
Smelly detention


Smelly detentionMy very first facefarting exprience happened on my 9th grade:It was hot spring day at school. On one breaktime I went behind theschool and started smoking some cigarettes. First I was all alone,until Sheila, a really plump girl from our class, came. She came nextto me and started smoking herself. After a while Sheila droppedsomething and started picking it up. When she crouched, her butt wasright in front of my face. Without a warning, BRRRRRRPPPPP! Shereleased a huge smelling fart right next to my face! It smelled likerotten eggs, but for some reason I kept sniffing it until it was allgone and Sheila rised up. She acted like nothing had happened. Then Iwas about to leave, but then Mr. Thompson came behind the corner andordered both of us to detention after the school. Well I was mad, butSheila acted still like nothing had happened. After the last lesson hadended, I headed to the detention room. Sheila was already waiting atthe door. After a while Mr. Thompson came and let us in. He lefted usin there and locked the door.

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   We sat on different sides of the room. Few minutes passed and then suddenly Sheila rised her butt andBRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! It smelled even more worse than theprevious one. I kept siffing the air, until the smell was gone. Iwasn't sure, but I thought Sheila had heard my sniffing voices. Sherised from her bench and came in front of me. "So you like my fartsdon't you?". I was wordless. She turned around and crouched the sameway she did before. Then she grabbed my head and pushed it against herass. BRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPP! "Ohh yeah!" Sheila whispered. This time thesmell was so bad that I tried to get my head away from her ass. Whenthe smell was gone, Sheila released my head. She turned back to me andsaid: "That was only beginning". Then she came on top of the desk, andturned her butt towards my face and said "Take my pants off". I waspretty unsure, what I should do.

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   Sheila released another eggy fart onmy face and said "Take them off, or I'll sat on your face all day andforce you to smell my farts!" I took her pants down and now I saw hersilky, white panties. "All right. Put your face underneath my ass"Sheila said. I did so, bit unsure though. Then she sat on my face withall her weight. "Good boy! Now, smell this!BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPP!" My eyes began to tear, and I got a fullload of that eggy smell, straight to my nose. "That must have smeltbad!" Sheila said. I couldn't say a thing under that massive, plumpass. Then Sheila suddenly hitted my stomach with her fist. She hittedme so hard that I had to breath out all my air. And without wasting asecond, Sheila fired a full set of farts. "BRRRRP! PROOF! PROOT!" Ialmost ran out of air and collapsed, but Sheila rised her butt off myface. I took long breaths of fresh air. "Enjoy, while you can, becauseit is about to get worse" Sheila said and I got bit scared. How thiscould get any worse? Sheila, once again, crouched and placed her buttin front of my face.

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   "Now, take my panties off" Sheila said. I wasabout to start taking them off, but then she said "Using your teeth" Iwas surprised, but I had to do it. I started taking them down using myteeth only. When my nose was passing her asshole, she farted again. "Oops!" She said and laughed. When her panties were all down she pushedme back on top of the desk, came over me, spread her buttcheeks and saton my face again. "BRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPP!" Now I had a REALLY bad smellingfart all over my face. "Ahhh!" Sheila said reliefed. "Ooohh! Now I canfeel lot of farts coming! Enjoy!" Sheila said. "BRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPP!PROOOOOOOOOOOF! BRRRRRRRR! PRRRRROOOT!. . . and Sheila didn't raise up andshe didn't stop releasing those eggy farts, I felt I was about to passout. But then, she raised her butt again. I took again a long breath offresh air.


   "I see you love my farts" Sheila said and smiled. I didn'tknow what to say. "I think I release rest of my farts right here, tothis room's pure air". I tried to stand up, but being under Sheila'sass had taken away all my strenght. "BRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPP! Oh god!BROOOTT! PROOF! Oh yeah! BRAAAFF! Yes!. . . " Sheila kept on and on thatfarting until there was no more fresh air in the room. I managed to getup, and tried to ran to the windows to get some fresh air. Sheilagrabbed me from my shoulder and said: "Oh, no you don't!". Then shepushed my head between her legs. "Oh great! Now a really big one iscoming" She said and after a second: "BRRRRRRRROOOOFF!" That was thesmelliest and the biggest one she had released during the time we werethere. I was totally trapped between her legs and to make things evenmore difficult for me, she sat and my head was still down there. Myeyes started to tear again and my head was spinning. Finally the fartended and Sheila said: "I think that was the last one" I was reliefed,but then Sheila said: "But my pussy is all wet.

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   I'd better to dry it". She grabbed my head again and started rubbing it all over her wetpussy. She kept rubbing it until she fired a lot of pussy juices allover my face. "Ahhh! That's better" Sheila said and finally let my headof from her pussy. I was about to get up, but then Sheila came andkissed my lips with very wet and long french kiss. "Thank you for thisgreat exprience. " Sheila said after the kiss. "I've had always wantedto release all my farts to someones face. " She smiled got up. I didtoo. Sheila quickly dressed up and went to her seat. I also went to myseat and used my shirtsleeve to wipe Sheila's juices off my face. Afterfew minutes Mr. Thompson came to let us out. When we were going out ofschool's yard, Sheila said: "You know, we should do this againsometime.

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   When I've loaded my stomach full of gas", she said andsmiled. "Yeah, I guess so", I said, but I hoped that I never ever haveto be under her ass again. "Good thing! Bye", Sheila said when we hadto seperate. I went to home and taking a good shower. Later thatevening, I tought all the things, what happened between me and Sheila. I couldn't lie to myself, I wanted more of Sheila's eggy farts. I wentto bed and started sleeping. I dreamed about Sheila's ass and waked upunderwear all wet. The EndBe sure to check out the forums for more great stories http://www. sexstoriespost. com/forums/index. phpor our new story site http://www. bluestories. com/forums/index. php.





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