I came home from a hard days work early this day thinking the house was empty and decided that as i was going to have the house for myself for at least another couple of hours i would first have a nice long shower to help me unwind so grabbing my radio i entered the bath room undressed and climbed in the shower.
As usual whilst having this nice hot shower my mind started to wonder i was thinking of what i was going to do to my wife tonight either if she got home early or later after the kids had gone to bed or better still if she got home early and after the kids had gone to bed i had been in the shower about 15minutes by now and the room had steamed up rather well allso i had taken my glasses of in the bed room so basically my vision was fairly well down to 2foot.
i had been happily married to my wife for around 5 years and the thoughts of being unfaithfull had never entered my mind infact the only thoughts that had ever entered my mind on that front had been regaurding my 18 year old step daughter and they had only ever been fleeting thoughts that when i noticed i had been thinking about Julie i always made a point of thinking about something else instead. Allthough it had to be said Jules for a 14year old had a very very good body and i had allways thought that she would break many a young mans heart in the next few years.
I turned the shower of and climbed out starting to towel myself dry it wasnt until this moment that i realised i had not shut the bathroom door but as the house was empty apart from me i didnt relypay much attension to this and put the shaving foam on myface preparing to shave the radio at this point had just got to the end of a song and had gone quiet i thought i heard a sigh from behind me but didnt pay any attension to it and started to shave.
Half way through shaving i noticed in the relection in the mirror the dark outline of some one standing on the landing be hind me not moving and standing very still, my mind began to race the kids were at school and my wife was at work who the hell was it. I wished i hadnt left my glasses in the bedroom now i decided to carry on shaving as if i hadn't seen any one there i was standing buck nacked still half wet from the shower feeling very vunerable but not knowing what to do i studdied as much of this person as possible working out that it could not have been taller than @ 5ft 6 and not very well built so i felt that if it came to a fight i felt i could beat him as long as he wasnt armed.
I devised a plan and as i finished my shave i filled a jug up with hot water as if to rinse the sink as the jug filled to the top i grabbed it spun round and threw it at the person i dived out the door and grabbed him at the same time all this part went as planned except if i had been more aleart to the sound affects i would have relised that the half scream of suprise had been female and that as i grabed her i should have noticed the shape of her breasts i was just gratefull i had decided to grab her and not do what my first plan had been and just push the person straight down the stairs.
At that moment i realised that the person that i thought had been a thief was infact my step daughter Julie who was now very wet and very very badly scared.
"im sorry Jules, did i hurt you" i said, she was crying and shaking all over and could not speak i turned her round and held her in my arms "im so sorry, i didnt know it was you i thought you were a robber im not wearing my glasses you know" her tears started to dry up and her arms went round me holding me tight.
"i know daddy" she sobbed "i diddnt think you would be able to see me" she moved around in my arms to hold me closer, one of her hands moved down lower on my back "im so sorry" she said through her tears.
My mind started to race as i held her and i began to notice Mr sleepy wasnt compleatly asleep it was then i realised that i was still naked "i better d dry myself off and g get some c cl clothes on" i stammerd as Mr sleepy started to emerge from under his cover "are you OK? Jules".
"Yes daddy im fine just hold me a bit longer will you" she then pressed her belly hard against Mr sleepy who seemed to be waking up fast now and changing his name to Mr Happy infact he was standing to attension now with a big smile on his face and a crisp salute ( "reporting for duty sir" said Mr happy "im ready to go in sir and comitt some very friendly fire" ) my mind was racing.
( "Belay those orders Sergant stand down Thats an order. ") i thought to my self.
"Daddy are you ok your Willys is very hard pressing into my tummy" at this i froze and tried to push Julie away " No dont daddy i like it, it feels so solid did i do that to it" she rubbed herself against it i could feel her little breasts against me.
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"yes dear you did but i shou. . . " my mind was racing " i mustn't its not right " i knew if i didnt stop this fast i was going to go past the point of no return infact i wasnt sure if i was there allready then before i knew what was happening Julie bent slightly and began to suck it. At that moment i knew i had lost the battle and decided to go with it her little tongue was licking my end and Mr Happy was in heaven it felt oh so to be continued