerked his hips, punching the head past my resisting muscle. "Aaaahhhh, oh God, Daddy, please, no!" I cried. My sphincter muscle was squeezing tight around his fat, pumping, plumsized head that was rocking, trying to push more in. I felt more lubedribble onto my crack, feeling him push harder, mashing my hips intothe bed. My ass tightened instinctively, trying to expel the foreigninvader. "Uh," he grunted. "Pucker your little hole all you want, Babydoll,I'm still going in. Just make it harder for you. Relax. Wish youcould see this Babydoll. My cock is so fat, it spreads your littlecheeks apart, pushes them to the side. Looks so good. Oh man,"I screamed as he rocked another inch into my ass. I could feel everyridge and bump of his inflated prick as it pressed into my tightbackside.
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"My fat prick is gonna fill you so full. Doesn't it feelgood, Babydoll?""Aaahhh, nnnooo! Oh God, Daddy. It hurts! Ooowww! It hurts. ""So good. You mean hurts so good, baby, huh? Oh keep screaming. Thatmakes me so hot. I get stiffer and harder with every scream, baby,hearing how good I make you feel. ""AAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW, uh, uh, uh, uh, NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!"He picked up the pace, thrusting a little harder, and working hisprick into my ass. "Oh, my balls are so heavy, they ache. Don't theyfeel good smacking your little pussy? Tell me you love me, Babydoll. Daddy's gonna make you come. Gonna make your ass come on my cock. Gonna make you love my twelve incher fucked up your little shitter. Love to hear you scream. You make me so hard for you.
Bone fuckinghard for you. Nobody can hear you, baby doll. Scream as loud as youwant. My big, foot-long is going up your tight virgin ass, whetheryou likeit or not. Gonna ram it up there and rip you apart. Balls deep,Babydoll, I'm gonna fuck my monster pole balls deep in your virginbabyasshole. I'm gonna make you scream like never before. ""AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH, DDDDDAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNNN YYYYYYYYOOOOOOUUUUU!AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW, IT'S HURTS SO BAAADDD, DDAADDYY, YOU'RE COCK'STOO BIIIGGGG!""Oh fuck me, that makes me wild. You're gonna be screaming and comingat the same time. That's it. Tell Daddy how good it feels with yourscreams. Tell Daddy how big he feels. I love that. I'm gonna makeit fit. You know you love it too.
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You love the pain, don't you? Theharder I fuck you,the harder you come. It'll be the same way with your tight, bittyasshole once I break it in. ""God, Daddy. It hurts! O000000000wwwwwwwwwwwww! It hurts. "My whole body began to tremble with the stress of the invasion. Allmy muscles were locking up and releasing, My legs were quivering likemaple leafs in a wind storm. "And you love the hurt,don't you, you little whore?! Look at youquivering under me. Never felt anything so tight. Daddy's gonna comeso hard, Baby. Gonna flood your tiny ass hole, fill it to the fuckingbrim. " He continued to saw in and out of me, periodically drippinglube on his shaft and then making a mighty heave that would jam himfurther into my body. I stiffened with every plunge deeper, feelinglike a pig on a spit. "You love being stuffed to the fucking brim with my huge pole, don'tyou?! You can't lie to me baby. Look at your beautiful little bottomquivering. Uhg, uhg, uhg.
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Look at you quivering and convulsing underme. Tell daddy you love me, baby doll. I can fit a whole ass cheek inmy hand, you're so small. Tell me how good my fat prick feelssplitting your virgin ass wide-open, Babydoll. Can you feel me inyour throat? Gonna put my fingers in your little cunny, gonna make youcome. Gotta feel your tiny back door milking my pole. You're sotight you feel like a cock ring, baby, keeping Daddy SO FUCKING HARD. I'm gonna fuck you so good you can't sit down for a week. "He reached under me, fingering my clit and plunging two fingers insidemy cunt, pumping away. I could feel them brush his cock through thestretched membrane that threatened to tear. He supported himself onone hand next to my ribs. I wailed, "Oh God, how much more?""Yeah, Babydoll, you want the rest you eager little whore?""No! No more!""You're such a little cock tease, baby. I must feel like a baseballbat in your ass. I know I look like one. ""Aaahhh, nnnooo! Please stop.
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Stttooopppp!""Oh, I'm coming in, Babydoll. Daddy's got at least three more inchesfor you! Tell Daddy how big he feels. ""Aaahhh, nnnooo!""Aaahhh, yeeesssss! You're gonna come, baby. Daddy knows how muchyou love to get plowed hard," he shouted and came down on both elbows,hiships pulling up till I could feel his head unrolling the skin on mytaut ass hole ring. He grunted and then plugged his hips down in apowerful thrust that brutally slammed his steel hard prick up my assto the hilt. His heavy balls smacked my drenched pussy, stinging myclit. "Yyyeeessss," he hissed. "Home run baby!"I screamed, "OOOOWWWWAAAWWWW GOD, NOOO, DADDY, TAKE IT OUT! PLEASE!"It was like he hadn't even heard me. Then he said, "Like having myprick in a vacuum. Oh fuck, this is so good. I'm balls deep in yourbitty, little ass. Can't believe it. You actually took it all. Youmake me hard as steel. Beautiful, girl, my beautiful Babydoll.
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Oh,Jjeezzuuss, your tiny ass cheeks are pried so wide apart, they'realmost laying sideways. Looks so good pushing your tiny cheeks to theside. I'm glad I'm half wasted. Gonna make this last for us, baby. Tell me you love me, Babydoll. Need to feel your itty bitty assholeconvulse on my rock hard boner. ""Aaahhh, nnnooo! Please, I'll suck you off, anything!""Ah no. Train's coming, Baby. I'm so hard! The hurt makes you comebaby. Guess I'm not fucking you HARD ENOUGH!" He began to thrust,long, full, brutal thrusts. I screamed and then . . . I passed out. Idon't know how long I was out, but I came to with my head swirling.
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Iwas nauseous and he was still burying his boner up my ass. It feltlike a lead pipe with no sharp edges. Whether it was because I'd justcome to and my defenses were down, I don't know, but I felt waves ofpleasure coarse through me right behind each wave of pain that camewith each brutal thrust that sent stinging fire through my rectum. Heheard me groan and said, "Welcome back, Babydoll! Oh, this is sogood. "His hands slid under my torso, his fingers gripping both nipples andsqueezing so hard they exploded in pain. I lifted my chest off thebed as much as my restraints allowed in instinctive reaction. Thisjust allowed him room to pull them straight out, like he was trying torip them off my chest. Pain exploded in my chest right on the heelsof pain exploding in my ass and the unthinkable happened. I wailed like a banshee and felt a climax of epic proportions sweepthrough me. My breasts throbbed, the blood whooshed in my ears,muffling my screams, my womb cringed deliciously and my ass spasmed intight, clenching waves that caused ripples of pain each time theyclamped down and had nowhere to go because I was stretched to thebreaking point. He wailed but didn't stop pumping or squeezing my tits. "OHHH,YYEESS. Your little ass is coming so hard. Oh God, you're squeezingme so hard. "I floated in a haze of pleasure and pain the combined in a steadystream of back to back orgasms.
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He was like a machine when he washalf cocked and it took a lot to make him come. I'm sure that's whyhe always drank before he fucked me. "You're so fucking delicious, Babydoll. Oh yeah, that's IT! You'rebitty baby ass hole squeezes my prick sooo tight! I can feel youloving it. You're Daddy's perfect little fuck toy. "The bed creaked and the headboard slammed into the wall with therhythmic thrusts. He ruthlessly continued to plank my ass, setting upanother round of climaxes as he yanked on my nipples again and bitdown on my shoulder. I screamed, wishing I would pass out again. "OhGod, nnnnooo, not again. You bastard. Noooo! Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!Stooopp! Please stop!""I'll stop when you stop coming, baby doll. But you're stillcoming. Your body doesn't lie. You're still coming for me, yes!Look at you shaking apart for me. I know you love my monster cockcause you come for me every time! Love the way you come for me.
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You're baby poop shoot is still convulsing around my cock just likeyour little pussy. I can't even come yet. My balls ache. Delicious,feels so delicious. That's my girl. You make me so happy when youkeep coming like this. Feel how hard you come for me? How long youcome for me?"He said it over and over like a chant while I screamed 'Nnnnooo' andmy cries echoed off the walls. ""So good! Love your tiny, baby ass. I can feel my steel forcing yourlittle tunnel muscles open over and over. Oh God, nothing like it. Love that, the way you tighten back up! Slamming past thatresistance. Wish you could look, darling and watch my gigantic rodmaul your little hole. My cock must be jammed up inside you to yourstomach. Feel it? Oh fuck, oh fuck. Sure you do.
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You're comin' likea fantasy whore baby. I can't believe how long and hard you come forme. Daddy ripping your little ass apart gives you back to backfucking orgasms. YOU CAN'T EVEN STOP COMING MY COCK FEELS SO GOOD!"My legs vibrated with my continuing orgasm as his hips slapped againstmy immobilized ass and legs, making them sting with the impact. "Mycock is so hard it hurts. Owwww, God, my balls ache. My boner drinksaren't wearing off. Oh Jesus, I need to come. ""Teeelll mmeee!" he ground out. "TEELL MMEEE! Admit I make yourtiny body convulse every time now! You love it. My massive pricksplitting you open makes you come and come and come. You're such agood girl to come and squeeze my prick.
Up your cunt, up your ass,down your throat. All your holes are MINE! Daddy loves it when yousqueeze his prick for him. "When my muscles became weak and my cries became pathetic I finallybroke.
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I shrieked. "I LOVE YOU, DADDDDYYYY! You always make mecum. IMPALE ME! Stretch my little ass hole with your gigantic prick. I'm yours. Oh God. I love it when you fuck me!""Tell me more. Tell Daddy what he wants to hear! Tell me how big Ifeel. Love how small you are all over baby. Love your hard littlenipples, the little bumps of your breasts. You make my balls scream,baby. They're so full. Tight and full. Love to poke you so hard my nuts bounce on yourlittle puckered pussy. Tell me! Say you love my fat prick! SAY IT!""Oh, Daddy, PLEASE!""I've gotta cum! I've been ahrd so long. GGOODD, I can't get anyharder.
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My balls are going to fuckin' bust! Help me, Babydoll. Makeme come. Talk dirty to Daddy. "I gasped and whimpered, sucked in a deep breath and shouted, "I LOVEYOUR LONG, FAT PRICK, DADDY! Fill me up. Fuck me hard. GIVE IT TOMEBRUTAL, YOU FUCKING GIANT! You're so big. Feel so huge. Oh, Daddy,you're gonna rip my ass to shreds. You're too big!" I fell limp, nolonger able to think as I spasmed and twitched. "Oh, I'm gonna pump you full of spunk, baby doll, fill your itty bittyass right to the brim. My balls are screaming, Babydoll. Daddy'sgonna blow so hard. Oh here it comes. Oh tell me, tell Daddy youwant it! Tell Daddy to spunk your little ass. Let me hear you begfor it up your shitter.
"I broke again. "Keep fucking me. Don't ever stop fucking me. Pumpmy ass full, Daddy! Fill me up! Empty your gigantic balls deep in myass. Fuck your cum deep in my ass! Do it! Cum up my ass, Daaddyyy!"He screamed a bellowing, low, man scream and held himself embedded tothe hilt in my ass as he gushed into me over and over again, in aseemly endless orgasm. "AAAAAHHHHH, OOOOHHHH, YEEAHH! JEZZUUSSUUSCHRIST ALMIGHTY, YOU'RE SO FUCKING TIIGGHHTT!"The heat and slickness set me off again and I spasmed on his prickonce more as his grinding hips finally came to a halt. His thrusting slowed down and he remained inside until I nodded myhead. I was enjoying the rippling feeling of my muscles shudderingaround the still hard fullness in my ass. My clit was jumping like aMexican jumping bean. He was slowly deflating. My neck and shoulders hurt and my back ached as I twitched withaftershocks. My voice was hoarse. "Untie me, please, Daddy. ""O. K, Babydoll.
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" He untied me and rolled me over onto my back. Hestraddled me and leaned down to kiss me tenderly, his kisses no kiss afather should give a daughter, that of a sated lover. He smiled then,an evil smile that reached his eyes. I felt panic rip through me ashe slowly shook his head in the negative. "Rest up, we're notfinished yet tonight. "He climbed up and swung his body backwards, his face towards my legs. His dick hung in my face, just out of reach. I knew what he wantedand I began to struggle. I hated this. I panicked and began to struggle, "Noo, please, I mean it this time,please let me go. ""No," he said firmly, grasping the side of my head with his hands. "Stop struggling. Hold still. "He peered down at me and said, "And if you bite it, I'll beat you sobad, no one will recognize that pretty face of yours. "I gasped, swallowing hard against my fear.
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"Please, not this. I meanit. " I whimpered again. I hated that I was reduced to begging. He merely shook his head smiling again and used his fingers to pry mymouth open. His fingers bruised my skin as he held my lower jaw open. I tried to close my mouth but I was no match for the strength of hishands. The more I tried, the harder his fingers bit into my skin. Iwas going to be bruised on my face. I stopped struggling and closed my eyes. I heard his sadisticchuckle. "Just clean it off, Baby, and we'll be done. " I knew he wastaking pity on me. I slowly stuck out my tongue and he lowered his flaccid dick into mymouth. I sucked the head gently and then licked up and down the shaftuntil all traces of my juices and his come were gone.
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I could tastethe musky flavor of my own ass and was strangely not repulsed by it. I couldn't have handled any real matter, but I could tolerate thestrange smell. Finally, he grunted and pulled away. He sighed deeplyand curled up around me, spooning up behind my back. "I love you,Babydoll," he whispered. "You're so good to Daddy. Nobody makesDaddy feel as good as you do. ""I have to go to the bathroom," I said weakly. xxxxxxxxxxxxAfter that, he fell in love with anal sex, much to my chagrin. In notime, he fucked my ass at least as often as my pussy. He wouldsqueeze entire tubes of Preparation H up my ass if he tore me. Ithelped witht he hemmerhoids but also tightened my passage back up toit's virginal tightness. Once he discovered this, he began using itin my cunt as well. He would duece it all out before we went to bedand I would be puckered and virginally tight for him again. Sometimeshe was fast and furious, but most times, he drank for an hour or soafter dinner before coming to me.
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The drinks from the gym made himhard and gave him stamina, made him so hard his very hardness wasslightly painful. The booze dulled his sensitivity just enough tomake him last a long time. He'd wait until I finished my homework and bedded down for theevening. Then he'd come to me, sometimes taking me right there in mybed, other times picking me up and carrying me into his bed. He waslike Jekyl and Hyde, muttering as he became aroused each night. "Can't wait any more tonight. Gotta shove my fuck pole up your tightlittle ass. My cock aches I'm so hard. Help me, baby. You gottamake my cock stop aching. "He was rougher with me after he'd been drinking, but he also lastedlonger, making it a double edged sword. Feelings warred inside me. On the one hand, I loved him in spite of everything he'd done to me. I knew that it wasn't normal for fathers to sleep with theirdaughters. My friends were discovering boys but I had no use for themand they didn't understand.
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It further isolated me from my friendsand soon they drifted away, leaving me with no one but him. I beganto develop and got my period when I was fourteen but I was stillpetite and slender with small AA breasts and narrow hips. He put meon the pill as he refused to wear a condom. He kept my pussy shavedbare and smooth. Going back though, he'd become wiser as time went by and purchasedhealing cremes and soothing unguents for when he tore me accidentally. When I was 12, I was a towering five foot tall. He'd always been agiant of a man, six feet, six inches tall and built like ArnoldSchwartzenegger. He also grew in his fantasies and the desire toexperiment with bondage came upon him. He loved to dominate me, whichwasn't hard, considering the size difference, but it was more thanthat. He liked to 'see' me helpless. And so his newest obsession with bondage came upon us when I was 12. One night he tied my wrists together with fuzzy handcuffs and pulledthem over myhead, attaching them to the headboard. He proceeded to wrap parachutechord around my thighs and pull my legs up and out, exposing me in themost obscene way. He liked to blindfold me too so I didn't know whatwas coming. I screamed as much in surprise sometimes as I did inpain.
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His love of my screams had never died. He loved to hear me scream. As I laid there helpless, my eyes blinking behind the black blindfoldthat let in no light, I felt his hands running over my body. Heleaned over, smelling of whiskey and sweat and was panting heavily. "So beautiful. Oh, Babydoll, I never get tired of you. "I wished he would sometimes, then others . . . I craved the pleasure hecould bring me. I couldn't help but fear him though, especially whenI didn't know what he had planned. He began licking my nether lipsand sucking gently on my clit, moving to stab his tongue into my anus. I moaned and wriggled against him as much as my bond would allow. Mylemon size breasts where high and firm and he slithered up and leaneddown, sucking on one nipple harshly until I cried out, then bitinggently and moving to the other one without soothing his hurt with histongue or fingers. He repeated his torture on my second nipple and Ifelt myself gush with wetness.
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At least I wouldn't tear if I was wet. I felt his weight shift on the bed and his hands came down to cup myass cheeks and pulled them roughly apart, leaving me wide open. Igasped, suddenly realizing what he was going to do. he hadn'tprepared me or lubricated me at all. "No! God, Please, no!" Iprotested, even knowing there was never any stopping him. He merely grunted, "Oh, Please, Yes!" he taunted me and rammed hisincredibly rigid cock into my ass with no preparation, no lubrication,and no warning. I felt my bowels implode with heat and stinging painas my tissues tore. He sank deeply into my ass, pulling my cheeksapart brutally and ground into me, going as deep as he could. Iscreamed again, wailing incoherently. He was bent over at a sharp angle, his chin resting below my breasts. He thrust brutally hard into my dry ass unti lhe was buried to thehilt as I screamed and cried, my head whipping back and forth. Heground his pubic bone into my ass, angling for every last millimeter. He kept his hands on my ass, pulling the skin taut. I felt like I wassplitting apart. I could feel him deep in my belly.
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He sat upresting his ass on his heels, kneeling before me. He began to raminto me, using his legs for powerful thrusts. "Oh fuck, yeah!" he shouted. "So scratchy with no lube. I wonderedwhat it would be like. So fucking tight! Even tighter than usual. Scream your pretty little head off, baby. It won't matter. Cause thisis all for ME this time. " He sounded like he was in ecstasy. He was completely out of control. He began shouting as he humped mehard, driving his steel hard cock deep into the core of my rectum as Iscreamed against the stinging pain. At the same time I felt my wombcontracting painfully. His beautiful stomach muscles rubbed my clitacross my pubic bone with every thrust. And to my horror, once again,I was flooded with arousal and his thrusts began to make a wet,slapping sound as he shouted.
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"Do you love having your tight tunnel pounded? Huh? I'm the only onewhose ever plowed this field. Your puny little body was made for me. It's the first time taking you dry, but I'm gonna make you come, eventhough you don't want to. Oh Jesus, your shitter feels virgin everytime. "His hand slipped up my ribs and pinched my nipple brutally. "Nobody will ever make you come like I do, Babydoll. Only me. I'mgoing to show you that you belong to me. You're MY whore and you'llgive me what I want. I'm gonna make you come whether you want to ornot. Show you that you're a slave to my giant pecker. "He thrust silently for several seconds and then wailed again, "OhGod! Oh I need this!" he shouted. "Christ, you're so DRY in here!So fucking tight. So dry and scratchy! So good this way. Oh fuckyeah! Nothing like it.
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Even better than your cunt. I love drillingyour virgin-like ass. Gonna break you in two, Babydoll, split youright up the middle. Your ass may be dry but you're little pussy issoaked. Does it hurt enough to make you come yet? Huh? No? Mustnot cause you're not coming yet. You want it harder? You want itfaster? You want Daddy to make it hurt more?"Shamefully, I nodded my head, affirming his suspicions. He began togrunt. "Ah, ah, ah, come for me! MY PRICK IS GOING TO MAKE YOU COME!Tell me to fuck your ass! I know you love my monster pole! I'm gonnapound your dry, bitty ass until you come! "Ah, ah, ah, come for me!Squeeze Daddy's prick. You look so helpless. You are helpless. You're my pretty, little, helpless pleasure slave!"He stretched his neck up and grabbed my nipple, biting it viciouslywhile pinching the other one. He was up on his knees and using hisback and legs for powerful thrusts. He began pulling all the way outand slamming back in. He surged into my ass, forcing it open over andover again. Slamming back in.
"Does my cock feel as big in here asit does in your little girl pussy? Huh? I'll bet I feel even biggerin here! This is ME splitting your ass open! No one will ever loveyou like I do!"My bowels exploded in burning, hot, ripping pain; my nipples flaredwith warmth and pain and I screamed as felt my orgasm slam into me ashis stomach rolled over my clit. "OOOHHH, GOOODDD, NOOOO!""Oh God Yes!" he mimicked me. I couldn't believe I was coming again. I didn't want to come. Itencouraged his brutality. He'd done it; he'd made me come anyway. Mywhole body spasmed with pleasure, my nipples burning and aching, mywomb contracting to just this side of pain. And the contractionsweren't stopping. I wascoming so hard I could hardly catch my breath as I jerked and spasmedwithin my restraints as he towered above me, gasping for air. He laughed a maniacal laugh, bit and pinched harder on my nipples andslammed into my dry ass so hard I thought I would split wide open. "I've made you hot now! Can't deny it! You're COMING BECAUSE DADDY'SGIANT MONSTER COCK IS FUCKING YOUR ITTY BITTY ASS WIDE OPEN!" Ispasmed hard, feeling all my muscles grip his steel hard cock. WoooHooo, I'm stuffing you full now, aren't I?" he hollered and continuedto ride me hard and resumed biting my nipples. Wasn't he ever goingto come? And he was right, he felt enormous in there. I'd never feltfuller. He'd never fucked me dry before.
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The pain was equisite. "I'm going to fuck you forever, Babydoll. This where I wanna be;jamming my pipe hard foot long prick up your tiny, baby asshole. OhChrist, I've made you bleed! I'm tearing you apart. There's bloodall over my cock, Baby, and you're still coming. Still coming,anyway! Oh yeah. You're coming so hard, FOR ME! CAUSE YOU LOVE MYMONSTER WEAPON. This tight ass is MINE! Who's better than me? I canmake you come even when you don't want to, can't I? Can't I? Imade you come even when you didn't want to because you're MINE!"He shouted with every brutal thrust that made my rectum sting andscream with pain. "MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! Oh I'm ripping you topieces, Babydoll. Feels so fucking good, so tight on Daddy's cock. "My body continued to convulse like a treacherous traitor. No longerable to differentiate the sensations of pain from pleasure, I floatedin a haze of back to back orgasms. They blended together in asymphony of body wracking pleasure. It had always been that way forme. Pain and pleasure, all mixed up together.
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Just like it would befor the rest of my life. I remembered why I stayed with him and why I never reported him. Why I lived with the guilt of the pleasure his marauding, gigantic,incestuous cock drew from me. Because he was dangerous, unpredictableand because he was right. I shouted, "YOU FUCK ME SOOO GOOOODDDD!""BEG ME!" he shouted. My voice was rough and scratchy still as I hollered, "DON'T STOP!Please, please, keep going. KEEP FUCKING ME! Your cock feels huge, sohard; so big it hurts me! Oh God, it hurts! I'm so full. Oh God,Daddy, keep doing me hard! FUCK MY ASS! Please, please, keep going. KEEP FUCKING ME! Tear me up with that huge monster. I'm so full. OhGod, slam me hard! HARDER! Make it hurt a little more. I love itwhen you make me cuuummm!"The words tumbled out of my mouth as though on auto-pilot. I felt himshudder "Your tight ass is delicious, Babydoll. This belongs to me!I'm gonna pump you so fuckin' full!" I knew how my words inflamedhim. When he could get me to talk either in pain or otherwise, it sethim off like a firecracker.
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He loved to hear the dirty words come outof my lips, the lips of a child. "Yes! I love your cock, Daddy! My ass is all yours! Your so hard!Feels like a baseball bat up my ass. I can feel you pushing outbehind my navel! Oh, God, you're so deep! Fuck me hard. You make ithurt so good! Come in my ass, Daadddyyy! Squirt a big hot load deep inmy ass!"I felt him spasm violently. He muttered as he lost control hearing mywords, "Oh Jesus, Oh Christ, baby. Oh Fuck Me, Yeah, Oh FUCK YEAH! OhGod, coming sooo hard! You always make me cum so hhaarrdd!" heshouted and began jerking his hips against my ass, staying embeddedfully as his cock throbbed and sprayed his hot semen deep into thecore of my ass. I screamed again at the sensations, feeling everythrob. His hot semen stung the walls of my rectum. I must be torninside, I thought vaguely. I'd never felt a cock so hard in my life. Its very hardness was painful, even if it hadn't been in my ass. Mywomb and core walls convulsed one final time as he came to the end ofhis long release. xxxxxxxxxxxxOther times he would shame me, make me come to him and grin like anevil sorcerer when I crept into his room, wondering why he hadn't cometo me that night. He'd coo in my ear as I climbed naked under the cover. "My littlepussy needs attention, does she? Come to Poppa, Babydoll.
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"I'd suck him to rigidity and he'd give me the command. "Climb aboard,Babydoll. Stuff yourself full. Oh love watching my monster disappearbetween those little hips. Oh yeah, jam it up there. Fuck yeah! Areyou my little pussy? Yes, lover girl. Tell me how big I feel, babylover. "I'd be crying as I bounced up and down until his entire twelve incheswas buried inside me and I'd start humping up and down, my hands onhis chest for leverage. Sometimes he would rub my clit and suck mynipples. Other times, he wouldn't help at all. He would just liethere and moan till I rode myself to orgasm, feeling like my legswould snap out of the sockets because they were spread so wide tostraddle his enormous body. xxxxxxxxxxxxxWhen I was thirteen, he introduced more toys and the joys of doublepenetration. No one knew our secret. I never hung out or talkedabout boys and the girls and boys at school thought I was frigidbecause of my lack of interest in the jocks and bad boys that roamedthe halls. Little did they know, I'd been fucking for six yearsalready, and fucking a man, and notonly a man; a man with a cock the size of the Eiffel Tower.
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No boywas ever going to satisfy me. I remember the first night he marched me into his bedroom, tossed meon the bed and went to the nightstand. He retrieved a long ivoryvibrator. It wasn't as big as him, maybe 2-1/2 inches wide. He waseasily three inches in diameter and sometimes more if he was reallyexcited. It was nine inches long and tapered at the end. I stared athim placidly as he took KY jelly and smeared it all over the vibrator. He lifted my legs and had me hold them behind the knees, pulling up toexpose myself. I cried silently with pleasure and humiliation as heslowly worked the nine inch vibrator into my ass. It hurt at firstbut not as bad as his dick did. Then again, this was rigid plastic. As hard as he got, his skin was soft and warm. This was cold butwarming fast. I breathed through pursed lips as I let my ass adjust. I hadn't noticed the bulbous knot on the end until it penetrated mysphincter muscle and I shouted, "Oh, GOD!"He chuckled and looked at me for a few seconds.
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It was firmlyembedded in me now, only the twist controller sticking out, which wasnot part of the nine inches that were inside me. He stripped and knelt in front of me, cracking his knuckles. Then heleaned over and ate me out with the plastic stuck up my ass. I comein his mouth and he chuckled, sitting up, his ass resting on hisheels. "Do I need to tie you?"I shook my head. "No, please . . . "He smiled and leaned down to kiss me, fingering my folds, finding themwet as sea foam and parting like a wet kiss. He moaned into my mouthand placed the helmet of his shaft at my entrance. "Oh God, I can'ttake both!" I cried immediately. He immediately pinned my wrists near my ears to still and protests andbegan pushing his cock into my cunt. I began to quiver and plead,"Ohno, Ohno, Ohno, Ohno, please, Daddy, please Daddy, Ohno!"He worked himself back and forth with shallow thrusts, taking moretime than he usually did but firmly working his bulging shaft into mycunt, made unbearably tight by the nine inch, 2-1/2 inch wide dildo inmy ass. His cock slid over the dildo through the membrane and made megroan with fear while electric shocks of pleasure zinged down myspine. He finally grew impatient when he'd gotten about 7 inches inside andpulled back, slamming forward and grunting loudly as he plowed hispoleup inside my cunt.
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He howled in victory, "OH FUCK, YES!" and began jamming his cock intome like an animal, growling, snarling and nearly drooling. WHACK,WHACK, WHACK, he slammed into me, battering my cervix raw, andstretching it into mywomb as my ass clenched involuntarily with every thrust, clamping downon the unforgiving plastic and sending a bolt of pain through myabdomen. I was in a rapture of pain when I felt the blood flood my clit as myfirst orgasm approached. I never had just one and this would be noexception. "Grip me, Babydoll. Pucker your cootch on my rod, come on. I thoughtyou were tight before. Oh Jesus, help me, this makes your littlecootch as tight as your ass. Aaaaaaawwwwwwwww, you're a hot littletramp. Daddy's little hottie, taking two big rods in her body. Youfuck like a pro, baby. Come on, cum for Daddy. Cum like the whore Iknow you are. "He leaned down again and sucked on my nipples, nipping lightly and Ifelt my body arch up into his mouth, my head and heels the only thingtouching the bed. He moaned, "YES! Fuck it, Baby.
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Fuck your baldlittle cunt onto my cock. That's it, fuck it up, Babydoll. Push itonto my pole. Impale that bitty twat. That's it. So tight. "I was wailing, my orgasm just out of reach when he reached behind histhighand grasped the end of the vibrator, giving the end a vicious twistand sending the vibrator springing to life. The vibrations washed through my ass like a monsoon and I screameduntil I was hoarse. "OOOOOHHHHHHH MMMMMMYYYYYYGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD! DDDAAADDDYYY! I'M SO FULLLLLL!"My whole body flopped in convulsions on the bed as my eyes rolled backin my head. He howled and leaned forward, pounding into me, feelingthe vibrations wash over his cock through the membrane, on top of mycunt spasming spastically on his prick. He hollered and chanted, "Aaahhh, Aaahhh, Aaahhh," as he released aflood of jism into my wet hole. I was still fluttering on his hardness which was slow to deflate whenhe collapsed into the cradle of my thighs and said, "Tell me you loveme, Babydoll. ""I love you, Daddy. ""Good, next time, we'll put the vibrator in your cunt, and I'll fuckyour ass instead. The next night, that's exactly what he did.
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xxxxxThe EndWant to hear Daddy's story? Let me know. .