This life had a very bad effect on the young 18-year-old boy. His life was close to perfect before, great intelligence, nice body build, good at sports and with his brown hair, blue eyes, and seven-inch cock he could have any girl in his school. Facing loneliness and depression, Alex sought out his two great passions. Reading first of all, he read any book he could get his hands on. But sex was what kept him alive, constant masturbation, any type of porno, anything to do with any sexual activity. This is how he came to have a vague interest in fetishes. And at this moment in time, as Alex is walking into a small forest on the grounds of the museum he would do any sexual act, from bizarre fetish to regular porno, with any female over the age of nine. You see Alex was straight, but still coveted all other types of sexual act. So now we go back to the present. Alex had reached a small break in the trees and he sits down to rest. "I must be an idiot for attempting this kind of thing," he muttered to himself. Birds sang their nighttime songs and the wind maid the slight music as it whipped throughout the trees. According to his watch it was 9:30, and he could barely hear the city sounds; yet he still had a self-awareness.
"Well," Alex spoke softly to himself, "I might as well see if this lamp is worth what it cost me. " For the first time he closely studied the artifact, he knew that the bronze texture was cold to his skin and he knew that the stile of the lamp was the true Arabian legend type. Yet he had no knowledge of the initial he found engraved near the handle.
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A-for Aladdin? No, not possible he thought to himself. "This thing probably is just old junk. "
He carefully took his hand and rubbed softly over the surface. At first nothing happened and he thought that his effort had been for folly.
However, soon blue mist came erupting from the lamps and it encircled him faster then the blackness of night. And out of the blue mist came a small pudgy figure, wearing a turban and glowing like an immortal deity. Now one of Alex's favorite genres of literature was fantasy, which was partly to blame for his thievery which was against his nature. He had always envisioned things like this happening so he responded quickly.
"Oh divine one, are you the genie of the lamp?" He spoke with curiosity, but the genie stared at him as if he were insane. Even in later times Alex would think that this was a bit strange and idiotic.
"I thought you new age people never bothered with this nonsense, however be my guest and continue worshiping me, I enjoy it. However it will waist time, when I could be granting your two wishes," This particular genie spoke loudly with a slight accent, but the thing that truly astonished Alex was that he realized that the genie had no realness. He had a turban and a glowing aura but nothing else could be distinguished.
"Two wishes, I thought it was three, hey what kind of scam is this? I mean aren't you the fabled genie?" Alex questioned urgently.
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Don't worry about the magic and nonsense. Some things just happen, I am one of the many genies found in all sorts of objects, we only reveal ourselves to a chosen few when they are in great sorrow or need. That's why you took the lamp, because I wanted you to. And the only reason you have any concept of this is because of the idiot Aladdin. I had the unfortunate task of granting him wishes and we make sure our participants swear to and oath of silence. However once Aladdin's wishes turned out wrong he broke his vow. And don't even think about doing it, because he is in a dungeon being tortured for all eternity. We now only give two wishes due to downsizing, so deal with it!"
The genie spoke with great haste and when he was finished Alex began "Can I have my wishes now?"
The genie sighed and then muttered to himself "They always want to get to the wishes, never take their time," he paused and now spoke loudly. "Do you swear to never reveal the secret of the genie if you do then you can commence in wishing, remember to begin with "I wish" or it won't count. I have the power to grant objects, change minds, and control the every aspect of the universe. Blah, Blah, Blah, you think they could update this a bet huh?" once he finished speaking he took a few deep breaths as Alex nodded for a while.
"Alright, I agree," he cleared his throat and began to speak very loud and clearly without hesitation "I wish that I lived in a huge mansion in the country side, miles away from anyone. " Alex was rather pleased with his wish, his step-dad might search for him but his next wish might help him with that.
"Geese why do they always wish for the same stuff, money, power and good fortune. You think I could have a little variety?" they genie complained to himself loudly.
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"My next wish will be different, but what about this one? Did you grant it?" Alex interrupted out of curiosity, but he also had a tendency to show his intelligence whenever he could.
"Yes, it is done," the genie snapped his fingers and in a flash they were gone.
* * *
When Alex reopened his eyes it was day, the mists were gone and both the genie and the boy were standing about one hundred yards from an enormous white, Victorian house.
A drive ran down one of the green sloped hills for a long distance and then finally hit the bottom of the enormous acropolis on which the house stood. There was a large iron gate with a sound box directly next to it.
"What time is it and where are we?" Alex asked, after all it was once the dead of night in the city and now it is morning with countryside around you, and with a cool spring breeze in you face. Wouldn't you be confused?
"Magic sometimes takes a while to work, after all you have to alter minds, change schedules and events, as well as grant physical objects into being, its hard work. It's now eight o'clock A. M. , and for your sake I made it instantaneous. Your school will call your father in a couple of days; they will tell him that you are not attending. Fearing for his own safety your father will lie and tell them that you moved into your relatives' home. Even without you his life will be filled with misery, booze, and drugs. And as for your other question…" the genie paused for effect and he had a proud smile on his face.
"Welcome to Acoid Mansion, I understand that it rivals some of the World's greatest houses.
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It is completely furnished with 7 beds, each with its own gigantic bathroom which includes toilet, Jacuzzi, and shower attachments, as well as a den, living room, basement, library, kitchen, dining room, and, office. Miles of woodland and peaceful hills surround this house. The new owner, a Mr. Wish, is you. There is no reason for anyone to ever come here due to the fact that it is furnished as if a millionaire lived their, each room has the proper assets for a rich man, the house is completely paid for and all electricity and water bills are free due to the enormous check they received this year, and the fact that this is private property. Are you happy now?" The genie completely startled Alex as he was beginning to observe his new home. Even more amazing however was that when the genie described a part of the house Alex saw it in his mind more vividly then regular sight. And it was just as the genie had said except with even more wonderful things inside. By the time the genie had finished Alex knew the house as though he had lived their all his life.
"Wow, thank-you genie this is the most wonderful thing to ever happen to me, however my next wish may alter that," he paused and once he had gained the genies full attention he began, "I wish that I controlled the minds of every human on the planet!"
The genie had to stop himself from laughing. "Ha, that is the number one wish of all time, besides asking for more wishes. Both I can't do anyway. "
"Why? You said you could control minds. "
The genie sighed, "Only a certain number of minds and with that kind of mind control it would be a very small number. "
"Alright then, the whole country?" The genie shook his head NO.
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"The whole state?" again NO, and this time he just spoke to cut to the chase.
"You are looking along the lines of 1," the genie said happily.
"Only one! Well I guess I will have to make do, heck its better then nothing. "
"First of all if you are going to use the person for sex like I think you are, you might as well start using dirty words, just go for the gold. For example fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, whore, cunt, tit, fuck, fuck, dick, fuck, ass, and pussy are much more fun then "heck". As for the mind control thing, that I had better explain. Remember to start with I wish, state the first and last name of the person, and when they do anything you say they will do it lightly. For example you can ask the person to jump off a cliff and they will do it as if it were no problem and that they were happy to. However you can change their emotions. You can make obeying you the happiest thing they have ever done, or make them resist your commands, you can eve make them believe they are someone else. For example, if you tell them that they are a duck they will know who they really are and what that they are doing, but that they want to be a duck so they act like it. But most important of all, no matter what they will obey you, you cannot reverse the spell. Understand?"
Alex nodded, took a deep breath and began to speak with confidence. "I wish, that Alicia Silverstone, the movie star, would do anything I asked," He looked at the genie and the magical being nodded and snapped his fingers.
"Look," he pointed to the gate where a red convertible had pulled up and since the top was down Alex could see a woman sitting in the driver's seat.
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"Alicia has come to see the magnificent mansion, now that a new owner is living here. She has taken he summer off and everyone thinks she is backpacking through the Amazon, so she is unreachable. If she is to stay hidden here for more then one summer then you will need to give people an explanation, I have no more need to be here. " As the genie prepared to snap his finger for the final time, Alex stopped him.
"What about the lamp?" he had just noticed that it had been floating above there heads the whole time.
"I'll take it back to the museum, no one will know that it was even gone. "
The genie snapped his fingers and as both he and the lamp disappeared Alex cried out "Thank-you!"
Alex smiled to himself and raced towards his new home. As he reached the front door, he found the key waiting for him he knew, due to his so called "genie tour", that all the doors to the house were locked and that this key opened all of them.
He entered and turned directly to his right, where a small table stood. As he pocketed the master key, he glanced to the wall where an electronic sound box was speaking.
"Hello, are you there? Mr. Wish?" The box squawked loudly, in a woman's voice.
Alex reached up, as he slipped of his Nike shoes, and pressed the first bright red button.
"Yes, I'm here please come in," once he had finished he released the red button and hit the green switch next to it. He observed from a small window that the gate was opening, and once the car pulled through, it closed again.
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Alicia Silverstone was pulling up in the circular drive when Alex opened his new front door and greeted her kindly. First though he took a good look at her. She looked almost identical to her character in the movie "Clueless" except even more mature, and exotically alluring. She had blond hair, her face was partially covered in makeup, and she wore tight jeans and a short gray shirt, just long enough so that whenever she moved you caught a glimpse of skin. Not very celebrity like, Alex thought. But after all she was on vacation. Alex didn't know a lot about bra sized but he guessed in the C or D area. And he could already tell what a firm ass the petite star had.
"Miss Silverstone, how nice of you to drop by," he spoke as if they were already aquatinted.
She stepped out of the car and walked into the house. "Please take off your shoes, and follow me. "
Alex expertly went down the oak-wood hallway ignoring the stair on his left, but instead took the first door on his right, unlocked it and went inside. They entered a white carpeted room with soft furniture located around the small room, a window seat, and a TV. "This is one of my favorite rooms in the house because it so comfy. "
She finally spoke and it was the voice of an angel "Mr.
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Wish, please call me Alicia. It is so kind of you to let me into your home like this. I just had to get away so I told everyone I was taking the summer off to visit the Amazon, but I felt like coming here instead," she seemed not to care that he was so young.
"Please call me Alex, Alicia and I invite you to sit down," she did so on a large white couch, while Alex sat in an armchair. "Well, actually I would like you to stay here, if you would like?"
"Sure, I would enjoy that," she responded happily. Alex decided that now was as good as anytime to test his powers.
"Alicia, anytime you answer me I want you to say "yes master" or "no master, you can call me Alex every other time though, do you understand?" he held his breath.
"Yes master," she replied and Alex's penis became fully erect in his pants.
"Alright then, stand up, now," she did so. "During the course of tonight I want you to be overjoyed and very sexually excited about the things I am doing to you," she nodded.
"At first let me be in control, but once we are both nude I want you to…" he paused. "Alicia are you a virgin? No your not, how many times have you had sex?"
"Only once, Alex. "
"Alright then, you can teach me and you will be my little sex slave, my personal whore. Can you repeat that?" she did with complete happiness. "Then lets start!"
He crossed the room and stood directly before her.
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He was slightly taller, so he could look down at her. He began to stroke Alicia's hair, and then he kissed her, first it was short, but then he did it longer and his tongue touched hers. As he pulled back his cock became ultimately rock hard, with his juices begging to be relieved. He knew that what he was about to do was so wonderful that men would give all they had for the chance.
He got on his knees and slowly pulled down her fly. Then, he unsnapped the jean front and pulled them down to her ankles. Once he glimpsed her magnificently smooth thighs and her butt peeking through the gray panties he could not stand it any longer. He rushed back and sat on his armchair and ripped off his sweat pants, and white underwear. He was surprised when Alicia gasped at seeing his hairy balls and erection. But he had told her too be aroused and he could tell that she was. He was now only in his socks and T-shirt due to his other garments lying on the window seat, where he had placed them. The large open window their gave them a good view of each other.
Alex was an expert at masturbation by now; he could have jacked of in very little time. Or he could have fucked at that moment but he decided to wait just a little longer.
"Alicia come here and take your jeans with you," she slipped off her pants and walked towards him.
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Then she placed him where his were. As you stood in front of him in her beauty he cried "Aw screw it," as he jumped up pushed her to the ground and pulled off his shirt.
He got on top of her and ordered "Suck me off!" she slipped the head into her waiting lips and began to slowly suck it in, her head moving up and down. He moaned I sheer pleasure, as he ripped off the shirt and threw the shreds over in the corner. He buried his face into her white bra and began kissing her neck passionately. As he removed the straps from her bra moaning constantly from the flicks of Alicia's tongue and lips, he began sucking her right breast while cupping her left with his hand.
"Stop Alicia! I wanna save my cum for your pussy," his tongue ran back to searching out every crevice of her tits as he took her panties off. He lifted his head to watch her glorious clean-shaven pussy.
"Keep sucking my boobs, please," Alicia begged, but he forced her into the "doggy" style position and guided his cock into her wet, hot area. He used his right hand to squeeze and play with her nipple, while his left squeezed her buttocks.
"I'm gonna ram my penis into you sexy bitch!" He did so and gasps from both lovers as he rubbed it back and forth. She then began moaning with great loudness.
"I'm Cummmmmmming! Fuck me! Fuck me you sexy man!" her pussy burst with tremendous orgasms as he too shot sperm into her cunt.
Before she had a chance to recover from this great sex. He yanked out his shriveled cock and began licking and eating her sex juices.
She gasped in pleasure. Once he had finished they began to make out. Alicia was taking as many sexual liberties as Alex was.
"Alicia," Alex ordered "Get up lets take a shower. The ran upstairs, bringing their clothes with them.
As they entered a bedroom Alex spoke again, "this will be your room, just through you clothes there. "
The room was very large with a pink dresser, closet door, canopy bed, and walls. It was designed for a little girl, but Alex thought it appropriate for a sex slave. Then they walked into a giant pink bathroom. Alicia went towards the toilet and sat on the pink seat.
"What are you doing?" he asked her.
"I gotta piss real bad," she replied.
"Save it. "
They entered the large tub and Alex turned on the shower feature. Once the water was warmly adjusted he told he to kneel and open her mouth.
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She did so. Then he began to piss directly in as she sucked it all up, Alex became hard again.
"Alright you can go now," he said when his business was done. "Just wait until I pinch you.
He reached his hands and put them at the opening to her asshole. She not only peed a lot, but some small poop plopped out. Which Alex threw into the toilet.
Once they were both standing up, and she was reaching her hands around his waist, giving him a hand job, with her boobs against his back, and her licking his ear, he realized that he was the luckiest man on earth.
* * *
Part 2 coming soon!
I hope you liked this story, if it is well commented on by the public perhaps I will rush to finish the adventures of Alex and Alicia Silverstone.
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