
A Boy and His Flashlight Chapter 12

Mind Control

"So where are we going?" Yvonne asked Evan after they left schoolTuesday. "We're going to meet a new friend of mine," he informed them. "She goes to another school. " "Is that who you were out with the lastcouple of days?" Ryoko inquired. "Yeah. She's super cute, Ryoko, so Ithink you'll really like her. " "Great!" the Japanese girl cheered. "Thenall of us are going out to eat for dinner tonight. " "Do you want me toget out of the front seat when we pick her up?" Yvonne wondered. "Nah,that's not necessary, Yvonne. She can kick it on the mattress withRyoko. " "Okay," Yvonne agreed. "What's her name?" his twin interrogated. "It's Aolani. " Evan instructed. "That sounds Hawaiian," Ryoko chimedin.

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   "The name is, but she's half Hawaiian and half Japanese Ryoko. Herdad is Japanese-American. " "This is getting more interesting with eachpassing minute, Evan," Yvonne enthused.

Evan pulled up just off the curb in front of Aolani's school's marqueeand honked the horn. Ryoko popped the door open for her and Aolanijumped in. "Hi Evan! Hi everybody!" Aolani brightly greeted. "Hi Aolani!I'm Ryoko and this is Evan's sister Yvonne!" "It's nice to meet you!"It's nice to meet you, too, Aolani," Yvonne and Ryoko both rejoindered. Ryoko's jaw just about hit the ground as she gazed at Aolani, who wasattired in a yellow tube top, a matching mini skirt, nude pantyhose andwhite ankle boots. "Oh my God Aolani, you're really cute!" Ryokobubbled. "Thank you Ryoko," Aolani smiled.

They made small talk before arriving at Evan and Yvonne's residence. "Nobody's home, so don't worry about our parents," Yvonne told Aolani. "They're pretty cool anyway. " They entered the home and everybodytromped upstairs to his bedroom. "Aolani already knows that you livehere with me, Ryoko and that you're my girlfriend.

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   But I want Aolani tobe my girlfriend, too, and I want you guys to get along," Evan implored. "Don't worry Aolani, we know how loving Evan is, so I hope we can besisters like I am with Yvonne," Ryoko expressed. "Wait, Yvonne is yoursister?" Aolani asked quizzically. "In a spiritual sense, yeah," Ryokosaid. "Evan and I are super close because we're twins, but he is onlyromantically involved with Ryoko. " "Oh, okay, I think I understand,"Aolani indicated.

"Well, let's all get naked," Evan called and two minutes later fourunclothed teenagers stood in the room looking at each other. Ryoko wasagain hungrily raping Aolani with her eyes while Aolani blushed inembarrassment with a bit of confusion as to just what was going on. Evanhad Aolani lay on her back in the middle of the bed and then climbed ontop of her, encircled her with his arms and used his kisses to beginbringing her passion to a steaming simmer. Ryoko and Yvonne ploppedthemselves in bed, too, on either side of them and Yvonne startedstroking Aolani's hair softly while Evan redeployed his mouth on to hercute little breasts and the nipples that topped them as the base of hiscock pressed against her vulva. Aolani closed her eyes, which Evan usedas an opportunity to have Ryoko suck her right milk duct while hefocused his efforts on her left. Aolani didn't object at all to the feelof a woman's lips on her body. Indeed, it was helping to push her ardorhigher and faster, her moans pronounced and her breaths coming inrushes of air.

Evan scooted down to the end of the bed and orally dug into Aolanio'spink trench while Ryoko used her fingers and lips on Aolani's nipples. Each suckling of her clit brought explosive grunts and sighs.

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   Yvonnecaressed and brushed Aolani's cheeks and now the 18 year old's breathingwas more violent and hasty as Evan furiously worked her nubbin overuntil she screamed out in orgasmic ecstasy, smearing Evan's face withher juices. He lapped them up and maintained his assault on herminiature joystick. Ryoko slid her body up slightly and began kissingAolani and she was kissing her right back. The sensuality of this scenespurred Yvonne to diddle herself and her orgasm coincided with Aolani'ssecond one. Evan slipped two fingers into Aolani's heat chamber as hedominated her clit, making her cum a third time.

Evan stood up and retrieved a box of condoms from his dresser and rolledone on. He pulled Aolani to the edge of the bed, anchored her legs onhis shoulders and speared her with his dick. "Ohhh fuccckkkkkk!" shewhimpered when she felt her vaginal walls being forced open and then hiscockhead boring into her tunnel. He initiated thrusting sequence asRyoko's lips found Aolani's once more, her fingers nuzzling the oldergirl's nipples. "Oh fuck, oh God, oh Jesus, that feels sooo good,"Aolani extolled while he buried his root in her furrow time and again. She didn't want the thrusts to stop and her brain was milking all thepleasure it could out of them. "Oh yes oh yes oh oh oh oh oh oh shit ohfuck yesssssss," she desperately panted and it was obvious that she washeading for the falls in a dragster, her chest and face becoming flushedwhen the technicolor heat went through her like it was riding ablastwave, reflexively causing her to grab the back of Ryoko's head andpull it down hard so she could feel the hard attack of the Japanesegirl's mouth.

Evan soldiered on and Aolani's wet, marshy pussy celebrated every secondof it with pleasant but nonetheless sharp pulses through her nervoussystem. Ryoko pulled her lips away from Aolani's and battered hernipples again. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh Goooddddd!" Aolani blurted, thetension inside of her attaining its apogee and her being flooded by moreheat from her groin upward.

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   Aolani dug her nails into Ryoko's back asher nipples were being suckled. Evan's grunts were rebounding off thewalls and he ultimately saturated the tip of the condom with jizz.

Ryoko replaced Evan in Aolani's crotch, slurping up all her juices,mauling her clit and staying on task until her own jaw fatigued, theparade of orgasms Aolani incurred finally ceasing. Yvonne was on herfourth masturbatory orgasm when the campaign against Aolani wasterminated and they all lay against each other in an exhausted,endorphin swamped heap.

"Oh my God, that was the most intense sexual experience of my life!"Aolani panted. "It was so hot watching you guys go at it," Yvonneaverred. "Your pussy is the most delicious thing ever, Aolani!" Ryokopraised, causing everyone to  crack up.

Once everyone got their energy back, they showered and went to dinner. To say that heads were turning at the restaurant when the male patronsgot a gander at Aolani would have been something of an understatement. Evan had a new toy, but he knew that he also had to be cognizant of theneeds of Yvonne and Ryoko, who he loved and didn't want to alienate atall. It was also now clear that Ryoko was bisexual and apparently so wasAolani. While Evan held hands with Evan under the table as they talkedafter dinner, he was running his lefthand up and down Aolani's rightthigh and Ryoko was using her righthand on Aolani's left one. Ryokoappeared to be totally in love with Aolani and Aolani never indicatedthat the overtures weren't appreciated.

From the restaurant, Evan drove everyone to Bear Canyon, which was anuninhabited hundreds of acres spread of land that sometimes was used as aparty spot by teenagers. Because of recent budget cuts, the SheriffsDepartment basically stopped patrolling it until after midnight.

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   Evanpulled Aolani out of the van and shined his penlight in her eyes andissued an order that she was to accept his incestuous relationship withYvonne and not tell anyone about it ever. Then everyone piled into theback of the vehicle with Evan cuddling Yvonne and Ryoko cuddling Aolaniunder the blanket Evan brought. "So Aolani, you're bisexual?" Evanqueried. "More bi-curious" she claimed. "Well, I think Ryoko wants youto continue being curious," he cracked. "I think I can deal with that,"Aolani ambiguously retorted with a grin on her face. In a few minutes,Yvonne's and Aolani's tops were off and their nipples and clits werebeing respectively orally and digitally stimulated. Yvonne was alsojacking her brother off and the moans attained critical mass before theyeach blasted off into their private happy lands. "Okay everybody, getdressed in case officer Friendly makes the scene," Evan called.

For another hour, they comforted each other. It got to be ten and Evanstarted the van up and took Aolani home. When he parked at the curb infront of her house, her father opened the door and headed toward them. "Let me handle this, Aolani. You stay put," he orchestrated. Evan walkedaround the front of the van and landed a bolt of light on Mr.

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  Tsurukawa's eyes. He halted his advance. "You are glad that Aolani isdating me and you will be okay with her spending the night or weekendswith me," Evan uttered. When Mr. Tsurukawa recovered his senses, Evanextended his hand. "Hi Mr. Tsurukawa, it's nice to meet you. " "Aolani'sdad mechanically shook Evan's hand and turned and walked away not sureof what just happened. Aolani got out of the car. "I wasn't expectingTHAT!" she puzzled. "Don't worry babe, you're in the clear. " He huggedand kissed her goodnight. .

"Every day with you is an adventure, Evan," Yvonne laughed. "And you'reloving it.

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  " "Yeah, I have to admit I am. " "So are you having more funliving with us than with your parents Ryoko?" "Oh my God Evan," sheexclaimed, giggling. "If my parents knew what I was doing, they wouldblow a gasket! I would be so dead!"

The next day, Evan called Aolani at her school during lunch. She wantedhim to meet her friends, a group that was comprised of three othergirls. "Okay Aolani, here is what we'll do: I'll go over there at 4:30because I have some stuff to do right after school. So if your friendsstill want to get together with you and me they can stop by your placethen. " "Okay sweety. See you then. " "Okay baby. Have fun. "

"Wow, this totally has the possibility to suck," Evan critiquedirritably. "What's that honey?" Yvonne asked. "Oh Aolani wants me tomeet her friends. God only knows how well or maybe not I'll mesh withthem. Wish me luck babe.

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A few minutes before he was supposed to be there, Evan was on Aolani'sdoorstep. Mrs. Tsurukawa let him in and then fetched her daughter, wholed him into her bedroom. Sitting on the bed were Karen Hwang, a 5'9"135 pound Korean-American hottie with D cup tits and legs for days, RuthSoto, a 5'3" Mexican-American girl who was somewhat bucktoothed but yetstill quite cute, though also skinny with A cups and not much of abutt. Then there was Hannah Rodgers, a bimbonic hard bodied 5'4" 115pound bottle blonde with a D cup rack Evan got instant bad vibes when hegot a load of that lot.

"Hey everybody," Evan greeted non-commitally. "Hey," they equally warilyechoed. Aolani introduced them and then  a shitstorm blew in.   "This isthe guy you're in love with Aolani?" Karen sneered. "He's a runt! And anerd! What are you thinking? You're the most beautiful girl in school!""Ah, stay classy Karen," Evan thought to himself. A smart ass smirkbroke out on his face. "Ugh, you gotta be kidding Aolani," Hannahinterjected. That only made Evan smile more. He walked over to Aolaniand ordered her to go downstairs and stay there for the next 18 minutes. Aolani left the room and Evan flipped the light switch off.

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   He turnedeach of the discourteous snobs' expressionless with his flashlight. Hewent up to Karen and whispered in her ear, "you will obey all of myorders. " He did the same to Hannah and Ruth. When they shook off thewooziness in their heads, he told them to strip. "You guys will let metouch you anywhere and in anyway I want and you will remain quiet while Ido so. " He sidled up to Karen again, who was three inches taller thanhim, and groped her tits and pussy. "Fuck Karen, you're hot, but you'resuch a bitch," he griped. Next on his shit list was Hannah. "OkayHannah, bend over the bed," he demanded. She did so without complaintand he shoved his cock into her with gusto, repeatedly slapping her assas hard as he could while he punished her cunt with his weapon. As hefucked her, Aolani returned and watched him dump his baby batter intothe blonde's sperm catcher. "Okay Karen, clean her up! Lick that shitout of her!" he barked and the next thing Aolani saw was Karen on herknees sucking Evan's ball milk out of Hannah's shaved twat. "Swallowevery drop!" he added.   "Boy, that's yummy cum, huh?"

"Okay Karen, now I want you to use your mouth on me," he growled andKaren immediately got her yapper on his prong. "You can't get enoughnerd dick can you? Fuckin' slut!" "Hannah, you enjoy having a nice,clean pussy? Boy, Karen really knows how to lick and suck.

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   I wonder howmany dykes, boys or men she's done it for. " He grabbed both sides of herhead and skullfucked her until he pulled his cock out and splooged onher face. "Okay Hannah, clean her face off with your tongue. You knowthat's your purpose in life, lapping up nerd semen!"

Evan removed his socks and shoes. "Okay, all three of you, kiss my feetuntil I tell you to stop!" Karen was on his left one while Hannah andRuth paid obeisance at his right. Aolani was incredulous at what she wasseeing. These were some of the most popular girls, well at least amongthe so-called "popular crowd," at her school.

When he had enough of the foot massage and told them to sit up straighton their knees before him, Evan looked down on all of them disdainfully. Never take lightly someone who, if they have the power to seriouslyfuck some shit up, will fuck that shit up to a faretheewell when itsgame time.



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