The Trip to the Bank
My name is Michael I was 18 years old in this story. I was a year 8 student at a good private school.
My mum and picked me up from school, just like she always did on a thursday afternoon. "ok Michael first stop the bank and then to your piano class" she said. My mum drove a brand new Volvo wagon. I was just your average kid from I guess your upper middle class family, I was your average student. I had been playing the piano for 7 years, to be honest I even liked it. . . . . . .
We pulled in the bank carpark.
My mum asked me "waiting here or coming into the bank" I decided to go in with her. Any things better then been sat in the car in my school uniform in summer.
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We entered the bank and lined up, there was around 5 people in the line and a few other people filling out forms. It was 3:30pm. I thought to myself, people doing there banking before the bank shuts at 4pm.
The next second 4 men walk into the bank and scream " ON THE FLOOR AND NO ONE GETS HURT" i turn around and see the guns pointing in all directions. I guess i just froze. "thats you as well kido" shouts the man with the handgun" I quickly get on the floor. The men orders all the staff out from behind the counter. We were all sat with our backs to the counter. One of the men pulls down the blinds of the bank. One man jumps the counter and starts collecting the money from the tellers draws, 2 men were watching all of us.
One of the men watching us all ask us "ok every one pass me your wallets and any jewellery" I slowly pull out my Billabong wallet out of my pocket. The man makes his way down the line and takes peoples wallets and jewellery. He reaches me and my mum. My mum passes him her wallet, my mum never weared jewellery unless she was going somewhere special. I pass the man my wallet.
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"your watch as well kido" I slowly undo the strap on my casio watch" and pass it to him. My mum makes a humble plee "let him keep his watch, it's not a dear one" the man laughs and says "no exceptions" The man stands infront of me and stares at me. He opens my wallet and looks inside. He pulls out my student ID card. "THATS SEE 18 YEARS OLD" he tosses my ID card at me and then pulls out some used bus tickets and some bits of paper. The man then see i only had a few coins in my wallet and tosses it back to me. He then goes and grabs everyones elses valuables.
The bank was getting warm, it was i guess because we were all sat so close to each other. The man walks back to me and says "do you like school kido" I answer him "some parts are good" The man looks me and up and down and says "i don't like your school uniform, to fucking hot for that crap" I just knod my head.
"STAND UP" The man yells at me my mother begs him to leave me alone. The man tells her to "shut the fuck up" I slowly get to my feet. He tells me to memove my school hat. I remove my school hat. "ok jump on it" yells the man now pointing the gun at my mothers face. I drop the grey and red felt hat on the floor and jump on it.
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It was as flat as a pancake in only a few seconds.
"Do you like sports kido" asks the man. I reply "i like swimming and running" the man looks at me and laughs. "yep thought you would like them sissy sports girlie" I spupidly answer "i'm not a girl" Wow so you do have some balls" yells the man in my face.
I stupidy reply "i hope so or i'd look funny in speedoes" the man looks me up and down.
The man leaves me standing there while he checks how the other bank robbers are going collecting the money. He soon returns to me. "Take of your jacket" I remove my jacket. He grabs it from me and with a mighty PULL I HEAR A RIP as he half pulls of one of the sleves. I look at my mother and see the look of horor and dread on her face, she gives me a little knod, i guess to say don't worry it's only a jacket. "do you like wearing ties kido" the man asks me. I shake my head, which was true my parents had a hard time getting me to wear a tie for any thing apart from school.
The man orders me to remove my tie and spit on it. I did as i was told, to be honest i liked doing it. "OKAY KIDO show us how strong you are and rip open your shirt" asks the man.
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I stood there in shock. My mum looks up at me "do it michael" I slowly grab my white school shirt and rip it open at the front. It took a few pulls to burst all the buttons open. The man looks at my tanned chest. He orders me to remove my shirt compleatly. I slowly take my shirt off. I had no fat on my chest and no hair apart from under my arms. The man says "well not bad i guess" He looks down and see's my bonds underpants waist band half showing just above my school pants. "what colour" the man asks. I ask him "what do you mean" He replies "what colour underpants" my face turns bright red "white with grey band" He orders me to kick of my shoes and soxs. I do as i'm told. I was hoping they would now leave and let me get dressed. BUT THIS WAS NOT TO BE.
The man then asks the other men how they are doing. He then comes back to me "swimmers are meant to have strong legs, arn't they?" I just knod my head and in a shy voice say yes.
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"OK LETS SEE YOUR LEGS" Laughs the man. I stand there kicking my legs out. "thats not what i mean, remove your school long pants" he yells at me in an angry voice. The people around me protest but when the other man near the door walks up and points an auto riffle at them, they is a deadly silence. I hear my quietly crying.
I slowly undo my black leather belt and toss it on the ground, next i open my button and pull down the zipper. The pants drop down to my ankles. I step out of them. I'm now stood there in just my white bikini breifs withe the wide grey bonds logo waistband. The breifs show the outline of my balls and flat penis. I was average size, but they made a nice bulge in the underpants. "Do you ever masterbate"the man asks. . . .
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. . . . Without thinking my head knods. . . . . . . . "stick your hand down your undies and squeese your balls" oders the man. I slowly do as i'm told. .
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. . . . . . . . END OF PART ONE. . . . . .
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